Annual report Adroddiad blynyddol - WCVA

Annual report Adroddiad blynyddol - WCVA

Annual report Adroddiad blynyddol - WCVA

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2 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009I express my gratitude to allthose who promote and takepart in voluntary activities…Hoffwn fynegi fy niolchi bawb sy’n hyrwyddo acyn cymryd rhan mewndigwyddiadau gwirfoddol…Graham Benfield OBE with<strong>WCVA</strong> Vice Chair MargaretJervis MBE DL who lastyear received an honoraryPeople’s Fellowship Awardfrom Cardiff University inassociation with the SouthWales Echo.Graham Benfield OBEgydag Is Gadeirydd <strong>WCVA</strong>Margaret Jervis MBEDL wnaeth dderbyn yllynedd wobr anrhydeddusCymrodoriaeth y Bobl ganBrifysgol Caerdydd ar y cŷdâ’r South Wales Echo.Chair’s <strong>report</strong><strong>Adroddiad</strong> y CadeiryddChief Executive’s <strong>report</strong><strong>Adroddiad</strong> y Prif WeithredwrIn concluding my <strong>report</strong> last year I expressedconfidence in <strong>WCVA</strong> and its memberorganisations having the ability to respondpositively to the challenges ahead. At thetime I had little idea that the challenges of theeconomic downturn would be as great as theyhave turned out to be.Thankfully, the third sector, despite theseextreme pressures, has managed to comethrough the year dented but not down. I hopethat with new opportunities being providedthrough European Union, Welsh AssemblyGovernment and UK programmes bridging theend of 2008/09 and the start of 2009/10, theresilience shown this past year will see recoverycome in future.It was good to see our award schemes forvolunteers and voluntary organisationscontinuing to flourish. Competition gets keeneryear by year - even in difficult times: a tribute toall those involved in the third sector.I express my gratitude to all those who promoteand take part in voluntary activities from thestaff of <strong>WCVA</strong> through our county voluntarycouncils and all our member organisations- large and small - in our communitiesthroughout Wales.Thank you very much.Win GriffithsWrth gloi fy adroddiad y llynedd, dywedais fymod yn ffyddiog y gallai <strong>WCVA</strong> a’r mudiadausy’n perthyn iddo ymateb yn gadarnhaol i’rsialensiau yr oeddent yn eu hwynebu. Ar ypryd, ychydig a wyddwn y byddai sialensiau’rdirywiad economaidd mor fawr ag yr oeddentmewn gwirionedd.Diolch i’r drefn, er gwaetha’r pwysau aruthrolhwn, mae’r trydydd sector wedi llwyddo i ddoddrwy’r flwyddyn, ac er ei fod wedi dioddeftolc, mae’r sector yn dal ar ei draed. Wrthi gyfleoedd newydd gael eu darparu drwyraglenni’r Undeb Ewropeaidd, LlywodraethCynulliad Cymru a’r DU ar gyfer y cyfnod sy’npontio diwedd 2008/09 a dechrau 2009/10,gobeithiaf y bydd y gwytnwch a ddangoswydyn y flwyddyn diwethaf yn esgor ar adferiad yny dyfodol.Roedd yn bleser gweld ein cynlluniaugwobrwyo ar gyfer gwirfoddolwyr a mudiadaugwirfoddol yn parhau i ffynnu. Mae’r cystadlu’nfwy brwd bob blwyddyn, hyd yn oed mewncyfnodau anodd, ac mae hynny’n deyrnged ibawb sy’n ymwneud â’r trydydd sector.Hoffwn fynegi fy niolch i bawb sy’n hyrwyddoac yn cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadaugwirfoddol, gan gynnwys staff <strong>WCVA</strong> drwy’rcynghorau gwirfoddol sirol a’r holl fudiadausy’n aelodau – yn fach ac yn fawr – yn eincymunedau o Fôn i Fynwy.The period covered by this year’s annual <strong>report</strong>included the fastest and deepest economiccrisis since <strong>WCVA</strong> was established 75 years agoin 1934.I am pleased to <strong>report</strong> that <strong>WCVA</strong> respondedquickly and extensively to the crisis – surveyingthe impact, proposing a wide ranging recessionaction plan, and offering help and advice toorganisations experiencing difficulties.<strong>WCVA</strong> has followed through this initialresponse, by helping organisations adjust andadapt to the new realities, while also taking upnew opportunities where they arose.Some of those new opportunities have includednew European funded initiatives which, in turn,have required the sector to learn new languagesand skills in procurement and tendering, whichit has and is doing with speed and focus.The outlook for the next few years will bechallenging, but the sector’s combination ofinnovation, agility, and entrepreneurship, willbring hope to the many who depend on itsservices and activities to enrich their lives andthose of future generations.Graham Benfield OBERoedd cyfnod adroddiad <strong>blynyddol</strong> y flwyddynhon yn cynnwys yr argyfwng economaiddcyflymaf a’r dwysaf ers i <strong>WCVA</strong> gael ei sefydlu75 mlynedd yn ôl yn 1934.Rwy’n falch o ddweud i <strong>WCVA</strong> ymateb yngyflym ac yn helaeth i’r argyfwng, ganarolygu’r effaith, cynnig cynllun gweithredueang ar gyfer y dirwasgiad, a chynnig cymortha chyngor i fudiadau a oedd yn wynebuanawsterau.Mae <strong>WCVA</strong> wedi parhau i gynorthwyo arôl yr ymateb cychwynnol hwn, drwy helpumudiadau i newid ac addasu i’r realiti newydd,ac ar yr un pryd wedi manteisio ar gyfleoeddnewydd wrth iddynt ymddangos.Mae rhai o’r cyfleoedd newydd hynny wedicynnwys cynlluniau newydd sy’n cael cyllidEwropeaidd. Mae’r cynlluniau hynny yn eu trowedi mynnu bod y sector yn dysgu ieithoedd asgiliau newydd o ran caffael a thendro, ac mae’rsector wedi canolbwyntio ar wneud hynny’ngyflym ac yn parhau i wneud hynny.Mae’r rhagolwg ar gyfer y blynyddoedd nesafyn heriol i bob golwg, ond, bydd arloesedd,ystwythder ac entrepreneuriaeth y sector yndod â gobaith i’r niferoedd sy’n dibynnu ar eiwasanaethau a’i weithgareddau i gyfoethogieu bywydau hwy a bywydau cenedlaethau’rdyfodol.Diolch yn fawr iawn.Graham Benfield OBEWin Griffiths

4 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009IntroductionCyflwyniad<strong>WCVA</strong> achieves its stated objectives through:•zActive engagement with its members andwith the wider sector•zWebsitesBydd Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymruyn cyflawni ei amcanion drwy’r canlynol:•zYmgysylltu’n weithredol gydag aelodau achyda’r sector ehangachThis <strong>report</strong> outlines <strong>WCVA</strong>’s key activitiesand achievements for the year, against itskey objectives, which were to:•zProvide services for the sector on:–– Volunteering–– Trustees and governance–– Funding–– General information, guidance and support–– Information and training frameworks•zPromote the sector’s roles in:–– Regeneration–– Consultation and representation–– Participation–– Partnership–– Service delivery–– Scrutiny and campaigning•zPromote the sector’s interests in the majorpolicy areas of interest to the sector:–– Culture, Welsh language, sport–– Equalities–– Local government and public services–– Health and social affairs–– Education, lifelong learningand skills–– Enterprise–– Social justice–– Environment, planningand countryside•zImprove performanceand ensure qualityin all aspects ofthe organisation.Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn amlinellu prifweithgareddau a chyflawniadau <strong>WCVA</strong>am y flwyddyn, o’u cymharu â’i amcanionallweddol, sef:•zDarparu gwasanaethau i’r sector yn ymeysydd canlynol:–– Gwirfoddoli–– Ymddiriedolwyr a llywodraethu–– Cyllid–– Gwybodaeth gyffredinol, cyfarwyddyd achefnogaeth–– Fframweithiau gwybodaeth a hyfforddiant•zHybu swyddogaethau’r sector o ran:–– Adfywio–– Ymgynghori a chynrychioli–– Cyfranogiad–– Partneriaeth–– Darparu gwasanaethau–– Craffu ac ymgyrchu•zHybu buddiannau’r sector yn y prif feysyddpolisi sydd o ddiddordeb i’r sector:–– Diwylliant, yr Iaith Gymraeg, chwaraeon–– Cydraddoldeb–– Llywodraeth leol a gwasanaethaucyhoeddus–– Iechyd a materion cymdeithasol–– Addysg, dysgu gydol oes a sgiliau––Menter––Cyfiawnder cymdeithasol––Yr Amgylchedd, cynllunio a chefngwlad•zGwella perfformiad asicrhau ansawdd ymmhob agwedd ar ymudiad•zNational Helpline (0800 2888 329)and advice•zMedia and publications•zTraining, events and conferences•zGrants and loans•zInfluencing decision makers•zResearch•zPartnership with county voluntary councilsand volunteer centres, and referrals tospecialist agenciesAchievements and performanceDuring the year <strong>WCVA</strong> has continued toimplement the Partnership Agreement, throughwhich the Welsh Assembly Government fundsthe support services for the sector at nationaland local levels. <strong>WCVA</strong> has worked with countyvoluntary councils and volunteer centres toplan complementary services, underpinnedby comprehensive training and informationframeworks, identifying who does what tomeet the needs of the sector at national,regional and local levels.<strong>WCVA</strong> assesses its effectiveness by monitoringtake-up of its services, levels of satisfaction withits services, the extent of its engagement withthe sector, achievement of target dates, extentof the sector’s engagement with public bodies,and the extent to which public policy takesaccount of the sector’s interests. A summary ofachievements for 2008/09 is provided on thefollowing pages.•zGwefannau•zLlinell Gymorth Genedlaethol(0800 2888 329) a chyngor•zY cyfryngau a chyhoeddiadau•zHyfforddiant, digwyddiadau a chynadleddau•zGrantiau a benthyciadau•zDylanwadu ar y rheini sy’n gwneudpenderfyniadau•zYmchwil•zPartneriaeth gyda chynghorau gwirfoddolsirol a chanolfannau gwirfoddoli, achyfeiriadau at asiantaethau arbenigolCyflawniadau a pherfformiadYn ystod y flwyddyn hon, mae wedi parhaui weithredu’r Cytundeb Partneriaeth, sef yCytundeb y mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymruyn ei ddefnyddio i gyllido’r gwasanaethaucefnogi ar gyfer y sector ar lefel genedlaethola lleol. Mae <strong>WCVA</strong> wedi gweithio gydachynghorau gwirfoddol sirol a chanolfannaugwirfoddoli i gynllunio gwasanaethau ategol, a’rrheini’n seiliedig ar fframweithiau gwybodaetha hyfforddiant cynhwysfawr, sy’n nodi pwy sy’ngwneud beth i ddiwallu anghenion y sector yngenedlaethol, yn rhanbarthol ac yn lleol.Mae <strong>WCVA</strong> yn asesu ei effeithiolrwydd drwyfonitro’r canlynol: y niferoedd sy’n manteisio arei wasanaethau, pa mor fodlon yw pobl gyda’iwasanaethau, i ba raddau y mae’n ymgysylltuâ’r sector, ei lwyddiant o ran cwblhau gwaitherbyn dyddiadau targed, i ba raddau y mae’rsector yn ymgysylltu â chyrff cyhoeddus, ac iba raddau y mae polisi cyhoeddus yn rhoi sylwi fuddiannau’r sector. Ceir crynodeb o’r hyna gyflawnwyd yn 2008/09 ar y tudalennaucanlynol.

6 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 71Services for the sectorGwasanaethau ar gyfer y sectorVolunteering<strong>WCVA</strong> has maintained its work as the strategiclead body for volunteering in Wales. It hasadvocated policies that benefit volunteers,raised the public profile of volunteering, helpedpeople access volunteering opportunities,and helped to raise standards in managingvolunteers. It has provided funding for projectsinvolving volunteers. Achievements this yearinclude:GwirfoddoliMae <strong>WCVA</strong> yn parhau i weithio fel y prifgorff strategol dros wirfoddoli yng Nghymru.Mae wedi pwyso am bolisïau sydd o fudd iwirfoddolwyr, codi proffil gwirfoddoli ymhlithy cyhoedd, helpu pobl i fanteisio ar gyfleoeddgwirfoddoli a helpu i godi safonau o ran rheoligwirfoddolwyr. Mae wedi darparu cyllid ar gyferprosiectau sy’n cynnwys gwirfoddolwyr. Dymarai o’r pethau y mae wedi’u cyflawni eleni:Top: Kirsty Jones, one of the 2009 Wales Volunteer of theYear Award winners with BBC’s Frank Hennessy and <strong>WCVA</strong>Chair Win Griffiths.Bottom:Local children litterpicking with 2009 WalesVolunteer of the Year Award winners Ely Garden Villagers.Uchod: Kirsty Jones, un o enillwyr Gwobrau Gwirfoddolwry Flwyddyn Cymru 2009 gyda Frank Hennessy o’r BBC aChadeirydd <strong>WCVA</strong> Win Griffiths.Gwaelod: Plant lleol yn casglu sbwriel gydag un o enillwyrGwobrau Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn Cymru 2009 PentrefwyrGerddi Trelai.•zAttracting over 52,000 visitors to the workingwith volunteers website.•zMaintaining and developing, with volunteercentres, a suite of volunteering informationsheets on working with volunteers – the onecalled ‘Thinking about volunteering’ is thesecond most downloaded information sheet,with over 6,000 downloads.•zRetaining the Volunteering Wales websiteposition as the top volunteering website onGoogle when searching for ‘volunteer inWales’, advertising over 6,000 volunteeringopportunities and attracting over 650,000visitors.•zPromoting good practice in the managementof volunteers through the Investing inVolunteers programme.•zOrganising a national volunteering awardsscheme which received 215 nominations.•zProviding access to criminal records checksfor volunteers and staff of voluntaryorganisations, handling over 22,000disclosure requests.•zRecruiting nearly 1,500 young people tothe Millennium Volunteers programmeand over 2,200 to the Russell Commissionprogramme.•zDenu dros 52,000 o ymwelwyr i wefangweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr.•zAr y cyd â chanolfannau gwirfoddoli,datblygu a chynnal cyfres o daflennigwybodaeth am weithio gydagwirfoddolwyr; llwythwyd y daflen‘Meddwl am wirfoddoli’ i lawr dros 6,000 oweithiau, sy’n golygu mai hon yw’r ail daflenwybodaeth fwyaf poblogaidd.•zSicrhau bod gwefan Gwirfoddoli Cymru ynaros ar y brig fel y brif wefan wirfoddoli sy’nymddangos ar Google pan fydd rhywunyn chwilio am ‘gwirfoddoli yng Nghymru’;hysbysebodd y wefan hon dros 6,000 ogyfleoedd gwirfoddoli a denu dros 650,000 oymwelwyr.•zHybu arferion da yng nghyswllt rheoligwirfoddolwyr drwy’r rhaglen Buddsoddimewn Gwirfoddolwyr.•zTrefnu cynllun cenedlaethol i wobrwyogwirfoddoli, a dderbyniodd 215 oenwebiadau.•zSicrhau mynediad at archwiliadau cofnodiontroseddol ar gyfer gwirfoddolwyr a staffmewn mudiadau gwirfoddol, gan ymdrinâ dros 22,000 o geisiadau am archwiliadaudatgelu.

8 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 9•zFunding projects involving over 6,800volunteers through the Volunteering in WalesFund and Active Community Initiative.•zRecriwtio bron i 1,500 o bobl ifanc ar raglenGwirfoddolwyr y Mileniwm a dros 2,200 arraglen Comisiwn Russell.sheets downloaded across the infrastructure,with over 30,000 downloads from CVC and<strong>WCVA</strong>’s websites.•zDeveloping a sustainable funding trainingprogramme consisting of an Introduction toSustainable Funding, a series of six full-dayfollow-up training courses on core fundingand finance strategies and a one-day coursefor funding advisors and developmentworkers. This training was produced anddelivered by <strong>WCVA</strong> staff for the thirdsector and cascaded by the CVCs into localcommunities.•zRunning a small grants scheme, the ‘Beinformed’ fund to encourage organisationsto visit others to learn about sustainablefunding.•zSecuring support and technical assistancefor a third sector Spatial European Team(3-SET) to advise organisations on EuropeanStructural Funds.•zOrganising the Wales third sector fundingconference.•zProviding a monthly funding e-bulletin,Funding news, to over 1,600 recipients.•zResponding to funding consultations ondormant accounts, Big Lottery Fund futureprogrammes, WAG’s Single EqualitiesFund, Community Facilities and ActivitiesProgramme, Grassroots Fund and Post OfficeDevelopment Fund.•zResponding to WAG’s action plan on theCommunities and Culture Committee<strong>report</strong> and commissioned to implementi lawr ar draws y seilwaith, gyda dros 30,000yn cael eu llwytho i lawr oddi ar wefannaucynghorau gwirfoddol sirol a <strong>WCVA</strong>.Trustees and governance<strong>WCVA</strong> has continued to offer services tosupport trustees, including:•zResponding to over 500 trustee enquiries.•zDeveloping the trustee website, attractingover 30,000 visits with over 35,000information downloads.•zOrganising a national trustee conferenceattracting over 110 participants.•zOrganising a charity law conferenceattracting over 90 participants.•zProviding a monthly e-bulletin for individualtrustees, with over 580 recipients.Funding•zResponding to over 3,400 helpline fundingenquiries, and providing more detailedadvice to over 280 organisations on Europeanand other funding.•zMaintaining the Sustainable Funding Cymruwebsite – www.sustainablefundingcymru.org.uk – this continues to be a popularresource for information on funding andfinance options attracting over 36,000visitors.•zDeveloping, with CVCs, a suite of 35funding information sheets with six ofthe ‘finding and getting money’ series ofinformation sheets featured in the top 10•zCyllido prosiectau sy’n cynnwys dros 6,800 owirfoddolwyr drwy’r Gronfa Gwirfoddoli yngNghymru a’r Fenter Cymunedau Byw.Ymddiriedolwyr allywodraethuMae <strong>WCVA</strong> wedi parhau i gynniggwasanaethau i gefnogi ymddiriedolwyr, gangynnwys:•zYmateb i 500 a mwy o ymholiadau ganymddiriedolwyr.•zDatblygu’r wefan ymddiriedolwyr, gan ddenudros 30,000 o ymwelwyr, a dros 35,000 ynllwytho gwybodaeth oddi arni.•zTrefnu cynhadledd genedlaethol ar gyferymddiriedolwyr gan ddenu dros 110 ogyfranwyr.•zTrefnu cynhadledd ar gyfraith elusennol ganddenu dros 90 o gyfranwyr.•zDarparu e-fwletin misol ar gyferymddiriedolwyr unigol, gyda dros 580 yn eidderbyn.Cyllid•zYmateb i dros 3,400 o ymholiadau am gylliddrwy’r llinell gymorth, a darparu cyngormanylach i dros 280 o fudiadau ynghylchcyllid Ewropeaidd a mathau eraill o gyllid.•zCynnal gwefan Cyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru –www.sustainablefundingcymru.org.uk – mae’rwefan hon yn dal yn adnodd poblogaiddar gyfer cael gwybodaeth am ddewisiadaucyllido a chyllid, gan ddenu dros 36,000 oymwelwyr.•zAr y cyd â chynghorau gwirfoddol sirol,datblygu cyfres o 35 o daflenni gwybodaetham gyllid; ymddangosodd chwech o’r gyfreso daflenni gwybodaeth ‘Dod o hyd i arian a’igael’ ymysg 10 uchaf y taflenni a lwythwyd•zDatblygu rhaglen hyfforddi ym maes cyllidcynaliadwy a oedd yn cynnwys Cyflwyniad iGyllid Cynaliadwy, cyfres o gyrsiau hyfforddidilynol chwe diwrnod llawn ar strategaethaucyllid a chyllid craidd, a chwrs undydd argyfer ymgynghorwyr cyllid a gweithwyrdatblygu. Cynhyrchwyd a darparwydyr hyfforddiant hwn gan staff <strong>WCVA</strong> argyfer y trydydd sector ac fe’i cyflwynwydi gymunedau lleol gan y cynghoraugwirfoddol sirol.•zRhedeg cynllun grantiau bach, y gronfa‘Dewch draw am help llaw!’ i annogmudiadau i ymweld ag eraill er mwyn dysguam gyllid cynaliadwy.•zSicrhau cefnogaeth a chymorth technegolar gyfer Tîm Ewropeaidd Gofodol (3-SET) ytrydydd sector er mwyn cynghori mudiadauar y Cronfeydd Strwythurol Ewropeaidd.•zTrefnu Cynhadledd cyllido’r trydydd sectoryng Nghymru.• zDarparu e-fwletin misol ar gyllid, Newyddionnawdd, i dros 1,600 o dderbynwyr.•zYmateb i ymgynghoriadau cyllido ar gyfrifoncwsg, rhaglenni’r Gronfa Loteri Fawr aty dyfodol, Cronfa Cydraddoldeb SenglLlywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, y RhaglenCyfleusterau a Gweithgareddau Cymunedol,Cronfa Llawr Gwlad (Grassroots) a’r GronfaDatblygu Swyddfeydd Post.•zYmateb i gynllun gweithredu Llywodraeth<strong>WCVA</strong> organised the Tough times:management and funding challengesin – and beyond – the recessionconference featuring presentationsfrom the WLGA (pictured), the WelshAssembly Government and WEFO.Trefnodd <strong>WCVA</strong> y gynhadleddAmseroedd anodd: sialensiau cyllid arheoli yn y dirwasgiad – a thu hwntgyda chyflwyniadau gan CLlLC (i’rchwith), Llywodraeth CynulliadCymru a WEFO.

General information, guidanceand supportMaintaining an up-to-date website attracting•zover 600,000 visitors, with over 17,000 itemsdownloaded.Responding to around 10,000 Helpdesk•zenquiries.Working with CVCs and volunteer centres,•zensuring over 140 information sheets areavailable to the sector, with over 575,000 ofthese downloaded from <strong>WCVA</strong>, CVC andvolunteer centre websites.Working with CVCs, developing a core•ztraining programme with 183 courses beingdelivered.Publishing 21 issues of our magazine•zNetwork Wales.Publishing 24 members’ e-briefings.•zPublishing six national supplements for CVC•znewsletters.Delivering accredited courses on training•zthe trainer, certificate in mentoring inthe workplace, voluntary sector projectmanagement, and an introduction tomentoring course.Organising a programme of nine conferences•zon subjects of major interest to the sector,attracting over 1,000 participants.Maintaining the national database of•zvoluntary and community organisations,holding details of over 29,000 organisationsbased or working in Wales.Providing a third sector recruitment service•zwith over 550 jobs advertised.Providing a third sector mailing service with•zover 40,000 items sent.Providing a wide range of members’•zbenefits, including discounted computersoftware, insurance, discounted employmentand health and safety services, specialisttelecommunications for the sector, payrollservices, discounted translation service andcorporate promotional products.Gwybodaeth gyffredinol,cyfarwyddyd a chefnogaethCynnal gwefan gyfredol sy’n denu dros•z600,000 o ymwelwyr; llwythwyd dros 17,000o eitemau i lawr oddi arni.Ymateb i oddeutu 10,000 o ymholiadau i’r•zLein Gymorth.Gweithio gyda chynghorau gwirfoddol sirol•za chanolfannau gwirfoddoli gan sicrhau boddros 140 o daflenni gwybodaeth ar gael i’rsector, gyda dros 575,000 o’r rhain yn caeleu llwytho i lawr oddi ar wefannau <strong>WCVA</strong>,cynghorau gwirfoddol sirol a chanolfannaugwirfoddoli.Gweithio gyda chynghorau gwirfoddol sirol•zi ddatblygu rhaglen hyfforddi graidd ganddarparu 183 o gyrsiau.Cyhoeddi 21 rhifyn o’n cylchgrawn•zRhwydwaith Cymru.Cyhoeddi 24 o e-hysbysiadau i aelodau.•zCyhoeddi chwe atodiad cenedlaethol ar gyfer•zcylchlythyrau cynghorau gwirfoddol sirol.Darparu cyrsiau achrededig ar hyfforddi’r•zhyfforddwr, tystysgrif mewn mentora yny gweithle, rheoli prosiectau yn y sectorgwirfoddol; a chwrs ‘cyflwyniad i fentora’.Trefnu rhaglen o naw cynhadledd ar destunau•zsydd o ddiddordeb gwirioneddol i’r sector,gan ddenu dros 1,000 o gyfranwyr.Cynnal y gronfa ddata genedlaethol o•zfudiadau gwirfoddol a chymunedol, gangadw manylion dros 29,000 o fudiadau syddwedi’u lleoli neu’n gweithio yng Nghymru.Darparu gwasanaeth recriwtio trydydd sector•zgan hysbysebu dros 550 o swyddi.Darparu gwasanaeth postio trydydd sector•zgan anfon dros 40,000 o eitemau.Darparu ystod eang o fanteision i aelodau,•zgan gynnwys meddalwedd cyfrifiaduronam bris gostyngol, yswiriant, gwasanaethauiechyd a diogelwch a chyflogaeth am brisgostyngol, telegyfathrebu arbenigol i’rsector, gwasanaethau cyflogres, gwasanaethcyfieithu am bris gostyngol a chynhyrchionhyrwyddo corfforaethol.C y m r uparhâd ar dudalen dau >>y cylchgrawn ar gyfer y trydyddsector yng NghymruRhifyn 379 · 18 Mawrth 2009M ae trydydd sector Cymru yngwneud cyn luniau i fod ar flaeny gad yn y frwydr fyd-eang yn erbynnewid yn yr hinsawdd drwy gyfres ofesurau a luniwyd gan <strong>WCVA</strong>.Yn ogystal a^ drafftio Datganiad Cymruar Newid yn yr Hinsawdd mae <strong>WCVA</strong>wedi paratoi papur ‘ble i fynd amgymorth ac arweiniad’ a phapur sefy lfapolisi yn crynhoi paham fod y trydyddsector yn bartner a lweddol yn y gwaitho fynd i’r afael a^ newid yn yr hinsawdd asut y ga l gyfrannu at wneud newidiadaucadarnhaol.‘Y mae’r trydydd sector eisoes yncefnogi pobl a chymunedau i wneuddewisiadau gwahanol o ran ffordd o fywmewn amrywiaeth mawr o feysydd ac ymae mudiadau’r trydydd sector yn ddu lcyfathrebu a lweddol er mwyn cyfleunegeseuon i unigolion a chymunedauac annog newid mewn ymddygiad.’Meddai Prif Weithredwr <strong>WCVA</strong> GrahamBenfield OBE.‘Bydd ga luogi’r sector i symudymlaen o ran rhoi sylw i newid yn yrhinsawdd yn ddi-os yn cael effaith mawrar dargedau Llywodraeth Cynu liadCymru mewn perthynas a^ newid yn yrhinsawdd,’ ychwanegodd.‘Fodd bynnag, mae angen i’r sectorgael ei gefnogi ar ei delerau ei hun iweithredu gan ddefnyddio du liau abennir gan y sector ac sy’n briodol iddo.’Nod y Datganiad ar Newid yn yrHinsawdd a ddrafftiwyd gyda chymorthgrw^p cyfeirio o randdeiliaid perthnasolyw ‘cael y bobl nad ydynt wedi’uhymrwymo i gymryd cam cyntaf’, ganofyn i bobl ymrwymo i egwyddorionsylfaenol ar ran eu grw^p neu fudiad, ynhytrach nac ymrwymo’u hunain i gamaugweithredu cyfarwyddol.Ge lir gweld y datganiad ar wefan<strong>WCVA</strong> http://tiny.cc/fAS90 ac anogirmudiadau i ddychwelyd copi wedi’ilofnodi gan swyddog perthnasol o’rsector. Mae <strong>WCVA</strong> yn anelu at gaelcynifer a^ phosibl o fudiadau i ymrwymoi’r datganiad dros y misoedd nesaf ermwyn tynnu sylw at y ffaith fod newidyn yr hinsawdd yn fater hynod bwysig ymae’n rhaid gweithredu arno nawr.Y mae Llywodraeth y Cynu liad hefydwedi sefydlu Comisiwn ar newid ynyr Hinsawdd i ddarparu arweiniado ran mynd i’r afael ag achosion achanlyniadau newid yn yr hinsawdd yngNghymru.Ei nod yw adeiladu consensws ar ycamau angenrheidiol, cefnogi cyflwyno’rcamau hynny a chynghori ar ddatblygupolisïau a rhaglenni.Mae gan grwpiau gwirfoddol achymunedol , busnesau bach acawdurdodau leol i gyd lais ar ycomisiwn, ac fe ly hefyd sectorau erai l.Mae <strong>WCVA</strong> yn cynrychioli’r trydyddsector ehangach ar y comisiwn.Mae pobl yn canfod gweithredu ar ycyd yn haws - boed drwy fod a^ leoliadneu ddiddordeb yn gyffredin - ac yny gweithredu ar y cyd hwnnw y mae’rtrydydd sector yn rhagori.Sector ar y trywydd iawn yn y frwydr dros newid yn yr hinsawddGwobr Buddsoddi mewn Gwir foddolwyr i C VS Caste l Nedd Por t Talbot. Gweler tudalen 3 am y stori.third sector jobs in Walesswyddi’r trydydd sector yng NghymruJobsThis week’stop jobsPrif swyddi’rwythnos honHafodTenant ParticipationOfficer£26,130V2CHousing Officer£22,500 - £25,000Ethnic Youth SupportTeamSAFE Project Manager£25,000 pro rataFor a copy of NetworkJobs via email, contactnetworkjobs@wcva.org.ukAm gopi o Network Jobsdros yr ebost, cysy ltwch anetworkjobs@wcva.org.ukFor a copy of NetworkJobs via email, contactnetworkjobs@wcva.org.ukAm gopi o Network Jobsdros yr ebost, cysylltwch anetworkjobs@wcva.org.ukIssue No 1 · 20 September 2006Issue No 105 15 October 2008Community owes facelift to Owie’s endeavoursYmdrechion Owie yn arwain at weddnewid cymunedAeth Owie Wi liams, sy’n fam ifanc, at iddechrau gwirfoddoli er mwyn rhoi hwb i’wgobeithion ei hun i fynd i’r brifysgol.Ers hynny, mae hi wedi cwblhau cwrs Mynediad– a hynny’n arbennig o dda – ac wedi cael eiderbyn gan Brifysgol Bangor i ddilyn cwrs graddanrhydedd ym maes rheoli amgylcheddol. Acmae’r swyddog yr amgylchedd, 23 oed, gydaChymunedau yn Gyntaf Morlo yng Nghaergybi,hefyd wedi enni l gwobr Gwirfoddolwr yFlwyddyn Cymru 2008.Gan drefnu gweithgareddau megis codisbwriel a gwaith tirlunio, i weithio gyda phlantifanc a danfon taflenni, mae Owie hefydwedi cynhyrchu polisi cynaliadwy ar gyferCymunedau yn Gyntaf Morlo, ac mae ynddobwyslais ar ailgylchu a chompostio.Oherwydd ei gwaith i helpu i weddnewidlawer ar y ward fwyaf difreintiedig ar YnysMôn, eni lodd Owie wobr categori gwyrddGwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn.‘Chredais i erioed y gallwn gael cymaint ofoddhad o waith heb gael fy nhalu,’ dywedodd.‘Rwyf wedi dysgu cymaint am y maes yr wyfyn gweithio ynddo, ac wedi cwrdd a chynifero bobl gymwynasgar – ac wedi gweld ein bodwedi llwyddo i wneud gwahaniaeth.’Young mum Owie Wi liam startedvolunteering to help her prospects ofgoing to university.Having since completed an Access course- with flying colours – and been acceptedby Bangor University to take an honoursdegree in environmental management,the 23-year-old environmental o ficer withMorlo Communities First in Holyhead hasalso scooped a 2008 Wales Volunteer of theYear award.Organising activities ranging from litterpicks and landscaping, to working withyoung children and delivering leaflets,Owie has also produced a sustainablepolicy for Morlo Communities First withemphasis on recycling and composting.Her work in helping deliver a major faceliftfor the most deprived ward on Angleseyled to Owie winning a Volunteer of theYear green category award.‘I never thought I could get job satisfactionwithout getting paid,’ she said. ‘I’velearned so much abou the field I’ve beenworking in and have met so many helpfulpeople – and seen that we’ve been able tomake a di ference.’Contact detailsCysylltiadauMatthew Bates029 2025 5672matt@bigissuecymru.co.ukJane Thomas029 2033 7784jane@bigissuecymru.co.ukWales Council forVoluntary ActionCyngor GweithreduGwirfoddol Cymrucharity no/rhif elusen218093W a l e scontinued on page two >>the magazine for the third sectorin WalesIssue 380 · 1 April 2009A new scheme aimed at boosting thenumber of young people takingpart in volunteering in Wales has beenhailed as a key development for thecountry’ social and economic future.A partnership of organisations fromthe voluntary, public and private sectorsis behind GwirVol, which will be led byGwirForce, a panel of young people whosit on the partnership. Support wi l beprovided by Youth Volunteer Advisorsin each of the 22 Welsh local authorityareas.The initiative will also give out£500,000 in grants, including £110,000through local grant panels comprisingyoung people to encourage youth ledvolunteering projects in their own areas.The GwirVol partnership oforganisations includes <strong>WCVA</strong>, whichwi l administer the scheme, CWVYS (theCouncil for Wales of Voluntary YouthServices), Funky Dragon (the Childrenand Young People’s Assembly forWales), North Wales Police, North WestWales NHS and the Welsh AssemblyGovernment.Another partner is national youngpeople’s charity Can law Online.Director Elise Stewar told NetworkWales: ‘GwirVol is an extremelyimportant initiative for young people,their communities and for the social andeconomic future of Wales. The GwirVollaunch is jus the start of the process ofcreating a step change in volunteeringfor young people in Wales.’The scheme is being forma ly launchedon 6 April a the A l Nations Centre inCardiff by Dr Brian Gibbons, WelshAssembly Government Minister for SocialJustice and Local Government. Welshharpist Catrin Finch will be performing,while Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson DBEwi l appear in a video endorsement.Dr Gibbon said: ‘I am delighted thatI will be able to forma ly launch theGwirVol partnership in April. I havebeen involved in the implementationprogramme and I am aware of theexce lent work being done by GwirVoland GwirForce to ensure that youngpeople in Wales wi l be engaged in morequality and diverse opportunities toVolunteer. I wish the partnership greats u c c e s s .’GwirVol is taking forward therecommendations of the Russe lCommission, which set ou theframework in 2005 for youth action andengagement.Its aims are:• to increase the number of youngpeople between the ages of 16-25 whowant to volunteer.• to increase the scope of volunteeringopportunities to include young peoplewho experience barriers of disadvantage,ability and ethnicity.• to celebrate the involvement ofyoung people through increasedrecognition.GwirVol to boost number of young volunteersAll Wales Convention E xecutive Committee member Shereen Wi liams (lef t) at a consultationevent. See page 5 for stor y.third sector jobs in Walesswyddi’r trydydd sector yng NghymruJobsThis week’stop jobsPrif swyddi’rwythnos honCarmarthenshireAssociation ofVoluntary ServicesExecutive Director£42,039 - £44,604<strong>WCVA</strong>Training and advisoryservices Manager£32,484 - £34,212Planning Aid WalesTraining Officer£23,000For a copy of NetworkJobs via email, contactnetworkjobs@wcva.org.ukAm gopi o Network Jobsdros yr ebost, cysy ltwch anetworkjobs@wcva.org.ukFor a copy of NetworkJobs via email, contactnetworkjobs@wcva.org.ukAm gopi o Network Jobsdros yr ebost, cysy ltwch anetworkjobs@wcva.org.ukIssue No 1 · 20 September 2006Issue No 148 9 September 2009IT whiz Adarsh puts final polish on <strong>WCVA</strong>’s new websiteAdarsh yn rhoi’r sglein terfynol ar wefan newydd <strong>WCVA</strong>Mae cael gwaith gyda <strong>WCVA</strong> drwy GOWales wedi agor lygaid Adarsh Muppanei’r cyfleoedd gyrfa yn y trydydd sector.Mae’r gŵr a raddiodd ym maes TG yncael ei gyflogi dros dro fel gweinyddwry prosiect 3to3; gwefan a gyn luniwydi helpu mudiadau’r trydydd sector ifasnachu eu cynnyrch a’u gwasanaethauar-lein.Mae gan Adarsh brofiad blaenorol oweithio yn y sector pan fu’n gynorthwyyddgwerthu ar-lein yn Siop Ar-lein Oxfam yngNghaerdydd.‘Roeddwn wrth fy modd yno, gan fod ygwaith yn rhoi boddhad ac yn rhoi profiadgwerthfawr i mi o gynlluniau elusen fawr,’dywedodd.‘Clywais am swydd <strong>WCVA</strong> drwy GO Wales,sy’n helpu i ddod o hyd i waith parhaol adros dro i raddedigion.‘Rwy’n meddwl bod gweithio yn y sectorgwirfoddol yn wych gan fy mod ynymwybodol o e faith yr hyn a wnaf. Maegwybod ei fod yn dwyn budd i’r gymunedac i’r elusennau yn rhoi pwysigrwydd yrhyn a wnaf mewn cyd-destun ac yn fysbarduno i lwyddo.’Finding a job through GO Wales with<strong>WCVA</strong> has opened Adarsh Muppane’seyes to the opportunities for a career inthe third sector.The IT graduate is temporarily employedas administrator for the 3to3 project; awebsite designed to help third sectororganisations trade their products andservices online.Adarsh has previous experience of workingin the sector, having been an online retailassistant for the Oxfam Online Shop inCardi f.‘I rea ly enjoyed my time there, as the workwas rewarding and provided me withinvaluable experience of the initiatives of amajor charity,’ he said.‘I heard abou the <strong>WCVA</strong> job through GOWales, which helps find permanent andtemporary work for graduates.‘I think the voluntary sector is grea towork in as I’m mindful of the impact ofwhat I do. Knowing that it’s beneficialto the community and charities putsthe importance of what I’m doing intoperspective and motivates me to succeed.’Contact detailsCysylltiadauMatthew Bates029 2025 5672matt@bigissuecymru.co.ukJane Thomas029 2033 7784jane@bigissuecymru.co.ukWales Council forVoluntary ActionCyngor GweithreduGwirfoddol Cymrucharity no/rhif elusen218093Rhifyn 364· 9 Gor fennaf 2008y cylchgrawn ar gyfer y trydydd sector yng NghymruGraham Benfield OBE, Prif Weithredwr <strong>WCVA</strong> yn cyfarfod ag EiFawrhydi Tywysog Cymru yng ngholocwiwm Dyfodolion nawddyn Adeilad y Pierhead, Bae Caerdydd. Stori ar dudalen 3.Llun: Andrew JefferyGraham Benfield OBE, Prif Weithredwr <strong>WCVA</strong> yn cyfarfod ag EiFawrhydi Tywysog Cymru yng ngholocwiwm Dyfodolion nawddyn Adeilad y Pierhead, Bae Caerdydd. Stori ar dudalen 3.Llun: Andrew JefferyCymunedau gwledig yn croesawu'r achubiaeth i faes taiMae hwyluswyr tai gwledig ledled Cymruwedi croesawu'r newyddion bodLlywodraeth Cynu liad Cymru amgymryd camau i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau sy'nwynebu cymunedau cefn gwlad sydd 'mewntra ferthion enbyd'.Mae ymateb syth Llywodraeth y Cynu liad iadroddiad yn galw am gynnydd enfawr mewn taiforddiadwy yng nghefn gwlad Cymru wedi codicalon mudiadau'r trydydd sector yn fawr iawn, adywedasant y bydd yn cynnig achubiaeth igymunedau.Ond maent hefyd yn dweud bod yn rhaid rhoicefnogaeth ariannol i'r cynigion. DywedoddJonathan Brown, Cyfarwyddwr hwylusydd taigwledig Tir ar gyfer Pobl, fod adroddiad SefydliadJoseph Rowntree wedi argyme l sefydlu comisiwnYmddiriedolaeth Tir Cymunedol tebyg i Uned TirCymunedol yr Alban.'Pe byddai ewy lys wleidyddol i sicrhau hynny,byddem yn hapus i fod yn rhan ohono,'ychwanegodd. 'Ond mae'n rhaid cael adnoddaupriodol er mwyn iddo fod yn e feithiol.'Dywedodd Nick Benne t, Prif Weithredwr TaiCymunedol Cymru wrth Rhwydwaith Cymru: 'Fe'ncalonogwyd yn fawr gan y datblygiadaugwleidyddol dros y 12 mis diwethaf - ond rydym ynymwybodol y bydd cyflawni hyn dros y flwyddynnesaf yn ho lbwysig.'Cyhoeddwyd adroddiad ac argymhe lionComisiwn Sefydliad Joseph Rowntree ar DaiGwledig yng Nghymru wyth mis ar ôl casglutystiolaeth ac mae'n tynnu sylw at yr angencynyddol am dai yng nghefn gwlad Nghymru nadyw wedi'i ddiwa lu.Dywed fod cartrefi'n mynd yn ddrutach, maemwy o bobl yn ddigartref ac mae 'hyd yn oed lai'o dai cymdeithasol mewn ardaloedd gwledig nagmewn trefi a dinasoedd, ac mae wedi galw arLywodraeth y Cynu liad ac awdurdodau leol iwneud mwy ac i 'weithio'n ga lach' i sicrhau ydiwe lir anghenion tai gwledig yng Nghymru.Daeth canfyddiadau Sefydliad Rowntree ar ôliddo ddadansoddi data ystadegol newydd achyfredol, derbyn tystiolaeth a gwrando ar bobl obob cwr o'r wlad i fesur maint problem tai gwledigCymru.Dywed yr adroddiad: 'Mae pris tŷ ar gyfartaleddbe lach yn fwy na phum gwaith yr incwmcyfartalog ym mhob ardal awdurdod leol wledig.Rhwystrir nifer fawr o'r boblogaeth yng nghefngwlad rhag cael tai forddiadwy ac addas yn eucymunedau leol neu'n agos atynt.'Canfu'r Comisiwn fod gwir berygl y byddcymunedau mewn rhannau o gefn gwlad Cymru ynco li'r genhedlaeth nesaf o bobl ifanc os na wneirnewidiadau sylweddol.'Ga lai hyn achosi problemau cymdeithasol,diwy liannol a phroblemau les i gymunedaugwledig yn y dyfodol. Mae cyn luniau cyfredolLlywodraeth y Cynu liad yn uchelgeisiol, ond maeangen iddynt wneud mwy i gwrdd â'r angen am daiyng nghefn gwlad.'Mae argymhe lion y Comisiwn yn cynnwys: Y stoc dai gyfredol i gael ei defnyddio'n well(amcangyfrifa'r adroddiad fod hyd at 18,000 oeiddo gwag mewn ardaloedd gwledig). Llywodraeth y Cynu liad i ddatblygu a hyrwyddocan lawiau arferion da ar gyfer awdurdodau leol arsut mae defnyddio eiddo gwag eto. ’Cyfran sylweddol’ o'r dreth gyngor ar ailgartrefi i'w defnyddio gan awdurdodau leolgwledig i ymateb i angen am dai yn eu hardaloedd.Un o'r awgrymiadau a gynigiwyd ynghylch sutge lid defnyddio'r cy lid oedd sefydlu rhwydwaith ohwyluswyr tai gwledig a fyddai'n helpu i nodianghenion a chwilio am safleoedd ar gyfer taiforddiadwy.Dywed yr adroddiad, er mwyn cwrdd â'ranghenion strategol hyn, mae'n rhaid i Lywodraethy Cynulliad sicrhau bod ganddi ddigon o adnoddaumewnol; ac y dylai awdurdodau leol ystyried cydariannusta f cyn lunio a sta f arbenigol ar dai ermwyn helpu i sicrhau eu bod yn defnyddio'rsystem gyn lunio'n fwy e feithiol ac arloesol.'Roedd y comisiynwyr yn siomedig i weld nad ywLlywodraeth y Cynu liad a lywodraeth leol, ar hyno bryd, yn casglu ac yn dadansoddi ystadegaua lweddol ynghylch graddfa'r anghenion tai yngnghefn gwlad Cymru wrth iddynt newid,'ychwanegodd yr adroddiad.'Gwnâi hyn hi'n anodd asesu union faint ybroblem a'r adnoddau sydd eu hangen i'w datrys.Mae'n codi'r cwestiwn hefyd ynghylch sut ga l ylywodraeth gadw golwg ar y broblem pan nadyw'n casglu data ansawdd.'Dywedodd Derec Llwyd Morgan, Cadeirydd yComisiwn: 'Canfu'r Comisiwn fod angen mawr amdai forddiadwy yng nghefn gwlad Cymru nad ywwedi'i ddiwallu - mae angen gweithredu ar fyrder ermwyn diwallu'r angen.'Mae pwerau'n bodoli ar lefel leol achenedlaethol i we la'r sefy lfa ond bydd angencydweithrediad, dyfeisgarwch, arweinyddiaethgadarn ac ewy lys wleidyddol wych er mwynsicrhau ymateb arbennig.'Ar yr un diwrnod â chyhoeddi'r adroddiad,cyhoeddodd Dirprwy Weinidog Llywodraeth yCynu liad dros Dai, Jocelyn Davies AC, y byddaimwy o hwyluswyr tai gwledig yn cael eu leoliledled Cymru i fynd i'r afael â phrinder taiforddiadwy yng nghefn gwlad, a byddai cyn lungrant newydd yn cael ei sefydlu i helpu'r sawl sy'nprynu tŷ am y tro cyntaf i wneud eu tai yn fwye feithlon o ran defnyddio ynni.Dywedodd fod Llywodraeth y Cynulliad hefyd ynymgynghori ynghylch Can lawiau Dra ft ar gyferCyn luniau Darparu Tai forddiadwy, wedi'u haneluat awdurdodau cynllunio lleol.Dywedodd Swyddog Polisi <strong>WCVA</strong> ConstanceAdams fod <strong>WCVA</strong> yn croesawu'r adroddiad ac yngobeithio y byddai gwaith yn y dyfodol i fynd i'rafael ag anghenion tai mewn ardaloedd gwledig ynmynd ymhe lach, yn arbennig i a luogi cymunedaui fwrw iddi eu hunain.'Mae datblygiadau megis ymddiriedolaethau tircymunedol, gyda'r gymuned yn berchen ar y tir, agydag adeiladu'r tai - weithiau'n dai hunanadeiladu- a'r gymuned yn berchen ar y tai leol hynac yn eu rheoli, yn fordd bwysig ymlaen i gael taiforddiadwy,' ychwanegodd.Dywedodd Jonathan Brown wrth RhwydwaithCymru fod y wlad mewn argyfwng o ran taifforddiadwy. 'Mae mwy a mwy o bobl sydd wedi'ugeni a'u magu yn ein cefn gwlad yn teimlo ei bodyn amhosib iddynt a lu forddio byw a gweithioyno,' ychwanegodd. parhâd ar dudalen dauIssue No 363 · 18 June 2008the magazine for the third sector in WalesWinners of <strong>WCVA</strong>’s Wales Volunteer of the YearAwards 2008, supported by Royal Mail. Moreinformation on www.wcva.org.uk.Photo: Andrew JefferyWinners of <strong>WCVA</strong>’s Wales Volunteer of the YearAwards 2008, supported by Royal Mail. Moreinformation on www.wcva.org.uk.Photo: Andrew JefferyWEFO promises to examineStructural Funds issuesWAG to respondto Assemblyfunding inquiryThe Communities and Culture Committee has published the<strong>report</strong> of the A sembly's first ever inquiry into voluntarysector funding. The Welsh Assembly Government isrequired to respond to the <strong>report</strong> and its 25 recommendationswithin six weeks.The Committee's <strong>report</strong> does not call for additional fundingbut says there are opportunities to help organisations 'to makebetter use of their time and energy, for example, by improvingacce s to information on funding and reducing bureaucracy inapplication procedures'.It also said that some contributors felt the third sector's vitalcontribution to areas of public policy was not suitably recognisedor rewarded. There was a perception tha the sector was regardedas a consultee, rather than as a strategic partner in planning anddelivering public services.'We consider that this perception should be cha lenged, as itcould lead to disillusionment and disengagement by volunteers,'the <strong>report</strong> added. 'This is a ma ter for all three sectors to addre s,but we feel tha the public sector should take the lead.'<strong>WCVA</strong> Chief Executive Graham Benfield OBE welcomed thefindings of the inquiry. 'This debate makes an importantstatement abou the funding of the sector and we wi l bediscussing with the Welsh Assembly Government how to takeforward,' he said.The Commi tee also recommends that the A semblyGovernment should fund four pilot projects in rural and urbanareas to provide training and support to help small organisationsbecome more self-sufficient - and tha the private sector shouldbe encouraged to help; either by providing sponsorship orlending sta f with specific ski ls for short-term secondments.Janice Gregory AM, Chair of the Committee, said: 'The thirdsector plays a vital role in civic society - not only in the range ofservices delivered but also in providing opportunities for peopleto give of their time, experience and expertise for the benefit ofothers and the enrichment of community life.'story continues on page twoThe Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) has pledged to try to resolve the thirdsector's concerns abou the future of Structural Funds programmes in a bid tohelp organisations achieve their goal of longer term sustainability.Following a recent online survey by <strong>WCVA</strong> that revealed 93% of organisations that hadbeen involved in Objective One, Two and Three funding programmes wanted to deliveraspects of the new round of initiatives, <strong>WCVA</strong> hosted a meeting in Mid Wales to a low thento put questions to WEFO representatives.The Llandrindod Wells event provided an opportunity for organisations to raise i suesfacing the sector, and 150 people were given presentations from three key individuals:WEFO's Head of Programme Management Gretel Leeb, Chief Executive of Swansea Councilfor Voluntary Service Carol Green, and <strong>WCVA</strong>'s Director of Learning and CommunityDevelopment Phil Fiander.Many of them expressed concerns that this was a time of great uncertainty about the lackof clarity abou the role the sector wi l play in delivering projects, and how it might beexpected to work co laboratively with the A sembly and other A sembly SponsoredGovernment Bodies, local authorities and co leagues in the sector. While it was widelyrecognised by everyone in Wales tha the sector had an important role in delivering someof the most cha lenging aspects of the programmes, many organisations were asking how.<strong>WCVA</strong> Chief Executive Graham Benfield OBE said <strong>WCVA</strong> was continuing to makerepresentations to WEFO and the Assembly Government abou the problems the sector wasexperiencing as a result of the time it is taking for the programmes to get up to speed withimplementation. There were also complexities involved in designing and deliveringprojects in partnership with other stakeholders.Carol Green said that from the local perspective 'things were not good so far'. Reflectingon the past Objective One programme, she recognised the proce ses lacked coherence pan-Wales, were bureaucratic and did not deliver the intended agenda.She said the previous programme had set a standard of expectation, organisations andgroups were engaged at a loca level, and sub-groups enabled sma l groups to participate inthe Objective 1 programme.The i sue of procurement was causing problems. Information, advice and signpostingwas supposed to be provided by the SETs (Spatial European Teams), but it had not yethappened and was needed now. Everyone wanted to know where they fit in the schemeand who they teamed up with.Gretel Leeb invited organisations with existing projects under the Objective One andObjective Three programmes to apply for extensions and additional funding to extendactivity. She said the favourable exchange rate had created a windfall for both old and newprogrammes and most Priorities and Measures had funding available, with the exception ofP4 M3.She announced that 27% of the projects cu rently under appraisal were from third sectororganisations. While the percentage of Welsh A sembly Government projects approvedwas higher than other sectors, WEFO was waiting for tenders for delivery to be put out onthose projects and appear on Se l2Wales.story continues on page twoTough times force hard choices. Even for thethousands of charities, community groups andsocial enterprises in Wales’ third sector - thatlive by their ability to make much of little - therepercussions of the downturn are likely topose strong cha lenges. Fa ling income and anincrease in demand for services are ‘squeezing’some organisations. It may even be the case thatfor the third sector, the worst is yet to come; atighter rein on public expenditure is possible,as a consequence of the bi lions spent on tryingto re-ignite the economy. Proposed changes tofunding regimes – for example Legal ServicesCommission funding for advice services, and thegeneral trend towards more procurement andtendering – underline the increasing complexityand uncertainty of the environment in which weoperate.Without doubt, the recession wi l test a l sectorsin unprecedented ways. More than ever, weneed to learn fast, and from each other. Thereare no magic spe ls to ward off the storm – butorganisations that manage we l, by assessingrisks and planning how to meet them, may evenemerge in a better relative position than before.This conference is aimed at ChiefExecutives, senior staff and trustees, andwi l offer an opportunity to:Contribute to debates with theAssembly and key public sectoragencies on how they intend tofulfill commitments on sectorsupport and funding, made inmore prosperous timesAccess practical guidance onhelping your organisation to meetthe challenges aheadAlso:Marketplace of exhibitorsLunch and networkingTough times:management and funding challengesin – and beyond – the recession14 May, Parc Hotel, CardiffAs providers of care and important voices for local communities,voluntary organisations are integral to health and social care delivery. Themodernisation of service design and delivery envisaged in key AssemblyGovernment strategies needs a range of players working together todeliver services ‘in the right place, to the right person, at the right time’.Effective partnerships across a l sectors can helpto increase capacity, extend choice and improvequality. And the involvement of patient,carer and community advocates – central tonurturing community engagement – is key toachieving the wider public health agenda ofpreventing i lness and tackling inequalities.This is the vision, and also the task. Thisconference offers an unmissable day toshare experiences and learning with thirdsector and partner organisations of a l sizesand from a l sectors. The conference themewi l be explored in plenary sessions anddeveloped in a wide range of workshops,i lustrating practical outcomes and benefitsfrom real case studies. It wi l showcasesuccessful examples of joined up thinking andintegrated services.The conference wi l launch Designed to AddVal ue, the Assembly Government’s vision forthe sector’s strategic direction in supportinghealth and social care; and comes at a keymoment as the health service reconfigurationproposals gather momentum.Who should attend this conference?Individuals working in the healthand social care sectorAnyone involved in voluntary/public sector partnership workingPeople involved in voluntaryorganisations whose workimpinges on the well-being agendaThose interested in the AssemblyGovernment’s vision for the futureof health and social careThose looking for a high-level thirdsector networking opportunitySupported byHealthy Wales– an agenda for all<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> Conference & AGM 200827 November, Angel Hotel, CardiffFel darparwyr gofal ac fel leisiau pwysig dros gymunedau leol, maemudiadau gwirfoddol yn a lweddol i ddarpariaeth iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.Mae’r gwaith o foderneiddio dylunio a darparu gwasanaethau a ragwelir ym mhrifstrategaethau Llywodraeth y Cynu liad yn gofyn bod amrywiaeth eang o fudiadau’ncydweithio i ddarparu gwasanaethau ‘yn y le iawn, i’r person iawn, ar yr adeg iawn’.Ga l partneriaethau effeithiol ar draws pob sectorhelpu i gynyddu ga lu, ehangu dewis a gwe laansawdd. Ac mae cynnwys eiriolwyr cleifion,gofalwyr a chymunedau – sy’n hanfodol ifeithrin ymgysy ltiad â’r gymuned – yn a lweddoli gyflawni’r agenda iechyd cyhoeddus i atalsalwch a mynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldeb.Dyma’r weledigaeth, a dyma’r dasg hefyd.Mae’r gynhadledd hon yn cynnig diwrnod naa lwch fforddio’i go li i rannu profiadau a dysgugyda mudiadau trydydd sector a phartneriaido bob maint ac o bob sector. Bydd thema’rgynhadledd yn cael sylw mewn sesiynau lawnac fe’i datblygir wedyn mewn amrywiaetheang o weithdai, a fydd yn dangos canlyniadauymarferol a buddiannau sy’n seiliedigar astudiaethau achos go iawn. Bydd yncyflwyno enghreifftiau lwyddiannus o feddwlcydgysy ltiedig a gwasanaethau integredig.Bydd y gynhadledd yn lansio Cyn lun iYchwanegu Gwerth, gweledigaeth Llywodraethy Cynu liad ar gyfer cyfeiriad strategol y sectori gefnogi iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol; a dawar adeg dyngedfennol wrth i’r momentwmar gyfer y cynigion i ail-gyflunio’r gwasanaethiechyd gynyddu.Pwy ddylai fynychu’r gynhadledd hon?Unigolion sy’n gweithio yn y sectoriechyd a gofal cymdeithasolUnrhyw un sy’n ymwneud â gwaithpartneriaeth yn y sector cyhoeddus/gwirfoddolPobl sy’n gysylltiedig â mudiadaugwirfoddol y mae eu gwaith yneffeithio ar yr agenda llesY rheiny sydd â diddordeb yngngweledigaeth Llywodraeth yCynulliad ar gyfer dyfodol iechyda gofal cymdeithasolY rheiny sy’n chwilio am gyfle irwydweithio â’r trydydd sector arlefel uchelGyda chymorthCymru iach– agenda i bawbCynhadledd Flynyddol <strong>WCVA</strong> a CCB 200827 Tachwedd, Gwesty’r Angel, Caerdydd12 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 13

14 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 15Research<strong>WCVA</strong> has carried out research into differentaspects of voluntary action in Wales including:•zImpact of volunteering in a hospital setting.•zMapping service provision and third sectorvoices in Wales.•zThe skills needs of third sector organisationsand social economy activity of charitableorganisations.•zA programme to monitor the effects of therecession has been initiated which will resultin three <strong>report</strong>s per annum.•zA successful research conference in October,where the Chief Social Research Officer forWales spoke.•zIn partnership with Swansea University,enabling over 50 patients, service usersand carers to be involved in formulating,managing and disseminating health andsocial care research in Wales.YmchwilMae <strong>WCVA</strong> wedi cynnal ymchwil i wahanolagweddau ar weithredu gwirfoddol yngNghymru, gan gynnwys:•zEffaith gwirfoddoli mewn ysbytai.•zMapio gwasanaethau a ddarperir a lleisiau’rtrydydd sector yng Nghymru.•zAnghenion mudiadau trydydd sector oran sgiliau a gweithgarwch economigymdeithasol mudiadau elusennol.•zMae rhaglen i fonitro effaith y dirwasgiadwedi cael ei rhoi ar waith a cheir tri adroddiadbob blwyddyn.•zCynhadledd ymchwil lwyddiannus ymmis Hydref, lle cafwyd anerchiad gan BrifSwyddog Ymchwil Gymdeithasol Cymru.•zMewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol Abertawe,galluogi dros 50 o gleifion, defnyddwyrgwasanaeth a gofalwyr, i fod yn rhan o’rgwaith o drefnu, rheoli a lledaenu ymchwilym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yngNghymru.Minister for Social Justiceand Local GovernmentDr Brian Gibbons duringVolunteers’ Week.Y Gweinidog ar gyfer CyfiawnderCymdeithasol a LlywodraethLeol Dr Brian Gibbons yn ystodWythnos y Gwirfoddolwyr.2Promoting the sector’s rolesHyrwyddo swyddogaethau’r sector<strong>WCVA</strong> has continued to support the sectorto develop its different distinctive rolesand contribution to major public policyinitiatives.Regeneration•zProviding a suite of community regenerationinformation sheets.•zResponding to over 2,000 enquiries to theCommunities First Helpline•zManaging funding schemes to supportcommunity led regeneration, and providing:–– over 1,000 grants totalling over £3m fromthe Communities First Trust Fund–– loans totalling £816,000 and grantstotalling over £248,000 from theCommunity Investment Fund•zSecuring new contracts to provide adviceand training under the Communities Firstprogramme.Policy consultation andrepresentation•zMaintaining up-to-date details of currentpolicy issues and consultations at Wales, UKand European levels on <strong>WCVA</strong>’s nationalwebsite providing, attracting almost50,000 visitors to the policy section whodownloaded over 1,500 policy documents.•zOrganising 16 regional policy events andother policy meetings, attracting over 1,300participants, to discuss policy issues ofinterest to the sector.•zPublicising 208 policy consultations throughthe weekly consultation bulletin.•zPreparing 32 responses highlighting thirdsector interest and concerns.Mae <strong>WCVA</strong> wedi parhau i gynorthwyo’rsector i ddatblygu ei wahanolswyddogaethau nodedig a’i gyfraniad atgynlluniau polisi cyhoeddus pwysig.Adfywio•zDarparu cyfres o daflenni gwybodaeth ymmaes adfywio cymunedol.•zYmateb i dros 2,000 o ymholiadau i LinellGymorth Cymunedau yn Gyntaf.•zRheoli cynlluniau cyllido i gynorthwyoadfywio a arweinir gan y gymuned, adarparu:–– dros 1,000 o grantiau gwerth dros£3 miliwn o Gronfa YmddiriedolaethCymunedau yn Gyntaf–– benthyciadau gwerth £816,000 agrantiau gwerth dros £248,000 o’r GronfaFuddsoddi Gymunedol•zSicrhau contractau newydd i ddarparucyngor a hyfforddiant dan y rhaglenCymunedau yn Gyntaf.Ymgynghori ar bolisïau achynrychiolaeth•zCadw a diweddaru manylionymgynghoriadau a materion yn ymwneud âpholisïau cyfredol yng Nghymru, y DeyrnasUnedig ac Ewrop, ar wefan genedlaethol<strong>WCVA</strong>, gan ddenu bron i 50,000 o ymwelwyri’r adran polisi i lwytho dros 1,500 oddogfennau polisi oddi ar y we•zTrefnu 16 o ddigwyddiadau polisi rhanbarthola chyfarfodydd polisi eraill, gan ddenu dros1,300 o gyfranwyr, i drafod materion ynymwneud â pholisïau sydd o ddiddordeb i’rsector.•zHysbysebu 208 o ymgynghoriadau ar bolisïau

16 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 17The Voices for Change Cymru projectwas launched in May 2008 and aims tohelp to connect the third sector in Waleswith local and national decision making.By providing a range of services to makecampaigning and influencing easier theproject will help the sector translateits wealth of frontline experience intoeffective campaigns and policy making.To date the project has engaged withover 1,900 organisations and provides thefollowing services to enable the sector tohave its voice heard:•zA dedicated website (www.voicesforchangecymru.org.uk) completewith an Assembly monitoring servicewhich details all Assembly business splitinto categories relevant to the sector.drwy’r bwletin ymgynghori wythnosol.•zParatoi 32 o ymatebion a oedd yn rhoi sylw ifuddiannau a phryderon y trydydd sector.Lansiwyd prosiect Lleisiau dros NewidCymru ym mis Mai 2008, a’i nod ywcynorthwyo i gysylltu’r trydydd sectoryng Nghymru â phrosesau lluniopenderfyniadau lleol a chenedlaethol.Drwy ddarparu amrywiaeth o wasanaethaui hwyluso ymgyrchu a dylanwadu, byddy prosiect yn cynorthwyo’r sector iddefnyddio ei brofiad helaeth yn y rhengflaen i sicrhau dulliau effeithiol o luniopolisïau a threfnu ymgyrchoedd.Hyd yma, mae’r prosiect wedi ymgysylltuâ dros 1,900 o fudiadau ac mae’n darparu’rgwasanaethau canlynol i alluogi’r sector ileisio’i farn:Haverfordwest Skate Associationreceived funds from theCommunities First Trust Fundtowards the hire of a mobileskatepark to use at the YouthFestival held in September 2008.Derbyniodd Mudiad SglefrioHwlffordd arian gan GronfaYmddiriedolaeth Cymunedau ynGyntaf tuag at y gost o logi parcsglefrio symudol i’w ddefnyddio ynyr Wŷl Ieuenctid fis Medi 2008.•zA series of training courses ranging from‘An introduction to Welsh politics’ to‘Advanced campaigning and lobbying.’12 courses were delivered in the2008/09 period.•zA suite of 12 information sheets on arange of issues from local to nationalpolitics and how organisations cancampaign and influence effectively.•zOur Voices database which has over1,500 members who have signed up toreceive information about opportunitiesto influence that are relevant to theareas they work in.•zA series of policy events about how toengage with UK and Welsh politicalstructures.The project has also worked withorganisations on a one-to-one basis toprovide training or advice.•zGwefan benodol (www.voicesforchangecymru.org.uk) gydagwasanaeth monitro’r Cynulliad sy’ncynnwys manylion holl fusnes y Cynulliadwedi’i rannu’n gategorïau sy’n berthnasoli’r sector.•zCyfres o gyrsiau hyfforddi, a’r rheini’namrywio o ‘Gyflwyniad i wleidyddiaethCymru’ i ‘Ymgyrchu a lobïo uwch’.Darparwyd 12 cwrs yn 2008/09.•zCyfres o 12 taflen wybodaeth aramrywiaeth o faterion gan gynnwysgwleidyddiaeth leol a chenedlaethola sut y gall mudiadau ymgyrchu adylanwadu’n effeithiol.•zMae ein cronfa ddata ‘Lleisiau’ yncynnwys dros 1,500 o aelodau sydd wedicofrestru i gael gwybodaeth ynghylchcyfleoedd i ddylanwadu sy’n berthnasoli’w meysydd gwaith.•zCyfres o ddigwyddiadau polisi ynghylchsut mae ymgysylltu â strwythuraugwleidyddol Cymru a’r DU.Mae’r prosiect hefyd wedi gweithio gydamudiadau ar sail un-wrth-un i ddarparuhyfforddiant neu gyngor.Participation•zSecuring WAG funding to expandParticipation Cymru, the cross-sectorpartnership hosted by <strong>WCVA</strong> and establishedto promote good practice in participationand citizen engagement.•zPublishing six citizen engagementnewsletters and creating a new dedicatedParticipation Cymru websitewww.participationcymru.org.uk.•zOrganising 31 training courses to developskills in citizen engagement.•zInvolving service users and carers in healthand social care research through theInvolving People project.Cyfrannu•zSicrhau arian gan Lywodraeth CynulliadCymru i ymestyn Cyfranogaeth Cymru, ybartneriaeth traws-sector sy’n cael ei rhedeggan <strong>WCVA</strong> ac a sefydlwyd i hybu arferion dao ran cyfranogi ac ymgysylltu â dinasyddion.•zCyhoeddi chwech o gylchlythyrau sy’nymgysylltu â dinasyddion a chreu gwefannewydd yn benodol ar gyfer CyfranogaethCymru: www.participationcymru.org.uk.•zTrefnu 31 o gyrsiau hyfforddi i ddatblygusgiliau ym maes ymgysylltu â dinasyddion.•zCynnwys defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a gofalwyrmewn ymchwil ym maes iechyd a gofalcymdeithasol drwy gyfrwng y prosiectCynnwys Pobl.

18 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 19Partnership•zFacilitating the sector’s engagement withthe Welsh Assembly Government throughthe Voluntary Sector Scheme, PartnershipCouncil and ministerial meetings.•zEnsuring that the sector has representationon major Assembly Government partnershipsand working groups.•zFacilitating third sector networks concernedwith equalities and human rights, substancemisuse, community justice, and health socialcare and well-being, as well as the networkof local health and social care facilitatorsbased with the county voluntary councils.•zPromoting good practice in workingarrangements between the sector and localauthorities, and monitoring the effectivenessof local compacts.•zEnsuring that Value Wales guidance onprocuring from the third sector was reflectedin the Welsh Assembly Government revisedCode of Practice for Funding the ThirdSector.Service delivery•zProviding web-based information abouttendering and public services.•zAmending the Welsh AssemblyGovernment’s Code of Practice onfunding the Third Sector to include newcommitments to full-cost recovery, and newinformation on procurement.•zMapping third sector service providers.•zDeveloping consortia proposals for Europeanfunding, covering Community EconomicDevelopment, Workforce Development andPublic Service Improvement.•zContinuing to promote guidance oncommissioning and procurement.Partneriaeth•zHwyluso ymgysylltiad y sector â LlywodraethCynulliad Cymru drwy Gynllun y SectorGwirfoddol, y Cyngor Partneriaeth achyfarfodydd â gweinidogion.•zSicrhau bod y sector yn cael ei gynrychioliym mhrif bartneriaethau a gweithgorauLlywodraeth y Cynulliad.•zHyrwyddo rhwydweithiau trydydd sector sy’nymwneud â chydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol,camddefnyddio sylweddau, cyfiawndercymunedol, a iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol alles, yn ogystal â’r rhwydwaith o hwyluswyriechyd a gofal cymdeithasol lleol sydd wedi’ulleoli yn y cynghorau gwirfoddol sirol.•zHybu arferion da mewn trefniadau gweithiorhwng y sector ac awdurdodau lleol, amonitro effeithiolrwydd compactau lleol.•zSicrhau bod cyfarwyddyd Gwerth Cymruar gaffael gan y trydydd sector yn cael eiadlewyrchu yng Nghod Ymarfer diwygiedigLlywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru ar gyferCyllido’r Trydydd Sector.Darparu gwasanaethau•zDarparu gwybodaeth ynglŷn â thendro agwasanaethau cyhoeddus ar y we.•zDiwygio Cod Ymarfer Llywodraeth CynulliadCymru ar gyllido’r Trydydd Sector i gynnwysymrwymiadau newydd i adennill costau’nllawn a gwybodaeth newydd am gaffael.•zMapio darparwyr gwasanaethau yn ytrydydd sector.•zDatblygu cynigion consortia am gyllidEwropeaidd, a’r rheini’n ymwneud â DatblyguEconomaidd Cymunedol, Datblygu’rGweithlu a Gwella Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus.•zParhau i hybu cyfarwyddyd ar gomisiynu achaffael.Scrutiny and campaigning•zLaunching a new Voices for Change Cymruproject, supported by the Big Lottery Fund,to help the sector influence policy andlegislation at local and national levels.•zProviding training courses across Wales.•zProviding advice.•zPublishing information sheets.•zOrganising events and seminars.•zCreating a dedicated website (www.voicesforchangecymru.org.uk), helpingpeople to understand how local and nationaldecision making processes work.•zAssisting decision makers to understand theimportance and value of talking to the sectorand helping to facilitate this process.The economyAs the economic downturn has taken effect,<strong>WCVA</strong> has been at the forefront of tacklingeconomic inactivity in providing opportunitiesto those most disadvantaged to take steps backinto the labour market.•zLaunch of the Wales-wide EngagementGateway scheme which will invest over £30min organisations to work with economicallyinactive groups and support them backtowards employment•zLaunch of the Intermediate Labour Marketscheme in North and East Wales that willinvest £18m in organisations to provide paidwork experience and training for peoplefacing barriers to employment•zSuccessful <strong>WCVA</strong>-led third sector bid to theFuture Jobs Fund, which will fund 550 jobsthroughout the third sector in Wales for 18-24year oldsCraffu ac ymgyrchu•zLansio prosiect newydd - Lleisiau dros NewidCymru – a gefnogir gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr,er mwyn cynorthwyo’r sector i ddylanwaduar bolisïau ac ar ddeddfwriaeth yn lleol ac yngenedlaethol.•zDarparu cyrsiau hyfforddi ledled Cymru.•zDarparu cyngor.•zCyhoeddi taflenni gwybodaeth.•zTrefnu digwyddiadau a seminarau.•zCreu gwefan bwrpasol (www.voicesforchangecymru.org.uk), gan helpupobl i ddeall sut mae prosesau gwneudpenderfyniadau lleol a chenedlaethol yngweithio.•zCynorthwyo’r rheini sy’n gwneudpenderfyniadau i ddeall pwysigrwydd agwerth siarad â’r sector a helpu i hwyluso’rbroses hon.Yr economiWrth i’r dirywiad economaidd fynd rhagddo,mae <strong>WCVA</strong> wedi bod ar flaen y gad yn myndi’r afael ag anweithgarwch economaidd, ganddarparu cyfleoedd i’r rheini sydd dan yranfantais fwyaf i fynd yn ôl i’r farchnad lafur.•zLansio cynllun Porth Ymgysylltu Cymrugyfan a fydd yn buddsoddi dros £30mmewn mudiadau i weithio gyda grwpiaueconomaidd anweithgar a rhoi cymorthiddynt fynd yn ôl i fyd gwaith•zLansio cynllun y Farchnad Lafur Drosiannolyng Ngogledd a Dwyrain Cymru a fydd ynbuddsoddi £18m mewn mudiadau i gynnighyfforddiant a phrofiad gwaith â thâl i boblsy’n wynebu rhwystrau o ran cyflogaeth•zCynnig llwyddiannus gan y trydydd sector,dan arweiniad <strong>WCVA</strong>, i Gronfa Swyddi’rDyfodol, a fydd yn ariannu 550 o swyddidrwy’r trydydd sector yng Nghymru ar gyferpobl ifanc rhwng 18 a 24 oed.

20 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 213Promoting the sector’s interestsin the major policy areasHybu buddiannau’r sector yn y priffeysydd polisiCulture, Welsh Language, sport•zResponding to ‘Big Thinking’; the BigLottery Fund’s consultation on its strategicframework from 2009 onwards.•zResponding to Implementing a dormantaccounts scheme in Wales: a consultation bythe Big Lottery Fund on behalf of WAG.•zPromoting volunteer participation in the2012 London Olympics, with nearly 4,000people from Wales registering an expressionof interest.•zOrganising Sbardun, the sector’s voluntaryaction pavilion at the National Eisteddfod.•zWorking with the Welsh Language Board onits consulation on a Compact between WAG,the WLB and the third sector.•zReviewing and consulting on <strong>WCVA</strong>’s WelshLanguage Scheme.Diwylliant, yr Iaith Gymraeg,chwaraeon•zYmateb i ‘Y Farn Fawr’; ymgynghoriad cyntafy Gronfa Loteri Fawr ar ei fframwaith strategolo 2009 ymlaen.•zYmateb i roi cynllun cyfrifon cwsg ar waithyng Nghymru: ymgynghoriad gan y GronfaLoteri Fawr ar ran Llywodraeth CynulliadCymru.•zHyrwyddo cyfraniad gwirfoddolwyr yn yGemau Olympaidd yn Llundain yn 2012; maebron i 4000 o bobl o Gymru wedi mynegididdordeb.•zTrefnu Sbardun, pafiliwn gweithredugwirfoddol y sector yn yr EisteddfodGenedlaethol.•zGweithio gyda Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraegar ei ymgynghoriad ar Gompact rhwngLlywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, Bwrdd yr IaithGymraeg a’r trydydd sector.•zAdolygu Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg <strong>WCVA</strong> acymgynghori arno.Top: Minister for Health Edwina Hart MBE with Win Griffithsand Graham Benfield at <strong>WCVA</strong>’s 75th anniversary event atthe Royal Welsh Show.Bottom: Activity at Sbardun, the voluntary action centre atthe National Eisteddfod, managed by <strong>WCVA</strong>.Uchod: Y Gweinidog dros Iechyd Edwina Hart gyda WinGriffiths a Graham Benfield yn nathliad pen blwydd <strong>WCVA</strong>yn 75 oed yn y Sioe Amaethyddol.Gwaelod: Bwrlwm yn Sbardun, canolfan gweithredugwirfoddol ar faes yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, a reolir gan<strong>WCVA</strong>.

22 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 23Environment, sustainability andhousing•zCommissioning an assessment of the currentlevel and types of green volunteering,capacity, restraints and opportunities forfuture development.•zDeveloping the work of Environment Wales,providing over £600,000 in grants to 321groups involving nearly 5,000 volunteers,and providing a Wales-wide developmentservice for environmental groups.•zPutting forward proposals for support forgreen volunteering by developing thepotential of Environment Wales and throughother opportunities.•zDrawing up a third sector climate changedeclaration.•zContributing to the work of the WalesClimate Change Commission.Yr amgylchedd, cynaliadwyedda thai•zComisiynu asesiad o lefelau presennolgwirfoddoli gwyrdd a’r mathau ohono,capasiti, cyfyngiadau a chyfleoedd ar gyferdatblygu yn y dyfodol.•zDatblygu gwaith Amgylchedd Cymru, ganddarparu dros £600,000 mewn grantiau i321 o grwpiau, a’r rheini’n cynnwys bron i5,000 o wirfoddolwyr, a darparu gwasanaethdatblygu ar gyfer grwpiau amgylcheddolledled Cymru.•zCyflwyno cynigion i gael cymorth ar gyfercynlluniau gwirfoddoli gwyrdd drwyddatblygu potensial Amgylchedd Cymru athrwy gyfleoedd eraill.•zLlunio datganiad ar newid yn yr hinsawdd argyfer y trydydd sector.•zCyfrannu at waith Comisiwn Cymru ar yNewid yn yr Hinsawdd.Environment Wales has continued to beone of the largest supporters of voluntaryand community based environmentalaction in Wales, also helping to deliver theWelsh Assembly Government, <strong>WCVA</strong> andits core partners’ sustainable developmentagendas.During this time Environment Waleshas registered an additional 35 groupsand awarded 131 grants in the 2008/09period. The initiative has continued tomaintain a high profile at national andregional events, acting as a signpost to itsown support and to others committed tovoluntary environmental action.Mae Amgylchedd Cymru yn parhau’nun o gefnogwyr mwyaf gweithreduamgylcheddol gwirfoddol a chymunedolyng Nghymru. Mae hefyd wedi helpu igyflwyno agendâu datblygu cynaliadwyLlywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, <strong>WCVA</strong> a’ibartneriaid craidd.Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, mae AmgylcheddCymru wedi cofrestru 35 grŵp ychwanegolac wedi dyfarnu 131 o grantiau ar gyfer2008/09. Mae’r fenter hon wedi parhau igynnal proffil uchel mewn digwyddiadaucenedlaethol a rhanbarthol; bu’n foddo gyfeirio at ei chymorth ei hun ac ateraill sydd wedi ymrwymo i weithreduamgylcheddol gwirfoddol.Mae gweithio mewn partneriaeth, ganhelpu i ehangu ac uno amrywiol gylchoeddgwaith ei phartneriaid craidd, yn sicrhaubod y fenter yn gallu cefnogi gweithreduamgylcheddol gwirfoddol mewn fforddddeinamig. Drwy’r amrywiaeth helaetho arbenigedd a chylch gwaith eang eiswyddogion datblygu, mae AmgylcheddCymru mewn sefyllfa arbennig i ddiwalluanghenion sylweddol y sector.Working in partnership, helping expandand unite the varied remits of its corepartners, ensures that the initiative cansupport environmental voluntary action ina dynamic way. Through the broad rangeof expertise and the wide-ranging remitof its development officers, EnvironmentWales is uniquely placed to meet thesubstantial needs of the sector.Environment Wales Development Officershave helped ensure that the initiative hasexceeded all of its targets by 80 per cent,creating 28 new posts. Most impressivelyEnvironment Wales is set to better or meetmost in the next period.Mae Swyddogion Datblygu AmgylcheddCymru wedi helpu i sicrhau bod y fenterwedi rhagori 80 y cant ar ei thargedaui gyd, gan greu 28 oswyddi newydd. Ynogystal â hyn, mae’nymddangos y byddAmgylchedd Cymruyn bodloni’r holldargedau, neu’nrhagori arnynt, yn ycyfnod nesaf.

24 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 25Social justice and localgovernment•zSecuring Substance Misuse Networkrepresentation on the new strategy’simplementation group.•zContributing to a WAG review ofrehabilitation services leading to an additional£3m for residential rehabilitation services.•zMonitoring and <strong>report</strong>ing on theeffectiveness of local compacts with localgovernment and other local public sectorpartners, and proposing action to addressdeficiencies.•zMonitoring and <strong>report</strong>ing on the adoptionand effectiveness of Funding Codes ofPractice, including commitment to full-costrecovery.•zMonitoring and <strong>report</strong>ing on the extent ofthe sector’s full and effective membership ofLocal Service Boards and other partnerships,including commissioning and procurementdecision-making.•zMonitoring and <strong>report</strong>ing on the sector’sinput to local scrutiny.Cyfiawnder cymdeithasol allywodraeth leol•zSicrhau bod y Rhwydwaith CamddefnyddioSylweddau yn cael ei gynrychioli ar grŵpgweithredu’r strategaeth newydd.•zCyfrannu at adolygiad LlywodraethCynulliad Cymru o wasanaethau adsefydlu aarweiniodd at £3 miliwn ychwanegol ar gyfergwasanaethau adsefydlu preswyl.•zMonitro ac adrodd am effeithiolrwyddcompactau lleol gyda llywodraeth leol aphartneriaid lleol eraill yn y sector cyhoeddus,a chynnig camau gweithredu i fynd i’r afael âdiffygion.•zMonitro ac adrodd am effeithiolrwyddCodau Ymarfer Cyllid, ac am y modd y cânteu mabwysiadu, gan gynnwys ymrwymiad iadennill costau’n llawn.•zMonitro ac adrodd ynghylch i baraddau y mae’r sector yn aelod llawn aceffeithiol o Fyrddau Gwasanaethau Lleol aphartneriaethau eraill, gan gynnwys gwneudpenderfyniadau am gaffael a chomisiynu.•zMonitro ac adrodd am fewnbwn y sector igraffu lleol.Rural affairs•zPromoting the recommendations of theCarnegie Rural Community DevelopmentCommission.•zOrganising a rural assets conference.•zRepresenting the sector on the RuralDevelopment Programme monitoringcommittee.Economy and transport•zPressing for WAG measures to promotevolunteering as a means of providingexperience and skills for work, and topromote employee volunteering.•zSecuring funding for technical assistance tosupport the third sector in Structural Fundsprogrammes 2007-2013 through 3-SET,the third sector Spatial European Team, todeliver information, advice and training tothird sector organisations. The 3-SET projectdelivers training on how to tender; managingan EU project for third sector projectsponsors and risk management.•zAgreeing the sector’s role in future transportuser participation structures.•zWorking with partners, put forwardproposals for enhanced role for sector in localaccess and transport infrastructure.Materion gwledig•zHybu argymhellion Comisiwn DatblyguCymunedol Gwledig Carnegie.•zTrefnu cynhadledd ar asedau gwledig.•zCynrychioli’r sector ar bwyllgor monitro’rRhaglen Datblygu Gwledig.Economi a thrafnidiaeth•zPwyso am fesurau gan Lywodraeth CynulliadCymru i hyrwyddo gwirfoddoli fel ffordd oddarparu profiad a sgiliau ar gyfer gwaith, aci hybu gwirfoddoli ymhlith gweithwyr.•zSicrhau cyllid ar gyfer cymorth technegoli gefnogi’r trydydd sector yn rhaglenniCronfeydd Strwythurol 2007-2013 drwy3-SET, Tîm Ewropeaidd Gofodol y trydyddsector, i ddarparu gwybodaeth, cyngor ahyfforddiant i fudiadau trydydd sector. Maeprosiect 3-SET ac yn rhoi hyfforddiant ar‘sut mae tendro’; rheoli prosiect UE ar gyfernoddwyr prosiectau trydydd sector a rheolirisg.•zCytuno ar rôl y sector mewn strwythuraucyfranogaeth defnyddwyr trafnidiaeth yn ydyfodol.•zGweithio gyda phartneriaid, rhoi cynigiongerbron ar gyfer swyddogaeth estynedigi’r sector o ran y seilwaith trafnidiaeth amynediad lleol.

26 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009Health and social services•zEstablishing and leading a third sectorworkstream under the NHS ReformProgramme Board.•zUndertaking a review with the sector ofits collaborative infrastructure to identifymaximum efficiency and support in the newLHB framework, and identification of nineservice areas where the third sector makes akey contribution to health and social care.•zCampaigning for increased service deliveryas part of work on service frameworks underthe NHS reform programme, and seeking1 per cent of the NHS budget to betargeted to the third sector to resourceservice delivery.•zSupporting the work of the the NHS Trustsvolunteering network and Long TermConditions Alliance.•zFacilitating and supporting the Health, SocialCare and Well-being Network.•zContributing to drafting a new WAG socialcare Commissioning Framework.•zOrganising the <strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> Conference onthe theme of Healthy Wales – an agenda for allto create a more strategic event for the widerthird sector on health and the opportuntiesof the coming NHS reform in Wales.•zSupporting local mental health services,and development service, through the LocalMental Health Services Scheme, which wasexpanded as a result of its merger with theSupport for People with Disabilities mentalhealth grant scheme previously managed bylocal authorities.Iechyd a gwasanaethaucymdeithasol•zSefydlu ac arwain ffrwd gwaith trydyddsector dan Fwrdd Rhaglen Diwygio’r GIG.•zCynnal adolygiad gyda’r sector o’i seilwaitho ran cydweithio er mwyn sicrhau’reffeithlonrwydd a’r cymorth gorau posiblyn y fframwaith BILl newydd, a dynodi nawmaes gwasanaeth lle mae’r trydydd sectoryn cyfrannu’n allweddol at iechyd a gofalcymdeithasol.•zYmgyrchu dros ddarparu rhagor owasanaethau fel rhan o’r gwaith arfframweithiau gwasanaeth dan raglendiwygio’r GIG, a cheisio sicrhau bod 1 y canto gyllideb y GIG yn cael ei dargedu ar gyfer ytrydydd sector er mwyn sicrhau adnoddau iddarparu’r gwasanaethau.•zCefnogi gwaith rhwydwaith gwirfoddoliYmddiriedolaethau’r GIG a ChynghrairAfiechydon Parhaol Cymru.•zHwyluso a chefnogi’r Rhwydwaith Iechyd,Gofal Cymdeithasol a Lles.•zCyfrannu at lunio drafft o FframwaithComisiynu gofal cymdeithasol newydd argyfer Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.•zTrefnu Cynhadledd Flynyddol <strong>WCVA</strong> ar ythema Cymru Iach – agenda i bawb er mwyncreu digwyddiad mwy strategol ar gyfer ytrydydd sector ehangach ar iechyd ac ar ycyfleoedd a ddaw yn sgil ailstrwythuro’r GIGyng Nghymru.•zCefnogi gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl,a’r gwasanaeth datblygu, drwy’r CynllunGwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Lleol, aehangwyd yn sgil ei uno â’r cynllun grantiechyd meddwl, Cymorth i Bobl gydagAnableddau, a reolwyd yn flaenorol ganawdurdodau lleol.Growing Space, basedin Tredegar House inNewport, offers serviceusers gardening as therapy.The organisation hasreceived funding from<strong>WCVA</strong> under the LocalMental Health GrantScheme.Mae Growing Space yngweithio o Dŷ Tredegaryng Nghasnewydd ac yncynnig garddio fel therapii’w defnyddwyr. Gwnaethy mudiad dderbyn arianoddi wrth <strong>WCVA</strong> drwyGynllun Grant IechydMeddwl Lleol.

28 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 29Equality•zCo-ordinating equalities representation onthe Wales Spatial Plan partnerships.•zDeveloping the mapping of equalitiesorganisations in Wales including linkswith the Equalities and Human RightsCommission’s (EHRC) work.•zCo-ordinating the consultation responseand involvement of the sector in theEquality Impact Assessment for the All WalesCommunity Cohesion Strategy.•zDeveloping equalities and human rightstraining for the third sector.•zCo-ordinating third sector representation onthe Assembly Government’s Single EqualityScheme.•zFacilitating regular meetings of the Equalitiesand Human Rights Coalition, and developingits links with the EHRC.Children, education, lifelonglearning and skills•zSecuring £16m Convergence funding and£6.6m match funding for a three yearGateway project to support economicallyinactive people (27,681 beneficiaries).•zSubmitting a European bid to match fundwith the GwirVol initiative to supply youngpeople with the skills needed for futureemployment.•zSecuring £7m Convergence funding and£3.4m match funding for a three yearLabour Market Intermediary project (1800beneficiaries and 20-30 social enterprises tobe supported).•zCompleting 13 Skills for Regenerationapprenticeships.•zCompleting research into the skills needs ofthe third sector in Wales in March 2009.Cydraddoldeb•zCydlynu cynrychiolaeth ym maescydraddoldeb ym mhartneriaethau CynllunGofodol Cymru.•zDatblygu’r gwaith o fapio mudiadaucydraddoldeb yng Nghymru, gangynnwys cysylltiadau â gwaith y ComisiwnCydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol.•zCydlynu ymateb i ymgynghoriad a chyfraniady sector yn Asesiad Effaith ar GydraddoldebStrategaeth Cydlyniant Cymunedol CymruGyfan.•zDatblygu hyfforddiant ym maescydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol ar gyfer ytrydydd sector.•zCydlynu cynrychiolaeth y trydydd sector arGynllun Cydraddoldeb Sengl Llywodraeth yCynulliad.•zHwyluso cyfarfodydd rheolaidd â’r GlymblaidCydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol, a meithrincysylltiadau â’r Comisiwn.Plant, addysg, dysgu gydol oesa sgiliau•zSicrhau £16 miliwn o gyllid Cydgyfeirio a £6.6miliwn o gyllid cyfatebol ar gyfer prosiectPorth tair blynedd i gefnogi pobl economaiddanweithgar (27,681 o fuddiolwyr).•zCyflwyno cynnig Ewropeaidd i gael cyllidcyfatebol gyda menter GwirVol i ddarparu’rsgiliau angenrheidiol i bobl ifanc ar gyfergwaith yn y dyfodol.•zSicrhau £7 miliwn o gyllid Cydgyfeirio a £3.4miliwn o arian cyfatebol ar gyfer prosiect yFarchnad Lafur Drosiannol am dair blynedd(1800 o fuddiolwyr a 20-30 o fentraucymdeithasol i’w cefnogi).•zCwblhau 13 prentisiaeth Sgiliau argyfer Adfywio.•zCwblhau ymchwil i anghenion y trydyddsector yng Nghymru o ran sgiliau ym misMawrth 2009.4Improve performance andensure qualityGwella perfformiad a sicrhauansawdd<strong>WCVA</strong>’s Board and its sub-committees havecontinued to ensure that robust systemsare in place to improve the charity’sefficiency and effectiveness, and to addressinternal and external factors that couldinfluence its effectiveness, including:•zKeeping long-term income projections underreview and adopting funding strategies tosecure resources to maintain its range ofcharitable activities.•zOperating to the standards underpinningits Investors in Excellence accreditationwithin the European Foundation for QualityManagement (EFQM) model.•zMaintaining Green Dragon level II andInvestors In People accreditation, and acomprehensive suite of policies, which areregularly reviewed.•zContinuing its staff development and trainingprogramme.•zMaintaining good and constructive relationswith government, the Assembly and otherpublic bodies at both trustee and senior stafflevels.Photos: cartrefi cymru award.jpg; cartreficymru.jpgMae Bwrdd ac is-bwyllgorau <strong>WCVA</strong>wedi parhau i sicrhau bod systemaucadarn mewn grym i wneud yr elusenyn fwy effeithlon ac effeithiol, ac i roisylw i ffactorau mewnol ac allanol a allaiddylanwadu ar ei effeithlonrwydd, gangynnwys:•zParhau i adolygu rhagamcanion incwm tymorhir a mabwysiadu strategaethau cyllido isicrhau adnoddau i gynnal ei amrywiaeth oweithgareddau elusennol.•zGweithredu yn unol â’r safonau sy’n sail i’wachrediad Buddsoddwyr mewn Rhagoriaetho fewn model y Sefydliad Ewropeaidd drosReoli Ansawdd.•zDal gafael yn Safon y Ddraig Werdd lefel II acyn yr achrediad Buddsoddwyr mewn Pobl, aphecyn cynhwysfawr o bolisïau, sy’n cael euhadolygu’n gyson.•zParhau â’i raglen hyfforddi a datblygu staff.•zCynnal cysylltiadau da ac adeiladol gyda’rllywodraeth, y Cynulliad a chyrff cyhoedduseraill ar lefel ymddiriedolwyr ac uwch staff.

30 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 315Grants and fundingGrantiau a chyllid<strong>WCVA</strong> administered 26 (2008: 26) grantschemes during the year and grantpayments were made to 1,975 (2008: 2,318)organisations.Gweinyddodd <strong>WCVA</strong> 26 (2008: 26) cynllungrant yn ystod y flwyddyn a gwnaethpwydtaliadau grant i 1,975 (2008: 2,318) ofudiadau.GrantsNumberof GrantsPaidNifer yGrantiau aDalwyd2009 2008Value ofGrantsPaid £Gwerth yGrantiau aDalwyd £Numberof GrantsPaidNifer yGrantiau aDalwydValue ofGrantsPaid £Gwerth yGrantiau aDalwyd £GrantiauActive Community 29 943,327 43 1,339,027 Cymdeithas FywRussell - Youth Led 4 35,000 17 100,000Russell – Dan ArweiniadPobl IfancRussell - YouthRussell – Gwirfoddoli50 237,664 6 27,246VolunteeringYmhlith Pobl IfancRussell – GwirfoddoliRussell - International2 77,885 - -Ymhlith Pobl Ifanc ynYouth VolunteeringRhyngwladolCommunities First 1194 3,098,220 1,301 3,579,907 Cymunedau yn GyntafCommunities First - Music 16 31,652 83 177,000Cymunedau yn Gyntaf –CerddoriaethCommunities First -Cymunedau yn Gyntaf –- - 3 162,419RussellRussellGwraidd - (7,836) 62 201,943 GwraiddCommunity Investment 21 248,065 18 144,962 Buddsoddiad CymunedolLocal Regeneration - - 6 279,988 Adfywio LleolLocal VolunteeringGwasanaethau Gwirfoddoli19 2,840,958 21 2,965,562ServicesLleolMental Health 89 2,240,272 80 2,197,571 Iechyd MeddwlMillennium Volunteers 60 407,610 56 317,207 Gwirfoddolwyr y MileniwmMillennium Volunteers -Gwirfoddolwyr y Mileniwm19 318,405 25 463,037Russell– RussellSustainable Funding 14 5,068 - - Cyllid CynaliadwyGoldstar 14 40,000 23 48,000 Seren AurVolunteering in WalesCronfa Gwirfoddoli yng60 603,018 67 694,230FundNghymruEnvironment Wales 135 867,973 139 865,850 Amgylchedd CymruBuilding Strong Bridges 1 11,748 - - Codi Pontydd CadarnStrategic Recycling - ERDF 7 1,865,591 7 2,258,305 Ailgylchu Strategol – ERDFStrategic Recycling - ESF 7 996,390 6 836,469 Ailgylchu Strategol – ESFStrategic Recycling - nonAilgylchu Strategol – heb1 272,105 1 675,547Objective 1fod yn Amcan 1Advice Training Network 17 636,013 16 670,763Rhwydwaith HyfforddiantCynghoriVolunteeringCynllun Cryfhau19 1,299,195 21 1,281,887Enhancement InitiativeGwirfoddoliPartnership Council 29 156,454 29 120,500 Y Cyngor PartneriaethEnfys - - - (82) EnfysSocial Risk - Objective 1 134 377,666 221 1,113,237Risg Gymdeithasol –Amcan 1Local Voluntary ActionCapacity BuildingVoluntary Sector CapacityBuilding11 179,936 13 286,1559 110,016 7 95,860Social Risk – Objective 3 14 42,451 47 171,1761,975 17,934,846 2,318 21,073,766Meithrin Galluoedd –Gweithredu GwirfoddolLleolMeithrin Galluoedd ySector GwirfoddolRisg Gymdeithasol –Amcan 3

32 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 336Plans for future periodsCynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol7The trustees and charity advisorsYmddiriedolwyr a chynghorwyrelusen<strong>WCVA</strong> will continue to work to its five-yearbusiness plan, maintaining its principalobjectives of:Bydd <strong>WCVA</strong> yn parhau i ddilyn ei gynllunbusnes pum mlynedd, gan gadw at ei brifamcanion, sef:The trustees and other advisors whoserved the charity during the period arelisted below:Yr ymddiriedolwyr a’r cynghorwyr eraillsydd wedi gwasanaethu’r elusen yn ystod ycyfnod.•zProviding services for the sector.•zPromoting the sector’s roles in key areas ofactivity.•zPromoting the sector’s interest in majorpolicy areas.•zImproving performance and ensuringquality in all aspects of the organisation.Priorities will include:•zContinuing to improve support servicesthrough the five-year PartnershipAgreement for the third sectorinfrastructure.•zPromoting the sector’s role and interests interms of:–– Economic participation and inclusion–– Environmental participation andsustainability–– Health and social wellbeing–– Citizen engagement–– Partnership and commissioning–– Service delivery–– Volunteering–– S k i l l s–– Resources•zDarparu gwasanaethau ar gyfer y sector.•zHybu swyddogaethau’r sector yn y priffeysydd gweithgareddau.•zHybu buddiannau’r sector yn y prif feysyddpolisi.•zGwella perfformiad a sicrhau ansawdd ymmhob agwedd ar y mudiad.Bydd y blaenoriaethau’ncynnwys:•zParhau i wella gwasanaethau cefnogi drwy’rCytundeb Partneriaeth pum mlynedd ar gyferseilwaith y trydydd sector.•zHyrwyddo swyddogaeth a buddiannau’rsector o ran:–– Cynhwysiant a chyfraniad economaidd–– Cyfranogaeth amgylcheddol achynaliadwyedd–– Iechyd a lles cymdeithasol–– Ymgysylltu â dinasyddion–– Partneriaethau a chomisiynu–– Darparu gwasanaethau–– Gwirfoddoli–– Sgiliau–– AdnoddauChair Win Griffiths CadeiryddVice ChairMargaret Jervis MBE DLEurwen E Edwards OBE BEMIs-GadeiryddTreasurer Chad Patel TrysoryddChief Executive Graham Benfield OBE Prif WeithredwrTrusteesLouise BennettNerys Haf Biddulph MBEJacqualyn BoxIan CharlesworthMaureen DaviesWalter DickieCatrin FletcherEfa Gruffudd Jones(appointed March 2009)(penodwyd ym mis Mawrth 2009)Simon HarrisHarri JonesJohn R JonesMike LewisCath LindleyJames Maiden(resigned April 2009)(ymddiswyddodd ym mis Ebrill 2009)Ruth Marks(resigned November 2008)(ymddiswyddoddym mis Tachwedd 2008)Marcella MaxwellLiz NealJane PaglerMargaret Paterson(appointed November 2008)(penodwyd ym mis Tachwedd 2008)Martyn Pengilley(resigned October 2008)(ymddiswyddoddym mis Hydref 2008)John PuzeyJaswant Singh Jas MBE JPL Mair StephensFran Targett OBESandra TaylorAlan UnderwoodAnnie WilliamsCatriona WilliamsMal WilliamsWendy Williams MBEVeronica Wilson(resigned March 2009)(ymddiswyddodd ym mis Mawrth2009)Pauline YoungYmddiriedolwyr

34 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 35Co-optees(appointed March 2009)(appointed January 2009)ObserversLegal AdviserDr Neil CaldwellAnne StephensonMichael WilliamsMargaret Thorne CBEDL (Wales Association ofCounty Voluntary Councils)(Cymdeithas CynghorauGwirfoddol Sirol Cymru)Derek Walker(Wales TUC Cymru)Hanef Bhamjee OBECrowley & CoAelodau Cyfetholedig(penodwyd ym mis Mawrth 2009)(penodwyd ym mis Ionawr 2009)SylwebyddionCynghorydd cyfreithiolParticipation Adviser Dr Neil Caldwell Cynghorydd CyfranogiProperty Adviser Douglas E Morris Cynghorydd EiddoManagement Adviser David Evans Cynghorydd RheoliAuditors Grant Thornton UK LLP ArchwilwyrBankers Barclays Bank Plc BancwyrCompany Secretary S Jan Bish Ysgrifennydd y Cwmni<strong>WCVA</strong> PresidentGlenys Kinnock MEP (to June 09)ASE (i Fehefin 09)Llywydd <strong>WCVA</strong><strong>WCVA</strong> Vice President Tom Jones OBE Is-Lywydd <strong>WCVA</strong>8Summarised financial statementsCrynodeb o’n mantolenni ariannolThese summarised financial statements area summary of information extracted fromthe statutory <strong>Annual</strong> Report and Accounts.They may not contain sufficient informationto allow for a full understanding of thefinancial affairs of the charity. For furtherinformation, the full <strong>Annual</strong> Accounts, theAuditors’ <strong>report</strong> on those accounts and theTrustees’ <strong>Annual</strong> Report should be consulted.Copies of these can be obtained from SJ Bish,Company Secretary.The <strong>Annual</strong> Accounts were approved on 8October 2009 and have been delivered tothe Charity Commission and the Registrar ofCompanies. The accounts have been auditedby a qualified auditor, Grant Thornton UKLLP, who gave an audit opinion that wasunqualified and did not include a statementrequired under Section 237 (2) and (3) of theCompanies Act 1985.Mae’r datganiadau ariannol cryno hyn yngrynodeb o wybodaeth a godwyd o’r Cyfrifona’r <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol statudol. Mae’n bosiblnad ydynt yn cynnwys gwybodaeth ddigonoli allu deall materion ariannol yr elusen ynllawn. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, dylid edrychar y Cyfrifon Blynyddol llawn, adroddiad yrarchwilydd annibynnol ar y cyfrifon hynny, ac<strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol yr Ymddiriedolwyr. Gellircael copïau o’r rhain gan SJ Bish, Ysgrifennydd yCwmni.Cymeradwywyd y Cyfrifon Blynyddol ar 8Hydref 2009 ac maent wedi cael eu cyflwyno i’rComisiwn Elusennol ac i’r Cofrestrydd Cwmnïau.Mae’r cyfrifon wedi cael eu harchwilio ganarchwilydd cymwys, Grant Thornton UK LLP, aroddodd farn archwilio ddiamod, nad oedd yncynnwys datganiad sy’n ofynnol dan Adran 237(2) a (3) Deddf Cwmnïau 1985.<strong>WCVA</strong> would like to thank the followingorganisations for their support:BarclaysBig Lottery FundCaerphilly County Borough CouncilCardiff UniversityCarnegie TrustCharities Aid FoundationConwy County CouncilCountryside Council for WalesEducation & Learning WalesEuropean CommissionEuropean Structural FundsNCVOSports Council for WalesWales Co-op CentreWelsh Assembly GovernmentWorking LinksHoffai <strong>WCVA</strong> ddiolch i’r sefydliadaucanlynol am eu cefnogaeth:BarclaysY Gronfa Loteri FawrCyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol CaerffiliPrifysgol CaerdyddYmddiriedolaeth CarnegieSefydliad Cymorth i ElusennauCyngor Sir ConwyCyngor Cefn Gwlad CymruDysgu ac Addysgu CymruY Comisiwn EwropeaiddCronfeydd Strwythurol EwropeaiddCyngor Cenedlaethol Mudiadau GwirfoddolCyngor Chwaraeon CymruCanolfan Cydweithredol CymruLlywodraeth Cynulliad CymruWorking Links

36 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 37Statement of financial activities for the year ended31 March 2009Mantolen o weithgarwch ariannol am y flwyddyna ddaeth i ben 31 Mawrth 2009UnrestrictedFunds£RestrictedFunds£Total Funds2009£Total Funds2008£CronfeyddAnghyfyngedig£CronfeyddCyfyngedig£CyfanswmCronfeydd2009 £CyfanswmCronfeydd2008 £Incoming resourcesIncoming resources from generated funds:Activities for generating funds 838,341 118,248 956,589 886,117Investment income 102,840 200,791 303,631 505,441Incoming resources fromcharitable activities:Grants receivable 5,500,922 16,349,080 21,850,002 26,052,259Expenditure recovered 1,358,719 (15,766) 1,342,953 1,556,343Total incoming resources 7,800,822 16,652,353 24,453,175 29,000,160Resources expendedCost of generating funds:Costs incurred in generating funds 725,871 - 725,871 596,802Investment manager’s costs 2,560 - 2,560 2,704Charitable activities 7,214,544 18,322,688 25,537,232 29,490,258Governance costs 17,148 - 17,148 18,780Pension finance costs 30,000 - 30,000 (10,000)Total resources expended 7,990,123 18,322,688 26,312,811 30,098,544Net outgoing resources before otherrecognised gains/(losses) (189,301) (1,670,335) (1,859,636) (1,098,384)Transfers between funds 175,082 (175,082) - -Exceptional loss re Strategic RecyclingScheme (673,637) - (673,637) -Actuarial (losses)/gains on defined benefitpension scheme (1,580,000) - (1,580,000) 730,000Loss on revaluation of investments (29,531) - (29,531) (26,339)Net movement in funds (2,297,387) (1,845,417) (4,142,804) (394,723)Fund balances brought forward at1 April 2008 1,384,131 9,028,663 10,412,794 10,807,517Fund balances carried forward at31 March 2009 (913,256) 7,183,246 6,269,990 10,412,794Adnoddau a gafwydAdnoddau a gafwyd o gronfeydd agynhyrchwyd:Gweithgareddau i gynhyrchu cronfeydd 838,341 118,248 956,589 886,117Incwm o fuddsoddiad 102,840 200,791 303,631 505,441Adnoddau a gafwyd oweithgareddau elusennol:Grantiau derbyniadwy 5,500,922 16,349,080 21,850,002 26,052,259Gwariant wedi’i adennill 1,358,719 (15,766) 1,342,953 1,556,343Cyfanswm yr adnoddau a dderbyniwyd 7,800,822 16,652,353 24,453,175 29,000,160Adnoddau a wariwydCostau cynhyrchu cronfeydd:Costau wrth gynhyrchu cronfeydd 725,871 - 725,871 596,802Costau’r rheolwr buddsoddiadau 2,560 - 2,560 2,704Gweithgareddau elusennol 7,214,544 18,322,688 25,537,232 29,490,258Costau llywodraethu 17,148 - 17,148 18,780Costau cyllid pensiwn 30,000 - 30,000 (10,000)Cyfanswm yr adnoddau a wariwyd 7,990,123 18,322,688 26,312,811 30,098,544Adnoddau net allanion cyn enillioncydnabyddedig eraill/(colledion) (189,301) (1,670,335) (1,859,636) (1,098,384)Trosglwyddiadau rhwng cronfeydd 175,082 (175,082) - -Colled eithriadol parthed y CynllunAilgylchu Strategol (673,637) - (673,637) -(Colledion)/enillion/yn ôl yr actiwari argynllun buddion pensiwn diffiniedig (1,580,000) - (1,580,000) 730,000Colled ar ôl ailbrisio buddsoddiadau (29,531) - (29,531) (26,339)Symudiad net o fewn y cronfeydd (2,297,387) (1,845,417) (4,142,804) (394,723)Balansau’r cronfeydd a ddygwyd ymlaen ar1 Ebrill 2008 1,384,131 9,028,663 10,412,794 10,807,517Balansau’r cronfeydd a gariwyd ymlaenar 31 Mawrth 2009 (913,256) 7,183,246 6,269,990 10,412,794

38 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 39Incoming Resources (Unrestricted funds)Activities forgenerating funds£838,341 10.8%Investment income £102,840 1.3%Grants receivable £5,500,922 70.5%Expenditurerecovered£1,358,719 17.4%£7,800,822 100.0%Adnoddau a Gafwyd (Cronfeydd anghyfyngedig)Gweithgareddau igynhyrchu cronfeydd£838,341 10.8%Incwm o fuddsoddiadau £102,840 1.3%Grantiau derbyniadwy £5,500,922 70.5%Gwariant wedi’i adennill £1,358,719 17.4%£7,800,822 100.0%Incoming Resources (Restricted funds)Activities forgenerating funds£118,248 0.7%Investment income £200,791 1.2%Grants receivable £16,333,314 98.1%£16,652,353 100.0%Adnoddau a Gafwyd (Cronfeydd cyfyngedig)Gweithgareddau igynhyrchu cronfeydd£118,248 0.7%Incwm o fuddsoddiadau £200,791 1.2%Grantiau derbyniadwy £16,333,314 98.1%£16,652,353 100.0%Resources Expended (Unrestricted funds)Costs incurred ingenerating fundsInvestmentManager’s costs£725,871 9.1%£2,560 0.0%Charitable activities £7,214,544 90.3%Governance &pension costsResources Expended (Restricted funds)£47,148 0.6%£7,990,123 100.0%Adnoddau a Wariwyd (Cronfeydd anghyfyngedig)Costau wrth gynhyrchucronfeyddCostau rheolwrbuddsoddiadauGweithgareddauelusennol£725,871 9.1%£2,560 0.0%£7,214,544 90.3%Costau rheoli a phensiwn £47,148 0.6%Adnoddau a Wariwyd (Cronfeydd cyfyngedig)£7,990,123 100.0%Charitable activities £18,322,688 100.0%Gweithgareddauelusennol£18,322,688 100.0%

40 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 41Balance sheet at 31 March 2009Y Fantolen ar 31 Mawrth 20092009 2008£ £ £ £2009 2008£ £ £ £Fixed assetsTangible assets 2,786,037 2,487,054Current assetsInvestments 33,972 63,503Debtors and prepayments 2,040,622 1,319,849Cash at bank and in hand 4,806,327 7,727,1596,880,921 9,110,511CREDITORS: Amounts falling duewithin one year (1,266,968) (614,771)Asesau sefydlogAsedau diriaethol 2,786,037 2,487,054Asedau cyfredolBuddsoddiadau 33,972 63,503Dyledwyr a rhagdaliadau 2,040,622 1,319,849Arian yn y banc ac mewn llaw 4,806,327 7,727,1596,880,921 9,110,511Credydwyr: symiau sy’n daladwyo fewn un flwyddyn (1,266,968) (614,771)Net current assets 5,613,953 8,495,740Total assets less current liabilities 8,399,990 10,982,794Defined benefit pensionscheme liability (2,130,000) (570,000)Net assets 6,269,990 10,412,794FundsUnrestrictedDesignated funds 450,000 440,000General funds 766,744 1,514,131Unrestricted Funds (excluding pensionliability) 1,216,744 1,954,131Pension Reserve (2,130,000) (570,000)Total Unrestricted Funds (913,256) 1,384,131RestrictedFunds in surplus – relating to property 1,515,028 1,587,107Funds in surplus – relating to loansawarded 1,754,679 1,218,716Funds in surplus – other 3,937,282 6,435,665Funds in deficit (23,743) (212,825)Total Restricted Funds 7,183,246 9,028,663TOTAL FUNDS 6,269,990 10,412,794Asedau cyfredol net 5,613,953 8,495,740Cyfanswm yr asedau llairhwymedigaethau cyfredol 8,399,990 10,982,794Rhwymedigaeth cynllun buddionpensiwn diffiniedig (2,130,000) (570,000)Asedau Net 6,269,990 10,412,794CronfeyddAnghyfyngedig:Cronfeydd penodedig 450,000 440,000Cronfeydd cyffredinol 766,744 1,514,131Cronfeydd Anghyfyngedig (heb gynnwysrhwymedigaethau pensiwn) 1,216,744 1,954,131Arian pensiwn wrth gefn (2,130,000) (570,000)Cyfanswm CronfeyddAnghyfyngedig (913,256) 1,384,131CyfyngedigCronfeydd mewn gwarged - yn ymwneudag eiddo 1,515,028 1,587,107Cronfeydd mewn gwarged - yn ymwneud âbenthyciadau hirdymor a ddyfarnwyd 1,754,679 1,218,716Cronfeydd mewn gwarged - arall 3,937,282 6,435,665Cronfeydd mewn diffyg (23,743) (212,825)Cyfanswm Cronfeydd Cyfyngedig 7,183,246 9,028,663CYFANSWM Y CRONFEYDD 6,269,990 10,412,794

42 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 43Statement of the auditors to the members of Wales Councilfor Voluntary ActionWe have examined the summary financial statement of Wales Council for Voluntary ActionLimited for the year ended 31 March 2009 which comprises a summary profit and loss accountand balance sheet set out on pages 36 to 41.This statement is made solely to the company’s members, as a body, in accordance withSection 251 of the Companies Act 1985 and the regulations made thereunder. Our auditwork has been undertaken so that we might state to the company’s members those matterswe are required to state to them in an auditors’ statement on Summary Financial Statementsand for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assumeresponsibility to anyone other than the company and the company’s members as a body, forour audit work, for this statement, or for the opinions we have formed.Respective responsibilities of directors and auditorsThe trustees (who are also the directors of the Wales Council for Voluntary Action for thepurposes of Company Law) are responsible for the preparation of the summarised annual<strong>report</strong> in accordance with applicable law. Our responsibility is to <strong>report</strong> to you our opinion onthe consistency of the summary financial statements within the summarised annual <strong>report</strong> withthe full annual accounts, the trustees’ <strong>report</strong> and its compliance with the relevant requirementsof Section 251 of the Companies Act 1985 and the regulations made thereunder. We also readthe other information contained in the summarised annual <strong>report</strong> and consider the implicationsfor our <strong>report</strong> if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencieswith the summary financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any otherinformation.Basis of opinionWe conducted our work in accordance with Bulletin 1999/6 ‘The Auditors’ Statement onthe Summary Financial Statement’ issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in theUnited Kingdom.OpinionIn our opinion, the summarised financial statements are consistent with the full annual accountsand the trustees’ <strong>report</strong> for the year ended 31 March 2009 and comply with the applicablerequirements of Section 251 of the Companies Act 1985, and regulations made thereunder.Grant Thornton UK LLPChartered AccountantsRegistered Auditor11-13 Penhill RoadCardiff8 October 2009Datganiad yr archwilydd annibynnol i aelodau CyngorGweithredu Gwirfoddol CymruRydym wedi archwilio a chrynhoi datganiadau ariannol Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol CymruCyfyngedig am y flwyddyn yn diweddu 31 Mawrth 2009, sy’n cynnwys datganiad cryno oweithgareddau ariannol a mantolen ar dudalennau 36 i 41.Gwneir y datganiad hwn i aelodau’r cwmni yn unig, fel corff, yn unol ag Adran 251 DeddfCwmnïau 1985 a’r rheoliadau a wnaed parthed honno. Cynhaliwyd ein gwaith archwilio felein bod yn datgan i aelodau’r cwmni y materion hynny y mae’n ofynnol i ni eu datgan mewndatganiad archwilwyr ar Ddatganiadau Ariannol Cryno, ac nid at unrhyw ddiben arall. Hyd eithafyr hyn a ganiateir gan y gyfraith, nid ydym yn atebol nac yn gyfrifol i neb ac eithrio’r cwmni acaelodau’r cwmni fel corff, am ein gwaith archwilio, am y datganiad hwn, nac am ein barn.Cyfrifoldebau’r ymddiriedolwyr a’r archwilwyrYr ymddiriedolwyr (sydd hefyd yn gyfarwyddwyr Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru atddibenion Cyfraith Cwmni) sy’n gyfrifol am baratoi’r adroddiad <strong>blynyddol</strong> cryno yn unol â’rgyfraith berthnasol. Ein cyfrifoldeb ni yw adrodd ein barn wrthych chi ynghylch cysondeb ydatganiadau ariannol cryno o fewn yr adroddiad <strong>blynyddol</strong> cryno gyda’r cyfrifon <strong>blynyddol</strong>llawn, adroddiad yr ymddiriedolwyr a’i gydymffurfiad â gofynion perthnasol Adran 251 DeddfCwmnïau 1985 a’r rheoliadau a wnaed parthed honno. Rydym hefyd yn darllen yr wybodaeth arallyn yr adroddiad <strong>blynyddol</strong> cryno ac yn ystyried y goblygiadau o ran ein hadroddiad os down ynymwybodol o unrhyw gamddatganiadau amlwg neu anghysondebau o bwys yn y datganiadauariannol cryno. Nid yw ein cyfrifoldebau’n ymestyn i unrhyw wybodaeth arall.Sail y farnCyflawnasom ein gwaith yn unol â Bwletin 1999/6 ‘The Auditors’ Statement on the SummaryFinancial Statement’ a gyhoeddwyd gan y Bwrdd Arferion Archwilio i’w ddefnyddio yn y DeyrnasUnedig.BarnYn ein barn ni, mae’r datganiadau ariannol cryno yn gyson â’r cyfrifon <strong>blynyddol</strong> llawn acadroddiad yr ymddiriedolwyr ar gyfer y flwyddyn yn diweddu 31 Mawrth 2009 ac maent yncydymffurfio â gofynion Adran 251 Deddf Cwmnïau 1985, a’r rheoliadau a wnaed parthed honno.Grant Thornton UK LLPCyfrifwyr SiartredigArchwilydd Cofrestredig11-13 Penhill RoadCaerdydd8 Hydref 2009

44 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 459<strong>WCVA</strong> members (at 1 September 2009)Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong> (ar 1 Medi 2009)National/RegionalCenedlaethol/Rhanbarthol4 Winds User Led AssociationAction on Smoking and HealthAdoption UKAdref LtdAdvanced Resource ManagementAdvocacy ExperienceAdvocacy Matters (Wales)Aelwyd Housing AssociationAfasic CymruAfter Adoption - South WalesAge Concern Cardiff and the Vale ofGlamorganAge Concern GwentAge Concern MorgannwgAge Concern North Wales CentralAge Concern SwanseaAgoriad CyfAIDS Trust CymruAll Wales ForumAll Wales People FirstAlzheimer’s Society - WalesAmelia Trust FarmAmnesty International WalesAnheddau CyfAntur TeifiARC Addington FundARC CymruArmy Welfare ServiceArtes Mundi Prize LtdArthritis Care in WalesArts Care Gofal CelfASBAH yng NghymruAssociation of Charity ShopsAssociation of Voluntary Organisationsin WrexhamAsthma UKAttendAutism CymruAwemaBarnardos CymruBat Conservation Trust (Wales)BAWSO Women’s AidBBC Children in Need in WalesBi Cymru / WalesBlack Environment NetworkBlack Welsh Film FestivalBlaenau Gwent CrossroadsBobath Children’s Therapy CentreWalesBody Positive - Cheshire and NorthWalesBreast Cancer Care CymruBrecknock & Radnor Crossroads LtdBridgend Association of VoluntaryOrganisationsBritish Deaf AssociationBritish Heart FoundationBritish Lung FoundationBritish Red Cross - WalesBroli Cymraeg Trust LtdBrynawel House Alcohol RehabilitationCentreBTCV CymruBusiness in the Community in WalesCadarn Housing Group LtdCaer Las CymruCAIS - Cyngor Alcohol InformationServicesCampaign for the Protection of RuralWalesCardiff & Vale Coalition of DisabledPeopleCardiff and the Vale CrossroadsCardiff and the Vale Parents FederationCardiff People FirstCardiff Transport Preservation GroupCare and Repair CymruCare for the FamilyCarmarthenshire Association ofVoluntary ServicesCartref Dyffryn Ceiriog LeonardCheshire HomeCartrefi CymruCCNUK CymruCEMVO WalesCentre for Alternative TechnologyCerebraCeredigion Association of VoluntaryOrganisationsChanging Faces CymruCharities Aid FoundationCharter HousingChartered Institute of HousingChildline Cymru/WalesChildren and Young Peoples’ UniversityChildren in WalesChristian Lewis: Children’s CancerCharityChurch ArmyChurch Counselling Service in WalesChurch Tourism Network WalesChwarae TegCitizens Advice CymruCivic Trust for WalesClubs for Young People WalesClwyd Alyn Housing AssociationClybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ ClubCoal Industry Social WelfareOrganisationCoalfields Regeneration TrustColeg Harlech WEA North WalesComic ReliefCommunity Dance WalesCommunity Design GwentCommunity Development CymruCommunity Development FoundationWalesCommunity Justice Interventions WalesCommunity MattersCommunity Music WalesCommunity NetworkCommunity Projects CentreCommunity Transport AssociationWalesCommunity University of the Valleys -EastConnecting LearnersContact A Family WalesContin You CymruConwy Voluntary Services CouncilCotyledonCouncil for Wales of Voluntary YouthServicesCreative VisionCrossroads Caring for CarersCruse Bereavement Care CymruCultivationsCwmni AcenCydCydradd CymruCyfanfydCyfle CyfCylch - Wales Community RecyclingNetworkCymdeithas Cyfieithwyr CymruCymdeithas Tai CantrefCymdeithas Tai EryriCymorth CymruCymunedCynon Valley Crime PreventionAssociationCynon-Taf Housing Association LtdCyrenians CymruCytûn: Eglwysi Ynghyd yng NghymruDangerpoint LimitedDawns TAN TAN DanceDeafblind UKDee Valley Community Partnership Ltd.Denbighshire Voluntary ServicesCouncilDiabetes UK CymruDigartref Ynys Mon LtdDisability Arts CymruDisability Law ServiceDisability Resources CentreDisability WalesDisabled Workers Co-operativeDisablement Welfare RightsDisplaced People in ActionDolen CymruDolen FfermioDown’s Syndrome AssociationDrama Association of WalesDriveDrugaidDyscovery TrustEcodysgu-EcolearnEisteddfod Genedlaethol CymruElectoral Reform Society WalesElin MaherELITE Supported Employment AgencyLtdEpilepsy BereavedEpilepsy Wales/Epilepsi CymruEsmee Fairbairn FoundationEye to Eye Youth Counselling ServiceFairbridge - De CymruFamilies Need Fathers WalesFederation of City Farms andCommunity GardensFederation of Welsh AnglersFeed the ChildrenFestivals of WalesFfotogallery Wales Ltd.Fields in Trust CymruFirst Choice Housing Association LtdFlintshire Local Voluntary CouncilFoetal Alcohol Syndrome UKForest of CardiffFoundation Housing LimitedFriends of Pedal Power Project LtdFriends of the Earth CymruFSAD CymruFunky DragonFWAG CymruGate Training LtdGenesis Association (Wales)Genetic Interest GroupGeorge Thomas Hospice CareGhana Union of WalesGirlguiding CymruGlobal ConnectionsGobaith i GymruGofal CymruGovernors WalesGreyhound Rescue WalesGroundwork Merthyr & RCTGroundwork WalesGrowing AmbitionsGwalia Housing GroupGwasanaeth Cynnal GofalwyrGweiniGwent Association for the BlindGwent Association of VoluntaryOrganisationsGwent Cancer SupportGwent Council on Alcohol and DrugMisuseGwent Wildlife TrustGwerin y Coed - The Woodcraft Folk inWalesHafalHafal SeibiantHafan CymruHafod Care AssociationHarvest TrustHazards Campaign WalesHeadway CardiffHeadway WalesHelp the AgedHelping Groups to GrowHelplines AssociationHome-StartHope RescueHousing Associations Charitable TrustHyperActionImpetus Awards/CSVIncludeInroads (Cardiff & the Vale StreetDrugs Project)Institute of Fundraising CymruInstitute of Rural HealthInstitute of Welsh AffairsInterlinkJourneysKeep Wales TidyLearning Disability WalesLearning Skills WalesLearning Through Landscapes CymruLeonard Cheshire FoundationLife Map PlannersLinc-Cymru Housing AssociationLlais y GoedwigLloyds TSB FoundationMacmillan Cancer SupportMantell GwyneddMarie Curie Cancer CareMDF The Bipolar Organisation CymruMedia TrustMedrwn MônMencap CymruMENFAMeningitis TrustMental Health Foundation (Wales)Mentrau Iaith CymruMerched y WawrMerthyr and the Valleys MindMewn CymruMind CymruMissing WalesMorphious LimitedMotor Neurone Disease AssociationMountain Training TrustMudiad Ysgolion MeithrinMultiple Sclerosis Society Wales /CymruNAIDNAS CymruNational Association of Hospital FriendsNational Association of Toy and LeisureLibraries WalesNational Botanic Garden of WalesNational Childminding AssociationNational Council of YMCAs in WalesNational Day Nurseries AssociationNational Energy Action WalesNational Federation of Women’sInstitutesNational Osteoporosis SocietyNCH CymruNeath Port Talbot Council for VoluntaryServiceNew Pathways - RASASSNEWINiace Dysgu CymruNo 3 Welsh Wing ATCNoFit State Community Circus LtdNorth Wales Advice and AdvocacyAssociationNorth Wales Deaf AssociationNorth Wales Housing AssociationNorth Wales Mountain RescueAssociationNSPCC WalesOgmore Centre TrustOgwr Drug & Alcohol Self HelpOne Parent Families / GingerbreadWalesOVMROOxfam CymruP.A.U.S.E.Paradise FoundParkinson’s Disease SocietyPAWBPembrokeshire Association of VoluntaryServicesPembrokeshire FRAME LimitedPenarth Arts and Crafts LtdPeople and Work UnitPHA CymruPhysical Disability Action ForumPilotlightPlanning Aid WalesPlay WalesPowys Association of VoluntaryOrganisationsPowys Domestic Abuse ForumPrader-Willi Syndrome Association UKPrestwood Residential Homes LtdPrime-CymruPrincess Royal Trust for CarersPrism - Mid & West Wales Alcohol andDrugPromo - CymruProsiect Dyslecsia Cymru/WelshDyslexia ProjectProstate Screening TrustRace Equality FirstRailfuture (South Wales)Rainer CTC WalesRamblers’ AssociationRASASC Rape And Sexual AbuseSupport CtreRathbone CymruRe-CreateRefugee Voice WalesRelate CymruRe-SolvRhondda Housing AssociationRhoserchanRight Start Foundation InternationalRiverside AdviceROPERoyal College of Paediatrics and ChildHealthRoyal College of PsychiatristsRoyal National Institute for the BlindCymruRoyal National Institute for the DeafCymru

46 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 47Royal Welsh Agricultural Society LtdRSPCA Cymru WalesRural Regeneration Unit (RRU)Save the Children UKScience Shops Wales, University ofGlamorganSense CymruSgowtiaid CymruShared Care Network CymruShark Bite LtdShaw TrustShelter CymruShopmobility Cymru/WalesShree Kutchi Leva Patel SamajSikh Gurdwara CardiffSketty Kids Club/Sketty Summer ClubSkill WalesSkills for JusticeSKLP Samaj Women’s GroupSNAP CymruSouth Wales Baptist CollegeSouth Wales Intercultural CommunityArtsSouth Wales Mental Health AdvocacySOVA Cymru/WalesSpinal Injuries AssociationSt David’s HospiceSt Giles TrustSt John Ambulance Cymru WalesSt Loye’s FoundationSt. David’s Foundation Hospice CareStepping StonesStonewall CymruStroke Association - Cardiff InformationCentreSustainable WalesSwansea & Brecon Diocesan Council forSocial ResponsibilitySwansea Council for Voluntary ServiceSwazaidSwim CymruTai Esgyn HousingTai PawbTeacher Support CymruTechniquestTenovusTerrence Higgins Trust CymruThe 04 ProjectThe Adolescent and Children’s TrustThe Arts Council of WalesThe Bevan FoundationThe Community Foundation in WalesThe Duke of Edinburgh’s AwardThe Dystonia Society in WalesThe FAN GroupsThe Foothold GroupThe Fostering Network in WalesThe Friendly TrustThe Gateway Gardens TrustThe Guide Dogs For The BlindAssociationThe National Trust WalesThe Pernicious Anaemia SocietyThe Prince’s Trust CymruThe Royal Agricultural BenevolentInstitutionThe Safe FoundationThe Salvation ArmyThe SamaritansThe Scarman TrustThe Thomson FoundationThe WallichThe Waterloo FoundationThe WISCM TrustTheatr Fforwm CymruTorfaen Voluntary AllianceTraingle Wales (North)Trefnu Cymunedol CymruTros GynnalTSWTurning PointTy Bro DyfiTy Newydd Writing CentreUNA ExchangeUnited Welsh Housing AssociationUnllais North West OfficeUnltd Wales/CymruUrdd Gobaith CymruVale Centre for Voluntary ServicesValley KidsValleys Race Equality CouncilVEGFAMVeteran Horse WelfareVictim Support WalesView / Dove WorkshopVision 21 - Cyfle CymruVision SupportVoices From Care (Cymru)Voluntary Action CardiffVoluntary Action Merthyr TydfilVoluntary Arts WalesVoluntary Service for PeaceVoluntary Service Overseas WalesWales and West Housing AssociationWales Assembly of WomenWales Community Fire Safety TrustWales Co-operative Centre LtdWales Council For Deaf PeopleWales Council for the BlindWales Debating FederationWales Domestic Abuse ForumWales Federation of Young FarmersClubsWales Mobility and Driving AssessmentServiceWales Orthodox MissionWales PPAWales Rural ForumWales Women’s National CoalitionWelsh Association of Local SportsCouncilsWelsh Books CouncilWelsh Centre for International AffairsWelsh Council on Alcohol and OtherDrugsWelsh Cycling UnionWelsh Federation of HousingAssociationsWelsh Food AllianceWelsh Mountain ZooWelsh National Opera LtdWelsh Refugee CouncilWelsh Sports AssociationWelsh Tenants FederationWelsh Women’s AidWest Wales Eco CentreWildlife Trusts WalesWomen’s Arts AssociationWorkers Educational Association -South WalesWorking LinksWorld HorizonsWrexham Play AssociationWRVSYMCA Wales / CymruYmddiriedolaeth Addoldai CymruYouth CymruYouth Hostels Association LtdZamZamLocalLleol1st Kidwelly Scout Group3 G’s Development TrustA Voice for You LtdABCDAberconwy MindAberdare Children’s Contact CentreAberfan and Merthyr Vale Youth ProjectAbergavenny Mind AssociationAbergorki Community HallACE CardiffAdvance Brighter Futures WrexhamAdvocacy Action WalesAfrican Community CentreAfrican Youth AssociationAge Concern Bridgend North DistrictAge Concern CeredigionAge Concern Gwynedd a MônAge Concern MontgomeryshireAge Concern Neath Port TalbotAge Concern PembrokeshireAge Concern PowysAge Concern Sir GarAlpha Business Works CICAlway Community AssociationAlzheimer’s Society - GwentBefriending ProjectAlzheimer’s Society - SwanseaAmmanford Junior GatewayAntur Cwm Taf Tywi (ACTT)Antur Nantlle CyfAntur WaunfawrAnxiety Support GroupAtegi LtdAwetuBangor Forest Garden Ltd.Barnardo’s Carmarthenshire YoungCarers and FamilyBarnardos Compass ProjectBarnardos Neville Street ProjectBarry YMCABCA Independent Advocacy ServicesBeacon Centre Trust CardiffBeacon of HopeBethel Baptist ChurchBlaenau Gwent Citizen’s Advice BureauBlaenllechau Community RegenerationBlaenymaes, Portmead, Penplas DevTrustBlaina Heritage Action GroupBonymaen Community DevelopmentProjectBoston Centre-StageBrackla Organisation For CommunityActivitiesBrecknock Access GroupBrecknock Wildlife TrustBrecon Advice CentreBrecon and District Contact AssociationBrecon and District Disabled ClubBrecon Volunteer BureauBRfm Community Radio for BlaenauGwentBridgend Carers CentreBridgend County Care and RepairBridges Community CentreBritannia Community AssociationBronafon Community Housing LtdBryncynon Community RevivalStrategyBrynmawr SceneBuilth Wells Community SupportButetown History and Arts CentreBuzz-AHC.H.A.D.CAADP / PEDECCadwyn Housing AssociationCae Post LtdCaerphilly Citizens Advice BureauCaerphilly Women’s AidCaia Park Partnership LtdCAM-FAN CyfCancer Support Cynon ValleyCanolfan BryncroesCanolfan Cynghori Ynys Môn -CaergybiCanolfan Felin FachCanolfan Gymunedol BrynamanCommunity CentreCanolfan Lon AbatyCardiff & District Multiple SclerosisCardiff & Vale Mental Health DevProjectCardiff & Vale Patients CouncilCardiff Christian Healing MinistryCardiff Citizens Advice BureauCardiff Community HousingAssociationCardiff Conservation VolunteersCardiff Gypsy and Traveller ProjectCardiff Law CentreCardiff MindCardiff Transition ProjectCardigan PlayschemeCardigan Women’s AidCardigan Youth Project/Area 43Care & Repair CaerphillyCarl RichardsCarmarthen Breakthro’Carmarthen Family Centre - Ty NiCarmarthen MindCarmarthen Youth ProjectCarmarthenshireYouth & Childrens’AssociationCastle Communities FirstCatch Up LtdCathays & Central Youth & CommunityProjectCelf o Gwmpas/Arts Round AboutCeredigion Mobile ShopmobilityChapter Arts CentreChepstow and District MencapChequers Youth FacilityCHOOSE LIFEThe Prisoners InitiativeChooselife - AntiochChristian AidCitizen Advocacy PowysCity Centre Youth Project - GrassrootsClase and Caemawr Communities FirstClydach Vale Commuity CentreCMIG - Supporting Mental HealthCoastal Housing GroupCoed Cadw/Woodland TrustCommunities First - AbertilleryCommunities First - BarmouthCommunities First - Bowydd a RhiwCommunities First - Castleland, BarryCommunities First - Cefn FforestPartnershipCommunities First - FelinfoelCommunities First - HolywellCommunities First - Kinmel BayCommunities First - MonktonCommunities First - OldfordCommunities First - PenlanCommunities First - Rhiw & Glyn,Colwyn BayCommunities First - South PwllheliCommunities First - South West RhylCommunities First - Tonyrefail WestCommunities First - YstradgynlaisCommunities First Cardiff - CentralTeamCommunity Arts Rhayader and District(CARAD)Community KickboxingCommunity Mediation Services - RCTCompton’s Yard Charitable TrustConnect ResourceConwy Citizens Advice BureauConwy Community TransportCornerstone Church (Cwmbach)Cornerstone Church Swansea TrustCraftCrossroads - Llanelli/Cwm GwendraethCrossroads Caring for Carers - NorthWalesCrossroads Caring for Carers -PorthcawlCrossroads in the Vale (EMI) LtdCruse Bereavement Care North WalesCSV - RSVPCwm Harry Land TrustCwmdu Village Hall CommitteeCwmni Penllan Development Trusts LtdCwmparc Community AssociationCwmparc, Treorchy & YnyswenRegeneration GroupCyfeillion Cae’r GorsCyfeillion CroesorCylch Meithrin Y DrenewyddCymad CyfCymdeithas AlzheimerCymorth Ceredigion Home-StartCymryd RhanCyswllt Ceredigion ContactDarren MorrisDatblygu Bangor Development CyfDenbighshire Disability ForumDewis LtdDim Prob SVADinas Powys Voluntary ConcernDiocese Llandaff Bd for SocialResponsibilityDiocese of Bangor, Church in WalesDiocese of St AsaphDisability PowysDiscovery SVSDolen - MônDomestic Abuse Safety UnitDuffryn Community LinkDulais Valley PartnershipDyfodol Powys FuturesDynamicEcodyfiEisteddfod Castell Newydd Emlyn a’rCylchEly & Caerau Parents CouncilEquamigo TrustEquip-WalesEstyn LlawEvery Link CountsF.H.I.S.Family Awareness Drug SupportFamily ContactFernhill Association of ResidentsFernhill Youth ProjectFishguard & Goodwick Young PersonsTrust LtdFlintshire MindFlintshire Neighbourhood WatchAssociationForest School Swansea, Neath and PortTalbotFriends of DuffrynFriends of Tonypandy CommunityCollegeGabalfa Community Education CentreGaer Community CentreGarnsychan PartnershipGateway Credit Union LtdGellideg Foundation GroupGibbonsdown Children’s CentreGibbonsdown Communities FirstPartnership BoardGilfach Goch Community AssociationGISDAGlyndwr Women’s AidGlyntaff Tenants and ResidentsAssociationGraigfelen Residents in ActionGreenhouse LtdGroundwork Bridgend & Neath Port

48 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 49TalbotGroundwork CaerphillyGroundwork North WalesGrowing SpaceGrwp Cymuned CaernarfonGTFMGurnos After School PlayclubGwelfor Community CentreGwent Epilepsy GroupGwynedd Hospice at HomeHanes LlandochHay and District Community SupportHay and District Dial-a-RideHelp the Aged Cymru - BreconHightown Communities FirstHold Out A HandHolyhead Opportunities TrustHome Start Carmarthen - LlanelliHome-Start BGRHome-Start BridgendHome-Start Caerphilly Borough EastHome-Start County Borough ofWrexhamHome-Start Cwm RhymniHome-Start DenbighshireHome-Start DinefwrHome-Start ElyHome-Start FlintshireHome-Start Merthyr TydfilHome-Start NewportHome-Start St MellonsHome-Start TorfaenHospice of the ValleysHuggardIeuenctyd Tysul YouthInnovate TrustInteractive (Rhyl) LtdIorwerth Rowlands CentreJulie EvansKenfig Hill Pyle and Cornelly YouthCentreKeyring Living Support NetworksKids R UsKings Christian FellowshipKnighton and District CommunitySupportL’Arche Brecon CommunityLeague of Friends of the FlintCommunity HospitalLeonard Cheshire - Coomb HomeLeonard Cheshire - Danybryn HomeLeonard Cheshire - Llanhennock HomeLeonard Cheshire - Regional OfficeLinden Church TrustLinksLlamau LtdLlandrindod Wells Volunteer BureauLlandudno And District Credit UnionLlandudno Community Radio LtdLlanfair Uniting ChurchLlanharan Recreation Ground TrustLlanidloes Community TransportSchemeLlanidloes Resource CentreLlanishen Good NeighboursLlanwrtyd Community TransportLocal Aid for Children and CommunitySpecial NeedsLondon Road Community CentreLongfields AssociationMachynlleth Community Children’sHospitalMaerdy Community CentreMaesglas Community NetworkMaesglas Family Learning AssociationMake a ChangeMeithrinfa Meirion CyfMemocoMenai Bridge Community HeritageTrust LtdMencap Cymru - CarmarthenshireProjectsMental Health Advocacy ProvidersMental Health Advocacy SchemeMental Health Matters WalesMenter Bro DinefwrMenter FachwenMenter Iaith AbertaweMenter Iaith Rhondda Cynon TafMenter Iaith Sir y FflintMenter Llambed CyfMentro LluestMerlin SaversMerthyr Tydfil Citizens Advice BureauMerthyr Tydfil Housing AssociationMerthyr Tydfil Play ForumMerthyr Valleys Homes LtdMid Powys MindMind AberystwythMind in the Vale of GlamorganMinority Ethnic Womens Network(MEWN)Model Community MattersMoelyci Environment CentreMonmouth Youth ProjectMontgomery Community Care ProjectMontgomery County RecreationAssociationMontgomeryshire Family Crisis CentreMontgomeryshire Wildlife TrustMorriston Childrens CentreMultiple Sclerosis Support Centre LtdNACRO North WalesNeath Citizens Advice BureauNeath Mind Castell NeddNeath Port Talbot CommunityTransportNeighbours & Residents Action Groupof TrowbridgeNeuadd Goffa Llansilin Memorial HallNew HorizonsNewlink WalesNewport Access GroupNewport Chinese Community CentreNewport Citizens Advice BureauNewport MediationNewport MindNia LewisNorth Denbighshire Dial a RideNorth Gwent Cardiac AftercareNorth Montgomeryshire VolunteerBureauNorth Wales Music Tuition CentresNorth Wales Police and CommunityTrust (PACT)Octopus ProjectOgmore Valley History & HeritageSocietyPACTOPartneriaeth Cymunedol PorthyfelinCyfPartneriaeth Maesgeirchen PartnershipPathways HomePCRGPembroke 21C Community AssociationPembrokeshire Care and Repair 200 LtdPembrokeshire Care SocietyPembrokeshire Counselling ServicePembrokeshire MindPembrokeshire Women’s AidPen yr EnfysPenarth Youth ProjectPenderyn Sports AssociationPeniel Community AssociationPenley Rainbow CentrePenrhys PartnershipPenygraig Boys and Girls ClubPenylan HousePeople First Neath Port TalbotPerson to Person Citizen AdvocacyPhoenix Community Furniture SchemeLtdPhoenix CymruPlaned - Pembrokeshire Local ActionNetworkPlas Cybi PartnershipPlay MontgomeryshirePontarddulais PartnershipPonthHafren AssociationPontrobert Recreation AssociationPontygwaith Community CentrePontygwaith Regeneration PartnershipPort Talbot MindPowys Agency for Mental HealthPowys Carers ServicePowys ChallengePowys Citizens Advice BureauPowys DancePowys People FirstPowys Zero Waste LtdPreseli Rural Transport AssociationProject SolProspectsPyramid Trust CymruRadnorshire Healthy FriendshipsRadnorshire Women’s AidRAPA, Rhydwen Close Playing FieldsRASCALRaven House TrustRay CeredigionRCT Eplilepsy GroupRDCSRefurbs FlintshireRelate Mid and West WalesRhayader Cricket ClubRhondda Community DevelopmentAssociationRhondda Cynon Taff Community ArtsRhondda Cynon Taff People FirstRhondda Taff Citizens Advice BureauRhymney Valley Young at HeartsRhymni Valley MindRingland Community AssociationRNIB Cymru (North Wales Office)Royal Society for the Protection of Birds- North Wales OfficeRoyal Society for the Protection of Birds- VolunteeringRuperra Conservation TrustRural Outreach ServiceSafer CardiffSafer Merthyr TydfilSafleSamaritans - Brecon and RadnorSanctuary Counselling and TrainingSchool for Children with Cerebal PalsyScope Cymru - Wales Partnership AreaSenghenydd Youth Drop In CentreSerenShared Earth TrustShopmobility Merthyr Tydfil BoroughSian Lewis & associatesSiawns TegSir Gar Carmarthenshire Federation ofWi’sSkill ForceSomali Advice and Information CentreSouth Montgomeryshire VolunteerBureau LtdSouth Riverside Comm DevelopmentCentreSouth Splott Residents AssociationSpan Arts LtdSPARK BlaenymaesSt Annes HospiceSt Davids Diocesan Team Plant DewiSt John’s Community Hall ManagementCommitteeSt. David’s Children SocietyStars Gogledd Cymru/North WalesStrata Florida 50+Student Volunteering BangorStudent Volunteering CardiffSupporting Young People in AberaeronSure Start Vale of GlamorganSustainable Gwynedd GynaladwySwansea Care and RepairSwansea Carers’ CentreSwansea Centre For Deaf PeopleSwansea Chinese Community Co-opCentreSwansea Citizens Advice BureauSwansea Community Boat TrustSwansea Community FarmSwansea Drugs Project (SAND)Swansea MindSwansea Women’s Resource andTraining CentreSwansea Young Single Homeless ProjectSylfaen Cymunedol CyfTaff Bargoed Development TrustTaff Bargoed Partnership BoardTaff Ely Crime Prevention PanelTaff Ely Drug Support (TEDS)Talybont-on-Usk EnergyTan y Maen LtdThe Butterfly ProjectThe Caerphilly Woodlands Trust LtdThe Disability CAN DO Centre ProjectThe Gate TrustThe Haile Selassie 1st Peace FoundationThe KIM ProjectThe LodgeThe Prince’s Trust - CardiffThe PSL GroupThe Ragamuffin ProjectThe Rest Convalescent HotelThe Vanguard CentreThe Willows CentreThe Wye and Usk FoundationTheatr FfynnonTools for Self Reliance CymruTorfaen Citizens Advice BureauTorfaen Community TransportTorfaen MindTorfaen Resource and Activity CentreTouch TrustTPAS CymruTrack 2000Traditional Arts Support in theCommunityTravel Everywhere Disabled & Old AgeLtd.Travol Community TransportTredegar Development Trust LtdTrefechan Community CentreTreharris Boys’ and Girls’ ClubTriangle WalesTrigonosTrimsaran Juniors Rugby Football ClubTy Enfys Family CentreTy Hapus Family CentreTyddyn Môn Co. LtdTylorstown Welfare Hall and InstituteTy’r EfailUnllais Conwy and DenbighshireVale Community Mediation ServiceVale of Clwyd MindVale of Glamorgan Citizens AdviceBureau - BarryVale of Glamorgan Youth ForumVale Volunteer BureauValleys Furniture Recycling -toogoodtowasteValleys to CoastViva! ProjectVoice (Wrexham)Voluntary Community Service CymruLtdVolunteering Partnership ProjectWastesavers Charitable TrustWelsh Initiative for SupportedEmploymentWest Rhyl Community Company LtdWest Rhyl Young Peoples’ ProjectWest Wales Action for Mental HealthWise UpWithybush Pain Support GroupWomen’s Aid - AberconwyWomen’s Aid - AberystwythWomen’s Aid - Amman ValleyWomen’s Aid - Bangor and DistrictWomen’s Aid - CardiffWomen’s Aid - CarmarthenWomen’s Aid - Cwm CynonWomen’s Aid - DelynWomen’s Aid - LlanelliWomen’s Aid - Lliw ValleyWomen’s Aid - MonmouthshireWomen’s Aid - NeathWomen’s Aid - PontypriddWomen’s Aid - Rhyl and DistrictWomen’s Aid - South GwyneddWomen’s Aid - SwanseaWomen’s Aid - TorfaenWomen’s Aid - Vale of GlamorganWomen’s Aid - WrexhamWomen’s Workshop C T C LtdWrexham Citizens Advice BureauWrexham Early Years ForumWrexham Hospice and Cancer SupportCentre FoundationWrexham Youth Justice ServiceY BONT - BDRCBY GanolfanYMCA - BargoedYmlaen CeredigionYnysybwl Regeneration PartnershipYour Voice Advocacy ProjectYr Institiwt CorrisYstalyfera Development TrustYstradgynlais Volunteer CentreYWCA - CwmafanYWCA - LlanelliZimbabwe Newport AssociationGeneralCyffredinolA K PalmerAbacusAbercwmboi Communities FirstAccounting for BusinessAlain Thomas Consultancy LtdArena PontardaweArts FactoryBlack Voluntary Sector Network WalesBreathworksBridgend Lifesafers Credit Union LtdBritish Association of Social WorkersWalesBryn Mawr Heritage TrustCaerphilly and District Credit UnionCancer Research WalesCardiff Concern Counselling ServiceCardiff Institute for the BlindCefnCeltic Community LeisureCERED Menter Iaith CeredigionCeredigion Care SocietyChildren’s Hospital for Wales AppealChrist CollegeClwyd Coast Credit Union LtdClwyd Special Riding CentreCommunities First

50 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 51Communities First - Briton Ferry WestCommunities First - Caia ParkCommunities First - Clydach ValeCommunities First - EvanstownCommunities First - Glanymor andTyishaCommunities First - LlanionCommunities First - Merthyr TydfilCommunities First - PenparcauCommunities First - Plas MadocCommunities First - TrealawCommunities First - TroedyrhiwCommunities First - Upland VillagesTregaronCommunities First - Upper AmmanValleyCompass Community Care LimitedCo-Options LtdCreation Development TrustCredcer Credit Union LtdCrest Co-operative LtdCulture and DemocracyCwmbran Centre for Young PeopleCwmni Clydach Development TrustDonald WaltersDyfed Archaeological TrustDynamix LtdEbbw Vale Food Bank (Festival ChurchTrust Ltd)EBS Associates LtdElizabeth Finn CareFfenics LtdFforwm LtdFlintshire Mental Health AdvocacyServiceFriends of Comin InfantsFunderfinderGlasdirHafod Housing AssociationHYBU LimitedIan Cuddy ThomasIndependent AgeJane LewesJoy BishopLlynfi Valley ForumMargaret ThorneMenter a BusnesMenter Cwm GwendraethMenter Iaith Bwrdeistref Sirol CaerffiliMenter Iaith Sir BenfroMenter Iaith Sir DdinbychMenter MaldwynMid and West Wales ME GroupMid Wales Energy AgencyMorawelon Regeneration PartnershipNigel GriffithsOpportunity Housing TrustPartneriaeth Ward Tudur CyfPaul FreemanPeter FishwickPlaid CymruPlay Right/Chwarae IawnPowys Welfare Rights ForumRobert Owen Credit Union LtdRounded Developments LtdRoy Allan NorrisRoyal College of NursingS Meryl EvansSarah Herbert-JonesScout Enterprises LtdSingle Parent Action Network - SPANSiren LimitedSleeping Giant FoundationSMD CounsellingSouth Wales Police LearningDevelopmentSplotlands Credit UnionSundance RenewablesSustrans CymruTaran Disability Forum Ltd.Terra De HonbresThe Arcady ProjectThe Big Issue CymruThe Dandelion TrustThe Dyslexia InstituteThe Healing and Peace Group LtdThe Patients CouncilThomas Henry JonesTri yn Un Communities FirstTydfil Training Consortium LtdUnite The Union - Amicus SectionUnited Reformed Church (Wales) TrustUpper Afan Valley CommunityRegeneration ForuVanessa Powell, Contact the ElderlyWales Funders ForumWales TUC CymruWellbeing Regeneration LimitedWest Wales Biodiversity InformationCentreWomen Connect FirstPrivatePreifatAB First Response / AB Care SolutionsAlgebra Business SolutionsBarbara CastleBusiness and Employment Support andTrainingCCLA Investment Management LtdCharity FuturesClive ScarlettCwmni IaithDeassartation LtdDuncan Foulkes Public RelationsEmpowerFfaldlasFusion Sponsorship and FundingSolutionsGKA / Town and Landscape LtdGrantfinder LtdGraylingHywel RobertsICP PartneriaethIDT Training and EducationIndras NetJobforcewalesKeegan & PennykidMartin Price AssociatesMoonflower EnterprisesNcompassNeil Caldwell AssociatesShineSN Training ServicesSttepsTelos ResearchThe WorkhouseTir CoedTMPL ConsultantsUnity Trust Bank plcStatutoryStatudolBig Lottery FundBoard of Welsh CHCBrecon Beacons National Park AuthorityBwrdd yr Iaith CymraegCaerphilly County Borough CouncilCare Council for WalesCarmarthenshire County CouncilCarmarthenshire Local Public HealthTeamCharity CommissionChildren’s Information BureauCity and County of SwanseaConsumer Focus WalesConwy and Denbighshire NHS TrustConwy County Borough CouncilConwy Social Care & HousingCorporate Strategy DirectorateCrown Prosecution ServiceDisability Rights CommissionEqual Opportunities CommissionGwynedd County CouncilHeritage Lottery FundIsle of Anglesey County CouncilMid and West Wales Fire AuthorityNational Museum and Gallery of WalesNewport City Council - Aftercare TeamNewport Museum and Art GalleryOffa Community CouncilPembrokeshire County CouncilPowys County CouncilSouth Wales Police Communities &Partnership DeptSupporting Community EnterpriseThe Sports Council for WalesTorfaen County Borough CouncilUniversity of Wales LampeterWales Audit OfficeHonoraryAnrhydeddusMarjorie Dykins OBENational Council for VoluntaryOrganisations - NCVOStan SalterThe Earl of LisburneE-MembersE-AelodauAdam SomersetAdrienne HillAlan BatesAli AbdiAli BattyeAlison HealeAmanda ThompsonAmy JonesAmy-michelle ThorntonAndrea CleaverAndrew BowdlerAndrew HavvasAndrew MeredithAndrew RowlandsAnna HeywoodAnne OwenAnnette WilesAnnie GrundyAnnie JenkinArthur CrumpAshley MartinBarry ClarkeBeth MaidenBethan SamuelBethan WalilayBlair EkoBrian PriceBruce McgovernCallista NgqulaCarli EvansCaroline HamiltonCaroline HarriesCaroline WhelanCarwen Hughes-JonesCary PhillipsCatherine BemanCatherine BoardCatherine MahonyCathryn MorganCathy RobertsCecilia FrancisCelia BondChad PatelCheryl HughesChristine AllanChristine Ravenhill StockClaire GeorgeClaire GriffithsClaire NisselClare HenryClive HarrisColin PowellColin RussellCora ThomasCuron DaviesCynthia BeynonDarren LewisDarren ReesDave DaviesDave GreenDavid MorganDavid Ben ReesDavid HarriesDavid JepsonDavid KnivetonDavid RouseDenzil JonesDiane RaybouldDuncan BoffeyElaine PritchardEleanor HicksEndaf GriffithsEsther DitchFrank LynchFraser KeayGail DevineGail ThomasGareth HughesGareth Strangemore-JonesGareth TaylorGeraint ReesGinny BrinkGlenys Hughes-JonesGlyn ThomasGordon PankhurstHanef Bhamjee OBEHannah SimpsonHelen WilliamsHelen KelaveyHelen NichollsHelen ThomasHelena JonesHoward LordHsiao-Yun YangHussain NoorHywel MeredyddIan BorlandIan JonesIbrahim Oshovieu MomoduIsabelle GutierrezIvy AlvarezJ A OwenJackie CharltonJackie HuybsJackie PreeceJames MorganJames PurdueJan HillJane PaglerJane PickenJanet RobertsJayne NealJean CuthbertJean ForsythJennifer Hobbs-RobertsJessica Phipps-HarkusJill DaviesJill GriffithsJill PiercyJo MuscatJoan EdwardsJoe MolloyJohn HowesJohn JamesJohn MuntonJohn SpenceJohn ThomasJohn ThomasJohn WeaverJohnes DavivesJudith BevanJudith JamesJudith SeckerJulie AnnettsKate MeakinKatie RoebuckKatie SearlesKay QuinnKeith DewhurstKelly TreadwellKieran BowlerKim ThomasKristen ReidLaura ChapmanLaura CollinsLaura EvansLeonard Amegashie-QuarteyLinda HarrisLinda JamesLisa JenkinsLisa ThomasLucy EvansLuke CopleyLuke MillarLydia HughesMandy WillsMarc MordeyMaria JoszkoMarion HughesMarion PearseMark HughesMark JonesMark RichardsonMark WitrylakMartha HardingMartin CowlingMartin VealeMichael WilliamsMick ColemanMiftahuddin MohammedMike ThomasMiranda EvansMonica DennisMorgan JonesNajma AhmadNana Kweku OwusuNathan McCarthyNeesha FettahNeil HowardNicola BrainNicola LlewelynNicola MaxwellNicola RatcliffNigel D HardakerO P GalpinPam BradleyPaul AddecottPaul AllchurchPaul ButtPaula WilliamsPauline EllisPearl ChalkPenny HurtPeter BushPeter ParssonsPhillip CoozePru TimperleyPryderi ap RhisiartRachel DillonRavi Ravi RajanRebecca ReitsisRebecca RosenthalRhiannon PowellRichard DoylendRick MabeyRoanna LarsenRobert AtkinsRobert Gwyn DavinRobert WoodRoy SkeltonRuth DaviesRuth ThompsonS HamesoSally OwensSam MellorSam RichardsSarah MutchSaundra DanielShane WettonSharron FullwoodSimon BlackburnSimon DaviesSimon HeavenSimon JonesSiriol BurfordSolomon EduStacey MuntStella WrightStephanie BowenStephanie JohnsSteve BraceSteve JohnsonSteven YeoSusan SimpsonSuzy BarrettTerry MurphyTim RushtonTracey SuttonTrevor PalmerVanessa HawkeVasilios BoulousisVicky HuelinVicky JonesVictoria WhiteVikki EffordVivienne ArcherWally HerbertWalter DickieWyn RobertsYassin YusufYun Yun HerbertYvonne Earl104 Community House1st Cornelly Scout Group1st Ruthin Brynbach ScoutGroup2 Adar-Y-MorAbbeyfield SocietyAbbeyfield Society NorthWales Region

52 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 53Aberaeron Memorial Hall ManagementCommitteeAberdare Trefoil GuildAberfan Canoe ClubAberfan Sub Aqua ClubAbergavenny Communities FirstAbertillery Mini and Junior RFCAber-valley YMCAAberystwyth Arts CentreAberystwyth Citizen’s Advice BureauAble RadioActive Music ServicesAfrica Bridge ClubAfrica Centre WalesAfrican Friendship AssociationAfricatrust NetworksAgape Community Church Ty-SignAge Alliance WalesAge Concern - PowysAge Concern Cardiff and Vale AgeingWellAge Concern Cymru and Help theAged in WalesAgorfa Bangor Bond SchemeAll For OneAll Wales Saheli AssociationAlzheimer’s Society - North WalesAlzheimer’s Society - PembrokeshireAmman Valley ConservationAssociationAmman Valley Dementia CarersAmmanford Bible Church TrustAmmanford Miners TheatreAndi Pandi’s Day NurseryAnimal Welfare Network for WalesAnti Poverty Network CymruAPM ConsultancyArk Support InternationalArkwright Scholarships TrustArts for usArts SurgeryArts Training WalesASBAHAshfield Action GroupAssociation of Culture and SportAudiences Wales LtdAwel Aman Tawe CyfAxis Historical Society and NewsletterBabel Village HallBackbeating SoundsBanc AFCBank of ScotlandBarnardo’s Cymru - Merthyr TydfilBarnardos Cymru - PembrokeshireFamily Link ServiceBarnardos People in CommunityBarracks Field Tenants AssociationBarry Ladies Hockey ClubBD-WBeeline Community TheatreBees for DevelopmentBelieve II Achieve LtdBen Reynolds Consulting Ltd.Benefice of PontypoolBeribazu Cultural GroupBethel Congregational ChapelBettws Boys and Girls ClubBettws in BloomBettws Local Partnership BoardBetws Family CentreBevan FoundationBible Society / Cymdeithas y BeiblBIRDBlack Association of Women Step OutBlaenau Gwent Baptist ChurchBlaenau Gwent Community RecyclingLtdBlaenau Gwent Domestic AbuseServicesBrakeley LtdBranching Out ConsultancyBread ‘n’ Dripping ProductionsBread of Heaven ProjectBreast Cancer CareBrecon and District Credit UnionBrecon Children’s Contact CentreBresnan WalshBridgend and District HorticulturalSocietyBridgend Borough CouncilBridgend CBCBridgend Citizens Advice BureauBridgend County Borough CouncilBridgend County NeighbourhoodWatchBridgend People FirstBridgend Volunteer CentreBritish Dyslexia AssociationBritish Polio FellowshipBritish Red Cross Society - North WalesBriton Ferry LibraryBriton Ferry OAP Men’s BranchBriton Ferry Town Sports AssociationBroomfield & AlexanderBrunel ManorBryn Mawr Heritage ProjectBrynamman Air Training CorpsBrynteg Community HouseBrynteg Village Football ClubBulliesoutBusiness in FocusCadmhasCaerphilly 50+ ForumCaerphilly Care for Carers LtdCaerphilly CHAD CaerffiliCaerphilly Youth ServiceCaerwnon Park Residents Social ClubCaewathan Community CentreCAF Southern AfricaCAFCASS - CymruCalan ConsultanciesCalkadiesCambrian Archaeological AssociationCancer Aid Merthyr TydfilCancer CarelineCanolfan Plant Jig-so Children’s CentreCantref Primary SchoolCarbon Mootral CICCardiff & Vale Rescue Association(CAVRA)Cardiff Business Technology Centre(CBTC)Cardiff County CouncilCardiff Energy Advice CentreCardiff SA GroupCardiff UnitariansCardiff UniversityCardiff University Debating SocietyCardiff Yemeni Community AssociationCardiff YMCACardiff YMCA Housing AssociationCardiff-Wales Lesbian & Gay MardiGrasCardigan Oxygen Therapy CentreCare and Repair Rhondda Cynon TaffCarmarthenshire Counselling ServiceCarmarthenshire Federation of YoungFarmersCaroline RobertsCasc-Aid Community Action GroupCathays Methodist ChurchCCICCSECefn Hengoed & Hengoed CFPartnershipCelynen Collieries Workmen’s InstituteCentral and Eastern EuropeanAssociationCentre for Performance ResearchCeredigion County CouncilCeredigion Domestic Abuse ForumCEWC-CymruChanging PlacesChepstow Mens Hockey ClubChild and Adolescent Mental HealthChildren in Wales - Plant yng NghymruChristian Youth OutreachChurches Together On Local IssuesCilan GalleriesCircles Network WalesCity and County of Swansea TourismDeptCity of Newport Swimming ClubClase and Caemawr CommunityPartnershipCLIC SargentClimate Change TeamClwb Caredig - Clwb ar ôl YsgolClwb Cledlyn ClubClwb Ffermwyr Ifanc CeredigionCofnodColeg HarlechColwyn and District Enterprise AllianceColwyn Bay Conservation andEnvironment FederationCommunities First - BettwsCommunities First - BlainaCommunities First - Caia ParkCommunities First - Cwmdulais UchafCommunities First - Cymer, Glyncorrwg& GwynfiCommunities First - MaeshyfrydCommunities First - Merthyr ValeCommunities First - Morlo PartnershipCommunities First - PelennaCommunities First - Plas MadocCommunities First - Six BellsCommunities First - SplottCommunities First - TylorstownCommunities First - Upper AmmanValleyCommunities First - Ynyshir &WattstownCommunities@OneCommunity Action Machynlleth &DistrictCommunity-it.orgComputer Assistance in CameroonConnaught plcCONNECT Disability Rights AdviceConnected Youth & CommunityProjectConnections for DevelopmentContin You Cymru - Mid WalesConwy County Access GroupCooking For Pleasure GroupCornist Area Residents AssociationCornonation Hall - DaleCountryside Council for WalesCPD TreforCraft in the BayCreate a FutureCreative Rural CommunitiesCrickhowell Volunteer CentreCroes Sgwar SDCCroeserw Community AssociationCroeserw Sports ClubCruisers TalysarnCruse CaerphillyCSV Action CyfleCSV Training WalesCultural ConcernsCwmafon Hornets A B CCwmaman Public Hall and InstituteTrustCwmdauddwr Community CentreCwmNiCwmNi - Treherbert CFCwmni RocedCwmtillery Saracens RFCCWVYSCydcoed Forestry CommissionCydlynydd Partneriaethau DiogelwchCymunedolCyfeillion / Friends of Bro AlltaCyfeillion Theatre FelinfachCylch Meithrin Cywion BachCylch Meithrin LlanfarianCylch Ti a Fi Seren FachCyMAL: Museums Archives & LibrariesWalesCymdeithas Cae Chwarae CaeathroCymdeithas Ddawns Werin CymruCymdeithas Gwyl Plant GwentCymdeithas Gymunedol Ystrad MeurigCymdeithas Hwylio a ChymdeithasolHogia LlynCymdeithas Tai ClwydCymmer Afan Youth ClubCyngor Sir Ynys MonCynon Valley Citizens Advice BureauDamauli Unesco ClubDashDawns I BawbDelyn Women’s AidDenbigh Music FestivalDenbighshire Care and RepairDenbighshire County CouncilDeri Regeneration CommitteeDeudraeth CyfDevelopment Trusts Association WalesDewin y DelynDharmavajra Buddhist CentreDisabilities and Self Help (DASH)Disabled Drivers’ Association LlanelliDolau Youth ClubDowlais Community DevelopmentForumDowlais Male ChoirDown to EarthDown’s Syndrome Association WalesDuffryn Infant SchoolEarth CentreEast Clwyd Riding ClubEastern Valley Housing AssociationEastside Family Support ProjectEbbw Vale and District DevelopmentTrustEcho Stow HillEich Dewis Chi Your ChoiceEileen Murphy ConsultantsELECTElim Cynon Valley ChurchEmployment Opps for People withDisabilitiesEnfys FoundationEnterprise Development AssociatesEpilepsy ActionEstuary Voluntary Car SchemeEvangelical Alliance WalesExposure GalleryEYSTFair Trade WalesFairbridgeFamily Friends for 5’s to 11’sFamily Mediation CardiffFamily Mediation NCH CymruFarm Crisis NetworkFerndale Skate ParkFirebrake WalesFisherman’s MissionFishguard & Goodwick Young Person’sProjectFishguard Arts SocietyFishguard Sea Cadet Corps (Unit 142)Flintshire 50+ Advisory GroupFlintshire Citizens Advice Bureau - MoldFlintshire County CouncilFlintshire Volunteer CentreFollow Your Dreams LimitedFondation pour la SolidariteFood and Communities FutureFoothold Community SpecialistsForUsFPA (Family Planning Association)Friends of Community Focus SchoolsFriends of Erwood StationFriends of Hafod WenFriends of TCSFriends of the National Orchestra ofWalesFriends of Ysgol y MoelwynG.R.S. (Care) LtdGaer Association Football ClubGalaxy Theatre ArtsGarth Youth & Community ProjectGarw Valley Community Co-operativeGarw Valley Garden History andHeritage TrustGarw Valley RailwayGatehouseGAVO - Caerphilly Volunteer CentreGAVO - Carers Contact CentreGEDCGlamorgan Federation of YoungFarmers’ ClubsGlasuGlobal Rescue ServicesGlyngaer Primary SchoolGofal a Thrwsio Gwynedd CyfGoing PublicGower Bird HospitalGrassroots CymruGreen Parrot ProductionsGreener WalesGreenfield Community KarateGreets Green Community EnterprisesGroundwork Wrexham and FlintshireGSP Community RegenerationPartnershipGuest Memorial Bowls ClubGuiding Cymru - Central GlamorganGwallgofiaid cyfGwent Arts in HealthGwent Group of Advanced MotoristsGwyl CilcainGwynfe Community Hall AssociationHafal - CardiffHafod Youth Action GroupHASWCHAULHaven Homecare TrustHawarden Camera ClubHay Town CouncilHAZINAHealth Network Development ProjectHearts and HandsHendredenny Park Primary SchoolAssociationHenwaun Street AllotmentHighlights Video ProductionHijinx TheatreHolliwellsHolyhead & District Round TableHome Accident Prevention in WalesHOPE Multiple Sclerosis CentreHorizon InternationalHowey Church in Wales Primary SchoolHUTSImpact Schools TeamIn2Action CymruInsight Social Research LtdInstitute of Public Relations CymruInt Reiki FederationIntegra Community Living OptionsInter Penarth AFC

54 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009 55J4BJames Whale Fund for Kidney CancerJigsaw Counselling ServiceJP TrainingKaleidoscope Theatre CompanyKenfig Hill and Pyle Bowling ClubKenshole Children’s CentreKensington Baptist ChurchKiddy Winks Day NurseryKidz KrazeKilgetty Cricket ClubKinmel Bay & Towyn Sports &Recreation AssociationKyber Colts Amateur Boxing ClubLa Folia LtdLabour - CaerphillyLamb Learning Disabilities BlainaLampeter Womens WorkshopLGBT Wrexham and DistrictLife AcupunctureLifestyle Choices ProjectLight2digiartLimechapel Residents AssociationLindisfarne Home for the ElderlyLiving StonesLlaingoch ParentsLlandeilo Indoor Bowls CentreLlandovery Old Age PensionersAssociationLlandudno Multidisability FCLlandysul Family CentreLlanelli Area HomewatchLlanelli Citizens Advice BureauLlanelli Youth TheatreLlanfair Village Hall CommitteeLlanfihangel Rhos y Corn CommunityAssoc.Llanfyllin Community ChurchLlangenny School Hall Restoration FundLlangollen International MusicalEisteddfodLlanharan Community DevelopmentProjectLlanvapley Sports and SocialOrganisationLlanwenarth Baptist ChurchLlanybydder Hockey ClubLlay Park Resource CentreLocal Aid Buddies Projectlook EastLSCGLTL ConnectLynne GuyMach FringeMachynlleth Community Children’sProjectMaesteg Citizens Advice BureauMagdalene FoundationMaindee Festival AssociationMargam Youth CentreMathias AgencyMATRAMawr Development TrustME Clwyd Support GroupMelin Homes LimitedMelin Junior SchoolMenai Bridge Scouts and GuidingMeningitis Research FoundationMensana GroupMenter AberteifiMenter Iaith Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen aMynwyMerthyr Cynog Village HallMerthyr Tydfil County Borough CouncilMerthyr Tydfil Institute for the BlindMess Up The Mess Theatre CompanyMHA Care GroupMichaelston Community CollegeMilestone ActivitiesMilford Haven Port AuthorityMiskin Regeneration TrustMiskin Safety, Crime & PreventionMo*LoMold PlayersMonmouthshire GreenWebMontgomeryshire CrossroadsMonty Kidz Respite Care TrustMorlan - Canolfan Ffydd a DiwylliantMorriston Primary PTAMountain Music AssociationMTCBC - Community EducationServiceMultiple Sclerosis Society - WrexhamMultiple Sclerosis Support Centre -North WalesMurton Methodist ChurchNAAPS CymruNACRO CymruNantyffyllon Youth ClubNational Childbirth TrustNational Confederation of ParentTeacher AssociatiNational Old Age PensionersAssociationNational Union of StudentsNCH Cymru - Penywaun Family CentreNeath Afan Gymnastic ClubNeath Amateur Operatic SocietyNeath and District Sea CadetsNeath Port Talbot District SportsCouncilNeath Port Talbot Youth OffendingTeamN-ergy Group LtdNeuadd Bentref CwmllinauNeuadd Goffa PenrhyndeudraethNew Dawn HouseNew Sandfields - SustainableGenerationNew Sandfields AberavonNew Tredegar Integrated Children’sCentreNew Welsh ReviewNewpartNewport Credit Union LtdNewport Housing TrustNewport Local Health BoardNewport Paths GroupNewydd Housing Association - ValleysOfficeNightingale House HospiceNLIAHNoddfa Chapel Community Project LtdNorth Clwyd Animal RescueNorth East Wales DanceNorth East Wales Wildlife LtdNorth Wales Medical Trust LtdNorth Wales Society for the Blind -BangorNorth Wales SuperkidsNorth Wales Wildlife TrustNorthern Marches CymruOakdale Comprehensive SchoolOasis CardiffObjective 1 Team BCBCOrbit TheatrePain ConcernPakistani Parents AssociationPartneriaeth Masnach Deg MônFairtrade P’shipPeace MalaPelenna Valley Male Voice ChoirPembrokeshire CollegePembrokeshire Real Nappy NetworkPembrokeshire Voluntary TransportPembrokeshire Youth BankPenarth & District Stroke SupportGroupPencader and District RegenerationGroupPencader Family CentrePendoylan Parish Houses CharityPenrhiwceiber Strategy GroupPensychnant FoundationPentre Gwyn and Coed-y-BrynAssociationPenywaun Enterprise PartnershipPeter KirkupPhilharmonia of North WalesPhoenix ProjectPlant Dewi (St David’s DCSR)Play RadnorPobl y FforestPolish Housing Society LtdPontardawe Acoustic Music ClubPontardawe Air Training CorpsPontyates Welfare AssociationPorthcawl Athletic AssociationPowys Mediation / Cyfryngu PowysPowys Volunteer CentrePresbyterian Tabernacle ChapelPresteigne and Norton CommunitySupportPrincess Royal Trust - PembrokeshireCarers CentreProject Officer HLF Sense of placeprojectPromoting IndependencePRP TrainingQED - UKQuarry Villages Key FundRadio TircoedRadnorshire Wildlife Trust - LlandrindodWellsRainbow Nari O Shishu KallyanFoundationReachRelate - North WalesResolven Building BlocksRest Bay Lifeguard ClubRhia JonesRhondda & Taff Ely Young CarersProjectRhondda County Borough CouncilRhondda Cynon Taff Carers SupportProjectRhondda Cynon Taff County BoroughCouncilRhondda PaddlersRhwydwaithRhyl Community AgencyRhyl Youth Action GroupRight from the StartRingland Art GroupRisca United AFCRISE Learning Development InitiativeRiverside Park Tenants AssociationRogerstone Primary School PFARokayah AbdulmajedRomy JohnsonRotary Club of Briton FerryRoyal Society for the Protection of BirdsRuabon Parish ChurchRubicon DanceRural North Flintshire Family CentreSafety and Facilities for EquestriansSalsa WalesSamba Bermo & Youth ForumSamba TaweSchool of CMEScottish Council for VoluntaryOrganisationsScout Association - The Welsh ScoutCouncilSEEFSefydliad; The Community Foundationin WalesSelf Protection AcademySennybridge SquirtsSheep Music LtdShin-gi-tai Aikido SocietyShirenewton Community CouncilShow Racism the Red CardSikh Association - South WalesSindhuraSkin Care CymruSmall World TheatreSMP Playgrounds LtdSnowdonia SocietySocial Education & EnvironmentalDevelopmentSocial Enterprise Network TorfaenSocial Services Inspectorate for WalesSOLAS Cymru LtdSomali Education FoundationSomali Integration SocietySomali Youth AssociationSoundscapeSouth East Wales Race Equality CouncilSouth Gloucestershire CouncilSouth Indian Cultural CentreSouth Wales Girls BrigadeSouth Wales Sea CadetsSouth Wales Volunteer Manager ForumSpecial Friends Unite LtdSpectacle Theatre CompanySpice (formerly WICC)Spitalgate Church of England PrimaryschoolSplott Community SolutionsSplott Residents AssociationSports Council for WalesSt Albans RF Sports & Social ClubSt Catherine’s ChurchSt David’s FoundationSt John Ambulance - BridgendSt John Ambulance - Mid WalesSt John Ambulance - YstalyferaSt Joseph Community DevelopmentAssociationSt Margaret’s Church Hall ProjectSt Margaret’s Church Restoration FundSt Mary’s HostelSt Melons Community EducationCentreSt Michaels Centre (Abergavenny)St Paul’s ToddlersSt Peters Church in WalesSt Vincent de Paul Society SocietyNorth WalesSt Woolos Cathedral Rescue AppealStage Rage ProductionsStori Pen CyfStreet Soccer WalesStreets Youth and Community ProjectSustainable DenbighshireSustainable SwanseaSwansea Access For EveryoneSwansea and Brecon Diocesan Board ofFinanceSwansea Children MatteSwansea Guild Of ArtistsSwansea Library ServiceSwansea Neath Port Talbot CrossroadsSwansea Voluntary Action CentreSwansea YMCASwimming School of Tai ChiSystems Advocacy ServiceDenbighshireTa’aleem AlnyssaTaff Housing AssociationTalbot Community CentreTalking Hands Youth Club for DeafTall Ships Youth TrustTata Institute of Social SciencesTeen ChallengeTele-centre and Business schoolTelynau TeifiTen Green Bottle Powys CICThe Ark Youth and Community ProjectThe BIRD CharityThe Bleeding Flag Theatre CompanyThe BreadwrightThe Bridge Mentoring Plus SchemeThe Buster FoundationThe Doorway Youth Information CentreThe Erlas Victorian Walled GardenProjectThe Erwood Market HallThe Film Agency for WalesThe Friends of Llangollen InternationalMusicThe Friends of the Newport ShipThe Friends of the Parish Church of AllSaintThe Gower SocietyThe Grasslands TrustThe Health and Well Being ProjectThe Parade ESOL ServiceThe Pearls TrustThe Pembrokeshire Darwin ScienceFestivalThe Prince’s Trust - CarmarthenThe Quilt OrganisationThe Recycle Lady Eco StoreThe Rhondda Indoor Bowls Club JuniorSectionThe Rowan OrganisationThe Salvation Army - BarryThe Salvation Army - South and MidWalesThe Sea Cadet Corps TS Cardiff UnitNo 68The Southern XL’sThe Thomas Haydn TrustThe Ultimate Stage CompanyThe United Reformed Church - WalesSynodThe Welfare YstradgynlaisThe Wellsprings FellowshipThe Winding House Friends andVolunteersThe Women’s WorkshopTheatre in the CommunityThird Sector Development and TrainingThorn Hill Athletic Football ClubTime BankingTonmawr DartsTOPIC HouseTorfaen Community EnterprisesTorfaen Peoples FirstTowyn Pentecostal ChurchTrackside Management ProjectTredegar Corps of DrumsTredegar Ironsides Rugby Football ClubTrefgarn Owen Village AssociationTreharris Afterschool Play SchemeTrelai Youth CentreTrinity UniversityTrostrey Excavation GroupTSA North Wales (The StrokeAssociation)Tyddyn Bach TrustTywyn Model Railway ClubUK PlayworkUndeb Cymru a’r Byd/WalesInternationalUndercurrentsUnica SolutionsUnited Nations Association ExchangeUnited Welsh Housing - CardiffUniversity of Wales BangorUniversity of Wales Institute of CardiffUrbanlandscapesUWIC FoundationVAC, Race Equality First

56 <strong>Annual</strong> Report | <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol 2008/2009Vale of Glamorgan ArtistsVale PlusValewaysValley and Vale Community Arts LtdVictim Support - FlintshireVictim Support - Gwent Area OfficeVictim Support - PowysVIP DramaVision Support - WrexhamVISITWales Assembly of Women - BreconWales Centre for HealthWales Co-operative Development andTrainingWales Environment LinkWales Millennium CentreWales Strategic Migration PartnershipWalsall MBCWarwick Emanuel PRWASPWateraidWEFOWellbeing DirectorateWelsh Amateur Swimming AssociationWelsh Assembly GovernmemtWelsh Association of ME & CFSSupportWelsh Auxiliary Corps Legion ofFrontiersmenWelsh Badminton UnionWelsh Border Community TransportWelsh Catholic Deaf ServiceWelsh Equine CouncilWelsh Free Flight FederationWelsh Gymnastics LtdWelsh Hockey Union Ltd.Welsh Independent Living FoundationWelsh Kidney Patients AssociationWelsh Music FoundationWelsh Sinfonia PromotionsWelshpool High School - Youth OfficeWest and South-West RhylCommunities FirstWest Glamorgan Council on Alcohol &Drug Abuse LtdWest Glamorgan Lawn TennisAssociationWest Wales European CentreWest Wrexham Urban II ProgrammeWhitland Memorial HallWhitmore Bay Surf Life Saving ClubWhizz-KidzWildmill Community Life CentreWomen in TuneWomen’s Aid - BrecknockWomen’s E-VillageWoodland Trust (UK)Woodlands Avenue CommunityAssociationWorkers Educational AssociationWPPA - RCTWrexham Adventure PlaygroundAssociationWrexham County Borough CouncilWrexham Neighbourhood WatchWrexham Sustainability ForumXLWalesY Faenol CyfYellow WalesYemeni Community AssociationYMCA - BridgendYMCA - HirwaunYmlaen GlyncochYnys Mon Council EconomicDevelopmentYnysdawley Playing Fields AssociationYnyshir BandYnyshir Parents & Teachers AssociationYnysybwl Community ProjectYoung Farmers Clubs PembrokeshireYouth ConnectionsYouth Venture TrustYsgol BeulahYsgol Steiner Nant-y-Cwm SteinerSchoolYsgol Y Berllan Deg Primary SchoolYstalyfera Health and Well Being CentreYstrad Meurig Youth ClubYstrad Mynach Netball ClubYstrad Re-Use Community FurnitureProject LtdYstradgynlais MindYstradgynlais RFC Junior Rugby ClubYWCA - England and Wales<strong>WCVA</strong> started life in 1934 as the SouthWales and Monmouthshire Council ofSocial Services. In its annual <strong>report</strong>of 1936-37 it highlighted the workof the Council with the Libraries ofWorkmen’s Institutes and the PublicLibraries of the Valleys.It was <strong>report</strong>ed that many of thelibraries had not been able to affordnew books since 1927 and that stockswere severely depleted and wereout of date. A grant of £10,000 wassanctioned by the Commissionerfor Special Areas and the Counciladministered this grant over a numberof months. According to the <strong>report</strong>:‘few services that the Council has beenable to render have met with a quickerand more genuine response from thebeneficiaries.’Sefydlwyd <strong>WCVA</strong> ym 1934 fel CyngorGwasanaethau Cymdeithasol DeCymru a Sir Fynwy. Yn ei adroddiad<strong>blynyddol</strong> ym 1936-37 cofnodwydgwaith y Cyngor gyda LlyfrgelloeddSefydliadau’r Gweithwyr a LlyfrgelloeddCyhoeddus y Cymoedd.Adroddwyd nad oedd llawer o’rllyfrgelloedd wedi gallu fforddiollyfrau newydd ers 1927 a bodstociau wedi’u disbyddu ac yn hen.Yn ôl yr adroddiad: ‘ychydig iawno wasanaethau mae’r Cyngor wedigallu eu cyflwyno sydd wedi derbynymateb cynt ac mor ddiamheuol gany buddiolwyr. Mae’r holl ardal ynddiolchgar dros ben i’r Comisiynyddam y grant amserol hwn.’

For further information on<strong>WCVA</strong>’s activities and membershipdetails, visit www.wcva.org.uk,contact the <strong>WCVA</strong> Helpdesk,0800 2888 329, help@wcva.org.ukor text 07797805628I gael rhagor o wybodaeth amweithgareddau <strong>WCVA</strong> ac am fanylionaelodaeth, ewch i www.wcva.org.uk,cysylltwch â Lein Gymorth <strong>WCVA</strong>,0800 2888 329, help@wcva.org.ukneu testun 07797805628Printed on Greencoat Offset• 100% recycled content• TCF (Totally Chlorine Free) fibre• Totally recyclable and bio-degradable• NAPM recycled certificationArgraffwyd ar Greencoat Offset• 100% ffibr wedi’i ailgylchu• Ffibr heb glorin o gwbl (TCF)• Gellir ei ailgylchu yn llwyr ac mae’n bydradwy• Ardystiad ailgylchu NAPMRegistered Charity 218093 • Designed at The Design Stage www.designstage.co.uk • October 2009Elusen Gofrestredig 218093 • Dyllunio gan The Design Stage www.designstage.co.uk • Hydref 2009

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