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Ephemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29610251. D.F. Sotzmann. Geh. exped. Secretairbeym Ingen. Depart. u Geograph derAcademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.C. Westermayr f. [Weimar: n.d., c.1808.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 140 x 90mm (5½ x3½"). £130Daniel Friedrich Sotzmann, a geographer whocompiled the maps for the 'Atlas Von Nordamerika',part of Ebeling's seven volume 'Erdbeschreibung undGeschichte von Amerika'. Sotzmann only completedten of the intended 18 maps, based on contempraryAmerican maps including Carey, all highly-detailedwith symbols for churches, roads, court houses,distilleries, iron works, mills, academies, etc. Completesets of ten are rare.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29609252. Americo Vespucci. geb. im J. 1451 zuFlorenz, gest. im J. 1514.L. Hess sc. [German.] [n.d. c.1810.]Engraving with large margins. Plate 140 x 89mm (5½x 3½"). £50Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512) the Italian merchant,explorer and cartographer. His two voyages to the eastcoast of South America between 1499 and 1502 ledhim to postulate that the Americas were a newlandmass, not the East Indies as Columbus believed.The Americas are generally believed to have derivedtheir name from the feminised Latin version of his firstname.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29753253. Gualtiero Conte di Leslie del Cons.o diStato di S. M.ta Ces. Generale in Schiavonia,Cavalier del Toson, AmbasciatoreStraordinario alla Porta Ottomanna &.Leonardo Hen-V-O VenetiisRare engraving with large margins, printed off of twoplates. Overall printed area 250 x 170mm (10 x 6¾").£180Walter Leslie (1606-1667), a Scot who became anImperial Field Marshal, a count of the Holy RomanEmpire and Imperial Ambassador to the Sublime Porte(1665-6).Published in Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato's 'Historia DiLeopoldo Cesare'.Stock: 29879254. Frdr. Iustin Bertuch. Hrzgl. S. Weim.Legat. Rath. Geb.zu Weimar d.30 Sept. 1747.Stifter des Geograph. Instituts zu Weimar.[illegible text.] [German.] [n.d. c.1810.] 1808.Stipple with large margins. Plate 129 x 87mm (5 x3½"). Slight foxing and toning. £120Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch (1747-1822) theGerman publisher and patron of the arts. He was cofounderof the art and literature educationalestablishment in 1776, the Furstliche freieZeichenschule Weimar. Publishers of maps.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden'Stock: 29730255. Thomas Bewick [facsimile siganture.][Frederick Bacon, after James Ramsay.] R. Turner[stamped.] [n.d. c.1852.]Engraving on india with small margins, scarce,printseller's association stamp, publisher's blindstampof R. Turner Newcastle. Limited edition 150Autograph proofs on india paper; Plate 405 x 305mm(16 x 12"). £250Thomas Bewick (1753-1828), the British woodengraver.He is credited with reviving this art andestablishing it as a major form of printmaking. Hedeveloped the technique of cutting a design intohardwood cut across, rather than with, the grain, usinga sharp tool called a bruin. In 1775, he received apayment from the Royal Society for the Encouragmentof Arts, Manufactures and Commerce for a woodengraving of the 'Huntsman and the Old Hound'.Bewick's most important works are illustrations forbooks such as 'A General History of Quadrupeds'(1790) and 'A History of British Birds' (1797). NPG:D31747.Stock: 29928256. Henry Bunbury Esq.Laurence pinx. Ryder sculp. London Published as theAct directs 24 Apr: 1789 by S: Watts No28 WalcotPlace Lambeth & to be had at T: Ryder's No.43 GreatTitchfield St.Stipple with small margins. Plate 412 x 322mm (16¼ x12¾"). £480Henry William Bunbury (1750-1811), holding a sheetof figures across his lap inscribed 'Long Minuet',completing the drawing with a pencil in his right hand,which rests on a table at left. The Long Minuet is oneof Bunbury's famous large panoramic images.Stock: 29958257. Lord Byron. Par Le Comte D'Orsay.Comte D'Orsay Pinxit. F.C.Lewis, Engraver ofDrawings to the Queen, & G.C. Lewis, Sculpt. London,Published May 10th 1845, for the Proprietor, by HenryGraves & Co., Pall Mall ~ also by John Mitchell, OldBond Street. Goupil et Vibert, Paris Deposé.Mixed-method with facsimile signature of Byron andprintseller's blindstamp, very scarce, large margins.Platemark: 535 x 410mm. (21 x 16¼"). £320Large and uncommon portrait of the young Byron atsea.George Gordon Byron (1788 - 1824), commonlyknown simply as Lord Byron, was an Anglo-Scottishpoet and a leading figure in the Romantic movement.Stock: 29936

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