Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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UsesHostelsand fire stations and command centres and telecommunicationsinstallations required to be operational during flooding, emergencydispersal points and installations requiring hazardous substancesconsent as set out in Planning Policy Statement 25.Residential accommodation, usually not self‐contained, often for aparticular group of people and classified as sui generis uses where nosignificant element of care is provided in accordance with the Townand Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and its subsequentamendments. This does not include ‘youth hostels’ as these are atype of visitor accommodation (C1 Use Class).Inclusive designLayoutLegibilityListed BuildingLocal DevelopmentFrameworkLocal ShoppingCentreLondon PlanMajor ShoppingCentreMayor of LondonConsideration at the design stage to ensure that development makesprovision for everyone. Inclusive design addresses the needs ofthose with mobility difficulties, poor vision and other physicaldisabilities. Inclusive design also aims to meet the needs andconvenience of others such as people with small children, thosecarrying heavy or bulky items and the elderly.The way buildings, routes and open spaces are placed in relation toeach other.The degree to which a place can be easily understood and movedthrough.A building of special architectural or historic interest, as listed unders1 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act1990. Listed Buildings are graded under the English Heritageclassification to show their relative importance, with Grade Ibuildings being of exceptional interest, Grade II* being particularlyimportant buildings of more than special interest. Most ListedBuildings are Grade II.The plan‐making system set out in the Planning and CompulsoryPurchase Act 2004, and comprising of a number of documents as setout in Figure 1.Small centre, usually containing convenience goods shops, localservice uses, restaurants, cafés and pubs, mainly providing facilitiesfor people living or working nearby, as designated on the ProposalsMap and set out in Appendix 2London’s Spatial Development Strategy published by the Mayor ofLondon under the provisions of the Planning and CompulsoryPurchase Act 2004.Predominantly retail centre providing a range of services to a widecatchment area, as designated on the Proposals Map and set out inAppendix 2.A directly elected Mayor with a wide range of functions relating tothe governance of Greater London as set out in the GLA Act 2007.38

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