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267. El D.r Bartoleme Leonardo deArgensola.Man.l Salv.or Carmona le gravo. [Madrid: JoaquínIbarra, 1770.]Engraving with Collector's Mark verso CollectionObolenski. 150 x 100mm (6 x 4"). Mounted on albumpaper. £95Bartolomé Leonardo de Argensola (1562-1631),Spanish poet and historian, best-known for hisConquista de las Islas Molucas (1609). Published in the'Parnaso español'.Engraved by Manuel Salvador Carmona (1734-1820),Spanish engraver who studied in Paris with NicolasDupuis.Stock: 29656268. Georgius Hovfnaglius Antwerpian. quipictur: delicat Genio Amplexus spnte Promovitet Maxime Illustravit.H. Hondius fe et ex. [1598]Engraving, rare. Sheet 120 x 80mm (4¾ x 3¼").Trimmed, mounted on album paper. £160Portrait of Joris (or Georg) Hoefnagel (1542-1601)Flemish painter and engraver, aged 55. Hoefnageltravelled extensively, submitting numerous cityprospects for inclusion in Braun & Hogenberg's'Civitatis Orbis Terrarum' atlas of townplans. He isknown to have travelled in southern Spain withAbraham Ortelius in the 1550s.Stock: 29782269. Johann Caspar Monath. gebohren 1763.Bock fec. [n.d., c.1810]Stipple with very large margins. 155 x 95mm (6 x3¾"). Creasing. £120Oval portrait of Johann Caspar Monath, born 1763.Bookseller in Nuremberg.Stock: 29777270. Michael de Cervantes Saavedra.[after William Kent] [n.d. c.1768.]Engraving, very scarce. 129 x 76mm (5 x 3"). Cut &damaged, laid on backing sheet. £140Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (c.1547-1616) theSpanish novelist, poet and playwright, famed for hismagnum opus 'Don Quixote'. He took part in the Battleof Lepanto, and in fighting against the Ottoman Empirehe sustained serious injuries; he suffered two chestwounds and his left hand was completely maimed, asshown in this portrait showing his left hand havingbeen amputated. Another version of this portrait (JacobFolkema, illustration to 'Nouvelles de Michel deCervantes Saavedra', Amsterdam and Leipzig 1768)shows Cervantes with his left hand.Stock: 29571271. A. Tardieu.Ingres del. Henriquel Dupont sc. Gazette des BeauxArts. Imp. Drouart, Paris. [n.d., c.1860.]Etching with stipple. Printed area 230 x 145mm (9 x5¾"). £75Portrait of Pierre-Alexandre Tardieu (1756-1844) byLouis Pierre Henriquel-Dupont after J.A.D. Ingres.Tardieu is best known for his engraved portraits.Stock: 29766272. Le Fils de Teniers.David Teniers pinx. L.A. Claessens Sculp. Ce tableauoriginal se trouve a Anvers chez Mr. Van RegemorterPeintre. [n.d. c.1790.] Bit later.Stipple with small margins. Plate 350 x 272mm (13¾ x10¾"). Faded collector's stamp verso. £190David Teniers (1610-1690), the son of David Teniers(1582-1649), seen here with another boy playing withbubbles. In the Harvard Art Museums.Stock: 29930273. Christianus A Mechel. ChalcographusBasiliensis. Academie Atrium Lib. Imp: et Reg:Vienn: nob: Florent: Venet: aliarumqueSodalis, Ser: Elect: Bav: Palat: ut et PatriaeUrbis ac Universit: Chalcogr: et Reipubli:Ducentumvic.In Signum gratitudinis mentisque dudum devotaeVultum Patroni ad viv: delin: aerique: incidit Barth:Hubner A.V.: Basileae Ao. 1784.Engraving with very large margins. Plate 184 x 134mm(7¼ x 5¼"). £160Christian von Mechel (1737-1817) the Swiss printpublisher and engraver. He trained first in Nurembergand then under Wille from 1757. In 1764 he set up inBasle as a publisher with a large 'factory' of engraversin his employment. Between 1778-1793 he took threelong visits to Vienna as curator/publisher of theHabsburg painting collection.Stock: 29915274. Mechel [ink].[stuck on verso:] G.J. Scholl 1775. Joh: H. Lipssculpsit 1775.Engraving. 109 x 89mm (4¼ x 3½"). Trimmed and laidon card. £60Christian von Mechel (1737-1817) the Swiss printpublisher and engraver. He trained first in Nurembergand then under Wille from 1757. In 1764 he set up inBasle as a publisher with a large 'factory' of engraversin his employment. Between 1778-1793 he took threelong visits to Vienna as curator/publisher of theHabsburg painting collection.Stock: 29914275. Chretien de Mechel. Graveur etMembre de diverses Académies élu Senateurde la République de Basle en 1787.Peint à Basle par Ant: Hickel, Peintre de la CourImper.le & R.le emn 1785. Gravé et publié pourmanifester sa reconnoissance envers un parent chéri,par son cousin Jean Jacq.s de Mechel.Engraving with small margins. Plate 261 x 203mm(10¼ x 8"). £160Christian von Mechel (1737-1817) Swiss printpublisher and engraver. He trained first in Nurembergand then under Wille from 1757. In 1764 he set up inBasle as a publisher with a large 'factory' of engravers

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