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142. Nightingale Lane. Clapham Common [inpen underneath image.]C.J. Sprat 1837. [ink signature to right.]Pencil sketch. 179 x 252mm (7 x 10"). Foxing; laid onalbum sheet. £220Nightingale Lane, Clapham, looking towards the southside of Clapham Common.Stock: 29977143. Parsonage House Blackheath Park.Rev.d Joseph Fenn Late Missionary in Indiaand the Father of 13 Children - 10 Sons & 3Daughters. [in pen underneath image.]C.J. Sprat 1835. [ink signature to right.]Pencil sketch. 190 x 280mm (7½ x 11"). Laid on albumsheet. £220The home of Rev. Joseph Fenn, who was minister ofBlackheath Park Chapel, London.Stock: 29978144. St. George's Hospital. Page.676.Toms Sc. [n.d. c.1739.]Etching and engraving, paper watermarked. Plate 221 x330mm (8¾ x 13"). Small nicks to right-hand margin;faint crease top left. £70Facade of St George's Hospital when it was at HydePark Corner; previously Lanesborough House before itwas converted by Isaac Ware; a plaque at top ofbuilding with the inscription "St George's Hospital forSick & Lame supported by the voluntary subscriptionsand benefactions of several of ye Nobility, Gentry andOthers". The hospital is now in Tooting.Plate from Maitland's "The History of London".Stock: 29409145. Sr Robt Stanley Chelsea [inscribed inink.][n.d. c.1790.]Pen and ink sketch design, 18th century watermarkedpaper. 305 x 205mm (12 x 8"). Laid at edges on sheet.£220Sketch of the design for the memorial from 1632 to SirRobert Stanley (1608-1632), MP for Lancashire. Thememorial is at the east end of the Lawrence Chapel inChelsea Old Church.Stock: 29973146. The Surgeon's Theatre in the Old Bailey.80 Feet in Front.B. Cole Sculp. [n.d. c.1756.]Etching and engraving with large margins. Plate 204 x349mm (8 x 13¾"). £70Elevation of front of building, with steps leading toentrance from left and right.The Surgeons' Hall stood in the Old Bailey, on the siteof the New Sessions House, till 1809.A plate from Maitland's "The History of London".Stock: 29410147. The South West Prospect of his Grace yeDuke of Marlborough's House in St. JamesPark.James Lightbody Delin/ John Harris Fecit. Printed andSold by J. Smith in Exeter Changes in ye Strand. [n.d.,c.1715].Etching. Platemark: 475 x 580mm. [18¼ x 22¾"].Unexamined out of frame. £450View of John Churchill (1650-1722), 1st Duke ofMarlborough's house, east of St James's Palace on theMall, St. James' Park. A few elegantly dressed figurescan be seen on the paths in the foreground, along witha coach and horses. Four empty niches are present onthe building, two on either side of the main entrance.The well preserved gardens and tree lined paths aredisplayed at the front of the house. The house wasdesigned by Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723) andbuilt for Sarah Churchill (1660-1744) who became theDuchess of Marlborough in 1711. Today it houses theCommonwealth Secretariat. Engraved by John Harris(1686 - 1739) after James Lightbody.Stock: 29076148. Hyde Park Corner.Painted by James Pollard. / Engraved by R & CRosenberg. London, Published, June 27, 1828, by J.Watson. 7. Vere Street, Cavendish Square.Aquatint. Printed in colours and hand finished. Sheetsize: 470 x 650mm. (18½ x 22½). £950A view of the street traffic in front of the 'GrandEntrance' into Hyde Park, built from designs ofDecimus Burton in 1824–25. The statue of Achilles,dedicated to the first Duke of Wellington, can be seenthrough the columns. Siltzer: p.218.Stock: 30010149. The South View of Kensington.[after Chatelain] London Printed for and Sold by HenryOverton at the White Horse without Newgate, London.Coloured engraving, very fine colour with largemargins. 260 x 400mm (10¼ x 15¾"). Platemarkrepaired at bottom. £450A view looking across Kensington after Jean BaptisteClaude Chatelain. Campden House, on the left, nowdemolished, gave its name Campden Hill, the areabetween Kensington and Notting Hill. For the sameplate with Laurie & Whittle publication line see ref.26301; for the similar view after Chatelain see ref.26240Stock: 28657150. A View from Richmond Hill up theRiver. Vüe de Pais proche de la Riviere prisede la Montagne de Richmond.Heckel Delin. Grignion Sculp.t. Publish'd according toAct of Parliament. London Printed for and Sold byRob.t Sayer at the Golden Buck opposite Fetter Lane,Fleet Street.Coloured engraving, very fine colour with largemargins. 260 x 400mm (10¼ x 15¾"). £320The view from Richmond Hill towards Ham andTwickenham, with Ham House, Marble Hill House &

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