PPAC in English - Khmer Krom

PPAC in English - Khmer Krom PPAC in English - Khmer Krom

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76 United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 1992ANNEX 2Withdrawal, cease-fire and related measuresArticle ICease-fire1. All Cambodian Parties (hereinafter referred to as "theParties") agree to observe a comprehensive cease-fire on landand water and in the air. This cease-fire will be implementedin two phases. During the first phase, the cease-fire will beobserved with the assistance of the Secretary-General of theUnited Nations through his good offices. During the secondphase, which should commence as soon as possible, the ceasefire will be supervised, monitored and verified by UNTAC. TheCommander of the military component of UNTAC, in consultationwith the Parties, shall determine the exact time and date atwhich the second phase will commence. This date will be set atleast four weeks in advance of its coming into effect.2. The Parties undertake that, upon the signing of thisAgreement, they will observe a cease-fire and will order theirarmed forces immediately to disengage and refrain from allhostilities and any deployment, movement or action that wouldextend the territory they control or that might lead to aresumption of fighting, pending the commencement of thesecond phase. "Forces" are agreed to include all regular,provincial, district, paramilitary, and other auxiliary forces.During the first phase, the Secretary-General of the UnitedNations will provide his good offices to the Parties to assistthem in its observance. The Parties undertake to co-operatewith the Secretary-General or his representatives in theexercise of his good offices in this regard.3. The Parties agree that, immediately upon the signing of thisAgreement, the following information will be provided to theUnited Nations :Vol. 1663, 1-28613

1992 ____United Nations — Treaty Series » Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités________77(a) Total strength of their forces, organization,precise number and location of deployments inside and outsideCambodia. The deployment will be depicted on a nap marked withlocations of all troop positions, occupied or unoccupied,including staging camps, supply bases and supply routes ;(b) Comprehensive lists of arms, ammunition andequipment held by their forces, and the exact locations atwhich those arms, ammunition and equipment are deployed ;(c) Detailed record of their mine-fields, includingtypes and characteristics of mines laid and information ofbooby traps used by them together with any informationavailable to them about mine-fields laid or booby traps used bythe other Parties;(d) Total strength of their police forces, organization,precise numbers and locations of deployments, as well ascomprehensive lists of their arms, ammunition and equipment,and the exact locations at which those arms, ammunition andequipment are deployed.4. Immediately upon his arrival in Cambodia, and not later thanfour weeks before the beginning of the second phase, theCommander of the military component of UNTAC will, inconsultation with the Parties, finalize UNTAC's plan for theregroupment and cantonment of the forces of the Parties and forthe storage of their arms, ammunition and equipment, inaccordance with Article III of this annex. This plan willinclude the designation of regroupment and cantonment areas,as well as an agreed timetable. The cantonment areas will beestablished at battalion size or larger.5. The Parties agree to take steps to inform their forces atleast two weeks before the beginning of the second phase, usingall possible means of communication, about the agreed date andtime of the beginning of the second phase, about the agreedplan for the regroupment and cantonment of their forces and forVol. 1663, 1-28613

1992 ____United Nations — Treaty Series » Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités________77(a) Total strength of their forces, organization,precise number and location of deployments <strong>in</strong>side and outsideCambodia. The deployment will be depicted on a nap marked withlocations of all troop positions, occupied or unoccupied,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g stag<strong>in</strong>g camps, supply bases and supply routes ;(b) Comprehensive lists of arms, ammunition andequipment held by their forces, and the exact locations atwhich those arms, ammunition and equipment are deployed ;(c) Detailed record of their m<strong>in</strong>e-fields, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gtypes and characteristics of m<strong>in</strong>es laid and <strong>in</strong>formation ofbooby traps used by them together with any <strong>in</strong>formationavailable to them about m<strong>in</strong>e-fields laid or booby traps used bythe other Parties;(d) Total strength of their police forces, organization,precise numbers and locations of deployments, as well ascomprehensive lists of their arms, ammunition and equipment,and the exact locations at which those arms, ammunition andequipment are deployed.4. Immediately upon his arrival <strong>in</strong> Cambodia, and not later thanfour weeks before the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the second phase, theCommander of the military component of UNTAC will, <strong>in</strong>consultation with the Parties, f<strong>in</strong>alize UNTAC's plan for theregroupment and cantonment of the forces of the Parties and forthe storage of their arms, ammunition and equipment, <strong>in</strong>accordance with Article III of this annex. This plan will<strong>in</strong>clude the designation of regroupment and cantonment areas,as well as an agreed timetable. The cantonment areas will beestablished at battalion size or larger.5. The Parties agree to take steps to <strong>in</strong>form their forces atleast two weeks before the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the second phase, us<strong>in</strong>gall possible means of communication, about the agreed date andtime of the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the second phase, about the agreedplan for the regroupment and cantonment of their forces and forVol. 1663, 1-28613

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