1985-1987 - Population Studies Center - University of Michigan

1985-1987 - Population Studies Center - University of Michigan 1985-1987 - Population Studies Center - University of Michigan

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William R. LavelyCo-organizer (with James Lee, Department of History,California Institute of Technology) of a Workshop inQing Population History, sponsored and funded bythe Joint Committee on Contemporary China of theACLS/SSRC, to be held at Caltech, August 1985.Karen Oppenheim MasonMember, Board of Directors, Population Association ofAmerica, 1986-1988.Member, Curriculum, College of Literature, Science,and the Arts, University of Michigan, 1987-1989.Associate Director for Training, Population StudiesCenter, 1980-1986.Member, Executive Board, Rackham School of GraduateStudies, 1985-1988.Member, Panel of Cognates, University GrievanceSystem, 1984-1988.Parent Orientation Leader, University Office of Orientation,1984 and 1985.Consultant, Research Program on the Status of Womenand Fertility, The Rockefeller Foundation, 1984-.Consultant, Demographic and Health Surveys,Westinghouse Overseas Service Corporation, 1985-.Editorial Advisory Board, Contemporary Sociology,1983-85.Member, Board of Overseers, NORC General SocialSurvey, 1983-86.Member, Advisory Board, Committee on GenderResearch, University of Michigan.Editorial consultant, Demography, American SociologicalReview, American Journal of Sociology, and AcademicPress.Consultant, National Family and Household Survey,University of Wisconsin.Discussant, session on "The Life Course," PopulationAssociation of America annual meetings, Chicago,April 1987.Presented paper, "The Impact of Child Care Availabilityon Women's Labor Force and Fertility Plans,"Population Association of America annual meetings,Chicago, April 1987.Karen Oppenheim Mason (Cont'd.)Presented paper (with Anju Malhotra Taj), "GenderDifferences in Reproductive Orientation: A Reviewof Existing Knowledge for Developing Countries,"Population Association of America annual meetings,San Francisco, April 1986.Participant, Workshop on Women's Status and Fertility,Sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation,Mount Kisco, New York, June 1985.William M. MasonDirector, Population Studies Center, The University ofMichigan 1987-.Member, Executive Committee, Computing Center,University of Michigan, 1980-1986.Member, Executive Committee, Sociology Department,University of Michigan, 1983-1985.Member, Board of Directors, Research Network andData Center for the Income Survey DevelopmentProgram (ISDP) and Survey of Income and ProgramParticipation (SIPP), 1984-.Presentations, "You Can't Do That!", Thematic Sessionon Cross-National Research in Demography, and"Didactic Seminar on Quantitative Multi-levelMethods for Comparative and Contextual Analysis,"American Sociological Association annualmeetings, Chicago, August 1987.Presentation, "An Overview of the Michigan ComparativeFertility Project," Sociology Department,University of California-San Diego, October 1986.Presented shortcourse, "Contextual and MultilevelAnalysis," Inter-University Consortium of Politicaland Social Research, University of Michigan, June1986,1987.Presented shortcourse, "Refresher Course in QuantitativeAnalysis," American Sociological Associationannual meetings, Washington, August 1985.Presented paper, "Socioeconomic Differentials in EarlyFertility: A Comparative Analysis of 31 WFSCountries," American Sociological Associationannual meetings, Washington, August 1985.Presentation, "The Theory, Findings and Methods ofthe Michigan Comparative Fertility Project," BrownUniversity, Population Studies and Training Center,March 1985.Professional Activities 31

William M. Mason (Cont'd.)Presented paper, "What Has Been Learned from theWorld Fertility Survey About the Effects of SocioeconomicPosition on Reproductive Behavior?" and"Cross-National Variability in Age at First Birth:Theory and Evidence," Population Association ofAmerica annual meetings, Boston, March 1985.Eva L. MuellerMember, Rackham Divisional Board, Horace H.Rackham School of Graduate Studies, University ofMichigan.Member, National Academy of Sciences WorkingGroup on Economic Consequences of High Fertilityin LDCs.Member, Fellowship Selection Committee, PopulationCouncil.Member, Development and Communications AdvisoryCommittee, University of Michigan.Recipient, Academic Women's Caucus Award, Universityof Michigan, January 1987.Chair, session on "Migration and Economic Development:I." Population Association of America annualmeetings, Chicago, April 1987.Chair, session on "Security Motives for High Fertility,"Population Association of America annual meetings,San Francisco, April 1986.Discussant, session on "Consequences of DemographicChange," Population Association of America annualmeetings, San Francisco, April 1986.Allen SchirmPresented paper, "Characterizing Agents, MatchQuality, and Equilibrium Sortings: What Can BeLearned from Matching Models About CorrelationsBetween Spouses' Traits?," Population Associationof America annual meetings, Chicago, April 1987.Presented paper (with Samuel Preston), "CensusUndercount Adjustment and the Quality of GeographicPopulation Distributions," PopulationAssociation of America annual meetings, Boston,March 1985 and Joint Statistical Meetings, SanFrancisco, August 1987.Presented paper, "Assortativc Mating When IndividualsDiffer by Many Traits," Population Associationof America annual meetings, San Francisco, April1986.Arland ThorntonConsultant, National Family and Household Survey,University of Wisconsin, 1983-1985.Chair, Nominations Committee, Family Section,American Sociological AssociationMember, Contract Review Committee, Center forPopulation Research, National Institute of ChildHealth and Human Development.Presented paper (with H. S. Lin and M. L. Lee), "SocialChange, the Family and Well Being," Conference onEconomic Development and Social Welfare inTaiwan, Academia Sinica, 1987.Presented paper (with Thomas Fricke), "Social Changeand the Family: Comparative Perspectives fromEurope, China and South Asia," Population Associationof America annual meetings, Chicago, April1987.Presented paper, "Cross-National Research in Demography:The Importance of Family and Life CourseOrganization," American Sociological Associationannual meetings, Chicago, April 1987.Chair, session on "Household Organization in DevelopingCountries," Population Association of Americaannual meetings, San Francisco, April 1986.Discussion leader, session on "Family StructureChange: Causes and Consequences," and member.Steering Committee, Workshop on DemographicChange and the Well-being of the Elderly, NationalAcademy of Sciences, 1985.Associate Editor, journal of Family Issues, 1984-.Maxine WeinsteinPresented paper (with Arland Thornton), "Mother-Child Relations and Adolescent Sexual Attitudesand Behavior," Population Association of Americaannual meetings, Chicago, April 1987.Presented paper (with James W. Wood), "A Model ofAge-Specific Fecundability," Population Associationof America annual meetings, San Francisco, April1986.James W. WoodPresented paper (with Maxine Weinstein), "A Model ofAge-Specific Fecundability," Population Associationof America annual meetings, San Francisco, April1986.32 Population Studies Center

William M. Mason (Cont'd.)Presented paper, "What Has Been Learned from theWorld Fertility Survey About the Effects <strong>of</strong> SocioeconomicPosition on Reproductive Behavior?" and"Cross-National Variability in Age at First Birth:Theory and Evidence," <strong>Population</strong> Association <strong>of</strong>America annual meetings, Boston, March <strong>1985</strong>.Eva L. MuellerMember, Rackham Divisional Board, Horace H.Rackham School <strong>of</strong> Graduate <strong>Studies</strong>, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Michigan</strong>.Member, National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences WorkingGroup on Economic Consequences <strong>of</strong> High Fertilityin LDCs.Member, Fellowship Selection Committee, <strong>Population</strong>Council.Member, Development and Communications AdvisoryCommittee, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Michigan</strong>.Recipient, Academic Women's Caucus Award, <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Michigan</strong>, January <strong>1987</strong>.Chair, session on "Migration and Economic Development:I." <strong>Population</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> America annualmeetings, Chicago, April <strong>1987</strong>.Chair, session on "Security Motives for High Fertility,"<strong>Population</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> America annual meetings,San Francisco, April 1986.Discussant, session on "Consequences <strong>of</strong> DemographicChange," <strong>Population</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> America annualmeetings, San Francisco, April 1986.Allen SchirmPresented paper, "Characterizing Agents, MatchQuality, and Equilibrium Sortings: What Can BeLearned from Matching Models About CorrelationsBetween Spouses' Traits?," <strong>Population</strong> Association<strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, Chicago, April <strong>1987</strong>.Presented paper (with Samuel Preston), "CensusUndercount Adjustment and the Quality <strong>of</strong> Geographic<strong>Population</strong> Distributions," <strong>Population</strong>Association <strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, Boston,March <strong>1985</strong> and Joint Statistical Meetings, SanFrancisco, August <strong>1987</strong>.Presented paper, "Assortativc Mating When IndividualsDiffer by Many Traits," <strong>Population</strong> Association<strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, San Francisco, April1986.Arland ThorntonConsultant, National Family and Household Survey,<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, 1983-<strong>1985</strong>.Chair, Nominations Committee, Family Section,American Sociological AssociationMember, Contract Review Committee, <strong>Center</strong> for<strong>Population</strong> Research, National Institute <strong>of</strong> ChildHealth and Human Development.Presented paper (with H. S. Lin and M. L. Lee), "SocialChange, the Family and Well Being," Conference onEconomic Development and Social Welfare inTaiwan, Academia Sinica, <strong>1987</strong>.Presented paper (with Thomas Fricke), "Social Changeand the Family: Comparative Perspectives fromEurope, China and South Asia," <strong>Population</strong> Association<strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, Chicago, April<strong>1987</strong>.Presented paper, "Cross-National Research in Demography:The Importance <strong>of</strong> Family and Life CourseOrganization," American Sociological Associationannual meetings, Chicago, April <strong>1987</strong>.Chair, session on "Household Organization in DevelopingCountries," <strong>Population</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> Americaannual meetings, San Francisco, April 1986.Discussion leader, session on "Family StructureChange: Causes and Consequences," and member.Steering Committee, Workshop on DemographicChange and the Well-being <strong>of</strong> the Elderly, NationalAcademy <strong>of</strong> Sciences, <strong>1985</strong>.Associate Editor, journal <strong>of</strong> Family Issues, 1984-.Maxine WeinsteinPresented paper (with Arland Thornton), "Mother-Child Relations and Adolescent Sexual Attitudesand Behavior," <strong>Population</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> Americaannual meetings, Chicago, April <strong>1987</strong>.Presented paper (with James W. Wood), "A Model <strong>of</strong>Age-Specific Fecundability," <strong>Population</strong> Association<strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, San Francisco, April1986.James W. WoodPresented paper (with Maxine Weinstein), "A Model <strong>of</strong>Age-Specific Fecundability," <strong>Population</strong> Association<strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, San Francisco, April1986.32 <strong>Population</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> <strong>Center</strong>

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