Housing Needs Assessment 2006 - Westminster City Council

Housing Needs Assessment 2006 - Westminster City Council

Housing Needs Assessment 2006 - Westminster City Council

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edroom(s)F5. How many bedrooms would youexpect? bedroom(s)F6. What are the main reasons for movingto a different home? (CIRCLE AS MANY ASAPPLY) SHOW CARD F6Threat of eviction/repossession ................... 01End of tenancy agreement........................... 02Relatives/friends unable/unwilling toaccommodate .............................................. 03To move to cheaper accommodation........... 04Current home is too small ............................ 05Current home is too big................................ 06Want to move to a larger home.................... 07Want to move to a smaller home ................. 08Want to get on the property ladder .............. 09Current home is difficult to maintain............. 10Current home is unsuitable for a family ....... 11Current home lacks adequate facilities ........ 12Access problems (e.g. steps, stairs) ............ 13Current home is in poor condition ................ 14You are the victim of harassment ................ 15Relationship breakdown............................... 16To move to live with partner......................... 17To be in a school catchment area................ 18To have a garden......................................... 19To have a car parking space........................ 20To receive/give care or support ................... 21To live closer to employment or otheressential facilities......................................... 22To live independently ................................... 23To move to a better environment ................. 24To move to a different neighbourhood ......... 25Being moved by the Local Authority ............ 26........................................................ 27: ________________________F7. Of the reasons you have given (IN F6)which is the single most important reasonfor moving? (ENTER CODE FROM F6:) Main reason for movinga) b)Like ExpectIn the <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Westminster</strong> .................1 ....... 1SHOW MAP 1 ENTER AREA CODE...........Elsewhere in London .........................2 ..........2SHOW MAP 2 ENTER BOROUGH CODE....Elsewhere in the South East .............3 ..........3Elsewhere in the United Kingdom .....4 ..........4Abroad ...............................................5 ..........5F9. What type of housing would you LIKEto move to and would you EXPECT tomove to? (ONE CODE PER COLUMN) SHOWCARD F9a) b)Like ExpectBuy own home................................ 1.......... 1Rent from a <strong>Council</strong>........................ 2.......... 2Rent from a <strong>Housing</strong> Association ... 3.......... 3Rent from a private landlord orletting agency ................................. 4.......... 4Rent from a relative or friend of ahousehold member......................... 5.......... 5Tied-linked to a job ......................... 6.......... 6Shared Ownership or similar .......... 7.......... 7House/flat share in the privaterented sector................................... 8.......... 8 .......................................... 9.......... 9F10. What type of property would you LIKEto move to and would you EXPECT tomove to? (ONE CODE PER COLUMN) SHOWCARD F10a) b)Like ExpectDetached house ............................. 1.......... 5Semi-detached house..................... 2.......... 4Terraced house (including end ofterrace) ........................................... 3.......... 3A flat, maisonette, or apartment ..... 4.......... 4A caravan or other mobile ortemporary structure ........................ 5.......... 5F11. What type of accommodation wouldyou LIKE to move to and would youEXPECT to move to? (ONE CODE PERCOLUMN) SHOW CARD F11a) b)Like ExpectSheltered housing........................... 1.......... 5Supported housing ......................... 2.......... 4Extra care scheme ............................. 3.......... 3Residential care and/or nursing home. 4.......... 4A bungalow ....................................... 5.......... 5Ordinary residential accommodation ..... 6.......... 6F8. Where would you LIKE to live andwhere would you EXPECT to live? (ONECODE PER COLUMN)7

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