PPAC in English - Khmer Krom

PPAC in English - Khmer Krom PPAC in English - Khmer Krom

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250 United Nations — Treaty Series » Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités______1992Reaffirming the inalienable right of States freely todetermine their own political, economic, cultural and socialsystems in accordance with the will of their peoples, withoutoutside interference, subversion, coercion or threat in anyform whatsoever,Desiring to promote respect for and observance of humanrights and fundamental freedoms in conformity with the Charterof the United Nations and other relevant internationalinstruments,Have agreed as follows :Article 11. Cambodia hereby solemnly undertakes to maintain,preserve and defend its sovereignty, independence, territorialintegrity and inviolability, neutrality, and national unity ;the perpetual neutrality of Cambodia shall be proclaimed andenshrined in the Cambodian constitution to be adopted afterfree and fair elections.2. To this end, Cambodia undertakes :(a) To refrain from any action that might impair thesovereignty, independence and territorial integrity andinviolability of other States ;(b) To refrain from entering into any military alliancesor other military agreements with other States that would beinconsistent with its neutrality, without prejudice toCambodia's right to acquire the necessary military equipment,arms, munitions and assistance to enable it to exercise itsinherent right of self-defence and to maintain law and order ;(c) To refrain from interference in any form whatsoever,whether direct or indirect, in the internal affairs of otherStates ;Vol. 1663, 1-28613

1992 United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités_______251(d) To terminate treaties and agreements that areincompatible with its sovereignty, independence, territorialintegrity and inviolability, neutrality, and national unity ;(e) To refrain from the threat or use of force againstthe territorial integrity or political independence of anyState, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes ofthe United Nations ;(f) To settle all disputes with other States by peacefulmeans ;(g) To refrain from using its territory or theterritories of other States to impair the sovereignty,independence, and territorial integrity and inviolability ofother States ;(h) To refrain from permitting the introduction orstationing of foreign forces, including military personnel, inany form whatsoever, in Cambodia, and to prevent theestablishment or maintenance of foreign military bases, strongpoints or facilities in Cambodia, except pursuant to UnitedNations authorization for the implementation of thecomprehensive political settlement.Article 21. The other parties to this Agreement hereby solemnlyundertake to recognize and to respect in every way thesovereignty, independence, territorial integrity andinviolability, neutrality and national unity of Cambodia.2. To this end, they undertake :(a) To refrain from entering into any military alliancesor other military agreements with Cambodia that would beinconsistent with Cambodia's neutrality, without prejudice toCambodia's right to acquire the necessary military equipment,Vol. 1663, 1-28613

250 United Nations — Treaty Series » Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités______1992Reaffirm<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>alienable right of States freely todeterm<strong>in</strong>e their own political, economic, cultural and socialsystems <strong>in</strong> accordance with the will of their peoples, withoutoutside <strong>in</strong>terference, subversion, coercion or threat <strong>in</strong> anyform whatsoever,Desir<strong>in</strong>g to promote respect for and observance of humanrights and fundamental freedoms <strong>in</strong> conformity with the Charterof the United Nations and other relevant <strong>in</strong>ternational<strong>in</strong>struments,Have agreed as follows :Article 11. Cambodia hereby solemnly undertakes to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>,preserve and defend its sovereignty, <strong>in</strong>dependence, territorial<strong>in</strong>tegrity and <strong>in</strong>violability, neutrality, and national unity ;the perpetual neutrality of Cambodia shall be proclaimed andenshr<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the Cambodian constitution to be adopted afterfree and fair elections.2. To this end, Cambodia undertakes :(a) To refra<strong>in</strong> from any action that might impair thesovereignty, <strong>in</strong>dependence and territorial <strong>in</strong>tegrity and<strong>in</strong>violability of other States ;(b) To refra<strong>in</strong> from enter<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to any military alliancesor other military agreements with other States that would be<strong>in</strong>consistent with its neutrality, without prejudice toCambodia's right to acquire the necessary military equipment,arms, munitions and assistance to enable it to exercise its<strong>in</strong>herent right of self-defence and to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> law and order ;(c) To refra<strong>in</strong> from <strong>in</strong>terference <strong>in</strong> any form whatsoever,whether direct or <strong>in</strong>direct, <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternal affairs of otherStates ;Vol. 1663, 1-28613

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