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University of Konigsberg. He published the 'NewMethodological School Atlas' in 1799. Australian mapinterest.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29738328. Etienne Marchand.C Westermayr. [German.] [n.d. c.1810.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 134 x 82mm (5¼ x3¼"). £70Etienne Marchand (1755-1793) the French captain,businessman and yachtsman. He led the SolideExpedition, which was the second successfulcircumnavigation by the French, which took placebetween 1790 and 1792. Little is known about theactual expedition and the exploration due to iscommerical aims in the fur trade between the northwestAmerican coast and China.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29743329. Mehemt Effendy TefterdarAmbassadeur Extraordinaire de Laporte VersLe Royt.C.Lovis XV.en 1721. Hunc RegiSummus mittit Dominator Eoi...De temoignerson Zete au plus charmant des Rois.Gravé Par E. Desrochers. AParis rue du Foin. [n.d.c.1750.]Engraving. Plate 152 x 104mm (6 x 4"). Rare. £140Mehemet Effendi (d.1732) , the Georgian Ottomanstatesman who was delegated as ambassador by theSultan Ahmed III to Louis XV's France in 1720. He isremembered for his account of his embassy mission.Stock: 29819330. Mahomet, I. Fifth King of The Turks.A.o 1405.[n.d. c.1730.]Engraving with large margins. Plate 152 x 102mm (6 x4"). Some spotting. £70Mehmed I (1390-1421), Sultan of the Ottoman Empirefrom 1413 until his death. He is often considered the'second founder' of the Ottoman Empire, as he cameinto power after the Ottoman Interregnum and restoredthe Empire to its full glory, conquering parts ofAlbania, the Jandarid emirate, and the ArmenianKingdom of Cilicia from the Mamelukes.Stock: 29813331. Sultan Mahumet II. Turchar. Imperator.Ingressus Ano. Christi. M.D.XCV. Aet: Suae.Annor.XXIX. Der Lürctische Keÿser.Dom. Custo. ex. [n.d. c.1610.]Engraving with very large margins. Plate 153 x 120mm(6 x 4¾"). Some spotting and paper thinning. £180Mehmed II (1432-1481), known as the 'Conqueror'. Heserved as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire twice; firstfrom 1444 to 1446 and then again from 1451 until hisdeath. In 1452 he conquered Constantinople andbrought an end to the Byzantine Empire, transformingthe Ottoman state into an empire. He continued hisconquests through Asia and Europe. He is regarded asa national hero in Turkey.From a series of prints depicting Turkish Sultans,Sultanas and other historical figures. VAM:SP.180:253.Stock: 29815332. Mohamed Ali, Pacha. Vice Roi d'Egypte.Loeillot d' apres H. Vernet. / Lith de Delpech.Lithograph. Sheet size: 270 x 375mm. (10½ x 14¾").£140Portrait of the viceroy and pasha of Egypt, MuhammadAli; on horse beneath palm tree in city, looking toright. Muhammad Ali Pasha (1769-1849) is regardedas the founder of modern Egypt. Although neither bornin Egypt nor a speaker of Arabic, he can readily beidentified as someone who strove to defend the countryagainst outsiders, to build up its power and to developits economic and administrative resources.Stock: 29940333. Omai.[Carl Brodtmann after Sir Joshua Reynolds.] [n.d.c.1827.]Lithograph with large margins. 330 x 228mm (13 x9"). £130In September 1773 during Cook’s second voyageCaptain Furneaux of the Adventure took aboard ayoung man of the island of Huahine near Tahiti. Omaibecame the first South Sea islander seen in Britain. Inhis early twenties, Omai became the darling of theLondon scene. He was introduced to the King andQueen, wined and dined in high society circles, andpainted by the great artists of the time before beingreturned to his native home in 1776.From Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's "NaturhistorischeAbbildungen der Saeugethiere", and derived, like manylikenesses of Omai, from the full-length portraitpainted by Sir Joshua Reynolds while Omai was inBritain.Stock: 29499334. Orchanes. Second King of the Turks.A.o 1328.[n.d. c.1730.]Engraving with large margins. Plate 152 x 95mm (6 x3¾"). Some rubbing and scuffing. £70Orham (1281-1362), second bey of the OttomanEmpire from 1326 to 1362. He spent the early stages ofhis reign focused on conquering most of north-westernAnatolia, which was under Byzantine rule.Stock: 29812335. Othoman. First King of The Turks. A.o1300.[n.d. c.1730.]Engraving with large margins. Plate 146 x 95mm (5¾x 3¾"). Some foxing. £60

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