Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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ResidentialdevelopmentRegistered ProviderSection 106agreementSpecialist housingStrategic Flood RiskAssessmentSui Generis UsesSustainabledevelopmentSustainabletransport modesComprises C3 Dwelling houses in accordance with the Town andCountry Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and its subsequentamendments.Means a registered provider of social housing as defined in section80(2) of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 and which isregistered by the Homes and Communities Agency pursuant toSection 3 of that act and has not been removed from the registerpursuant to Section 4 of that actAn agreement made under Section 106 of the Town and CountryPlanning Act 1990 to secure a planning obligation.Affordable housing, hostels, Houses in Multiple Occupation, housingfor those with special needs including elderly people, students,people with learning or physical disabilities, or mental healthproblems, or other supported accommodation. These fall within theC2 and C3 Use Classes, or are classified as sui generis uses.A document prepared by the local planning authority to provideinformation on areas that may flood and on all sources of flooding asrequired by Planning Policy Statement 25.Those uses outside of any of the defined Use Classes in the Town andCountry Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and its subsequentamendments, including those specifically listed in that Order as suigeneris, including amusement centres, hostels providing nosignificant element of care, houses in multiple paying occupation,launderettes, nightclubs, petrol filling stations, shops selling and/ordisplaying motor vehicles, taxi and minicab businesses, theatres.This list is not a comprehensive summary of all sui generis uses.Development which meets the needs of the present withoutcompromising the ability of future generations to meet their ownneeds. There are five principles of sustainable development sharedacross the UK: living within environmental limits; ensuring a strong,healthy and just society; achieving a sustainable economy; usingsound science responsibly; and promoting good governance.Sustainable development is the core principle underpinningplanning, including this Core Strategy.Walking, cycling and other non‐vehicular means of movement; publictransport including rail, Underground, buses, coaches, passengerferry, light rail/tram and licensed cabs; and high occupancy andelectric vehicles.40

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