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223. Philipp Cluver. Geboren zu Danzig[German.] [n.d. c.1810.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 127 x 82mm (5 x3¼"). £120Philipp Clüver (1580-1622) the early modern Germangeographer and historian. His 'Introductio in universamgeographiam' (1624) was the first comprehensivemodern geography book, and became a standardgeographical textbook. He was also a prolific writer onmathematical and theological subjects. He isremembered by collectors and historians ofcartography for his edition of Ptolemy's 'Geographia',and for miniature atlases that were reprinted for mostof the 17th century.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al. W. 631 - not in.Stock: 29733224. Charles Marie de la Condamine.Gebohr. zu Paris d.28 Jan 1701. Gestorbdaselbst.Westermayr. [Weimar: n.d., c.1805.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 140 x 90mm (5½ x3½"). £130Charles Marie de La Condamine (1701-74), Frenchexplorer, geographer, and mathematician who spent adecade in Ecuador measuring the length of a degree oflatitude at the equator. His account first described thecurare arrow poison and the correct use of quinine tofight malaria.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29614225. J.B.N.D. d'Apres de Mannevillette. Geb:zu Havre de Grace d.12 Feb 1707. Gestorb d.1Mrt 1780.[Weimar: n.d., c.1808.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 140 x 90mm (5½ x3½"). £90Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis (1707-1780), navigatorand one of the first French hydrographers. Hishydrographic atlas, 'Le Neptune Oriental', waspublished in Paris in 1745, with the support of theAcademie des Sciences. In 1772, helped by his friendAlexander Dalrymple, the Scottish geographer whobecame the first Hydrographer of the BritishAdmiralty, he published a much-enlarged new edition.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29549226. Nicholas Defer. Köngl. Franz.Geograph. Gebohr 1646. Gestorb. 1720.C. Westermayr f. [Weimar: n.d., c.1808.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 140 x 90mm (5½ x3½"). £120Nicolas De Fer (1646-1725), a French cartographer andmap publisher, official geographer for Louis XIV ofFrance and Philip V of Spain (Louis's grandson). In1704 he published a large wall map of Spaincelebrating the Bourbon family's monarchs on boththrones, which had caused the War of the SpanishSuccession (1701-14).The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29604227. Claude De L'Isle Königl. Historiographu. Geograph. Geb. zu Vancouleur d.5 Nov.1644. gest. d. 2 May 1720.[Weimar: n.d., c.1808.]Stipple with large margins, plate 145 x 90mm (5¾ x3½"). £120Claude de L'Isle (1644 -1720), historian and patriarchof a cartographic dynasty that dominated French mappublishing in the 18th centuryThe portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal GeographicalEphemerides (i.e. encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuchet al.Stock: 29543228. Guillaume De L'Isle Geb. zu Paris d. 28Febr. 1675 gest. ebendas d.25 Jan. 1726.Dessiné par Cless. d'aprés un Portrait, á l'huile.[Weimar: n.d., c.1808.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 145 x 90mm (5¾ x3½"). £120Guillaume de L'Isle (1675-1726), a cartographicprodigy who drew his first map aged nine. He waselected to the French Academie Royale des Sciences at27 and at 38 he became the first "Premier Geographedu Roi", 1718. He died early, aged only 51.The portrait, drawn by Jean Henri Cless, was publishedin 'Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden'(Universal Geographical Ephemerides (i.e.encyclopedia)) by Friedrich Bertuch et al.Stock: 29544229. Jos. Nicolas De L'Isle Geb. zu Paris d.4April. 1688 gest. ebend. d.12 Sept. 1768.[Weimar: n.d., c.1808.]Stipple with large margins. Plate 145 x 90mm (5¾ x3½"). £180Joseph Nicolas de L'Isle (1688-1768), brother of theFrench Royal Cartographer Guillaume, who enteredthe service of the Russian tsars in 1726, heading thedepartment of geography of the Russian Academy ofSciences and working on the first Atlas of Russia, the'Atlas Russicus', published 1745. Unfortunately he isbetter known for propagating the myth of a 'Mer del’Ouest' ('Western Sea'), based on a hoax, a supposedvoyage of Admiral de Fonte who claimed to crossedNorth America via a North West Passage.The portrait was published in 'AllgemeineGeographische Ephemeriden' (Universal Geographical

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