Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

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102a z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s33 SEGMENT INFORMATION (cont’d)(b)Geographical informationThe Group operates in two principal geographical areas – Singapore (county of domicile) and China.The Group’s revenue from external customers and information about its segment assets (non-current assets excluding deferred tax assets)by geographical location are detailed below.RevenueNon-Current Assets2009 2008 2009 2008$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000Singapore 146,841 115,038 68,620 56,591China 125,631 152,702 28,862 32,544Others 7,795 8,713 48 76Total 280,267 276,453 97,530 89,211(c)Information about major customersThe Group’s customer base is diversified and includes 3 (2008 : 1) customers with whom transactions have exceeded 10% of the Group’srevenues. In 2009, revenues generated from these customers amounted to approximately $182.20 million (2008 : $59.12 million). Detailsof concentration of credit risk arising from these customers are set out in Note 4.34 EVENTS AFTER THE REPORTING PERIOD(a)(b)Subsequent to the end of the reporting period, the Company issued 18,000 shares at the exercise price of $0.20 with the conversion ofWarrants 2012.Subsequent to the end of the reporting period, the Company issued 109,583 shares at the exercise price of $0.16 pursuant to the exerciseof options granted under ESOS 2000.

F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t sa z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9103ANALYSIS OF ShareHOLDINGSAS AT 5 MARCH 2010NO. OF ISSUED SHARES : 509,620,583NO. OF ISSUED SHARES (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES) : 487,761,583NUMBER/PERCENTAGE OF TREASURY SHARES : 21,859,000 (4.48%)CLASS OF SHARES : ORDINARY SHARESVOTING RIGHTS (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES) : ONE VOTE PER SHAREDISTRIBUTION OF SHAREHOLDINGSSIZE OFNO. OFSHAREHOLDINGS SHAREHOLDERS % NO. OF SHARES %1 - 999 141 1.18 3,304 0.001,000 - 10,000 7,667 64.05 32,480,105 6.6610,001 - 1,000,000 4,135 34.54 201,274,401 41.261,000,001 & ABOVE 28 0.23 254,003,773 52.08TOTAL 11,971 100.00 487,761,583 100.00TOP TWENTY SHAREHOLDERS AS AT 5 MARCH 2010 NO. OF SHARES %MUN HONG YEW 115,105,663 23.60DBS NOMINEES PTE LTD 24,143,819 4.95NG SOK CHENG 16,906,168 3.47UNITED OVERSEAS BANK NOMINEES (PTE) LTD 16,655,804 3.42HSBC (SINGAPORE) NOMINEES PTE LTD 13,761,000 2.82DBS VICKERS SECURITIES (S) PTE LTD 11,018,200 2.26OCBC NOMINEES SINGAPORE PRIVATE LIMITED 9,084,900 1.86OCBC SECURITIES PRIVATE LTD 5,219,140 1.07FOO FONG G 4,688,000 0.96PHILLIP SECURITIES PTE LTD 4,552,828 0.93NG AH KAU @ NG KIM POH 4,403,039 0.90CHIA HEOK MIIN 3,826,000 0.78AVS TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD 3,636,000 0.75LOW WEI CHONG (LIU WEICONG) 2,214,000 0.45BRAHMANA KARTA SAKRI OR SUDRIANI SAKRI 2,050,000 0.42CHIA KOK HUA 2,000,000 0.41UOB KAY HIAN PTE LTD 1,997,000 0.41CAPITAL INTELLIGENCE LIMITED 1,758,000 0.36LIM & TAN SECURITIES PTE LTD 1,549,200 0.32KIM ENG SECURITIES PTE. LTD. 1,480,012 0.30246,048,773 50.44SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERNO. OF SHARESDIRECT INTEREST DEEMED INTERESTMUN HONG YEW * 115,105,663 4,836,000* Note:Mun Hong Yew is deemed to have an interest in 1,200,000 shares held by his nominees, OCBC Securities Pte Ltd and 3,636,000 shares held by AVS Technologies Pte Ltd, wherehe is a Director and shareholder.

F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t sa z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9103ANALYSIS OF ShareHOLDINGSAS AT 5 MARCH 2010NO. OF ISSUED SHARES : 509,620,583NO. OF ISSUED SHARES (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES) : 487,761,583NUMBER/PERCENTAGE OF TREASURY SHARES : 21,859,000 (4.48%)CLASS OF SHARES : ORDINARY SHARESVOTING RIGHTS (EXCLUDING TREASURY SHARES) : ONE VOTE PER SHAREDISTRIBUTION OF SHAREHOLDINGSSIZE OFNO. OFSHAREHOLDINGS SHAREHOLDERS % NO. OF SHARES %1 - 999 141 1.18 3,304 0.001,000 - 10,000 7,667 64.05 32,480,105 6.6610,001 - 1,000,000 4,135 34.54 201,274,401 41.261,000,001 & ABOVE 28 0.23 254,003,773 52.08TOTAL 11,971 100.00 487,761,583 100.00TOP TWENTY SHAREHOLDERS AS AT 5 MARCH 2010 NO. OF SHARES %MUN HONG YEW 115,105,663 23.60DBS NOMINEES PTE LTD 24,143,819 4.95NG SOK CHENG 16,906,168 3.47UNITED OVERSEAS BANK NOMINEES (PTE) LTD 16,655,804 3.42HSBC (SINGAPORE) NOMINEES PTE LTD 13,761,000 2.82DBS VICKERS SECURITIES (S) PTE LTD 11,018,200 2.26OCBC NOMINEES SINGAPORE PRIVATE LIMITED 9,084,900 1.86OCBC SECURITIES PRIVATE LTD 5,219,140 1.07FOO FONG G 4,688,000 0.96PHILLIP SECURITIES PTE LTD 4,552,828 0.93NG AH KAU @ NG KIM POH 4,403,039 0.90CHIA HEOK MIIN 3,826,000 0.78AVS TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD 3,636,000 0.75LOW WEI CHONG (LIU WEICONG) 2,214,000 0.45BRAHMANA KARTA SAKRI OR SUDRIANI SAKRI 2,050,000 0.42CHIA KOK HUA 2,000,000 0.41UOB KAY HIAN PTE LTD 1,997,000 0.41CAPITAL INTELLIGENCE LIMITED 1,758,000 0.36LIM & TAN SECURITIES PTE LTD 1,549,200 0.32KIM ENG SECURITIES PTE. LTD. 1,480,012 0.30246,048,773 50.44SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERNO. OF SHARESDIRECT INTEREST DEEMED INTERESTMUN HONG YEW * 115,105,663 4,836,000* Note:Mun Hong Yew is deemed to have an interest in 1,200,000 shares held by his nominees, OCBC Securities Pte <strong>Ltd</strong> and 3,636,000 shares held by AVS Technologies Pte <strong>Ltd</strong>, wherehe is a Director and shareholder.

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