July 2007 Service Standard Monitoring - Your Homes Newcastle

July 2007 Service Standard Monitoring - Your Homes Newcastle July 2007 Service Standard Monitoring - Your Homes Newcastle


Your Homes Newcastle Inner West Area Board10 th July 2007Service Standard MonitoringReport by: Assistant Chief Executive & Director of BusinessInformationAreaImplicationsAllExecutive SummaryRecommendationsIn April and May Community Care AlarmService, Sheltered Housing Service, Inline andStepping Stones have been monitored.Targets have been exceeded in:• All In-line standards• CCAS call standards• Sheltered Housing alarm calls• Sheltered Housing Support Plan reviews• Stepping Stones 6 months tenanciesWe need to improve on:• Stepping Stones Support plans andreviews• Missed rent payments for tenants inSheltered SchemesBoard is asked to receive the report andapprove the actions being taken to improveperformanceBusiness ImplicationsYHN Mission andStrategic ObjectivesValue forMoney/EfficienciesResources (financial,property, technological orhuman)Impact onServices/PerformanceOutcomes fortenants/leaseholdersAs an element of performance management,monitoring our performance in relation to ourservice standards can help us achieve all ofour strategic objectivesAll service standards reviewed will lead toimproved performance and in turn improve theefficiencies of the services of YHNNo implicationsMonitoring service standards will highlightservices that are under performing and identifyactions to improve these.Monitoring our performance in relation toservice standards and taking action to

<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> <strong>Newcastle</strong> Inner West Area Board10 th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2007</strong><strong>Service</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Monitoring</strong>Report by: Assistant Chief Executive & Director of BusinessInformationAreaImplicationsAllExecutive SummaryRecommendationsIn April and May Community Care Alarm<strong>Service</strong>, Sheltered Housing <strong>Service</strong>, Inline andStepping Stones have been monitored.Targets have been exceeded in:• All In-line standards• CCAS call standards• Sheltered Housing alarm calls• Sheltered Housing Support Plan reviews• Stepping Stones 6 months tenanciesWe need to improve on:• Stepping Stones Support plans andreviews• Missed rent payments for tenants inSheltered SchemesBoard is asked to receive the report andapprove the actions being taken to improveperformanceBusiness ImplicationsYHN Mission andStrategic ObjectivesValue forMoney/EfficienciesResources (financial,property, technological orhuman)Impact on<strong>Service</strong>s/PerformanceOutcomes fortenants/leaseholdersAs an element of performance management,monitoring our performance in relation to ourservice standards can help us achieve all ofour strategic objectivesAll service standards reviewed will lead toimproved performance and in turn improve theefficiencies of the services of YHNNo implications<strong>Monitoring</strong> service standards will highlightservices that are under performing and identifyactions to improve these.<strong>Monitoring</strong> our performance in relation toservice standards and taking action to

Risk (reputation,relationship)EnvironmentalLegal ImplicationsEquality and DiversityStakeholderInvolvement/Consultation(planned or alreadycarried out)Background paperscontinually improve our services will ensureincreased satisfaction and better use ofresources for tenants.Failure to monitor performance could placeYHN at risk of failing in any of our strategicobjectivesNo impactNo implicationsNo implicationsProgress will be monitored on a rotationalbasis for the revised <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Standard</strong>s as andwhen they are agreed.The next bi-monthly report will monitor therevised service standards listed below:• Right to Buy• Adaptations• Asylum Seekers Unit• Advice & SupportDelivery PlanContact officersBrian O’Doherty- Inner West Area Director(0191) 2771511.

SERVICE STANDARDSCCAS APRIL MAY Performance UpdateWe will visit you once a year tocomplete a support planAADuring April and May 185 support planswere completed. Commencing in <strong>July</strong><strong>2007</strong> a detailed programme, withmonthly targets, will get underway toensure all support plans are completedwithin the target timescale.We will answer 98.5% of allcalls in one minuteIn an emergency, if you need amobile warden, they will reachyou within 30 minutes ofreceiving the call in 90% ofcases.G AR RThe 98.5% target was achieved in April.In May 98.4% was achieved which isjust short of the target.The local target was not achieved with82% of emergencies reached by amobile warden within 30 minutes ofreceiving the call. National Telecare<strong>Standard</strong>s for this indicator has aresponse time of 60 minutes and if thiswere adopted the service would have aperformance level of 98.90%. In order toimprove performance on the local targetprocedures for dealing with night timecalls are being reviewed in relation tothe introduction of lone workermonitoring.

SERVICE STANDARDSSheltered Housing <strong>Service</strong> APRIL MAY Performance Update<strong>Your</strong> sheltered housing officerwill answer 98.5% of allwarden alarm calls in oneminute<strong>Your</strong> sheltered Housing officerwill complete a support planwith you once a year and willreview you support plan aftersix monthsWe will reduce the number ofempty properties in shelteredschemes to 78 by the end ofthe yearG AG GA GThe 98.5% target wasachieved in April. In May98.4% was achieved which isjust short of the target.710 support plans werecompleted during April andMay which is ahead ofschedule.The number of emptyproperties in shelteredschemes reduced to 82 inApril. In May this reducedfurther to 72.We will reduce missed rentpayments for current tenanciesin our sheltered schemes to£24,278 this yearRRDue to the success inallocating empty propertiesthere has been a technicalincrease in missed rentpayments increasing arrears to£30,320 in April and £36,482 inMay <strong>2007</strong>. This is primarily dueto outstanding claims forHousing Benefit andSupporting People payments.

SERVICE STANDARDSInline APRIL/MAY Performance UpdateTo provide a comprehensive needsassessment for 50% of 16 & 17 year oldsneeding accommodation. Who applyeither through the Housing Advice Centreof <strong>Your</strong> Choice <strong>Homes</strong> by offering a familyreconciliation service to preventhomelessnessEnsure 90% of vulnerable young peoplewho have support from INLINE willmaintain a successful tenancy for 12months and become fully active memberof their community by ensuring theyreceive the practical and emotionalsupport neededProvide advice and information so youngpeople are aware of their rights, andencourage 25% of young people toparticipate in their community, volunteerwith Youth Voice and ensure 90% ofyoung people supported in tenancies arefully involved in the decisions that affecttheir livesProvide an accreditation service to enable75% of young people supported intenancies to gain recognition andqualifications for the skills and abilitiesthey have and to enable them to rejoineducation and get qualifications for theirskills and experienceGGGG90% of 16 & 17 years olds were providedwith a comprehensive needs assessment.100% of vulnerable young peoplemaintained a successful tenancy for 12months26% of young people were involved incommunity events through Youth Voice.100% - All young people in supportedtenancies are involved in the decisionsthat affect their lives89% of young people in tenanciessubmitted work for accreditation.

SERVICE STANDARDSStepping Stones APRIL/MAY Performance UpdateWe provide support plans for all ourvulnerable young people. We aim to dothis within two weeks for 95% of serviceusersWe will complete a support plan review for95% of residents in our North Kentonsupported accommodation within 6months of the initial support planRROnly 14% of support plans have beenprovided within two weeks of moving intoaccommodation. The new Young Peoples<strong>Service</strong> Manager took up her post on01/06/07 and immediately identified theissue of support plans not beingcompleted. This mainly occurred due tostaff sickness and the use of agency staff.A recovery plan has been put in place sothat all support plans will be up to date by27/06/07. Following this support plans forhostel residents will be reviewed on amonthly basis and those resident in theNorth Kenton flats on a quarterly basis.85% of residents have had a review oftheir support plan within 6 months. Thenew Young Peoples <strong>Service</strong> Managertook up her post on 01/06/07 andimmediately identified the issue of supportplans not being completed. This mainlyoccurred due to staff sickness and the useof agency staff. A recovery plan has beenput in place so that all support plans willbe up to date by 27/06/07. Following thissupport plans for those clients resident inthe North Kenton flats will be reviewed ona quarterly basis.

We will complete a support plan review for95% of residents in our hostelaccommodation within 6 weeks of theinitial support planWe will ensure that 90% of our residentsin our supported accommodation maintaina stable tenancy for a minimum of 6monthsRGOnly 20% of residents in hostelaccommodation received a support planreview within 6 weeks. The new YoungPeoples <strong>Service</strong> Manager took up herpost on 01/06/07 and immediatelyidentified the issue of support plans notbeing completed. This mainly occurreddue to staff sickness and the use ofagency staff. A recovery plan has beenput in place so that all support plans willbe up to date by 27/06/07. Following thissupport plans for hostel residents will bereviewed on a monthly basis.100% of residents in supportedaccommodation maintained a stabletenancy for a minimum of 6 months.

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