1985-1987 - Population Studies Center - University of Michigan

1985-1987 - Population Studies Center - University of Michigan 1985-1987 - Population Studies Center - University of Michigan

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STAFF PUBLICATIONSBarbara A. Anderson(with Brian D. Saver and Paul R. Abramson). The Effects ofthe Raceof the Interviewer on Race-Related Attitudes of Black Respondentsin SRC/CPS National Section Studies. PSC ResearchReport No. 86-113 (September1987).(with Brian D. Silver). The Changing Shape of Soviet Mortality, 1958-1985: An Evaluation of Old and New Evidence. PSC ResearchReport No. 87-111 (June 1987).(with Brian D. Silver). The Effects of the Registration System on theSeasonality of Births: The Case ofthe Soviet Union. PSC ResearchReport No. 87-108 (April 1987). Forthcoming in Population Studies.(with Brian D. Silver). The SIP General Survey Sample. In James R.Millar, ed.. Politics, Work and Daily Life in the USSR: A Survey ofFormer Soviet Citizens. New York: Cambridge University Press,1987,(with Brian D. Silver). Infant Mortality in the Soviet Union: RegionalDifferences and Measurement Issues. Population and DevelopmentReview 12(4):705-738 (December 1986). Also appeared as PSCResearch Report 86-93 (April 1986).(with Brian D. Silver and PaulR. Abramson). The Effects of Race ofthe Interviewer on Measures of Electoral Participation by Blacksin SRC National Election Studies. PSC Research Report 86-102(September1986). Forthcoming in Public Opinion Quarterly.(withBrian D. Silver). Tautologies in the Study of Excess Mortality inthe USSR inthe 1930s. Slavic Review 45(2):307-313 (Summer1986).(with Paul R. Abramson and Brian D. Silver). The Effects of QuestionOrder in Attitude Surveys: The Case ofthe SRC/CPS Citizen DutyItems. PSC Research Report 86-99 (July1986). Forthcoming inAmerican Journal of Political Science.The Life Course of Soviet Women Bom1905-1960. In James R. Millar,ed.. Politics, Work, and Daily Life in the USSR: A Survey of FormerSoviet Citizens. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987.Also appeared as PSC Research Report86-91 (February 1986).Barbara A. Anderson (Cont'd.)(with Brian D. Silver and Victoria Velkoff)- Education of the Handicappedin the USSR. PSCResearch Report 86-90 (Feburary 1986).Forthcoming in Soviet Studies, April 1987.(with Brian D. Silver and Paul R. Abramson). The Presence of Othersand Overreporting of Voting in American National Elections.Public Opinion Quarterly 50: 228-239 (Summer 1986). Alsoappeared as PSC Research Report85-71 (January1985).(with Brian D. Silver and Paul R. Abramson). The Presence of OthersDuring the Interview and Overstatement of Reported Voting inAmerican Elections. Public Opinion Quarterly 50: 228-239 (July1986). Also appeared as PSCResearch Report 85-71 (January1985) .(with Brian D. Silver and Paul R. Abramson). Who OverreporlsVoting? American Political Science Review80(2):613-o24 (June1986) .Also appeared in a more detailed version as "WhoOverreports Voting in American Elections? A Reconsideration ofthe Effects of Respondent Characteristics," PSC Research Report85-76 (March 1985).(with Brian D. Silver). Sex Differentials in Mortality in the SovietUnion: Regional Differences in Length of Working Life inComparative Perspective. Population Studies 40:191-214 (1986).Also appeared as PSC Research Report 85-85 (July 1985).(with Brian D. Silver). The Validity of Survey Responses: Insightsfrom Interviews of Married Couples in a Survey of SovietEmigrants. PSC Research Report86-89 (January 1986). Forthcomingin Social Forces.Cultural and Regional Factors in the Decline of Marital Fertility inEurope. In Anslcy J. Coale and Susan Cott Walkins, eds.. TheDecline of Fertility in Europe, pp. 293-313. Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1986.(with Brian D. Silver). 'Permanent' and 'Present' Populations in SovietStatistics. Soviet Studies37(3): 386-402 (July1985).(with Brian D. Silver). Estimating Census Undercount from SchoolEnrollment Data: An Application to the Soviet Censuses of1959and 1970. Demography22(2): 289-308 (May 1985).Family, Marriage, and Fertility in Russian and Soviet Censuses. InRalph S. Clem, ed., Research Guide to the Russian and SovietCensuses, (Proceedings ofthe Conference on Russian and SovietCensuses held at the Kennan Institute for Advanced RussianStudies, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC., May 27,1983), pp. 131-154. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1986.Alsoappeared as PSC Research Report 84-64 (October 1984).(with Brian D. Silver). Demographic Consequences of World War Ion the Non-Russian Nationalities of the USSR. InSusan J. Linz,ed.. The Impact of World War II on the Soviet Union, pp.207-242.Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Allanheld, 1985. Alsoappeared as PSCResearch Report 84-63 (October 1984).(with Brian D. Silver). Equality, Efficiency, and Politics in SovietBilingual Education Policy, 1934-1980. American Political ScienceReview78(4): 1019-1039.Barbara A. Anderson andBrian D. SilverResearch 11

Barbara A. Anderson (Cont'd.)(with Brian D. Silver). Measurement and Mismeasuremen t of theValidity of Self-Reported Vote. American Journal of Political Science30(4): 771-785 (November 1986). Also appeared as PSC ResearchReport 85-75 (February 1985).(with Brian D. Silver). Demographic Analysis and PopulationCatastrophes in the USSR. Slavic Review 44(3): 517-536 (Fall 1985).Mariah D. R. EvansSources of Immigrants' Language Proficiency: Australian Results withComparisons to the Federal Republicof Germany and the UnitedStates of America. European Sociological Review2(3): 226-236(December 1966).American Fertility Patterns: A Comparison of White and NonwhiteCohorts Bom 1903-1956. Population and Development Review12(2):267-293 (June 1986).Reynolds FarleyThe Quality of Life for Black Americans Twenty Years After the CivilRights Revolution. Forthcoming, Milbank Quarterly, Supplement 1,Volume 65,1988.(with Walter Allen). The Color Line and the Quality of Life in America. A1980 Census Monograph. New York: Sage Publications, 1987.(with Suzanne M. Bianchi). The Growing Racial Difference inMarriage and Family Patterns. PSC Research Report 87-107 (April1987).(with Lisa J. Neidert). The Safety Net in1985: An Examination of theConsequences of Federal Transfer Programs. Forthcoming inProceedings of the American Statistical Association: Social StatisticsSection, 1986.(with Mark Langberg). Residential Segregation of Asian Americans in1980. Sociology and Social Research 70(1): 71-75 (Winter1986).Assessing Black Progress: Voting and Gtizenship Rights, Residencyand Housing, Education. Economic Outlook USA 13(2): 16-19(Second Quarter 1986); Assessing Black Progress: Employment,Occupation, Earnings, Income, Poverty. Economic Outlook USA13(3):14-19 (Third Quarter 1986).(with Walter Allen). The Shifting Social and Economic Tides of BlackAmerica, 1950-1980. Annual Review of Sociology 12: 277-306 (1986).(with Patricia Gwartney-Gibbs and Patricia Taylor). The ChangingStructure of Earrungs Inequality. Research in Social Stratificationand Mobility, Vol. 5:105-138 (1986).Three Steps Forward and TwoBack? Recent Changes in the Social andEconomic Statusof Blacks. Ethnic and Racial Studies8(1):4-28(January 1985).Understanding Racial Differences and Trends: How the Survey ofIncome and Program Participation Can Assist. Journal of Economicand Social Measurement 13: 245-261 (1985).Reynolds Farley (Cont'd.)(with Suzanne Bianchi). Social Class Polarization: Is It OccurringAmong Blacks? In Cora Bagley Manett and Cheryl Leggon, eds..Race and Ethnic Relations, Vol. 4, pp. 1-31. Greenwich, CN: JaiPress,1985.(with Robert Johnson). On the Statistical Significance ofthe Index ofDissimilarity. In Proceedings of theAmerican Statistical Association,Social Statistics Section, 1985.Deborah Freedman(with Arland Thornton, Donald Camburn, Duane Alwin, and LindaYoung-DeMarco). The Life History Calendar: A TechniqueforCollecting Retrospective Data. Forthcoming in SociologicalMethodology.(with Ronald Freedman). Adding Demand-Side Variablesto Studythe Intersection Between Demand and Supply in Bangladesh.World Bank PHN Technical Note No.86-28. Washington, DC TheWorld Bank, October 1986.(with John C. Caldwell, Pat Caldwell, Ronald Freedman, and ArlandThornton). Household and Family Variables in Fertility Studies:Theory, Methodology, and Illustrative Questions for FertilitySurveys. Report to Demographic and Health Surveys, WestinghouseApplied Public Systems, Summer 1985.Ronald Freedman(with Xaio Zhenya, Li Bohua, and William Lavely). Local AreaVariations in Reproductive Behavior in The People's RepublicofChina, 1973-1982. Forthcoming in Population Studies, March 1988.(with Ming-Cheng Chang and Te-Hsiung Sun). Trends in Fertility,Family Size Preferences, and Family Planning Practice: Taiwan,1961-1985. Forthcoming in Studies in Family Planning, November/December 1987.The Social and Political Environment, Fertility, and Family PlanningProgram Effectiveness. In Robert J. Lapham and George B.Simmons, eds, Organizing for Effective Family Planning Programs.Report of the Working Group on Family Planning Effectiveness,Committee on Population, National Research Council, pages 37-57. Washington, DC National Academy Press,1987.The Contribution of SocialScience Research to Population Policy andFamily Planning Program Effectiveness. Studies in Family Planning18(2):57-82 (March/April 1987).(with Deborah S. Freedman). Adding Demand-Side Variables toStudy the Intersection Between Demand and Supply in Bangladesh.World Bank PHN Technical Note No. 86-28. Washington,DC The World Bank, October 1986.On Underestimating the Rate of Social Change: A Cautionary Note.Population and Development Review 12(3): 529-532 (September1986). Also appeared as PSC Research Report 86-95 (June 1986).Policy Options After the Demographic Transition: The CaseofTaiwan. Population and Development Review12(1): 77-100 (March1986). Also appeared as PSC Research Report 85-88 (November1985).12 Population Studies Center

STAFF PUBLICATIONSBarbara A. Anderson(with Brian D. Saver and Paul R. Abramson). The Effects <strong>of</strong>the Race<strong>of</strong> the Interviewer on Race-Related Attitudes <strong>of</strong> Black Respondentsin SRC/CPS National Section <strong>Studies</strong>. PSC ResearchReport No. 86-113 (September<strong>1987</strong>).(with Brian D. Silver). The Changing Shape <strong>of</strong> Soviet Mortality, 1958-<strong>1985</strong>: An Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Old and New Evidence. PSC ResearchReport No. 87-111 (June <strong>1987</strong>).(with Brian D. Silver). The Effects <strong>of</strong> the Registration System on theSeasonality <strong>of</strong> Births: The Case <strong>of</strong>the Soviet Union. PSC ResearchReport No. 87-108 (April <strong>1987</strong>). Forthcoming in <strong>Population</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>.(with Brian D. Silver). The SIP General Survey Sample. In James R.Millar, ed.. Politics, Work and Daily Life in the USSR: A Survey <strong>of</strong>Former Soviet Citizens. New York: Cambridge <strong>University</strong> Press,<strong>1987</strong>,(with Brian D. Silver). Infant Mortality in the Soviet Union: RegionalDifferences and Measurement Issues. <strong>Population</strong> and DevelopmentReview 12(4):705-738 (December 1986). Also appeared as PSCResearch Report 86-93 (April 1986).(with Brian D. Silver and PaulR. Abramson). The Effects <strong>of</strong> Race <strong>of</strong>the Interviewer on Measures <strong>of</strong> Electoral Participation by Blacksin SRC National Election <strong>Studies</strong>. PSC Research Report 86-102(September1986). Forthcoming in Public Opinion Quarterly.(withBrian D. Silver). Tautologies in the Study <strong>of</strong> Excess Mortality inthe USSR inthe 1930s. Slavic Review 45(2):307-313 (Summer1986).(with Paul R. Abramson and Brian D. Silver). The Effects <strong>of</strong> QuestionOrder in Attitude Surveys: The Case <strong>of</strong>the SRC/CPS Citizen DutyItems. PSC Research Report 86-99 (July1986). Forthcoming inAmerican Journal <strong>of</strong> Political Science.The Life Course <strong>of</strong> Soviet Women Bom1905-1960. In James R. Millar,ed.. Politics, Work, and Daily Life in the USSR: A Survey <strong>of</strong> FormerSoviet Citizens. New York: Cambridge <strong>University</strong> Press, <strong>1987</strong>.Also appeared as PSC Research Report86-91 (February 1986).Barbara A. Anderson (Cont'd.)(with Brian D. Silver and Victoria Velk<strong>of</strong>f)- Education <strong>of</strong> the Handicappedin the USSR. PSCResearch Report 86-90 (Feburary 1986).Forthcoming in Soviet <strong>Studies</strong>, April <strong>1987</strong>.(with Brian D. Silver and Paul R. Abramson). The Presence <strong>of</strong> Othersand Overreporting <strong>of</strong> Voting in American National Elections.Public Opinion Quarterly 50: 228-239 (Summer 1986). Alsoappeared as PSC Research Report85-71 (January<strong>1985</strong>).(with Brian D. Silver and Paul R. Abramson). The Presence <strong>of</strong> OthersDuring the Interview and Overstatement <strong>of</strong> Reported Voting inAmerican Elections. Public Opinion Quarterly 50: 228-239 (July1986). Also appeared as PSCResearch Report 85-71 (January<strong>1985</strong>) .(with Brian D. Silver and Paul R. Abramson). Who OverreporlsVoting? American Political Science Review80(2):613-o24 (June1986) .Also appeared in a more detailed version as "WhoOverreports Voting in American Elections? A Reconsideration <strong>of</strong>the Effects <strong>of</strong> Respondent Characteristics," PSC Research Report85-76 (March <strong>1985</strong>).(with Brian D. Silver). Sex Differentials in Mortality in the SovietUnion: Regional Differences in Length <strong>of</strong> Working Life inComparative Perspective. <strong>Population</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> 40:191-214 (1986).Also appeared as PSC Research Report 85-85 (July <strong>1985</strong>).(with Brian D. Silver). The Validity <strong>of</strong> Survey Responses: Insightsfrom Interviews <strong>of</strong> Married Couples in a Survey <strong>of</strong> SovietEmigrants. PSC Research Report86-89 (January 1986). Forthcomingin Social Forces.Cultural and Regional Factors in the Decline <strong>of</strong> Marital Fertility inEurope. In Anslcy J. Coale and Susan Cott Walkins, eds.. TheDecline <strong>of</strong> Fertility in Europe, pp. 293-313. Princeton: Princeton<strong>University</strong> Press, 1986.(with Brian D. Silver). 'Permanent' and 'Present' <strong>Population</strong>s in SovietStatistics. Soviet <strong>Studies</strong>37(3): 386-402 (July<strong>1985</strong>).(with Brian D. Silver). Estimating Census Undercount from SchoolEnrollment Data: An Application to the Soviet Censuses <strong>of</strong>1959and 1970. Demography22(2): 289-308 (May <strong>1985</strong>).Family, Marriage, and Fertility in Russian and Soviet Censuses. InRalph S. Clem, ed., Research Guide to the Russian and SovietCensuses, (Proceedings <strong>of</strong>the Conference on Russian and SovietCensuses held at the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian<strong>Studies</strong>, Woodrow Wilson <strong>Center</strong>, Washington DC., May 27,1983), pp. 131-154. Ithaca, NY: Cornell <strong>University</strong> Press, 1986.Alsoappeared as PSC Research Report 84-64 (October 1984).(with Brian D. Silver). Demographic Consequences <strong>of</strong> World War Ion the Non-Russian Nationalities <strong>of</strong> the USSR. InSusan J. Linz,ed.. The Impact <strong>of</strong> World War II on the Soviet Union, pp.207-242.Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Allanheld, <strong>1985</strong>. Alsoappeared as PSCResearch Report 84-63 (October 1984).(with Brian D. Silver). Equality, Efficiency, and Politics in SovietBilingual Education Policy, 1934-1980. American Political ScienceReview78(4): 1019-1039.Barbara A. Anderson andBrian D. SilverResearch 11

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