Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

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114a z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t sNOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGThe financial effects of the purchase or acquisition of such Shares by the Company on the audited financial statements of theGroup for the financial year ended December 31, 2009 would have been as follows:Market PurchasesGroupCompanyBefore Share After Share Before Share After SharePurchase Purchase Purchase PurchaseAs at December 31, 2009Shareholders’ Funds (S$’000) 112,331 99,942 119,684 107,295NTA (S$’000) 108,117 95,728 119,684 107,295Current Assets (S$’000) 97,421 85,032 55,537 43,148Current Liabilities (S$’000) 61,574 61,574 20,190 20,190Total Borrowings (S$’000) 49,400 49,400 4,205 4,205Number of Shares (000) 487,640 438,863 487,640 438,863Financial RatiosNTA per Share (cents) 22.17 21.81 24.54 24.45Earnings per Share (cents) 3.75 4.25 5.82 6.60Gearing (times) 0.44 0.49 0.04 0.04Current Ratio (times) 1.58 1.38 2.75 2.14Off Market PurchasesGroupCompanyBefore Share After Share Before Share After SharePurchase Purchase Purchase PurchaseAs at December 31, 2009Shareholders’ Funds (S$’000) 112,331 98,186 119,684 105,539NTA (S$’000) 108,117 93,972 119,684 105,539Current Assets (S$’000) 97,421 83,276 55,537 41,392Current Liabilities (S$’000) 61,574 61,574 20,190 20,190Total Borrowings (S$’000) 49,400 49,400 4,205 4,205Number of Shares (000) 487,640 438,863 487,640 438,863Financial RatiosNTA per Share (cents) 22.17 21.41 24.54 24.05Earnings per Share (cents) 3.75 4.25 5.82 6.60Gearing (times) 0.44 0.50 0.04 0.04Current Ratio (times) 1.58 1.35 2.75 2.05(1) Total borrowings comprise liabilities arising from borrowings from banks and other financial institutions, and outstanding debt securities.(2) Gearing is computed based on the ratio of total borrowings to shareholders’ funds.(3) Current ratio is derived based on current assets divided by current liabilities.

F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t sa z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9115NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGFor illustrative purposes, it has been assumed that the purchases or acquisitions of Shares are financed solely by internal resources. Where thepurchase or acquisition of Shares is financed through external borrowings or financing, there would also be an increase in the gearing ratios ofthe Group and the Company and a decline in the current ratios of the Group and the Company, with the actual impact dependent on, inter alia,the number of Shares purchased or acquired and the prices at which the Shares are purchased or acquired.Shareholders should note that the financial effects set out above are for illustration purposes only (based on the aforementionedassumptions). The actual impact will depend on, inter alia, the number and price of the Shares purchased or acquired (if any).In particular, Shareholders should note that the above analysis is based on the audited financial statements of the Group for thefinancial year ended December 31, 2009 and is not necessarily representative of future financial performance.The Company may take into account both financial and non-financial factors (for example, stock market conditions and the performance of theShares) in assessing the relative impact of a share purchase before execution.G. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE COMPANIES ACTWithin 30 days of the passing of a Shareholders’ resolution to approve the purchases of Shares by the Company, the Company shall lodge a copyof such resolution with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority.The Company shall notify the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority within 30 days of a purchase of Shares on the SGX-ST or otherwise.Such notification shall include the following:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)the date of the purchase;number of Shares purchased;the number of Shares cancelled;the number of Shares held as treasury shares;the Company’s issued share capital before the purchase;the Company’s issued share capital after the purchase;the amount of consideration paid by the Company for the purchase of the Shares; andwhether the Shares were purchased out of the profits or the capital of the Company.H. REQUIREMENTS IN THE LISTING MANUALUnder the Listing Manual, a listed company may purchase shares by way of Market Purchases at a price per share which is not more than fivepercent (5%) above the average closing market price, being the average of the closing market prices of the shares over the last five (5) MarketDays, on which transactions in the shares were recorded, before the day on which the purchases were made. The Maximum Price for a Share inrelation to Market Purchases by the Company, referred to in section B (d) above, conforms to this restriction.The Listing Manual specifies that a listed company shall report all purchases or acquisitions of its shares to the SGX-ST not later than 9.00 a.m.(i) in the case of a Market Purchase, on the Market Day following the day on which the Market Purchase was effected, and (ii) in the case of anOff-Market Purchase, on the second Market Day after the close of acceptances of the offer. The notification of such purchases or acquisitions tothe SGX-ST shall be in such form, and shall include such details, as may be prescribed by the SGX-ST in the Listing Manual.

F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t sa z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9115NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGFor illustrative purposes, it has been assumed that the purchases or acquisitions of Shares are financed solely by internal resources. Where thepurchase or acquisition of Shares is financed through external borrowings or financing, there would also be an increase in the gearing ratios ofthe <strong>Group</strong> and the Company and a decline in the current ratios of the <strong>Group</strong> and the Company, with the actual impact dependent on, inter alia,the number of Shares purchased or acquired and the prices at which the Shares are purchased or acquired.Shareholders should note that the financial effects set out above are for illustration purposes only (based on the aforementionedassumptions). The actual impact will depend on, inter alia, the number and price of the Shares purchased or acquired (if any).In particular, Shareholders should note that the above analysis is based on the audited financial statements of the <strong>Group</strong> for thefinancial year ended December 31, 2009 and is not necessarily representative of future financial performance.The Company may take into account both financial and non-financial factors (for example, stock market conditions and the performance of theShares) in assessing the relative impact of a share purchase before execution.G. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE COMPANIES ACTWithin 30 days of the passing of a Shareholders’ resolution to approve the purchases of Shares by the Company, the Company shall lodge a copyof such resolution with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority.The Company shall notify the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority within 30 days of a purchase of Shares on the SGX-ST or otherwise.Such notification shall include the following:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)the date of the purchase;number of Shares purchased;the number of Shares cancelled;the number of Shares held as treasury shares;the Company’s issued share capital before the purchase;the Company’s issued share capital after the purchase;the amount of consideration paid by the Company for the purchase of the Shares; andwhether the Shares were purchased out of the profits or the capital of the Company.H. REQUIREMENTS IN THE LISTING MANUALUnder the Listing Manual, a listed company may purchase shares by way of Market Purchases at a price per share which is not more than fivepercent (5%) above the average closing market price, being the average of the closing market prices of the shares over the last five (5) MarketDays, on which transactions in the shares were recorded, before the day on which the purchases were made. The Maximum Price for a Share inrelation to Market Purchases by the Company, referred to in section B (d) above, conforms to this restriction.The Listing Manual specifies that a listed company shall report all purchases or acquisitions of its shares to the SGX-ST not later than 9.00 a.m.(i) in the case of a Market Purchase, on the Market Day following the day on which the Market Purchase was effected, and (ii) in the case of anOff-Market Purchase, on the second Market Day after the close of acceptances of the offer. The notification of such purchases or acquisitions tothe SGX-ST shall be in such form, and shall include such details, as may be prescribed by the SGX-ST in the Listing Manual.

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