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Ephemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29558284. D. Christoval Colon Entdecker derneuen Welt.Maella p. Westermayr f. [German.] [n.d. c.1810.]Engraving and etching with large margins. Plate 127 x82mm (5 x 3¼"). £80Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) the Italianexplorer, navigator and colonizer. He completed fourvoyages across the Atlantic Ocean that led to generalEuropean awareness of the American continents, andled to the establishment of permanent settlements onthe island of Hispaniola and the Spanish colonizationof the New World.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29560285. [Christopher Columbus.][Basel, Petrus Perna, 1575-7.]Woodcut. Sheet 165 x 150mm (6½ x 6"). Trimmedfrom sheet with text. Laid on sheet. £280One of the earliest printed portraits of Columbus(1451-1506), half-length within an ornate bordercontaining female allegorical figures of Europe andAmerica. It was published in a combined volume of'Elogia Virorum Bellica Virtute Illustrium' and 'ElogiaVirorum Literis Illustrium' by Paolo Giovio, Bishop ofNocera, with illustrations of notable figures taken fromGiovio's own large collection of portraits housed at hisComo residence.Stock: 29672286. Don Vasco de Gama.C Westermayr f [German.] [n.d. c.1810.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 127 x 82mm (5 x3¼"). £80Don Vasco de Gama (c.1460-1524), the Portugueseexplorer and most successful in the Age of Discovery;he also commanded the first ships to sail directly fromEurope to India. This discovery was very significantand paved the way for the Portuguese to establish along lasting colonial empire in Asia.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29561287. Franciscus Draeck nobilissimus equesAngliæ Am.o Æt. Sue 43.Jo. Rabel Pinxit. Thomas de Leu sculpsit et excudit. AParis [n.d., first published c.1583, but later].Engraving, very rare with large margins. 100 x 70mm(4 x 2¾"). £320Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596), first Englishcircumnavigator of the globe (1577-80) and hero of theSpanish Armada conflict (1588).Stock: 29803288. Ioh. Reinhold Forster Geb. zu Dirschauin Westpreusen den 22 Octb 1729. Gestorb. zuHalle den 9 Dec. 1798. Georg Forster Geb. zuNassenhuben bey Danzig 1754. Gestorb. zuParis den 12 Jan. 1794.[German.] [n.d. c.1810.]Stipple with large margins, very rare. Plate 140 x82mm (5½ x 3¼") £250Johann Reinhold Forster (1729-1798) the GermanReformed pastor and naturalist who made contributionsto the early ornithology of Europe and North America.He is best known as the naturalist on James Cook'ssecond Pacific voyage accompanied by his son. In1779 he was appointed Professor of Natural Historyand Mineralogy at the University of Halle, and directorof the Botanische Garten der Martin-Luther-UniversitatHalle-Wittenberg.During Cook's voyage, he was accompanied by his sonGeorg Forster (1754-1794), the German-Polishnaturalist, ethnologist, travel writer, journalist, andrevolutionary. He was admitted to the Royal Society atthe early age of twenty-two and came to be consideredone of the founders of modern scientific travelliterature.From "Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden".Kivell & Spence: pg.114 - not in.Stock: 29531289. Mr. Samuel Hearne, late Chief at Princeof Wales Fort, Hudson's Bay. EuropeanMagazine.Published as the Act directs, by J. Sewell CornhillAug.t 1.st 1796.Stipple. 202 x 127mm (8 x 5"). Trimmed along top andbottom edge. £80Samuel Hearne (1745-1792) the English explorer, furtrader,author and naturalist. He was the first Europeanto make an overland excursion across northern Canadato the Arctic Ocean. In 1776 he joined the Hudson'sBay Company on the sloop 'Churchill', based at thePrince of Wales Fort, where he later became chief.Stock: 29900290. The True Portraict of Cap: ThomasJames Aetatis suæ 40. Engraved from a veryScarce Print in a Map for the Discovery of aNorth West Passage into the South Sea.[London T. & H. Rodd, 1821.]Engraving with very large margins. 145 x 110mm (5¾x 4¼"). £130A portrait of Welsh Captain Thomas James (1593-1635), copied from the map illustrating his 'TheStrange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine ThomasJames, in His Intended Discouery of the NorthwestPassage into the South Sea', published 1633. Jamesand his crew spent the winter in Hudson's Bay, 1631-2,barely surving. His conclusion: 'Now most probable itis, that there is no passage.' James Bay, in ArcticCanada, is named after him.Stock: 29786

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