Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations


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C o r p o r a t e G o v e r n a n c ea z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 927Corporate Governance ReportInternal AuditThe Internal Auditor, who reports directly to the Chairman of the AC, continuously monitors the compliance of the <strong>Group</strong>’s internal controls, policies andprocedures. The Internal Auditor also monitors the effectiveness of the internal control systems and procedures and submits the findings to the AC. TheInternal Auditor plans the internal audit schedules and submits the plan to the AC Chairman for approval prior to the commencement of the internal audit.The AC Chairman reviews the activities of the Internal Auditor on a regular basis, including advising on any improvement required on internal control orother internal audit matters.Whistle Blowing PolicyThe <strong>Group</strong> has in place a whistle blowing policy that gives staff access to the Chairman, Internal Auditor and Lead Independent Director to report in goodfaith and in confidence, concerns about possible improprieties. The policy defines the process and ensures independent investigation of such matters.The staff are assured that they are protected from reprisals.Interested Person TransactionsAll interested person transactions are submitted for review by the AC on a quarterly basis. The transactions entered into with interested persons duringthe financial year which fall under Rule 907 of the Listing Manual (“LM”) of the SGX-ST are:Name of Interested PersonAVS Solutions Sdn Bhd*- Rental Income and services fee- Purchase of goodsAggregate value of all interested persontransactions during the financial yearunder review (excluding transactionsless than S$100,000 and transactionsconducted under shareholders’ mandatepursuant to Rule 920 of the LM)S$53,600S$ 2,354Aggregate value of all interestedperson transactions conducted undershareholders’ mandate pursuant to Rule920 of the LM (excluding transactionsless than S$100,000)AVS Technologies Pte <strong>Ltd</strong>*- Rental Income S$17,254 ---AVS Computer Services Pte <strong>Ltd</strong>*- Sales of goods S$760 -Messrs Colin Ng & Partners LLP**- Legal Services S$146,402 -Note* Transactions above with companies in which Mr Michael Mun has an equity interest.** Transactions with law firm Colin Ng & Partners LLP in which Mr Colin Ng is the Managing Partner

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