Religious Education News - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Religious Education News - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Religious Education News - Our Lady of Good Counsel


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CHURCH OF<strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong>42 West Main Street, Moorestown, NJ 08057-2497www.olgcnj.orgPARISH STAFF:Priests <strong>of</strong> the ParishPhone 856-235-0181Rev. Damian McElroy, PastorRev. James O’Neill, Parochial VicarPhone for Emergency Sick Calls 856-608-5761Permanent DeaconsDeacon Joseph A. PaulDeacon James J. GroganDeacon David PapugaDeacon Ed HeffernanDeacon Thomas D. Begley, IIIParish Business ManagerDeacon David Papuga 856-235-0181Cemetery ManagerMr. Thom Scattaregia 856-235-0181OLGC School (Grades N-8)Mr. Jerome T. McGowan, Principal 235-7885Sr. Rosemarie Wdzieczkowski, E.C.C. Director 235-5371<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong>Grades K-8 235-7136Dr. Linda M. Dix, DirectorNoah’s Ark & Church Readiness ProgramMs. Laura Kowalick, CaptainSacred Music Ministry 235-5395Mr. Stephen J. Lucasi, DirectorMrs. Paula Quann, AssistantSecretarial StaffParish Office: Ms. Megan Quigley 235-0181School: Mrs. Lorraine Turowski 235-7885E.C.C.: Mrs. Sharon Malek 235-5371Heritage House: Ms. Laura Kowalick 235-7136The Rectory:42 West Main StreetParish School:Grades 1-8, Cafeteria and Gym23 West Prospect AvenueEarly Childhood Center:Kindergarten, Nursery and Noah’s Ark32 West Main StreetHeritage House:<strong>Religious</strong> Ed, Sacred Music and Youth Ministries122 West Main StreetSCHEDULE OF SERVICESSabbath Masses:Saturdays, 4:30 PM - Main Church & Simulcast in Crypt6:00 PM - Main ChurchSundays, 7:30 AM - Main Church9:00 AM - Main Church10:30 AM - Main Church & Gym12:00 Noon - Main ChurchLauds:6:30 AM Monday - FridayWeekdays Masses:9:00 AM Monday - Friday9:00 AM SaturdayHoly Days <strong>of</strong> Obligation:6:30 & 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 PMBaptism:1:30 PM First, Third & Fourth Sundays <strong>of</strong> each month.Parents attend Preparation Session on the Second Sunday <strong>of</strong>the month.Reconciliation (Confessions):Saturday at 3:30 PMConfessions will be heard until all present have beenaccommodated.Marriage:Wedding arrangements can only be made with one <strong>of</strong> theParish Priests, ideally one year prior to the desired date.Communion at Home:When a parishioner is confined to the home for an extendedperiod <strong>of</strong> time and wishes to receive the Sacraments, pleasecall the Parish Office.

March 14, 2010 THE CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL Page 2Saturday, Lenten Weekday, March 13 th9:00 AM Beth Harrigan, Mae McGowan4:30 PM Regina B. Kraemer Smith, Helen McErlean6:00 PM John T. Mackin, Marguerite GoryebSunday, Fourth Sunday <strong>of</strong> Lent, March 14 th7:30 AM Arthur Kranzfelder, Ave Maria Poth9:00 AM Hank Horn, Thomas J. Moore, Jr.10:30 AM Margaret Dmochowski, Thomas F. Degnan, Sr.12:00 PM Marion Grady, Andrea D’AlessandroGym -10:30 AM Frank Rando, Gerard MadiganMonday, Lenten Weekday, March 15 th6:30 AM Lauds9:00 AM Nancy A. Wagner, James CorrTuesday, Lenten Weekday, March 16 th6:30 AM Lauds9:00 AM John T. Mackin, Robert AlexanderWednesday, St. Patrick, March 17 th6:30 AM Lauds9:00 AM Lena Bartello, Tom MeehanThursday, St. Cyril <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem, March 18 th6:30 AM Lauds9:00 AM Andrea D’Alessandro, Mary Jo SchantzFriday, St. Joseph, March 19 th6:30 AM Lauds9:00 AM Josephine Vastano, John and Betty Hughes (Living)Saturday, Lenten Weekday, March 20 th9:00 AM Rosemary Penton Evison, Elizabeth Harrigan4:30 PM Joseph Roman, Sr., Rodger Hamilton6:00 PM Violet McLaughlin, Lucy VesotskySunday, Fifth Sunday <strong>of</strong> Lent, March 21 st7:30 AM Thomas J. Moore, Jr., Fran and Elizabeth Parker9:00 AM Thomas Degnan, Marion Borreggine10:30 AM Frank Militano, The Bellantoni Family12:00 PM Joseph F. Burgoyne, Jr., Dolores ZerboGym -10:30 AM Anthony Palumbo, Julia HeinsSanctuary LampThe Sanctuary Lamp will be burning during this week for thefollowing intentions:Main Church: George Harry (Living)Crypt: Charles DeRenzi (Living)Candles can be designated for the intention <strong>of</strong> someone who isill or in special need <strong>of</strong> prayers.Last Week’s CollectionThe collection total for last weekend was $36,500.00. Thecollection for the same weekend last year was $26,767.00.Thank you for your continued support.Stewardship <strong>of</strong> TreasureFr. Damian wishes to thank all those who have generouslyresponded to his request to the Renewal Appeal. May Godbless you for your generosity and stewardship.Parish LifeBakers Needed<strong>Our</strong> annual reception following the Easter Vigil Mass on April3 rd is coming soon. Every year a number <strong>of</strong> parishioners bakecookies, cakes etc for this dessert reception.At this reception we welcome our new members from the RCIAwho were received into the church that evening as well as theirfamilies, friends, clergy and choir. If you would like to bake wewould be most grateful. This is also a good service project forchildren preparing for Confirmation. If you would like to shareyour baking talents please leave a message at (856) 235-2374or email mccorkellj@olgcnj.org. Drop <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> baked goods willbe on April 3 rd in the Heritage House kitchen between 9:00 AMand noon, or we can make arrangements for another time thatis more convenient for you.Gathering SundayOn Sunday March 21, 2010 the Parish Life Committeepresents "Gathering Sunday." Parishioners are encouraged to"gather together" with old friends and to welcome new friends.Share c<strong>of</strong>fee, donuts, cakes, and bagels after the 10:30 AMMass in the school cafeteria.The RCIAJoining <strong>Our</strong> Catholic CommunityIf you are reading this right now, and you are not a member <strong>of</strong>our Roman Catholic Church, then we'd like to invite you: TOCOME AND SEE.That was Jesus' response to Andrew's question as to whereJesus was staying (John 1:39) and that is our invitation to youif you have ever thought about being baptized as a disciple <strong>of</strong>Jesus or if you are already baptized and would like to enterinto the Catholic faith.<strong>Our</strong> preparation process The RCIA, which stands for The Rite<strong>of</strong> Christian Initiation for Adults, also welcomes those adultCatholics who would like to complete their initiationsacraments <strong>of</strong> Eucharist and Confirmation. For moreinformation please call Jane at 235-2374 or emailmccorkellj@olgcnj.org.

March 14, 2010 Fourth Sunday <strong>of</strong> Lent Page 3<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>News</strong>Lenten Materials:Details <strong>of</strong> Parish Lenten Prayer Services, Stations, FamilyBreakfast, and activities are available on the Parish website:www.olgcnj.org. A link to the Lenten Packet is found on themain page.Registration for the 2010-2011 Year:Now Due: Catechists’ recommitment and registration <strong>of</strong> theirchildren.April 19 – 23, 2010: Families with children currently enrolled inthe R.E. ProgramJune 1 – June 4, 2010: Families new to the R.E. Program, ornot enrolled in current yearParents and catechists are asked to respond in a timelymanner.New this year: Summer Classes. August 2 nd – 13 th , 8:30 to11:30 AM. Details and forms will follow, and will also beavailable on the parish website.<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Classes:No R.E. Classes Holy Week and Easter Week.Families are encouraged to participate in the many ParishLenten activities, listed in the bulletin and on the parish website.Grade 1:I’m Sorry Celebration: March 22 nd , 23 rd , and 25 th , in the Church/ chapel and gym during class time. Parents invited. Details tobe mailed home.Grade 2:First Communion information sheets, copy <strong>of</strong> baptismalcertificate and sacramental fee are due. Please bring to REOffice if you have not already handed in paperwork.Grade 5:Will be making casseroles for Catholic Charities the week <strong>of</strong>March 22 nd . Letters are being sent home with studentsrequesting their contribution to each casserole.Grade 7:Book <strong>of</strong> Commitment: At this time the Book <strong>of</strong> Commitmentshould be complete! Parents are asked to insure all documentsand paperwork has been collected and worked on. (Servicehours may be completed over the summer – but books are tobe handed in during the month <strong>of</strong> April!)Any concerns regarding completing the above documentation isto be brought to Dr. Dix’s attention immediately.Service Opportunities: Distributed to students and posted onthe parish website. (Click: Sacraments / Service) Opportunitiesinclude: R.E. teacher aides, Liturgical Ministry, Music Ministry,Altar Serving, Gathering Sunday, Family Breakfasts. RSVP tothe RE Office is required.Grade 8:Chrism Mass: Monday, March 29 th , Cathedral <strong>of</strong> Saint Mary,Trenton. Details to be mailed home.Youth Group Welcome: Grade 8 students are welcomed tojoin the parish Youth Group on Sundays from 7:00 – 9:00 PM inthe school building. Contact Mrs. Dowiak, Youth Minister, at(856) 235-1733 for more information and a schedule <strong>of</strong> eventsand activities.For all <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong> matters, contact Dr. Linda M.Dix (856) 235-7136, or REprogram@olgcnj.org.Whole Community CatechesisGospel – John 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38As Jesus passed by he saw a man blind from birth.He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva,and smeared the clay on his eyes, and said to him,"Go wash in the Pool <strong>of</strong> Siloam" —which means Sent—.So he went and washed, and came back able to see.His neighbors and those who had seen him earlier as a beggarsaid,"Isn't this the one who used to sit and beg?"Some said, "It is, "but others said, "No, he just looks like him."He said, "I am."They brought the one who was once blind to the Pharisees.Now Jesus had made clay and opened his eyes on a sabbath.So then the Pharisees also asked him how he was able to see.He said to them,"He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and now I can see."So some <strong>of</strong> the Pharisees said,"This man is not from God,because he does not keep the sabbath."But others said,"How can a sinful man do such signs?"And there was a division among them.So they said to the blind man again,"What do you have to say about him,since he opened your eyes?"He said, "He is a prophet."They answered and said to him,"You were born totally in sin,and are you trying to teach us?"Then they threw him out.When Jesus heard that they had thrown him out,he found him and said, "Do you believe in the Son <strong>of</strong> Man?"He answered and said,"Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?"Jesus said to him,"You have seen him,the one speaking with you is he."He said,"I do believe, Lord," and he worshiped him.The Fourth Sunday <strong>of</strong> Lent:Today we share a favorite Bible story; the parable <strong>of</strong> theprodigal son (or daughter). This is a great example <strong>of</strong> God’slove for us. As a parent, God welcomes us, no matter how farwe have gone from God. If we return, God is there to welcomeus with open arms.Question <strong>of</strong> the Week:Adult: How have you or your family welcomed a familymember who has been distant or absent from you?Child: Who is the one person in your family you most need tosay “I’m sorry” to?Word <strong>of</strong> the Week: SquanderedJournal Starter: Of all the things I have in my life, it is mostimportant that I do not squander….because…

March 14, 2010 Fourth Sunday <strong>of</strong> Lent Page 4Lenten ActivitiesLenten Weekday MassDuring Lent, we will be having Mass at 12:00 noon onWednesdays in the Crypt chapel.Family Lenten Reconciliation LiturgyTuesday, March 30 th at 7:00 PM - Main Church. Come andcelebrate the Sacrament <strong>of</strong> Reconciliation this Lent with ParishFamilies!Stations <strong>of</strong> the Cross - Presided by our Parish DeaconsFridays in Lent at 1:45 PM and 7:00 PM - Main Church.Living StationsLiving Stations are portrayed by the Grade 8 students <strong>of</strong> <strong>Our</strong><strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> School. Friday, March 26 th at 7:00 PM –Main Church.Scout Sunday MassAll Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts <strong>of</strong> our parish are invited to attendthe 12:00 PM Mass on Sunday, March 21 st for recognition <strong>of</strong> theservices provided by and for scouting. This year the Boy Scouts<strong>of</strong> America are celebrating their 100 th year <strong>of</strong> existence in theUnited States. Please email Sondra De Antonio atjfbsmd@aol.com for further information about participating in thiscelebration.Youth Group <strong>News</strong>Sunday, March 14 th : Pretzel Sale after 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM &Noon Masses. Funds will be used to provide food for localhomeless.Sundays, March 14 th & 21 st : Rehearsals for 7 Last Wordsbeginning at 7:00 PM in the Gym and ending at 9:00 PM in theGym. All participants, including Tech Crew, Cast andMusicians are required at this meeting.Sunday, March 28 th : Presentation <strong>of</strong> 7 Last Words in the MainChurch. All participants are required to be in the Chapel nolater than 5:45 PM. Presentation will begin at 7:00 PM. Therewill be a reception in Heritage House following thepresentation. All participants will be asked to bring a snack orbeverage for the reception.Seven Last Words <strong>of</strong> ChristSeven Last Words <strong>of</strong> Christ are prayerfully presented bymembers <strong>of</strong> the Parish Youth Group. Palm Sunday, March 28 thand <strong>Good</strong> Friday, April 2 nd at 7:00 PM in the Main Church.Spring Family Mass and BreakfastSaturday, March 27 th – Mass at 9:00 AM in the MainChurch, breakfast follows in the Cafeteria. Families cometogether as a larger parish family to celebrate our faith.Registration is required! To register, please emailreprogram@olgcnj.org or call (856) 235-7136.<strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong>’s Parish StatueIf you would like OLGC’s <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> Fatima statue tovisit your home for a week for your own quiet rosarytime, for praying together with family and friends,please call Marylou Relovsky at (856) 234-0094.Eyes for the NeedyThe Knights <strong>of</strong> Columbus will be collecting eyeglasses for thosein need beginning next weekend. Please place your used butuseable eyeglasses in the box marked, “Eyes for the Needy”which will be located in the entrance to the Church.Catholic Young AdultsFriday, March 19 thStations <strong>of</strong> the Cross and Game NightJoin us for Stations <strong>of</strong> the Cross at 7:00 PM at OLGC. Thenwe will head to the Quinn House for games and pizza. Weinvite young adults, 18-39, to our CYABC activities. To findout more about CYABC, join our Facebook group. To beplaced on our email list, please contact Jackie Veasy atjackiev815@comcast.net.Career Connections MinistryAre you unemployed or underemployed? Are you concernedabout your employment status? The Career ConnectionMinistry can help you if you are in the career transitionprocess. Human Resource pr<strong>of</strong>essionals from our partner,Virtua Health Services, and credentialed local pr<strong>of</strong>essionals,are leading a series <strong>of</strong> free training programs to help those inthe job search process. Upcoming presentations include:‣ March 17 th Salary Negotiations & Personal Marketing Plan‣ April 14 th Handling Emotions & Change During Transition‣ April 28 th Job Search Strategies‣ May 12 th LinkedInTraining Location: Barry D. Brown Ed. Ctr., 106 Carnie Blvd.(Across from Virtua Hospital), Voorhees, NJ. For directions,see www.virtua.org.Time: 6:30 PM-7:00 PM Networking with your peers7:00 PM- 8:00 PM TrainingInformation: Thom Scattaregia, (856) 235-0181, ext. 124 orby e-mail at scattaregiat@olgcnj.org.

March 14, 2010 Fourth Sunday <strong>of</strong> Lent Page 5Bereavement Support GroupThe parish’s Bereavement Ministry will begin an eight weeksupport group on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM starting March18 th in the Quinn House. The purpose <strong>of</strong> the program is to havethose who have lost a loved one come together as a group in asafe, loving and caring environment, and to work toward movingbeyond separation and beginning a journey toward hope and anew life. The program is open to all who are grieving the loss <strong>of</strong>a loved one. Anyone desiring additional information or whowishes to register for the program should call Frank Kilkenny at(856) 273-8036.Respect Life <strong>News</strong>Options Fundraising BanquetOptions for Women Pregnancy Center invites you to afundraising banquet on Tuesday, March 23 rd , at the WestinHotel in Mount Laurel on Route 73. Seating will be promptly at6:45 PM. A dinner and program will run from 7:00 – 9:00 PMfeaturing speakers: Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthooddirector, and Shawn Carney, co-founder <strong>of</strong> 40 Days for Life.RSVP to Rachel at rachel@baylorfamily.com or your table hostby March 16 th . Please indicate your choice <strong>of</strong> chicken orsalmon. Admission ($50 value) is complimentary. Anopportunity to make a financial gift will be extended.Respect Life QuoteThe Second Vatican Council reminded the entire Church thatwe are to be a leaven for the world’s transformation. …Recently, we have tried to be such a leaven in the debate abouthealth care. It is not for us to speak to particular means <strong>of</strong>delivering health care; it is our responsibility, however, to insist,as a moral voice concerned with human solidarity, thateveryone should be cared for and that no one should bedeliberately killed. ~ Cardinal Francis George, PresidentialAddress to General Meeting <strong>of</strong> U.S. bishops, Nov. 16, 2009OLGC 52 nd Annual Fashion ShowPlans are in full swing for the 52 nd Annual FashionShow, which is being held Thursday, May 6 th at TheMerion. We are calling on all parishioners to help usmake this event our most successful ever by being asponsor or by contributing an item to our spectaculartombola baskets. There are many levels <strong>of</strong> sponsorshipopportunities available to fit any budget. Individuals andcorporations can place ads in our pr<strong>of</strong>essionallydesigned program book, distributed to over 500attendees. For more information, please contact JamieManall, Sponsorship (856) 787-8498; or JoanneDickson, Tombola (856) 780-5377 or visit our schoolwebsite at www.olgcnj.org and click on the FashionShow icon. Thank you for your support.<strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> School’s Drama Club will presentthe one-act version <strong>of</strong> Bye, Bye Birdie at 7:30 PM on Friday,March 19 th and Saturday, March 20 th in the school’s Multi-Purpose Room. It will be performed by a cast <strong>of</strong> 42 eighth-,seventh-, sixth-, and fifth-graders, along with a 15-memberstage crew, and is suitable for an all-ages audience. This oneactmusical is adapted for pre-high school students and isdirected by parishioner Mark Morgan, <strong>of</strong> the MoorestownTheater Company. All tickets are general admission and are$8. Children four and under are free. Tickets can only bepurchased at the door beginning at 6:30 PM on the night <strong>of</strong> theshows. So bring the whole family out, “put on a happy face”,and support our talented theatrical middle school performers!W.I.N.G.S. and St. Joan <strong>of</strong> Arc Parish presents“God’s Masterpiece”Please plan to attend the newest version <strong>of</strong> our annual Passionplay - “God’s Masterpiece” – a dramatic and musical reflectionon our Lord’s life, death, and resurrection. The productionfeatures the talents <strong>of</strong> our W.I.N.G.S. teens along with our adultparishioners. Performances are Friday, March 19 th , Saturday,March 20 th , and Sunday, March 21 st all at 7:30 PM at St. Joan<strong>of</strong> Arc, Marlton. Bring your entire family to this FREE event aspart <strong>of</strong> your Lenten preparation for Easter.Knights <strong>of</strong> ColumbusPasta DinnerSaturday, March 20 th from 4:30 to 7:30 PM - School CafeteriaAll are welcome!!!Meal includes all-you-can-eat pasta, meatballs, salad,bread, beverage and dessertAdults $6, children $3, max <strong>of</strong> $25 per familyProceeds benefit the K<strong>of</strong>C Scholarship DriveGoing to the Bye Bye Birdie Show on Saturday Night?Stop by before the show and grab a delicious meal,“OLGC Dinner Theater” Style!Coming to the 4:30 PM Mass?Stop by after Mass and let us do the cooking!Coming to the 6:00 PM Mass?Stop by at 4:30, enjoy a relaxing meal, and get out in plenty<strong>of</strong> time for Mass. Or stop by after Mass!Coming to Mass on Sunday?Make it a Saturday evening out for yourself, a friend or thewhole family.For further information …Call Stuart at (856) 235-7076or email us at k<strong>of</strong>c1082@catholicweb.com.

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