Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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1. Introduction1.1. The production of and consultation on draft planning briefs is one way the councilseeks to involve the local community in the planning process. They provide anopportunity for residents, businesses, local community groups, developers andstakeholders to give their comments on the possible development opportunities ona particular site. Once adopted the planning brief for this site will bring together allrelevant information to guide the preparation of detailed redevelopment proposals,giving certainty to development professionals.1.2. This draft planning brief has been prepared in response to the <strong>Council</strong>’s aspirationsset out in the Futures Plan for Church Street, Paddington Green and Lisson Grove, amasterplan for the redevelopment of several sites in the area. It is acknowledgedthat the Futures Plan is the council’s – in its role as manager and provider of localhousing ‐ starting point for the development of detailed schemes on individual sites,in order to deliver its objectives of new and better housing, as well as improve thephysical, social and economic prospects of the area. A planning brief has a statutorypurpose though, as a Supplementary Planning Document which applies adoptedDevelopment Plan policies to a particular site in order to provide the planningcontext for its redevelopment.1.3. The purpose of the brief is to set out the council’s planning considerations relating tothe potential redevelopment of the site on the corner of <strong>Lilestone</strong> Street and LissonGrove, London NW8.. This brief applies all relevant policies as set out in the recentlyadopted Core Strategy (2011) and the saved policies of <strong>Westminster</strong>’s UnitaryDevelopment Plan (2007), in order to guide the development of proposals. Thepolicies contained in the emerging <strong>City</strong> Management Plan will also gain weight as amaterial planning consideration as the plan moves towards adoption in early 2013.1.4. The site contains two buildings, a two‐storey social and community facility at 4<strong>Lilestone</strong> Street, and a four‐storey sheltered housing building known as Penn Housefronting Lisson Grove, containing 44 flats, with public space to the rear.Aerial photograph showing the Penn House and 4 <strong>Lilestone</strong> Street site6

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