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Chapelle which ended the War of the AustrianSuccession, with detailed information about thedisplay.'This plate was engraved for the Board of Ordnance ofwhich Charles Frederick, who had been Director of theAntiquaries in 1737 when Vertue was formallyappointed Engraver to the Society, was a member. Itwas originally intended to be part of a volume oftwenty plates of the Firework Machine and itsdecorations which would have rivalled 'festival books'such as that produced after the marriage of the Infantaof Spain in 1738' (Alexander). In the event only thisplate was published. Alexander 946; for a similar viewof the structure published after the event see ref. 12887Stock: 2970166. [Gordon Riots, 1780] Les Effets duFanatisme Sédition violente excitée a Londrescontre le parti Catholique et en faveur d'unepétition soutenue par les Discours fanatiquesde Lord Gordon, Président edt Chef del'Association Protestante, et l'un desMembresdu Parlement: le 2 Juin 1780.Se trouve A Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly, rue StJacques à la Ville de Coutance.Engraving with hand-colouring, platemark 400 x540mm (15¾ x 21¼"). Laid on backing board; tear atbottom of image; mount burn and staining to edges.£690French print of the Gordon Riots in London, an anti-Catholic protest against the 1778 Papists Act, whicheliminated some long-standing penalties andrestrictions against Roman Catholics in England. Theyare known as the Gordon Riots because of the roleplayed by Lord Gordon, MP and President of theProtestant Association, in stoking anti-Catholicsentiment.Extensive text below identifying Lord Gordon (inParliament on the right), Lord Boston, Lord Stormont,the Archbishop of Lincoln, the Chapel of theAmbassador of Sardinia in flames, and with fruthertext.Stock: 3005967. Lady Jane Grey. Tower of London, FebXII. MDLIV.Painted by A.Barzaghi-Cattaneo. Engraved by RichardJosey. London, April 2nd 1887. Published by Fairless& Beeforth, Doré Gallery, 35, New Bond Street, W.Copyright registered. Entered according to Act ofCongress in the Year 1887 by Frank Hunter Potter inthe Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington,U.S.A.Mezzotint on india, lettered proof. 780 x 320mm, 30¾x 12½". With publisher's blindstamp. Staining andtears to large margins £260The tragic queen of nine days, straining on the barsover the window of her cell. Painted by AntonioBarzaghi-Cattaneo (Swiss, 1831-1922).Stock: 2989468. Insigne Ducatus Helsingiae.[Erik Dahlberg.] [Hans George Möller.] [n.d. c.1716.]Engraving, paper watermarked with very largemargins; 242 x 152mm (9½ x 6"). £160Coat of arms for the Duchy of Hälsingland, in centralSweden. The coat of arms were granted in 1560, andthe arms depicted a standing goat as Hälsingland wasknown for its large scale goat breeding at the that time.From Dahlberg's "Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna", 1660-1716.Stock: 2957869. The Independent Voter.Painted by C. Hancock. Engraved by W.H. Simmons.[Etched in plate:] C Hancock 1838.Mixed method mezzotint, very scarce. 465 x 577mm(18¼ x 22¾"). Cut inside platemark; laid onconservation tissue; some foxing. Bit messy. £220A man slumped over his horse, drunk through theefforts of two party canvassers to buy his vote, helpedby two men with cockades in their hats indicatingpolitical parties and accompanied by three yappingdogs, on the country road towards a town hung withbanners, in the distance to right. Ex Collection: TheLate Honourable Christopher Lennox-Boyd.Stock: 2904870. Historical Chart of the Government ofIsrael under their Kings. Explanation. Theabove Historical Chart is designed to exhibit inone View the Government of Israel and Judahunder their Kings to the Babylonish Captivity,with the cotemporary and subsequent Prophetsto the Close of the Old Testament; togetherwith the Chronology of the Books of Ezra,Esther and Nehemeah...The lines from theKings and the Prophets are drawn obliquely tothe Scales, for the purpose of placing theNames at equal distances, hence, it will benecessary, in making a Reference, to carry theEye from the Name to the Scale for its properPosition.Ent.d Sta. Hall. S. Straker Lith. George Yard, LombardStreet, London. Pub.d by J. Neighbout, Saint Clements,Oxford.Lithograph. 440 x 299mm (17¼ x 11¾"). Very scarce.£180A chart of the Kings and Prophets of Israel and Judah.Stock: 3003771. Insigne Comitatus Ålandiae.[Erik Dahlberg.] [Jan van den Aveele.] J.v.d. Aveelen.Sc. Holmiae. 1705. [n.d. c.1716.]Engraving, paper watermarked with very largemargins. 255 x 180mm (10 x 7"). £160Coat of arms for the Swedish province of Öland.From Dahlberg's "Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna", 1660-1716.Stock: 2957972. Le Sultan recevant les députés dediverses populations qui demandent des droitségaux: Seule reconstitution, rationnelle etdefinitive, possible de l'ete ottoman, proclamee

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