PPAC in English - Khmer Krom

PPAC in English - Khmer Krom PPAC in English - Khmer Krom

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32 United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 199211. These instruments, which together form thecomprehensive settlement the achievement of which was theobjective of the Paris Conference, are being presented forsignature to the States participating in the Paris Conference.On behalf of Cambodia, the instruments will be signed by thetwelve members of the supreme National Council of Cambodia,which is the unique legitimate body and source of authorityenshrining the sovereignty, independence and unity of Cambodia.12. The States participating in the Conference call uponthe Co-Presidents of the Conference to transmit an authenticcopy of the comprehensive political settlement instruments tothe Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Statesparticipating in the Conference request the Secretary-Generalto take the appropriate steps in order to enable considerationof the comprehensive settlement by the United Nations SecurityCouncil at the earliest opportunity. They pledge their full cooperation in the fulfilment of this comprehensive settlementand their assistance in its implementation.Above all, in view of the recent tragic history ofCambodia, the States participating in the Conference committhemselves to promote and encourage respect for and observanceof human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cambodia, asembodied in the relevant international instruments to whichthey are party.13. The States participating in the Conference requestthe International Committee of the Red Cross to facilitate, inaccordance with its principles, the release of prisoners of warand civilian internees. They express their readiness to assistthe ICRC in this task.14. The States participating in the Conference inviteother States to accede to the Agreement on a ComprehensivePolitical Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict and to theAgreement concerning the Sovereignty, Independence, TerritorialVol. 1663, 1-28613

1992 ____United Nations — Treaty Series » Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités________33Integrity and Inviolability, Neutrality and National Unity ofCambodia.15. Further recognizing the need for a concertedinternational effort to assist Cambodia in the tasks ofrehabilitation and reconstruction, the States participating inthe Conference urge the international community to providegenerous economic and financial support for the measures setforth in the Declaration on the Rehabilitation andReconstruction of Cambodia.IN WITNESS WHEREOF the representatives have signed thisFinal Act.DONE AT PARIS this twenty-third day of October onethousand nine hundred and ninety one, in two copies in theChinese, English, French, Khmer and Russian languages, eachtext being equally authentic. The originals of this Final Actshall be deposited with the Governments of the French Republicand of the Republic of Indonesia.[For the signatures, seep. 299 of this volume.}Vol. 1663, 1-28613

1992 ____United Nations — Treaty Series » Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités________33Integrity and Inviolability, Neutrality and National Unity ofCambodia.15. Further recogniz<strong>in</strong>g the need for a concerted<strong>in</strong>ternational effort to assist Cambodia <strong>in</strong> the tasks ofrehabilitation and reconstruction, the States participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>the Conference urge the <strong>in</strong>ternational community to providegenerous economic and f<strong>in</strong>ancial support for the measures setforth <strong>in</strong> the Declaration on the Rehabilitation andReconstruction of Cambodia.IN WITNESS WHEREOF the representatives have signed thisF<strong>in</strong>al Act.DONE AT PARIS this twenty-third day of October onethousand n<strong>in</strong>e hundred and n<strong>in</strong>ety one, <strong>in</strong> two copies <strong>in</strong> theCh<strong>in</strong>ese, <strong>English</strong>, French, <strong>Khmer</strong> and Russian languages, eachtext be<strong>in</strong>g equally authentic. The orig<strong>in</strong>als of this F<strong>in</strong>al Actshall be deposited with the Governments of the French Republicand of the Republic of Indonesia.[For the signatures, seep. 299 of this volume.}Vol. 1663, 1-28613

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