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174. La veille d’une attaque. no.4.Lith.de Bove. Laillot. à Paris chez Bove, éditeur, rue deCaire, No.31.Lithograph. 140 x 202mm (5½ x 8"). Very rare. £120'The day before an attack': Greek soldiers resting in onrocks amongst the hills; a general in the foreground ona horse.Stock: 29674175. Troupes Grecques en embuscade. No.5.Lith.de Bove. Laillot. à Paris chez Bove, éditeur, rue deCaire, No.31.Lithograph. 152 x 196mm (6 x 8"). Very rare. £140Greek troops laying in wait; ambush scene in themiddle ground.Stock: 29675176. Soldat grec enlevant un étendard à sonennemi. no.7.Lith.de Bove. Laillot. à Paris chez Bove, éditeur, rue deCaire, No.31.Lithograph. 157 x 196mm (6¼ x 8"). Very rare. £140'Greek soldier capturing the standard of his enemy': incombat with Ottoman soldier; some on horses in thebackground.Stock: 29676177. Camp Oliver 25.th Mass V. Infantry.New Berne, N.C. 1862-3.Combe del. Lith. of Sarony, Major & Knapp, 449Broadway, N. York. [n.d. c.1863.]Tinted lithoraph. Paper toning, nicks and tears aroundthe edges; title text faint. £230View of military Camp Oliver; soldiers in line, tipisand American flags in middle ground; harbour inbackground. New Bern is located at the confluence ofthe Trent and the Neuse rivers.Stock: 29989178. Udfald mod de Engelske i Classens Have,under Kiøbenhavns Beleiring, d. 31. August1807. [A Sortie against the English atGlassen's Garden. During the Siege ofCopenhagen, 31.st August, 1807.]C.W. Eckersberg del. G.L. Lahde sculpsit. [n.d.c.1807.]Hand-coloured etching and aquatint, scarce & rare ,prepared with a black border for a zograscope (vued'optique).368 x 509mm (14½ x 20"). Laid on board.£480The Second Battle of Copenhagen (16 August-5September 1807) in which the British bombardedCopenhagen in order to seize the Dano-Norwegianfleet. On 31 August, the British were assaulted atClassens Have, but eventually the entire Danish fleetsurrendered and the British forces withdrew on 7September.Engraved by Gerhard Ludwig Lahde (1765-1833) afterthe Danish painter Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg(1783-1853)Stock: 29962179. [Greek War of Independence.] GrosseTürkische Niederlage bei Thermopylae den7.ten September 1821.[c.1829.]Etching with original hand colour. Sheet 170 x 240mm(6¾ x 9½"). Trimmed. £280A scene from Greek War of Independence (1821-29),possibly the Battle of Alamana (April, not September,1821), in which 1,500 Greeks, led by AthanasiosDiakos & two other captains, fought to hold back the8,000-strong Ottoman army but were quickly routed.Diakos with 48 men decided to fight on and resisted forseveral hours before being overwhelmed. Severelywounded he was bought to the Turkish GeneralVryonis who offered to make him an officer in theTurkish army. Diakos refused replying "I was born aGreek and I shall die a Greek". He was then takenaway & impaled. This made him a national hero and tothis day streets and statues all over Greece are namedafter him. The German legend underneath explainshow the Greeks cleared the passes on the same groundas their famous ancestors (the 300 spartans etc). Therewas close quarter fighting and eventually the Greeksgot the upper hand. A thousand Turks were killedbattle flags captured 7 cannon and 300 wagons etc.Menin Pasha was killed by the Greek leader. Most ofthis is of course propaganda created by the Germanprinters and German propaganda seven years after theevent.Stock: 29828180. [Greek War of Independence.] DieSchlact bei Termopylae[Etched by Wunder after Geissler?] [Nuremberg?,c.1829.]Etching with original hand colour. Sheet 170 x 205mm(6¾ x 8"). Trimmed. £280A scene from Greek War of Independence (1821-29),probably the Battle of Alamana, 1821, in which 1,500Greeks fought to hold back the 8,000-strong Ottomanarmy near Thermopylae (the scene is titled 'The Battleof Thermopylae'). Ottoman General Hursid AhmedPasha (d.1822) occupies a prominent position. TheGerman legend underneath describes the great victoryof the Greeks capturing the baggage train and muchbooty. This is of course totally incorrect and Germanpropaganda seven years after the event. For a portraitof Hursid Ahmed Pasha, see ref. 25351Stock: 29827181. [Russo-Turkish War.] [B]elagerung dertürkischen Vestung Braila (Brailow) durch dieRussen 1828.[A.P. Eisen.] [Nuremberg?, c.1829.]Etching with original hand colour. Sheet 160 x 195mm(6¼ x 7¾"). Trimmed. £160A scene from the Russo-Turkish War (1827-29): thesiege of Braila by the Russian army, watched by TsarNicholas I, led by General Diebitsch Sabalkansky.The war started after the Russians helped the Greekindependence movement fight the Battle of Navarinoin 1827: the Turks closed the Dardanelles to Russianships and revoked the Akkerman Convention. The war

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