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stamp also found on prints in the Musée Lorrain,Nancy, and Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam).Stock: 29722299. Ex uno multiplicantur et exaltanturomnia Et omnium mors et vita illud Unum.Aet. 38. A.1627.I Pa[yne]Engraving. 140 x 102mm (5½ x 4"). Trimmed insideplatemark. Bit messy. Losses top & bottom on right.£70Unidentified male portrait, manuscript verso. ExCollection: R. Hobson of Hove.Stock: 25366300. Iean Baptiste Adanson. gebohren zuParis d. 2en Julius 1732.Nach Natur gezeichnet v. Cless. gest. v. Westermayr.[German.] [n.d. c.1810.]Stipple. Plate 147 x 89mm (5¾ x 3½"). £120Jean-Baptiste Louis Adanson (1732-1803), thedragoman and Chancellor of France to the Orient. Likemany Western Diplomats he was fascinated by Easterncivilisations and created watercolours and drawings toillustrate works on Turkish Music by his colleagueCharles Fonton.From "Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden".Stock: 29539301. Seid Achmet Aga Muteferrica GuedikliZaim de Boziazi. Fief du premier Ordre, enAsie un des grands Officiers et Ecuyer de maindes a Hautiers et Grand Marechal del'Ambassade en France.Presenté par son tres humble Serviteur Petit. 1742. aParis chez Petit rue S. Jacques a la Couronne d'épinespres les Mathurines.Engraving. Plate 151 x 106mm (6 x 4¼"). Rare. £140Ambassador to France from the Ottoman Empire.Quatrain below relating to the sitter's feelings uponleaving Byzantium for France and vice versa.Stock: 29818302. Alfonso de Albuquerque.Westermayr f. [German.] [n.d. c.1810.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 120 x 82mm (4¾ x3¼"). £120Alfonso de Albuquerque (c.1453-1515) the Portuguesegeneral, 'great conqueror', statesman and a leadingempire builder. He advanced the Portuguese grandscheme of combatting Islam, spreading Christianityand securing the trade of spices and the establishmentof a vast Portuguese Asian empire. He was the firstEuropean to enter the Persian Gulf and led the firstvoyage by a European fleet into the Red Sea. He ledthe conquest of Goa in 1510 and the capture ofMalacca in 1511.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29727303. Ali Pacha de Jannina.L. Dupré. Batrinto en Epine 1819.Lithograph, rare & early. 229 x 185mm (9 x 7¼").Slight crinkling top corners. £120Ali Pasha of Yannina (1740-1822) the OttomanAlbanian ruler of the western part of Rumelia smokinga pipe with pistols in his belt. Lord Byron visited thecourt of Ai in Ioannina in 1809 and had very mixedfeelings about him and his court. Ali Pasha wasnotorious throughout the region for the crueltiesinflicted on his subjects, from torture to rape and evenmurder. In 1820 the tensions with the Turkish Reformsgrew and after two years of fighting the Ottomanforces took hold of Ioannina forcing Ali Pasha tosurrender. He was asked to surrender for beheading,which he refused and continued to fight until he waseventually shot.Stock: 29809304. W.A. Princeps a Kavnitz Comes aRittberg. Quondam Augg. ad SardiniaeRegem Ablegatus. Belgii Austr: Proconsul. Adpacem Aquisgrani sanciendam Plenipotent.apud Galliae Regem Orator. Nunc vero, Augg.a Sanctior. Consilüs. Cancellarius. AdministerGermaniae. Belgie. et Italie. Provinciarum.Rebus cum Exteris gerendis Praefectus &.eA.CDDCCLV.J. Schmuzer sc. [n.d. c.1765 bit later]Scarce etching and engraving with large margins. Plate551 x 386mm (21¾ x 15¼"). Small tears into margins.£280Wenzel Anton, Prince of Kaunitz-Rietberg (1711-1794), diplomat and statesman of the Holy RomanEmpire. He played a huge part in securing peace withFrance, when Habsburg Austria entered the Treaty ofVersailles in 1756 with her old enemy France againstthe Kingdom of Prussia. The alliance was considered agreat feat of diplomacy, and established Kaunitz as therecognised master of the art. Ex Collection: The LateHonourable Christopher Lennox-Boyd. Undescribed.Stock: 29965305. Baiazet.I. Fourth King of The Turks.A.o 1390.[n.d. c.1730.]Engraving with large margins. Plate 147 x 95mm (5¾x 3¾"). £70Bayezid I (1354-1403), Sultan of the Ottoman Empirefrom 1389 to 1402. He was a fierce leader whoconquered Bulgaria and northern Greece. In 1394, helaid siege to Constantinople, and in 1402 he wascaptured by Timur and the Ottoman army wasoverpowered.Stock: 29811306. SSaid Pacha Beglierbey de RoumelyAmbassadeur extraordinaire de sa Haut.severs Sa Majesté tres Chretienne. Puisse sonnom vivant chez nos derniers Neveux...Etreegalement cher a deux Peuples heureux.

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