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Etching and engraving with large margins. Plate 260 x375 One small fox mark in sky. £280Italian dance: party of young men and women gatheredin a park and watching a couple dancing; on the left, afountain, and on the right several figures leaning on theparapet of a terrace.Stock: 3005423. Le Retour du Matelot. Te voilà, CherColin! que ton heureux retour, S embloit êtretardif à mon ardent armour!...Rare comme unPhénix, plus precieux que l’or; C’est, m’encroiras tu bein mon gentil pucelage. [&] LesAdieux du Matelot. Je te quitte, Fanchon, mesuniques plaisirs, Je vais enfler la Mer dutorrent de mes larmes...Je n’apprehende,halas! trop friande Beauté, Que ta seulinfidelité. Par M.r Moraine.Boitard Invenit. N. Vasseur sculp. A Paris chez Bassetrue St. Jacques. [n.d. c.1750.]Pair of etchings and engravings, very scarce. Plate 321x 215mm (12¾ x 8½"). Slight creasing; unknown inklines etched on the sails in 'retour'. £450A pair of love scenes as the sailors bids his belovedgoodbye as he prepares to go to sea; and his joyfulreturn bearing gifts of money and a watch; the RoyalStandard seen behind on the carriage. Engravings afterLouis Philippe Boitard (1733-67, fl.), French-bornprintmaker based in London and frequently consideredone of the finest satirists of his day.Probably copied from the pair engraved by ThomasBooth and published in London in 1744.Stock: 2993424. Le Soir. Gravé d’après le TableauOriginal de Berghem, 1740.Berghem pinx. J.P. Le Bas Sculp. Aparis chez l’AuteurGraveur du Roi ruë de la Harpe vis a vis la ruë Percée.[n.d. c.1740.]Engraving, fine with large margins. Plate 368 x 457mm(14½ x 18"). Slight foxing. £320Landscape with herdsmen rounding their flocks; awoman rides a cow in left foreground.Stock: 3004825. Didoos Dood. Boertig in Hollandschekleedy afgebeeld. Onnoozle Dido sterft, vanhaar Galant verlaaten…Och, Vrouwtjes!wacht u wel voor de ontrouw van de Mans. L.PLa Mort de Didon, Representée en burlesque, àla Hollandoise. La pauvre Didon meurt: sonAmant l’abandonne...Mesdames! gardez-vousdes pièges des Galants. H.J.R.C. Troost inv. S. Fokke del. et fec. [n.d. c.1760.]Etching and engraving with very large margins. Plate375 x 272mm (14¾ x 10¾"). £230Dido's death; the queen lying on a pyre, dressed inpeasant clothes. A fantastic Dutch Burlesque.From a series of thirty-one unnumbered plates afterCornelis Troost. The series was begun in 1754 withthree prints by Punt and Tanjé; between 1757 and 1764twenty-nine plates were added, engraved by Jan Punt,Pieter Tanjé, Jacobus Houbraken, Pelletier, SimonFokke, Radigues and Muys.Stock: 3004926. [The Sacrifice of Noah]. [Dedication toCardinal Corsini, in Latin].Ex tabula Clss. Nic. Poussini in Aedibus eiussd. Emi.Dn / I. Frey del. et incoidit Romae 1746.Engraving with large margins. Platemark: 460 x570mm. (18 x 22½"). Repaired tear into image;flattened crease through centre. £190Biblical scene after Nicolas Poussin (1594 - 1665) thatdepicts Noah standing before an altar, above whichGod has appeared; around him, seven figures praying.The painting after which this was engraved is nowhoused in the Drawing Room at Tatton Park, Cheshire.Stock: 2951827. Vera Effigie della B.V.M. che appressodise riteneva il V. Servo di Dio F. Crispino daViterbo Cappuccino, la qte si venera nellaChiesa de P.P. del medesmio Ordine, in Tivoli.Ignatius Benedicti incidit, et in benevolentiaeargumentu R.P. Marino ab Aletrio, D.D. [n.d. c.1790.]Engraving printed in red ink, with very large margins,paper watermarked. Plate 179 x 127mm (7 x 5").Soiling. £90The Virgin Mary and Jesus with St Joseph behind withhis staff topped with flowers.Stock: 2969128. To Sir John Fleming Leicester Bar.t ThisPlate of The Alpine Traveller, From theoriginal Picture in his Possession is bypermission respectfully dedicated by his veryobliged Servant, John Jeffryes.J. Northcote R.A pinx.t J. Ward sculp.t LondonPublished Aug.t 1. 1804 by John Jeffryes, ClaphamRoad.Mezzotint printed in colours, plate 603 x 451mm (23¾x 17¾"). Crease upper left corner, repaired hole upperright. Scuff to image lower left; damage centre right.£230A young woman on a mule riding side-saddle along amountain path, holding on to her hat. A man in a furcap with a grey horse stands to the right watching asshe passes. A black and white dog jumps up excitedlyon left. Ex Collection: The Late HonourableChristopher Lennox-Boyd; Frankau 2.iiiStock: 2996429. [Fishermen.] From the OriginalDrawing in the Collection of the Duke ofDevonshire. No.68.Claude le Lorrain delin.t R. Earlom fecit. PublishedNov.r 1.st 1774 by John Boydell Engraver inCheapside.Mezzotint with etching line, printed in brown ink, withvery large margins. Plate 210 x 260mm (8¼ x 10¼").£140Three figures in a boat; one rowing and the other twoassisting a third figure in the water with a net fishing;bridge behind with figures and animals crossing.

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