Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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"Who""108 THE CUR^ OF ARSchanging tone or look, whatever might befall him ;following every movement of that Divine Master, withWhose Heart and will his own were inseparably united ;those who knew him in those days admired a workfinished and perfected. But they would have much mistaken had they imagined that the Cure of Ars had becomea saint without the toil and effortby which alone saintsare made.are these, says one of the ancients in theApocalypse, who are around the Throne before the faceof the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and having palms intheir hands ? Who are they, and whence come they?"And he is answered, These are they who are come outof great tribulation. This is the law of sanctity ; andit was not given to our saint to escape it,or to unitehimself by any other means to Him who is the Saint ofsaints.Through how many tribulations, conflicts, and trialsdid he pass before he reached the lofty summit on whichwe have seen him so tranquilly reposing! So true arethe words of St. Catherine, that never from the beginningto the end of the world has our Lord willed, or shall Hewill, that any thing great should be accomplished butthrough much suffering.Sanctity is the fruit of sacrifice. It is a death, anda new birth ; the death of the old man, the birth of thenew. There is no death without its suffering, no childbirth without its pangs."Of the sufferings of our holy cure, some were inflictedby himself, some by the devil, some by good and some byevil men ; some, and those the most intense of all, by thehand of God Himself. And first of those which wereself-imposed. There are few, even among the saints.

"HIS PENANCES. 109whose lives bear the marks of a more systematic andunflinching crucifixion of the whole man, a more uniformpractice both of exterior and interior mortification, thanwe find in the portrait traced of him by those familiarwith the details of his daily life.Claudine Renard, the pious widow who had the chargeof washing his linen, and rendering him such other littleservices as he could not refuse to receive at her hands,could rarely obtain admittance into the presbytery.the few occasions when she contrived to effect an entrance,after doing her best to put the poor furniture in order, shesometimes proceeded to make the good cure s bed. Shethus discovered that, one by one, he had cast aside all thebedding he had brought with him from Ecully, tillthing remained but the straw palliasse ;and that findingeven this too luxurious, he had put a board on the topof it."Andparticulars,Onbesides," said Catherine, when relating thesenothere is hardly any straw left now in thatpoor bed. He takes it out by degrees,till at last therewill be nothing left but the wood. Then he will be satisfied. We have tried sometimes secretly to put in a fewhandfuls, but it only made him take out more ;for if hefelt his bed a little less hard, he would pull out the straw,and throw it into the fire. We discovered this by findingthe ashes in the fireplace."It was accidentally found out afterwards that, tosatisfy his increasing thirst for suffering, M. Vianney wasin the habit of discarding his bed altogether, and sleepingon the bare floor of the granary with a stone for hispillow.His favourite food consisted of some pieces of thecoarsest black bread bought out of the basket of some

&quot;Who&quot;&quot;108 THE CUR^ OF ARSchanging tone or look, whatever might befall him ;following every movement <strong>of</strong> that Divine Master, withWhose Heart and will his own were inseparably united ;those who knew him in those days admired a workfinished and perfected. But <strong>the</strong>y would have much mistaken had <strong>the</strong>y imagined that <strong>the</strong> Cure <strong>of</strong> Ars had becomea saint without <strong>the</strong> toil and effortby which alone saintsare made.are <strong>the</strong>se, says one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ancients in <strong>the</strong>Apocalypse, who are around <strong>the</strong> Throne before <strong>the</strong> face<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lamb, clo<strong>the</strong>d in white robes, and having palms in<strong>the</strong>ir hands ? Who are <strong>the</strong>y, and whence come <strong>the</strong>y?&quot;And he is answered, These are <strong>the</strong>y who are come out<strong>of</strong> great tribulation. This is <strong>the</strong> law <strong>of</strong> sanctity ; andit was not given to our saint to escape it,or to unitehimself by any o<strong>the</strong>r means to Him who is <strong>the</strong> Saint <strong>of</strong>saints.Through how many tribulations, conflicts, and trialsdid he pass before he reached <strong>the</strong> l<strong>of</strong>ty summit on whichwe have seen him so tranquilly reposing! So true are<strong>the</strong> words <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Ca<strong>the</strong>rine, that never from <strong>the</strong> beginningto <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world has our Lord willed, or shall Hewill, that any thing great should be accomplished butthrough much suffering.Sanctity is <strong>the</strong> fruit <strong>of</strong> sacrifice. It is a death, anda new birth ; <strong>the</strong> death <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> old man, <strong>the</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>new. There is no death without its suffering, no childbirth without its pangs.&quot;Of <strong>the</strong> sufferings <strong>of</strong> our holy cure, some were inflictedby himself, some by <strong>the</strong> devil, some by good and some byevil men ; some, and those <strong>the</strong> most intense <strong>of</strong> all, by <strong>the</strong>hand <strong>of</strong> God Himself. And first <strong>of</strong> those which wereself-imposed. There are few, even among <strong>the</strong> saints.

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