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third 1650 & 1692 with more words added to the title.As this example lacks the title we cannot ascertain thestate.Stock: 2134179. Sir William Walworth, Lord Mayor ofLondon, Killing Wat Tyler in Smithfield, 1681.For which glorious action King Richard II,conferred on him the Honor of Knighthood,and added the Dagger to the City Arms. Fromthe Original Picture, Presented to the City ofLondon by Ald.n Boydell.Painted by James Northcote, Esq. R.A. Engraved byAnker Smith. Published June 4, 1796, by J. & J.Boydell, No.90, Cheapside; and at the ShakespeareGallery, Pall Mall.Etching and engraving. 501 x 630mm (19¾ x 24¾").Some creasing, paper toning and water staining; hole incloud. £140Wat Tyler, seen upside-down and with sword in hand,falling from his horse, which rears at the thrust of adagger from the mayor, who is mounted on a horsebehind; to right, Richard II, on another horse, leans towatch the scene, a guard beside him holding a daggerin readiness towards Tyler's abdomen; soldiers orguardsmen to left aim numerous arrows from bows.Wat Tyler was leader of the Peasants' Revolt of 1381,murdered by the then Mayor of London, Sir WilliamWalworth (d.1386).Stock: 2899580. To The English Ladies. A Weak tributeof gratitude to unbounded benevolence, ASpanish Emigrant. Charity never faileth.[n.d. c.1800.]Etching and stipple. 202 x 240mm (8 x 9½"). Creasetop left. £110Britannia seated by a plinth that reads "Charity neverfaileth", welcomes a Spanish emigrant to the Britishshores; Neptune seen in the background.Allegory on England's charitable nature - the allembracingnation (?)Stock: 2898881. This Print of The Arrival of QueenElizabeth at Kenilworth Castle, 9.th July 1575.is with Permission most respectfully dedicatedto The Right Honourable the Countess ofClarendon. by her Ladyship's most obedienthumble servant, C. Elston. The Scenerepresents the Cavalcade within the ChaseVide Sir W. Scott's Kenilworth Vol: 3 p.p. 75to 79.J. Brandard del. et lith. Day & Haghe Lith.rs to theQueen. Leamington, Published by C. Elston, LowerUnion Parade. [n.d. c.1840.]Fine coloured lithograph. 260 x 342mm (10¼ x 13½").£130Between the 9th and 27th July 1575, the 41 year oldElizabeth I visited the home of her friend and favourite,Robert Dudley the Earl of Leicester, KenilworthCastle.Stock: 2895182. [Hyde Park 1806.]Ink and wash, 18th century watermarked paper. 279 x468mm (11 x 18¾"). Crease. Laid at edges on sheet.£350Landscape with figure in foreground on left andbuildings in background. Inscribed Hyde Park, verso inoriginal artist's script, although a hill in the distance,maybe Hampstead Hill.Stock: 2996783. [View of the Thames Shewing Goding'sNew Lion Ale Brewery, The Wharfs, ShotFactories, and the Lambeth end of WaterlooBridge.][Drawn by F. C. Turner. Engraved by Geo.e Hunt.][London. Published Dec.r 30th 1836 by J. Moore at hisPicture Frame Manufactory corner of West Street StMartins Lane.]Very fine & scarce aquatint, printed in colours andhand-finished. Image 380 x 600mm (15 x 23½").Trimmed within image, losing title and inscriptions.£550A view of the south side of the Thames at Lambeth,highlighting the commercial nature, with the factoriesand warehouses with good being unloaded from boats.Besides the brwery there is the York Water Tower,'Moore Mahogany and Tiber Merchant' & 'Fowler'sIron Works'.Stock: 2871184. Blackheath Park [in pen underneathimage.]C.J. Sprat 1838. [ink signature to right.]Pencil sketch. 179 x 252mm (7¼ x 10¾"). Laid onalbum sheet. £290A view of Blackheath Park, near Greenwich, with largeGeorgian houses seen in the background.Stock: 2997685. A View up the Thames, betweenRichmond and Isleworth. No.1.J. Boydell Del. et Sculp. Pulish'd according to Act ofParliament by J. Boydell Engraver at the Unicorn theCorner of Queen Street Cheapside. Price 1s. [1770.]Engraving, paper watermarked, very large margins.Plate 260 x 425mm (10¼ x 16¾"). £290View on the Thames; stately homes line opposite bankof the river; people fishing or walking along riversidepath in right foreground, behind them farmers stackhay; a barge, and smaller boats in river.From "A Collection of One Hundred Views In Englandand Wales", published by Boydell after he turned fromengraver to print publisher in 1767. The first collectionwas issued in 1770, and included some plates byprintmakers other than himself. Adams (London): 47.1.Stock: 2929486. A View taken near the Store House, atDeptford. No.10.J. Boydell Del & Sculp. Publish'd according to Act ofParliament by J. Boydell Engraver 1750. Price. 1s.

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