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Letterpress, scarce, 3 sides, 4to. Remains of red seal.Addressed to Charles Jackson Bank Doncaster; 342 x209mm (13½ x 8¼"). Creasing, folds and soiling. £220In 1833 Lord Althorp, Chancellor of the Exchequer inGrey's ministry, sought to appoint a Committee ofSecrecy to inquire into the question of the renewal ofthe Bank's Charter, together with a grand enquiry intothe 'existing system of banking by Banks of Issue inEngland and Wales'. The evidence given in this inquirythrows much light on banking history and the policy ofthe Bank of England: there was a general demand formore public information about the Bank's affairs.Against all precedent, the Report and the evidenceleading to it were ordered to be printed; this caused arapid fall in the price of Bank stock. On 6 August 1832a specially convened General Court was held, when theaccounts which had been rendered to the SecretCommittee were submitted to the Proprietors. At afurther Court, held on 20 September, the Proprietorsexpressed their complete confidence in the Directors.In 1833 the Bank Charter was extended, but one clauseof the Act extending its Charter was very stronglycontested by the Bank. This permitted theestablishment of joint-stock banks in London 'andwithin 65 miles thereof', provided that they were banksof deposit only and did not issue their own notes. TheBank and its legal advisers contended that the clauseinfringed its existing privilege of exclusive banking,which should, they urged, be interpreted as aprohibition of all joint-stock banks in London and itsenvirons, whether they issued notes or not. Althorp andhis advisers were convinced, however, that underexisting statutes such non-issuing joint-stock bankswere legal and refused to give way. When the Billpassed into law, the prospectus of a London joint-stockbank had already been prepared and was thereuponpublished: it was that of the London and WestminsterBank.Stock: 2902311. Arithmetical Tables.London: Sold Wholesale by Thomas Darton, 25, GreatSurry Street; where most kinds of useful School-Booksmay be had, Wholesale and Retail. [n.d. c.1810.]Engraving, paper watermarked: [?] 1810, scarce. 203 x330mm (8¼ x 13"). Nicks, tears, chips to paper,staining. Folds. Loss top left corner. £160Arithmetical Tables with other tables showing how tomeasure weight, time etc, and a mariner's compass.Stock: 2902212. Woolwich Rd, Kent. Dyer & Robson,Late Thomas Robson, Patentees of the SignalLight and Discharger, As approved by theMinister of War and Admiralty, and aspatronised by the Honourable Corporation ofthe Trinity House, [ink: The Rt. Hon: Board ofTrade, Royal Nat.l Life Boat Institution andLeading Railway and Navigation Co.s at homeand abroad] Ammunition Laboratory,Woolwich Road, East Greenwich, London.Patronised by the Spanish, Russian, Chilian,Peruvian, & Paraguain Governments. WarVessels fitted & fully equipped with theirarmaments complete, And every description ofWarlike Stores supplied with latestImprovements, and at Reduced Prices. PriceList of Articles... War Rockets... Line Rockets...Signal Rockets... Signal Lights...Gun Tubes...Fuzes... Small-Arm Cartridges... CannonCartridges... Rifles...Solid Shot...Common Shelland Hollow Shot... Diaphragm Shells... GunsTurned... Gunner's Stores and MiscellaneousArticles... The Patent Discharger secures theLight so firmly, and is so easily controlled bythe user, that it may be carried about theperson without the slightest danger.[n.d. c.1879.]Letterpress, three-sides printed, 8vo, 254 x 196mm (10x 7¾"). Rare. £180A catalogue for the items improved and offered byRobson & Dyer, including varies types of rockets,shells and rifles. In 1852, Thomas Robson applied forthe patent of his invention of "improvements inapparatus for igniting signal and other lights".This catalogue shows that the patent was successful,and backed by the governments engaged in the Wars ofthe Pacific in 1879 and 1884.Stock: 2885713. The Passion Flower was discovered inthe Brazil's, and its wonders soon proclaimed itto the Christan Kingdoms as representing thepassion of our Lord, whence its presentappreciation...On one of the species (the pass aflora alata) even the drops of blood are to beseen un the cross, or tree, the flower keepsopen three days, and then dieappears,emblematic of our Saviour's resurrection.[n.d. c.1820.]Hand-coloured, embossed, plate with hand-written text.Unique. Sheet 360 x 247mm (14¼ x 9¾"). £140The passiflora alata, the winged-stem passion flower, isnative to the Amazon from Peru to eastern Brazil.The passion flower often refers to the passion of Jesusin Christian theology. Spanish Christian missionariesadopted the unique physical structures of the plant assymbols of the last days of Jesus and especially hiscrucifixion.Stock: 2869214. Society of Schoolmasters. AnnualMeeting.E.F. Burney del.t Anth.y Cardon Sculp.t [n.d. c.1800]Stipple and etching with large margins, scarce. Plate165 x 114mm (6½ x 4½"). Some slight foxing offimage. £220Ticket invitation. Vignette with a woman holding abook for an infant, leaning against her leg, to read;antiquities with greek inscriptions surrounding her; atleft a nymph leaning on an urn and looking admiringlyup at the bust of Plato above.

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