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garnison de Yueng-ming-yuen (ville située à 2lieues de Pékin) mettent les Chinois en fuite ets'emparent du Palais (5 Septembre 1860)L. Scherer lith. [in image] Lith. Lanoue r. d'Arcole 5bisParis Publié par Delamare Edit. r. St. Andre des Arts,45.Lithograph with hand-colouring, printed area 450 x590mm (17¾ x 23¼"). Staining, two small holestowards top. £950The looting of the Old Summer Palace in Beijing byBritish and French troops in 1860 during the SecondOpium War. It was later destroyed as a response toChinese treatment of a British delegation sent tonegotiate.Stock: 30058188. Centre of the British Army at La HayeSainte, June 18.th. 1815. After being repulsedin his attempts to force the right of the BritishArmy at Hougoumont, Buonaparte began hisattempts on the centre: he is seen in thedistance heading the Imperial Guards &pointing out to them the road to Brussels...Tothe extreme right isthe Duke of Wellington,bringing up the reserve, by which means thelast efforts of Napoleon were completelydefeated. Plate III.Drawn by W.H. Engraved by T. Sutherland. London.Pub.d March 1.st 1816.by J. Jenkins, No.48, Strand.Hand-coloured aquatint with large margins, very rare,printed on J. Whatman 1813 watermarked paper; Plate325 x 425mm (12¾ x 16¾"). £320La Haye Sainte, at the foot of an escarpment on theCharleroi-Brussels road. The road leads from La BelleAlliance, where Napoleon had his headquarters. TheFrench front line was located along the road, so theDuke of Wellington placed the majority of his forceson either side of roads behind the ridge on the Brusselsside. This kept most of his forces out of sight of theFrench artillery. It took until nine in the evening for theFrench to retreate after the arrival of the Prussians. Anaction packed image. NAM: 1971-02-33-462-1.Stock: 29949189. The Exterior of Hougoumont at thecommencement of the Battle of Waterloo, June18.th. 1815. To the left is the ColdstreamGuards, endeavouring to obtain possession ofthe House; at the same time the enemy arecharged by the light infantry of the secondbrigade, and driven back with great loss...Onthe right, near the wood, is two battalions ofBrunswickers, lower down is the plantation,occupied by the 3rd regiment of Guards; & inthe fore-ground is the 2.nd. battalion of the1.st. Guards. Plate I.Drawn by A.M.S. Engraved by T. Sutherland. London:Pub.d Feb.y 1.1816.by J. Jenkins, No.48, Strand.Hand-coloured aquatint with large margins, very rare,printed on J. Whatman watermarked paper 1813. Plate325 x 411mm (12¾ x 16¼"). £320A view of the Chateau d'Hougoumont under attack,situated at the bottom of an escarpment, where Britishand other allied forces faced Napoleon's Army at theBattle of Waterloo. An action packed image.Stock: 29948190. One of the Birman Guilt War BoatsCaptured by Capt.n Chads, R. N. in hissuccessful expedition against TanthabeenStockade.Painted by T. Stothard, R.A. from an Original Sketchby Capt.n Marryat, R.N. / Engraved by H. Pyall.Published Sep.r 12, 1826, by Tho.s Clay, 18 LudgateHill, London.Coloured aquatint. Platemark: 420 x 330mm. (16½ x13"). Slight hole in borders on left. Slightly timestained. £240Plate 4 of 'Views taken at or near Rangoon, Combinedoperations', series 2. The set consists of 24 plates overtwo series (plates 1-18 in series 1, 19-24 in series 2),published by Thomas Clay in 1825-6. An ornateBurmese boat can be seen travelling on the river toright with 26 pairs of oarsmen with two dignatariessitting under a parasol held by an attendant at left.Temples on the bank are in the background.Stock: 29937191. Vüe du Vaisseau du Roy Le Duc deBourgogne, Lancé a la Mer dans le Port deRochefort le 20 Octobre 1751. Dedié aMonseigneur Le Duc de Bourgogne. Par sontrés humble et trés obeissant Serviteur Ozanne,Dessinateur de la Marine a Brest et del’Academis de Marins. Lorsque ce Vaisseaupartit il parut un Oiseau de proye pour suivantune Colombe qui trouva son azile dans lesLauriers du Duc de Bourgogne.Se vend a Paris chez la V.e de F. Chereau rue StJacques aux deux Piliers d’Or. Avec Privilege du Roi.[n.d. c.1752.]Engraving, rare. Plate 369 x 501mm (14½ x 19¾").Trimmed, some damage. £320The launching of the French ship Duc de Bourgogne(1752), the 80-gun ship of the line of the French Navy,from the port of Rochfort. Under Charles de Ternay,she was the flagship of the expeditionary corps that lefton 2 May 1780 for the American War of Independence,and carried the Count of Rochambeau. She took part inthe Battle of the Saintes and collided with Bourgogne(1767).Stock: 28900192. H. M. S. "Duke of Wellington", 131Guns. To Commodore H. B. Martin, C. B andthe officers of the ship, this plate is respectfullydedicated by Thomas G. Dutton.T. G. Dutton, Del. Et Lith. / Day & Son, Lith.rs to theQueen. London, Published Sep.r 5th, 1853 byAckerman & Co. 96 the strand.Lithograph. Printed area: 475 x 630mm. (18¾ x 24¾").Unexamined out of frame. £650

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