Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! Life of St John Vianney.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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xCHAPCONTJ5NTS.XV. Establishment of a Congregation of Missionary PriestsM. Vianney attempts a second time to retire intoFAOBsolitude 202XVI. Homage paid to the sanctity of M. Vianney. . 212XVII. Portrait of M. Vianney His natural qualities andsupernatural gracesXVIII. Virtues of the Cure" of Ars His faith, hope, charityHis humility, poverty, and mortification . . . 236XIX. The Cure of Ars as a catechist, preacher, and director His supernatural insight into the souls of his.penitents 252XX. Miraculous cures and conversions at Ars M. Vianneysknowledge of future and distant events His visionsand revelations- . . . .310XXI. Death and burial of M. Vianney- Funeral aermon bythe Bishop of .Belley .... 327221

"LIFEOFTHE CUKE OF AESCHAPTER I.Birth and Childhood of Jean .Baptiste Vianney.WHO has not felt the question rise to his lips, as he closedthe Life of St. Vincent of Paul, or the holy founder of St.Sulpice, Are there such men now, or have they ceased altogether out of the land ? Is heroic sanctity a thing ofthe past, or, if it still exist, is it so wholly hidden as to beno longer a note of the Church ?To these distrustful and half-querulous thoughts ourLord vouchsafes at times to give an answer, by casting asudden light upon some obscure corner of His vineyard,where such a life as that before us has been consumed forHim thus ; showing us that a man of the nineteenth century may bear as deep an impression of His own Divineimage as any form which has come down to us from thepast.The life of the Cure of Ars, as described by one whowitnessed and shared his labours, is in itself a more signalmiracle than any of those by which it was glorified; andthat lifea man like untous,"was lived in our own time bynot two days journey from the homes where we havebeen sitting at ease.

xCHAPCONTJ5NTS.XV. Establishment <strong>of</strong> a Congregation <strong>of</strong> Missionary PriestsM. <strong>Vianney</strong> attempts a second time to retire intoFAOBsolitude 202XVI. Homage paid to <strong>the</strong> sanctity <strong>of</strong> M. <strong>Vianney</strong>. . 212XVII. Portrait <strong>of</strong> M. <strong>Vianney</strong> His natural qualities andsupernatural gracesXVIII. Virtues <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cure&quot; <strong>of</strong> Ars His faith, hope, charityHis humility, poverty, and mortification . . . 236XIX. The Cure <strong>of</strong> Ars as a catechist, preacher, and director His supernatural insight into <strong>the</strong> souls <strong>of</strong> his.penitents 252XX. Miraculous cures and conversions at Ars M. <strong>Vianney</strong>sknowledge <strong>of</strong> future and distant events His visionsand revelations- . . . .310XXI. Death and burial <strong>of</strong> M. <strong>Vianney</strong>- Funeral aermon by<strong>the</strong> Bishop <strong>of</strong> .Belley .... 327221

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