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158. Plan of Lincoln's Inn Fields, and theSurrounding Neighbourhood, ShewingProposed site of New Law Courts. AndImproved Approaches.After Sir Charles Barry. / Day & Haghe. Lith.rs to thQueen. [n.d., c.1840].Lithograph with original hand colour, rare. Printedarea: 445 x 330mm. (17¾ x 13"). £160A plan of Sir Charles Barry's proposed Law Courts(1840–41), that if built would have covered Lincoln'sInn Fields with a large Greek Revival building. Theplan shows the proposed buildings, with High Holbornabove and The Strand below. Five lettered referencesin the lower right corner describe each proposedimprovement. At the time of this plan, Kingsway andAldwych had not been built, so the plan also recordsthe Holborn street layout which was altered in the late19th century.Sir Charles Barry (1795 – 1860) was an Englisharchitect, best known for his role in the rebuilding ofthe Palace of Westminster during the mid-19th century,but also responsible for numerous other buildings andgardens.Stock: 29435159. Coila Provincia. The Province of Kyle.Auct. Tomoth. Pont. [Amsterdam: Johannes Blaeu,c.1654.Engraved map with fine original colour. 455 x 570mm(18 x 22½"). Framed. Unexamined out of frame. £240A mid-17th century map of Kyle, one of the threedistricts in the sheriffdom of Ayr, including Ayr itself.Finely engraved, the map is decorated with cartouchesfor the title and a scale, and a large armorial for thededication.The map was drawn by Timothy Pont (c.1564-c.1614),who seems to have spent a number of years surveyingScotland at his own expense, although there are fewclues to when he was working. Only one of hismanuscripts (now housed in the National Library ofScotland) is dated, that of Clydesdale, 1596. For somestrange reason only one of Pont's maps was publishedduring his lifetime (Lothian & Linlithgow, engraved byHondius in Amsterdam). Over the next few yearsfurther attempts were made to complete the atlas,driven by Sir John Scot (1585-1670) with RobertGordon and his son James, in collaboration withJohannes Blaeu of Amsterdam. However the CivilWar, followed by war between the English and Dutch(1652-4) further delayed the atlas, but in June 1654Blaeu finally received a 14-year licence for publicationof the atlas from Oliver Cromwell. Thus, after abouthalf-a-century, Pont's map appeared in the first atlas ofScotland, volume V of Blaeu's monumental 'AtlasNovus'.Stock: 29359160. [Thomson McLintock].[Signed in pencil by William Strang]. [n.d., c.1900].Etching, limited edition. Platemark: 375 x 250mm.(14¾ x 10"). £330Chartered accountant Thomson McLintock opened anoffice in Glasgow in 1877. His son William achievedmembership of the Glasgow Institute of Accountantsand Actuaries in 1896, though only after severalfailures in the final examination, and became a partnerin his father's practice in 1901. While mostcontemporary accounting firms continued to relyheavily on auditing work, the expansion of ThomsonMcLintock's London office was substantially based onWilliam's reputation both as a tax expert and as anadviser on the amalgamation and reconstruction ofcompanies.Portrait etched by Scotish painter and printmakerWilliam Strang (1859 - 1921), who was one of theoriginal members of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers, and his work was a part of their firstexhibition in 1881.Stock: 29864161. Seven Sisters Beachy Head [in pencil toleft.]Frank Harding [pencil signature.] [n.d. c.1930.]Etching signed in pencil with large margins Plate 115 x298mm (4½ x 11¾"). Paper tone. £240A view of Beachy Head, the chalk headlandimmediately east of the Seven Sisters in East Sussex.Ex Collection: Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.Stock: 29642162. Shelducks.[Signed in pencil by Winifred Austen]. [n.d., c.1920].Etching with large margins. Platemark: 200 x 255mm.(8 x 10"). £270A coastal scene depicting a group of Shelducks.By Winifred Austen, R.I., R.E. (1876-1964). Althoughshe also worked in both oils and watercolours, Austenis most highly regarded as an etcher. She made sometwo hundred etched plates and the naturalist Sir PeterScott said she was 'certainly the best bird etcher of thiscentury'. illustrator, painter, etcher and aquatintengraver of birds and mammals. DNBStock: 29703163. Promerops or Bee-Eater of NorthCalifornia. No.37.J.R. Prevost Iun.r del.t Published as the Act directsNov.r 1.st 1798 by G.G. & I. Robinson Pater NosterRow.Engraving. Plate 341 x 246mm (13½ x 9¾"). Cut toplatemark on left. £95A California Thrasher, found in chaparral habitat inCalifornia and Baja California, Mexico.From La Perouse's Voyage.Stock: 29994164. Jack Snipes.Drawn on Stone by T.H. Lynch, 9, Polygon, ClarendonSquare from an Original Picture by T. Oliver.Published by the Proprietor, 14, Dalston Rise, nearHackney; and to be had of Mess.rs Ackermann & Co,96, Strand. Printed by Lefevre & Kohler, Newman StColoured lithograph, very scarce; printed area 325 x235mm (12¾ x 9¼"). Slightly time stained. £320Unsual still-life with snipes hanging and objects ontable.Stock: 29704

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