Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations


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48a z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t sCONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSYear ended December 31, 2009GROUP2009 2008$’000 $’000Operating activitiesProfit before income tax 18,038 12,618Adjustments for:Share based payment 465 222Allowance for doubtful trade receivables 27 -Allowance for inventory obsolescence 725 942Depreciation 7,175 5,312Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 1,115 53Amortisation of intangible asset 3,494 4,924(Reversal) Provision for warranty (25) 31(Gain) Loss from fair value adjustments on investment properties (1,144) 2,650Change in fair value of derivative financial instruments (565) (337)Interest income (159) (657)Interest expense 1,717 1,892Net foreign exchange gain (973) (1,547)Operating cash flows before movements in working capital 29,890 26,103Trade receivables 8,526 8,430Other receivables and prepayments (877) 919Inventories 5,651 1,619Trade payables (648) (13,161)Other payables and provisions 8 (1,044)Cash generated from operations 42,550 22,866Interest paid (1,717) (1,892)Income tax paid (3,560) (2,427)Net cash from operating activities 37,273 18,547

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