Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

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30a z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9C o r p o r a t e G o v e r n a n c eCorporate Governance ReportName Of DirectorKhoo Ho TongAge69Directorship Date first appointed: 12 November 2002Date last re-elected: 10 April 2007Directorships in Listed Company Aztech Group LtdNam Lee Pressed Metal Industries Ltd (present)Asia Travel.com Holdings Ltd (present)Tastyfood Holdings Ltd (Past – until 24 April 2008)J K Technology Group Ltd (Past – until 6 August 2008)Kingsmen Creatives Ltd (Past – 28 April 2008)Eng Kong Holdings Ltd (Past – until March 2007)Independent Director,Chairman of ACMember of RC & NCIndependent Director,Chairman of ACMember of RCIndependent Director,Chairman of ACMember of RC & NCIndependent Director,Member of AC, RC & NCIndependent Director,Chairman of RCMember of AC & NCIndependent Director,Chairman of NCMember of AC & RC

C o r p o r a t e G o v e r n a n c eFinancial StatementsReport of the DirectorS 32Statement of directors 40Independent auditors’ report 41Statements of financial position 43consolidated Statement of comprehensive income 45statements of changes in equity 46consolidated statement of cash flows 48notes to financial statements 50analysis of shareholdings 103analysis of warrantholdings 104notice of annual general meeting 106proxy Form

C o r p o r a t e G o v e r n a n c eFinancial StatementsReport of the DirectorS 32Statement of directors 40Independent auditors’ report 41Statements of financial position 43consolidated Statement of comprehensive income 45statements of changes in equity 46consolidated statement of cash flows 48notes to financial statements 50analysis of shareholdings 103analysis of warrantholdings 104notice of annual general meeting 106proxy Form

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