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® Ontario ontario institute of pedology - Agriculture and Agri-Food ... ® Ontario ontario institute of pedology - Agriculture and Agri-Food ...

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COUTTS SOIL.Parent Material:Drainage :Usual Classification :Loamy glacial tillImperfectly drainedGleyed Humo-Ferric PodzolDescription : LFH - 2-0 cm raw humus and roots ; very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) ; pH - .5 .2Ah - 0-5 cm loam ; very dark brown (10 YR 2/2) ; medium crumb structure ;friable consistency ; very stony ; pH - 5.3Ae - 5-10 cm sandy loam; white (10 YR 8/2) ; weak platy; friable; very stony ;pH - 5 .4Bfg - 10-40 cm loam ; yellowish brown (10 YR 5/8) ; mottled ; weak mediumsubangular blocky; friable; very stony; pH - 5 .5C - 40 cm+ loam till; light gray (10 YR 7/1) ; stony ; noncalcareous ; pH - 5 .5COUTTSVILLE SOILParent Material:Drainage :Usual Classification:DACK SOILDrainage:Well-drainedOrganic soil 40-160 cm deep over mineral subsoilVery poorly drainedTerric MesisolDescription: Om, - 0-40 cm partially decomposed grasses, sedges, mosses and/or wood ;strongly acidic in reaction-Om20-75 cm partiallydecomposed grasses, sedges and/orwood ; strongly acidicin reactionParent Material :Usual Classification:IIC - 75 cm+ mineral -subsoilCalcareous lacustrine clayOrthic Eutric BrunisolDescription : LFH - Thin layer of partially decomposed leaves, twigs, etc.Ah - 0-3 cm clay; dark grayish brown (10 YR 4/2) ; fine subangular blockystructure ; hard consistency when dry ; very plastic when wet; stonefree ;pH - 6 .2-Bm l 3-28 cm clay; dark brown (7 .5 YR 4/2) ; medium blocky ; very hard whendry; very plastic when wet ; stonefree ; pH - 5 .8-Bm228-48 cm clay; dark brown (10 YR 4/3) ; medium subangular blocky ; veryhard when dry; very plastic when wet ; stonefree ; ph -6.8Ck - 48 cm+ clay; dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/4) ; massive ; very hard whendry; very plastic when wet ; stonefree ; calcareous ; pH -8 .0

DAWSON SOILParent MaterialDrainage:Well-drainedUsual Classification :Calcareous, stony loam tillOrthic Eutric BrunisolDescription : LFH - Thin layer of partially decomposed leaves, twigs, etc.Ah - 0-3 cm loam ; very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2) ; fine crumb structure;friable consistency; very stony; pH - 7 .1Bm - 3-33 cm loam ; yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) ; weak fine subangular blocky;friable ; very stony; pH - 7 .4Ck - 33 cm+ loam till ; light yellowish brown (10 YR 6/4) ; very stony;calcareous; pH - 7.8DYMOND SOILParent Material:Drainage :Usual Classification :Calcareous, stony loam tillImperfectly drainedGleyed Eutric BrunisolDescription: LFH = Thin layer of partially decomposed leaves, twigs, etc .Ah - 0-3 cm loam ; very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2) ; medium crumbstructure ; friable consistency; very stony; pH - 7 .2Bmgj - 3-30 cm loam; brownish yellow (10 YR 6/6) ; mottled ; weak mediumsubangular blocky ; friable ; very stony ; pH - 7 .4Ck - 30 cm+ loam till; light yellowish brown (10 YR 6/4) ; very stony;calcareous ; pH - 7.8EARLTON SOILParent Material:Drainage :Usual Classification :Lacustrine silt loam and silty clay loamImperfectly drainedGleyed Gray LuvisolDescription : LFH - Thin layer of partially decomposed leaves, twigs, etc .Ah - 0-5 cm silt loam ; very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2) ; fine granularstructure; friable consistency ; stonefree ; pH - 6.0Aegj - 5-18 cm silt loam ; light gray (2 .5 Y 7/2); mottled ; fine platy ; friable ;stonefree ; pH - 5.6AB - 18-43 cm silty clay loam ; light yellowish brown (2 .5 Y 6 .4) ; mottled ; finesubangular blocky ; firm ; stonefree; pH - 6 .5Btgj - 43-66 cm silty clay loam ; light olive-brown (2 .5 Y 5/4) ; mottled ; mediumsubangular blocky ; firm ; stonefree; pH - 7 .0Ck - 66 cm+ silt loam; light brown to light gray (10 YR 7/2) ; platy; friable ;stonefree; calcareous ; pH - 8 .053

COUTTS SOIL.Parent Material:Drainage :Usual Classification :Loamy glacial tillImperfectly drainedGleyed Humo-Ferric PodzolDescription : LFH - 2-0 cm raw humus <strong>and</strong> roots ; very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) ; pH - .5 .2Ah - 0-5 cm loam ; very dark brown (10 YR 2/2) ; medium crumb structure ;friable consistency ; very stony ; pH - 5.3Ae - 5-10 cm s<strong>and</strong>y loam; white (10 YR 8/2) ; weak platy; friable; very stony ;pH - 5 .4Bfg - 10-40 cm loam ; yellowish brown (10 YR 5/8) ; mottled ; weak mediumsubangular blocky; friable; very stony; pH - 5 .5C - 40 cm+ loam till; light gray (10 YR 7/1) ; stony ; noncalcareous ; pH - 5 .5COUTTSVILLE SOILParent Material:Drainage :Usual Classification:DACK SOILDrainage:Well-drainedOrganic soil 40-160 cm deep over mineral subsoilVery poorly drainedTerric MesisolDescription: Om, - 0-40 cm partially decomposed grasses, sedges, mosses <strong>and</strong>/or wood ;strongly acidic in reaction-Om20-75 cm partiallydecomposed grasses, sedges <strong>and</strong>/orwood ; strongly acidicin reactionParent Material :Usual Classification:IIC - 75 cm+ mineral -subsoilCalcareous lacustrine clayOrthic Eutric BrunisolDescription : LFH - Thin layer <strong>of</strong> partially decomposed leaves, twigs, etc.Ah - 0-3 cm clay; dark grayish brown (10 YR 4/2) ; fine subangular blockystructure ; hard consistency when dry ; very plastic when wet; stonefree ;pH - 6 .2-Bm l 3-28 cm clay; dark brown (7 .5 YR 4/2) ; medium blocky ; very hard whendry; very plastic when wet ; stonefree ; pH - 5 .8-Bm228-48 cm clay; dark brown (10 YR 4/3) ; medium subangular blocky ; veryhard when dry; very plastic when wet ; stonefree ; ph -6.8Ck - 48 cm+ clay; dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/4) ; massive ; very hard whendry; very plastic when wet ; stonefree ; calcareous ; pH -8 .0

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