Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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"He"92 THE CURE OF AR8.acceptable to Him is a quarter of an hour snatched fromour occupations or our idle time, to be spent in praying toto Him for allHim, in visiting Him, in making reparationthe indignities which he receives ! When He sees puresouls come eagerly to Him, He smiles upon them. Theycome with that simplicity which is so pleasing to Him,to ask pardon forand ungrateful souls.the insults heaped upon Him by sinfulWhat happiness do we feel in thepresence of God, when we are alone at his feet beforethe sacred tabernacle !Come, my soul, redouble thyfervour ;thou art alone to adore thy God ;his eyes restupon thee alone. That good Savour is so full of love forus, that He seeks us every there as a Victim :see, it is a prayer mostpleasing to God to ask the Blessed Virginto offer theeternal Father His divine Son, all bleeding and mangled,for the salvation of sinners ; it is the best prayer we canoffer, since all prayers are made in the name and by themerits of Jesus Christ. Again, we should thank God forall the indulgences which purify us from sin. But wepay no heed to them. We trample upon indulgences aswe trample upon the ears of wheat after the harvest.See, there are seven years and seven quarantines forhearing the Catechism ;three hundred days for recitingthe Litanies of the Blessed Virgin, the Salve Eegina,and the Angelus. So does the good God shower downHis graces upon us ; we shall be sorry at the end of ourlife that we have not profited by them. When we arebefore the BlessedSacrament, instead of looking aroundus, let us close our eyes and our mouth ; let us open ourheart, the good God will open His ; we will go to Him,He will come to us the one to ask, and the other to receive ; it is as a breath passing from the one to the other

"""SACRAMENT OF PENANCE. 93What sweetness shall we find in forgetting ourselves tcseek God ! The saints lost sight of themselves to seeGod alone, to work for Him alone ;they forgot all createdobjects, to find Him alone : it is thus that they attainedheaven/The Sacrament of Penance.My children, it makes one tremble to think how fewreceive the Sacraments with due dispositions. There aresome who fan themselves while the priest is giving themabsolution ; others are trying to remember whether theyhave left out any sin, and then ask: * Have you given meabsolution ?My children, remember this, that when thepriest gives you absolution, you have but one thing tothink of, that the Blood of the good God is flowing overyour soul, to purify it, and make it as bright as it wasmade by its baptism. A soul which has received absolution is like an infant newly baptised: heaven isopen toit,as to that little angel.My children, when we find a little spot on our soul,we must do what a person does who has the care ofa beautiful globe of crystal. As soon as a little dustsettles upon it, she takes a sponge and makes it all clearand bright again. So, when you perceive the least spotupon your soul, reverently take holy water, do some goodwork to which the remission of venial sin is attache! analms, a genuflection to the Blessed Sacrament, hearingMass, and the like.My children, it is as with a person who has a slightillness there is no need to send for the doctor ; he willget well of himself. He has a headache he has only tclie down and rest it. He ishungry he has only to eatBut if it be a serious illness, or a dangerous wound, thenwe must call in the nhvsician and take the remedies he

&quot;He&quot;92 THE CURE OF AR8.acceptable to Him is a quarter <strong>of</strong> an hour snatched fromour occupations or our idle time, to be spent in praying toto Him for allHim, in visiting Him, in making reparation<strong>the</strong> indignities which he receives ! When He sees puresouls come eagerly to Him, He smiles upon <strong>the</strong>m. Theycome with that simplicity which is so pleasing to Him,to ask pardon forand ungrateful souls.<strong>the</strong> insults heaped upon Him by sinfulWhat happiness do we feel in <strong>the</strong>presence <strong>of</strong> God, when we are alone at his feet before<strong>the</strong> sacred tabernacle !Come, my soul, redouble thyfervour ;thou art alone to adore thy God ;his eyes restupon <strong>the</strong>e alone. That good Savour is so full <strong>of</strong> love forus, that He seeks us every <strong>the</strong>re as a Victim :see, it is a prayer mostpleasing to God to ask <strong>the</strong> Blessed Virginto <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>the</strong>eternal Fa<strong>the</strong>r His divine Son, all bleeding and mangled,for <strong>the</strong> salvation <strong>of</strong> sinners ; it is <strong>the</strong> best prayer we can<strong>of</strong>fer, since all prayers are made in <strong>the</strong> name and by <strong>the</strong>merits <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ. Again, we should thank God forall <strong>the</strong> indulgences which purify us from sin. But wepay no heed to <strong>the</strong>m. We trample upon indulgences aswe trample upon <strong>the</strong> ears <strong>of</strong> wheat after <strong>the</strong> harvest.See, <strong>the</strong>re are seven years and seven quarantines forhearing <strong>the</strong> Catechism ;three hundred days for reciting<strong>the</strong> Litanies <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Blessed Virgin, <strong>the</strong> Salve Eegina,and <strong>the</strong> Angelus. So does <strong>the</strong> good God shower downHis graces upon us ; we shall be sorry at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> ourlife that we have not pr<strong>of</strong>ited by <strong>the</strong>m. When we arebefore <strong>the</strong> BlessedSacrament, instead <strong>of</strong> looking aroundus, let us close our eyes and our mouth ; let us open ourheart, <strong>the</strong> good God will open His ; we will go to Him,He will come to us <strong>the</strong> one to ask, and <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r to receive ; it is as a breath passing from <strong>the</strong> one to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r

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