Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations Powering growth - Aztech Group Ltd - Investor Relations

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100a z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s33 SEGMENT INFORMATION(a)Business segmentsIn prior years, segment information reported externally was analysed on the basis of the types of goods supplied and services provided bythe Group’s operating divisions (i.e. ODM/OEM, Contract Manufacturing, Retail Distribution, Materials Supply & Marine Logistics). However,information reported to the Group’s chief operating decision maker for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segmentperformance is more specifically focused on the business segments. The principal categories of business segments under FRS 108,therefore, are Electronics, Materials Supply & Marine Logistics and Others.Electronics – Design, develop, manufacture and market data communication, voice communication and multimedia productsMaterials Supply and Marine Logistics – Supply and procurement of construction building materials, ownership, chartering, operation andmanagement of sea going vessels and provision of marine transportation services.Others – Food distribution business and property rental services.Information regarding the Group’s reportable segments is presented below. Amounts reported for the prior year have been restated toconform to the requirements of FRS 108. The measurement basis of the Group’s reportable segments is in accordance with its accountingpolicy.2009Materialssupply andIntermarinesegmentElectronics logistics Others elimination Group$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000RevenueRevenue from external customers 180,098 99,658 511 - 280,267Cost of sales (155,487) (86,890) (463) - (242,840)Gross profit 24,611 12,768 48 - 37,427Other operating income 5,178 751 1,388 (1,528) 5,789Selling and distribution costs (3,081) (118) (133) - (3,332)Administrative expenses (17,143) (3,000) (306) 649 (19,800)Finance costs (1,310) (1,611) (4) 879 (2,046)Profit before income tax 8,255 8,790 993 - 18,038Income tax (499) (1,686) (435) - (2,620)Net profit for the year 7,756 7,104 558 - 15,418Segment assets 160,269 83,898 14,939 (63,964) 195,142Segment liabilities (71,966) (73,818) (991) 63,964 (82,811)Other informationCapital expenditure 4,754 25,772 - - 30,526Depreciation andamortisation expenses 8,378 2,248 43 - 10,669

F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t sa z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 910133 SEGMENT INFORMATION (cont’d)(a)Business segments (cont’d)2008Materialssupply andIntermarinesegmentElectronics logistics Others elimination Group$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000RevenueRevenue from external customers 252,990 23,463 - - 276,453Cost of sales (214,957) (21,013) - - (235,970)Gross profit 38,033 2,450 - - 40,483Other operating income 4,209 7 83 (766) 3,533Selling and distribution costs (5,362) (1) - - (5,363)Administrative expenses (20,370) (786) (2,767) 147 (23,776)Finance costs (2,062) (816) - 619 (2,259)Profit before income tax 14,448 854 (2,684) - 12,618Income tax (2,041) 712 944 - (385)Net profit for the year 12,407 1,566 (1,740) - 12,233Segment assets 168,733 60,876 13,464 (42,875) 200,198Segment liabilities (89,580) (58,570) (25) 42,875 (105,300)Other informationCapital expenditure 4,507 39,716 - - 44,223Depreciation andamortisation expenses 9,846 390 - - 10,236Revenues from major products and servicesThe Group’s revenues from its major products and services were as follows:GROUP2009 2008$’000 $’000ODM/OEM Sales 86,907 133,046Contract Manufacturing 64,619 96,301Retail Distributions 28,572 23,643Supply and Procurement of Building Construction Materials 96,551 23,463Chartering and Other Logistics Services 3,107 -Food Distribution Business 511 -280,267 276,453

100a z t e c h a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 0 9F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s33 SEGMENT INFORMATION(a)Business segmentsIn prior years, segment information reported externally was analysed on the basis of the types of goods supplied and services provided bythe <strong>Group</strong>’s operating divisions (i.e. ODM/OEM, Contract Manufacturing, Retail Distribution, Materials Supply & Marine Logistics). However,information reported to the <strong>Group</strong>’s chief operating decision maker for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segmentperformance is more specifically focused on the business segments. The principal categories of business segments under FRS 108,therefore, are Electronics, Materials Supply & Marine Logistics and Others.Electronics – Design, develop, manufacture and market data communication, voice communication and multimedia productsMaterials Supply and Marine Logistics – Supply and procurement of construction building materials, ownership, chartering, operation andmanagement of sea going vessels and provision of marine transportation services.Others – Food distribution business and property rental services.Information regarding the <strong>Group</strong>’s reportable segments is presented below. Amounts reported for the prior year have been restated toconform to the requirements of FRS 108. The measurement basis of the <strong>Group</strong>’s reportable segments is in accordance with its accountingpolicy.2009Materialssupply andIntermarinesegmentElectronics logistics Others elimination <strong>Group</strong>$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000RevenueRevenue from external customers 180,098 99,658 511 - 280,267Cost of sales (155,487) (86,890) (463) - (242,840)Gross profit 24,611 12,768 48 - 37,427Other operating income 5,178 751 1,388 (1,528) 5,789Selling and distribution costs (3,081) (118) (133) - (3,332)Administrative expenses (17,143) (3,000) (306) 649 (19,800)Finance costs (1,310) (1,611) (4) 879 (2,046)Profit before income tax 8,255 8,790 993 - 18,038Income tax (499) (1,686) (435) - (2,620)Net profit for the year 7,756 7,104 558 - 15,418Segment assets 160,269 83,898 14,939 (63,964) 195,142Segment liabilities (71,966) (73,818) (991) 63,964 (82,811)Other informationCapital expenditure 4,754 25,772 - - 30,526Depreciation andamortisation expenses 8,378 2,248 43 - 10,669

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