1985-1987 - Population Studies Center - University of Michigan

1985-1987 - Population Studies Center - University of Michigan 1985-1987 - Population Studies Center - University of Michigan

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PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIESThe staff of the Population Studies Center has a history of service to the University, professional organizations,and national and international agencies. Many of the activities of staff members aid in the development of the fieldof population studies; other efforts influence public policy decisions related to population issues or aid in theevaluation of programs. Staff members are often called upon to present papers and serve as discussants at variousconferences and colloquia. They may serve on task forces and commissions and as consultants to the federalgovernment, private organizations, international agencies, and program administrators in developing countries.Demographic expertise is also called for in the development of University programs and policies. Some of themajor professional and public service activities of the Center staff during the last three years are listed below.Barbara A. AndersonAssociate Director for Training, Population StudiesCenter 1986-.Member, Board of Directors, Population Association ofAmerica, 1983-1985.Member, Research Team, The Soviet Interview Project.Member, Executive Committee, Social Science HistoryAssociation.Faculty Associate, Center for Russian and East EuropeanStudies, University of Michigan.Chair, session on "Demography of Eastern Europe andthe USSR," Population Association of Americaannual meetings, Chicago, April 1987.Presented paper (with Brian D. Silver), "Politics ofLanguage and Patterns of Language Change in theUSSR," for seminar series, The Nationality Factor inSoviet Society and Politics: Current Trends andFuture Prospects, Russian Research Center, HarvardUniversity, February 1986.Presented paper (with Michael R. Haines), "The Studyof Fertility from the 1900 U. S. Census," Soviet-American Conference on Quantitative History, NewOrleans, December 1986.Presented paper (with Brian D. Silver), "The Effects ofWorld War II on the Non-Russian Population of theSoviet Union," Soviet-American Conference on theEffects of World War II on the United States and theSoviet Union, Washington, September 1986.Presented paper, "Work Among Soviets of RetirementAge in the Soviet Union," Conference at the U. S.Department of State, November 1986.Reynolds FarleyPresident-Elect, Population Association of America,1987.Member, Executive Committee, National Committeefor Research on the 1980 Census.Senior Research Consultant, Committee on the Statusof Black Americans, National Academy of Sciences.Program Chair, Social Statistics Section, AmericanStatistical Association annual meetings, Philadelphia,1987.Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan,1986-87.Professional Activities 27

Reynolds Farley (Cont'd.)Member, Social Science Research Council, Subcommitteeon the Survey of Income and Program Participation.Presentation, "Race Relations in the Detroit Area — AnHistorical Perspective and Current Differences,"Detroit Strategic Planning Project, Conference onRace Relations, July 1987.Presented paper (with Michael J. Levin), "Ancestry,Birthplace, Race, and Language from the 1980Census: Who's Who Among Asians and PacificIslanders?" Population Association of Americaannual meetings, San Francisco, April 1986.Presented report On Racial Trends and Differential inMortality: 1940 to 1984, to the National Academy ofSciences' Committee on the Status of Black Americans,March 1986.Deborah FreedmanVisiting Fellow, East-West Population Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu, Winter 1985,1986, and1987.Visitor, Family Planning Programs, Kenya, April 1987.Discussant, IUSSP Conference on "Societal Influenceson Family Planning Program Performance," Jamaica,April 1985.Presented talk, "The Use of Life-Calendar Techniquefor Obtaining Retrospective Data in Surveys," East-West Population Institute, March 1985.Presented talk, "The Potential for Using a Life-CalendarTechnique in Taiwan," Taiwan ProvincialInstitute of Family Planning, March 1985.Consultant, Demographic and Health Surveys,Westinghouse Public Applied Systems, 1985.Chair, session on "Marriage Patterns in LDCs," PopulationAssociation of America annual meetings,Boston, March 1985.Ronald FreedmanAlbert Einstein Visiting Fellow, The Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem, March-June 1987.Visiting Fellow, East-West Population Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu, Winter 1985,1986, and1987.Member, Committee on Population, National Academyof Sciences.Ronald Freedman (Cont'd.)Member, Advisory Committee, Program in PopulationSciences, The Rockefeller Foundation.Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee, Demographicand Health Surveys.Occasional consultant to World Bank, U. S. Agency forInternational Development, Taiwan ProvincialInstitute for Family Planning, State Family PlanningCommission of People's Republic of China, and theHewlett, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations.Presented papers and participated in conferences andseminars as follows: Population Association ofAmerica annual meetings, San Francisco, 1986;Conference on One-per-Thousand Survey, 1985;Beijing, 1985; Rockefeller Foundation Conference onProgram Effort and Performance of Family PlanningPrograms, Bangkok, Thailand, February 1986, andin Chiang Mai, Thailand, Feburary 1987; NationalAcademy of Sciences and USAID, Washington, DC,1987; IUSSP, Jamaica, 1985, and Honolulu, 1987;U. S. Department of State, Washington, DC, 1986and 1987.William H. FreyRecipient, Undergraduate Teaching Initiatives Award,University of Michigan, 1987.Member, Committee on Migration Statistics, PopulationAssociation of America, 1987.Member, Program Committee, Sociology of PopulationSection, American Sociological Association, 1985-86Presented paper, "Migration and Metropolitan PopulationChange: A Cross-National Comparision,"International Conference on Urbanization andUrban Population Problems, Nankai University,Tianjin, People's Republic of China. October 26-31,1987.Presented paper, "Will the Turnaround' Turn Aroundfor Large Metropolitan Areas?," Association ofAmerican Geographers annual meeting, Portland,April 1987.Presented paper, "Lifecourse Migration and Redistributionof the Elderly Across U.S. Regions, MetropolitanAreas, and Central Cities," PopulationAssociation of America annual meetings, SanFrancisco, April 1986.Speaker, Census Analysis Workshop: Migration Dataand Trends, University of Wisconsin-Madison,October 1985.28 Population Studies Center

Reynolds Farley (Cont'd.)Member, Social Science Research Council, Subcommitteeon the Survey <strong>of</strong> Income and Program Participation.Presentation, "Race Relations in the Detroit Area — AnHistorical Perspective and Current Differences,"Detroit Strategic Planning Project, Conference onRace Relations, July <strong>1987</strong>.Presented paper (with Michael J. Levin), "Ancestry,Birthplace, Race, and Language from the 1980Census: Who's Who Among Asians and PacificIslanders?" <strong>Population</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> Americaannual meetings, San Francisco, April 1986.Presented report On Racial Trends and Differential inMortality: 1940 to 1984, to the National Academy <strong>of</strong>Sciences' Committee on the Status <strong>of</strong> Black Americans,March 1986.Deborah FreedmanVisiting Fellow, East-West <strong>Population</strong> Institute, East-West <strong>Center</strong>, Honolulu, Winter <strong>1985</strong>,1986, and<strong>1987</strong>.Visitor, Family Planning Programs, Kenya, April <strong>1987</strong>.Discussant, IUSSP Conference on "Societal Influenceson Family Planning Program Performance," Jamaica,April <strong>1985</strong>.Presented talk, "The Use <strong>of</strong> Life-Calendar Techniquefor Obtaining Retrospective Data in Surveys," East-West <strong>Population</strong> Institute, March <strong>1985</strong>.Presented talk, "The Potential for Using a Life-CalendarTechnique in Taiwan," Taiwan ProvincialInstitute <strong>of</strong> Family Planning, March <strong>1985</strong>.Consultant, Demographic and Health Surveys,Westinghouse Public Applied Systems, <strong>1985</strong>.Chair, session on "Marriage Patterns in LDCs," <strong>Population</strong>Association <strong>of</strong> America annual meetings,Boston, March <strong>1985</strong>.Ronald FreedmanAlbert Einstein Visiting Fellow, The Hebrew <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Jerusalem, March-June <strong>1987</strong>.Visiting Fellow, East-West <strong>Population</strong> Institute, East-West <strong>Center</strong>, Honolulu, Winter <strong>1985</strong>,1986, and<strong>1987</strong>.Member, Committee on <strong>Population</strong>, National Academy<strong>of</strong> Sciences.Ronald Freedman (Cont'd.)Member, Advisory Committee, Program in <strong>Population</strong>Sciences, The Rockefeller Foundation.Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee, Demographicand Health Surveys.Occasional consultant to World Bank, U. S. Agency forInternational Development, Taiwan ProvincialInstitute for Family Planning, State Family PlanningCommission <strong>of</strong> People's Republic <strong>of</strong> China, and theHewlett, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations.Presented papers and participated in conferences andseminars as follows: <strong>Population</strong> Association <strong>of</strong>America annual meetings, San Francisco, 1986;Conference on One-per-Thousand Survey, <strong>1985</strong>;Beijing, <strong>1985</strong>; Rockefeller Foundation Conference onProgram Effort and Performance <strong>of</strong> Family PlanningPrograms, Bangkok, Thailand, February 1986, andin Chiang Mai, Thailand, Feburary <strong>1987</strong>; NationalAcademy <strong>of</strong> Sciences and USAID, Washington, DC,<strong>1987</strong>; IUSSP, Jamaica, <strong>1985</strong>, and Honolulu, <strong>1987</strong>;U. S. Department <strong>of</strong> State, Washington, DC, 1986and <strong>1987</strong>.William H. FreyRecipient, Undergraduate Teaching Initiatives Award,<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Michigan</strong>, <strong>1987</strong>.Member, Committee on Migration Statistics, <strong>Population</strong>Association <strong>of</strong> America, <strong>1987</strong>.Member, Program Committee, Sociology <strong>of</strong> <strong>Population</strong>Section, American Sociological Association, <strong>1985</strong>-86Presented paper, "Migration and Metropolitan <strong>Population</strong>Change: A Cross-National Comparision,"International Conference on Urbanization andUrban <strong>Population</strong> Problems, Nankai <strong>University</strong>,Tianjin, People's Republic <strong>of</strong> China. October 26-31,<strong>1987</strong>.Presented paper, "Will the Turnaround' Turn Aroundfor Large Metropolitan Areas?," Association <strong>of</strong>American Geographers annual meeting, Portland,April <strong>1987</strong>.Presented paper, "Lifecourse Migration and Redistribution<strong>of</strong> the Elderly Across U.S. Regions, MetropolitanAreas, and Central Cities," <strong>Population</strong>Association <strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, SanFrancisco, April 1986.Speaker, Census Analysis Workshop: Migration Dataand Trends, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin-Madison,October <strong>1985</strong>.28 <strong>Population</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> <strong>Center</strong>

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