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Lithograph with large margins. 240 x 368mm (9½ x14½"). £95Two white Griffon terriers hunting and killing streetrats.From "Panorama der Saeugethiere lithographirt undherausgegeben von H. Reichert".Stock: 2948255. Battaglia del Re Tessi e del Re Tintafesta rapresentata in Firenze Nel Fiume d'Arnoil di XXV di Luglio Eomen sc. Jacomo Callot Inv. [n.d. c.1639.]Etching and engraving. 210 x 296mm (8¼ x 11¾").Trimmed £380Early copy of Jacques Callot's printed fan showing theceremonial Battle between the guilds of weavers anddyers on the Arno in 1619, in which they fought forpossession of an artificial hill in the centre of the river.Callot's print was commissioned by the Grand Dukebefore the event and distributed to spectators. One,mounted on card for use as a fan, can be seen held aloftby a spectator seated on the right side of the volutewhich forms the border.Etched by Edouard Ecqman (1639, fl), who producedcopies of many of Callot's prints. Meaume 617 (copy);Lieure 302 (copy 1).Stock: 2891856. Tapestry of Bayeux. By Matilda Consortof William the Conqueror 1066.Lithographed in 1829 by M.A. Gilbert.Lithograph with hand colour, very rare. 218 x 285mm(8½ x 11¼"). Some creasing and scuffing. £180This section shows William the Conqueror aboard theflagship 'The Mora' landing at Pevesney.The Bayeux Tapestry, depicts the events leading up tothe Norman Conquest of England, culminating in theBattle of Hastings. French legend maintained thetapestry was commissioned and created by QueenMatilda, William the Conqueror's wife, and her ladiesin-waiting.However, scholarly analysis now concludesthat the tapestry was probably commissioned byWilliam's half-brother, Bishop Odo. See Ref: 29053 foruncoloured copy (with additional printed area on left)Stock: 2905457. Tapestry of Bayeux. By Matilda Consortof William the Conqueror 1066.Lithographed in 1829 by M.A. Gilbert.Lithograph with large margins, very rare. 219 x291mm (8½ x 11½"). £130This section shows William the Conqueror aboard theflagship 'The Mora' landing at Pevesney.The Bayeux Tapestry, depicts the events leading up tothe Norman Conquest of England and culminating inthe Battle of Hastings. French legend maintained thetapestry was commissioned and created by QueenMatilda, William the Conqueror's wife, and her ladiesin-waiting.However, scholarly analysis now concludesthat the tapestry was probably commissioned byWilliam's half-brother, Bishop Odo. See Ref: 29054 forcoloured copy (missing part of printed area on left).Stock: 2905358. View of the City of Bristol. As itappeared from Pile Hill, during the dreadfulriots on the night of Sunday October 30.th1831, when the New Prison and Two TollHouses, seen on the left of the Picture, theBishop’s Palace near the Cathedral in thecentre, the Mansion House, Custom House,Excise House, and nearly Fifty Dwelling andWare-Houses in Queen Square & Streetsadjacent occupying the distance beyondRedcliff Church on the right (exclusive of theBridewell and Lawfords Gate Prisons which donot fall within the limits of the Picture) wereplundered & burnt and property to the amountof nearly One Hundred Thousand Poundssterling totally destroyed.T.L. Rowbotham del.t Drawn on Stone by L. Haghe.Published by Daley & Muskett Booksellers Broad St.Bristol and sold by Charles Tilt Fleet St. London & allother Booksellers. ... London. [n.d. c.1831.]Fine coloured lithograph with large margins. 235 x310mm (9¼ x 12¼"). Nicks, tears and chip to lowerleft edge; some text faint. £180One of several prints made in the wake of the 1831Bristol Riots. These were amongst the severalmanifestations of civil unrest which took place after theHouse of Lords rejected the second Reform Bill. TheReform Bill aimed to improve 'rotten boroughs'standards and to give Britain's fast growing industrialtowns greater representation in the House ofCommons. The riots continued for three days duringwhich the palace of Robert Gray the Bishop of Bristol,the Mansion House, and private homes and propertywere looted and destroyed, along with the demolitionof much of the gaol. Work on the Clifton SuspensionBridge was halted and Isambard Kingdom Brunel wassworn in as a special constable. for other views of theriots see refs. 20072 and 20926Stock: 2873659. Freedom, Peace, Plenty, all in vainadvance, Spurn'd by Brittannia's Children,dupes to France: Aspiring Chiefs in congress,scourge the land, All Laws subverting to usurpcommand. Tyrants they prove, while Patriotsthey appear, And Popish Leagues mark theirabsurd career. May Heav'n in timely mercymake them wise, Ere French and SpanishChains their crimes chastize.[n.d. c.1780.]Etching and engraving. 210 x 132mm. £180Britannia standing on a French shield bearing theFleur-de-Lys, soldiers on left with the American flagflying.Allegorical image to represent The Treaty of Alliancewith France (1778), the defensive alliance betweenFrance and the United States of America, formed in themidst of the American Revolutionary War, whichpromised military support in case of attack by Britishforces. It was effectively an insurance policy forFrance which guaranteed the support of the United

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