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199. Bomarsund. Combined Attack on theForts. August 15,_1854. Bomarsund. AttaqueCombinée des Forts. 15 Aout,_1854. TheEnglish & French Fleets in the Baltic, 1854.O.W. Brierly, Del. Day & Son, Lith.rs to the Queen.London Published Feby 1.st 1855, by Day & Son,Lith.rs to the Queen, 17, Gate Street, Lincoln's InnFields.Tinted lithograph, framed. Visible area 452 x 635mm(17¾ x 25"). £420Bombardment of Bomarsund viewed from the sea;observation barge with cannon foreground centre.The Battle of Bomarsund, the Anglo-French task forceagainst the Russian defenses at Bomarsund during theCrimean War. After the surrender of the Russianforces, the French and British demolished the fortress,and the Treaty of Paris 1856, saw the demilitarisationof the Aland Islands.From a series of 15 lithographs. Parker: 261.a. RMG:PAH8325.Stock: 28991200. To Captain Tyrrell Commander of HisMajesty's Ship Buckingham 66 guns, 472 Men.This Representation of his Attacing anddefeating the Florisant the L' Egrette and L'Atalante, Three Ships of War, convoyingDutch Vessells with Provisions from the IslandSt. Eustatia to Martininico &c.a on the 3d ofNovem.r 1758, is humbly Inscribed by his mostObedient Servant Rich.d Paton.Rich.d Paton Pinx.t. P.C. Canot sculp. London Pub.daccording to Act of Parliam.t Jan.y 25 1760. To be hadof R. Paton in Wardour Street, Soho and R. Willock inCornhill.Coloured engraving. 425 x 600 (16¾ x 23½").Trimmed to plate, a few repairs; on conservation paper.£450A sea battle in the West Indies, fought during theSeven Years' War (1756-63), with a single British shiptaking on and defeating three French vessels.Richard Tyrell (1716?-1766, later Rear-Admiral) spentmost of his naval career in the West Indies. Resigninghis commission in 1766 he died of fever on his returnto England and was buried at sea. However his serviceearned him a memorial in Westminster Abbey,specifically mentioning this action:'Sacred to the memory of RICHARD TYRRELL Esqr.who was descended from an ancient family in Ireland,and died Rear Admiral of the White on the 26th day ofJune 1766 in the 50th year of his age. Devoted from hisyouth to the naval service of his country, and beingformed under the discipline, and animated by theexample of his renown’d uncle Sir Peter Warren, hedistinguished himself as an able and experiencedofficer in many gallant actions; particularly on the 3rdof Nov. 1758 when, commanding the Buckingham of66 guns and 472 men, he attacked and defeated threeFrench ships of war one of which was the Florisant of74 guns and 700 men but the Buckingham being toomuch disabled to take possession of her after she hadstruck, the enemy, under cover of the night, escaped. Inthis action he received several wounds, and lost threefingers of his right hand. Dying on his return toEngland from the Leeward Islands, where he had forthree years commanded a squadron of his Majesty’sships, his body, according to his own desire wascommitted to the sea, with the proper honours andceremonies.'Stock: 28664201. [The Battle of Flamborough Head.] Tothe Merchants trading to Russia, this Printrepresenting the gallant Defence of Capt.nPearson in his Majesty's Ship Serapis, and theCountess of Scarborough Arm'd Ship Capt.nPiercy, against Paul Jones's Squadron,whereby a valuable Fleet from the Baltic wereprevented from falling into the hands of theEnemy, is with the greatest respect Inscribedby their Humble Servant John Harris.Rob.t Dodd Pinxit. J. Peltro, Fecit. London Published 1Dec.r 1781 by John Harris, Sweetings Alley Cornhill.Engraving with small margins. Platemark: 350 x470mm. (13¾ x 18½"). £720On September 23 1779 the Baltic Fleet, protected bySerapis and Countess of Scarborough. was attacked bya squadron of four French frigates on loan to theAmerican Captain John Paul Jones. The duel betweenSerapis and Jones's ship Bonhomme Richard left theAmerican ship in danger of sinking, but Jones lashedhis ship to Serapis in such a way to render Serapisvulnerable to fire from the other US ships, so Serapissurrendered and was taken by Jones, who transferredhis crew before the Bonhomme Richard sank. In themeantime the Baltic Fleet had escaped, for which theSerapis's Captain Pearson received the thanks of theRussia Company, whose arms are in the remarque.Despite being such a small-scale action the battle isone of the most celebrated naval actions of theAmerican War of Independence Parker: 78b.Stock: 29702202. Situation of His Majesty's Ship DefenceCommanded by Capt.n James Gambier at theclose of the Action between the British &French Fleets on the 1st of June, 1794.Drawn by Lieu.t A. Becher/ Engraved by R. Dodd.Published Jan. 1st. 1796 by B. B. Evans, Poultry,London, & T. Matthews. Point Gates, Portsmouth.Aquatint. Plate size: 700 x 520mm. (24 x 21½"). £720A scene from the 'Glorious First of June', in which theChannel fleet under the command of Lord Howeattacked a French fleet off the island of Ushant(Ouessant) capturing seven French ships. On his returnto England, Lord Howe was greeted at Portsmouth byKing George III, who presented Howe with a diamondhiltedsword valued at three thousand guineas. Parker.p.107. e.Stock: 28202203. The Engagement of Capt.n Sir MurrayMaxwell in H.M. Ship the Alceste, 1816, withthe Chinese Fortresses on the Bocca Tigris,both of which he immediately Silenced.

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