PPAC in English - Khmer Krom

PPAC in English - Khmer Krom PPAC in English - Khmer Krom

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84 United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités______1992aras, ammunition or military equipment of any of the CambodianParties are present on their territories ;(c) Receive an UNTAC liaison officer in each of theircapitals and designate an officer of the rank of colonel orequivalent, not later than four weeks after the beginning ofthe second phase of the cease-fire, in order to assist UNTAC ininvestigating, with due respect for their sovereignty, anycomplaints that activities are taking place on theirterritories that are contrary to the provisions of thecomprehensive political settlement.3. To enable UNTAC to monitor the cessation of outsideassistance to all Cambodian Parties, the Parties agree that,upon signature of this Agreement, they will provide to UNTACany information available to them about the routes and means bywhich military assistance, including weapons, ammunition andmilitary equipment, have been supplied to any of the Parties.Immediately after the second phase of the cease-fire begins,UNTAC will take the following practical measures :(a) Establish check-points along the routes and atselected locations along the Cambodian side of the border andat airfields inside Cambodia ;(b) Patrol the coastal and inland waterways of Cambodia;(c) Maintain mobile teams at strategic locations withinCambodia to patrol and investigate allegations of supply ofarms to any of the Parties.Article VIIICaches of veapons and military supplies1. In order to stabilize the security situation, buildconfidence and reduce arms and military supplies throughoutCambodia, each Party agrees to provide to the Commander of themilitary component of UNTAC, before a date to be determined byVol. 1663, 1-28613

1992 United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités________85him, all information at its disposal, including marked maps,about known or suspected caches of weapons and militarysupplies throughout Cambodia.2. On the basis of information received, the military componentof UNTAC shall, after the date referred to in paragraph 1,deploy verification teams to investigate each report anddestroy each cache found.Article ZZUnexploded ordnance devices1. Soon after arrival in Cambodia, the military component ofUNTAC shall ensure, as a first step, that all known minefields are clearly marked.2. The Parties agree that, after completion of the regroupmentand cantonment processes in accordance with Article III of thepresent annex, they will make available mine-clearing teamswhich, under the supervision and control of UNTAC militarypersonnel, will leave the cantonment areas in order to assistin removing, disarming or deactivating remaining unexplodedordnance devices. Those mines or objects which cannot beremoved, disarmed or deactivated will be clearly marked inaccordance with a system to be devised by the militarycomponent of UNTAC.3. UNTAC shall :(a) Conduct a mass public education programme in therecognition and avoidance of explosive devices ;(b) Train Cambodian volunteers to dispose of unexplodedordnance devices ;(c) Provide emergency first-aid training to Cambodianvolunteers.Vol. 1663, 1-28613

1992 United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités________85him, all <strong>in</strong>formation at its disposal, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g marked maps,about known or suspected caches of weapons and militarysupplies throughout Cambodia.2. On the basis of <strong>in</strong>formation received, the military componentof UNTAC shall, after the date referred to <strong>in</strong> paragraph 1,deploy verification teams to <strong>in</strong>vestigate each report anddestroy each cache found.Article ZZUnexploded ordnance devices1. Soon after arrival <strong>in</strong> Cambodia, the military component ofUNTAC shall ensure, as a first step, that all known m<strong>in</strong>efields are clearly marked.2. The Parties agree that, after completion of the regroupmentand cantonment processes <strong>in</strong> accordance with Article III of thepresent annex, they will make available m<strong>in</strong>e-clear<strong>in</strong>g teamswhich, under the supervision and control of UNTAC militarypersonnel, will leave the cantonment areas <strong>in</strong> order to assist<strong>in</strong> remov<strong>in</strong>g, disarm<strong>in</strong>g or deactivat<strong>in</strong>g rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g unexplodedordnance devices. Those m<strong>in</strong>es or objects which cannot beremoved, disarmed or deactivated will be clearly marked <strong>in</strong>accordance with a system to be devised by the militarycomponent of UNTAC.3. UNTAC shall :(a) Conduct a mass public education programme <strong>in</strong> therecognition and avoidance of explosive devices ;(b) Tra<strong>in</strong> Cambodian volunteers to dispose of unexplodedordnance devices ;(c) Provide emergency first-aid tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to Cambodianvolunteers.Vol. 1663, 1-28613

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