Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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local planning authority under the provisions of the Planning (ListedBuildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the character orappearance of which it is desirable to preserve and/or enhance.D1 Use ClassD2 Use ClassDistrict ShoppingCentreEntertainment UsesNon‐residential institutions – clinics, health centres, crèches, daynurseries, day centres, schools, art galleries, museums, libraries,halls, places of worship, church halls, law courts, non‐residentialeducation and training centres in accordance with the Town andCountry Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and its subsequentamendments.Assembly and leisure – cinemas, music and concert halls, bingo anddance halls (but not nightclubs), swimming baths, skating rinks,gymnasiums or sports arenas (except for motor sports, or wherefirearms are used) in accordance with the Town and CountryPlanning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and its subsequent amendments.Service centre, usually with up to one hundred commercial premisesof various kinds, with a predominantly retail function, as designatedon the Proposals Map and set out in Appendix 2.Comprises A3 Restaurants and cafés, A4 Public houses and bars, A5Takeaways, and other entertainment uses including D2 live musicand dance venues and sui generis uses nightclubs, casinos andamusement arcades in accordance with the Town and CountryPlanning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and its subsequent amendments.There are some uses (for example sui generis private members’clubs, restaurants and casinos in hotels, and premises that contain amix of retail and entertainment) where the nature of the use and itsimpact on the local environment is such that these will beconsidered under the entertainment policies.The entertainment uses that are not considered within this definitionare sports halls, swimming baths, gymnasiums, skating rinks, otherindoor or outdoor sports or recreation areas, concert halls, cinemasand theatres, as these fall within the D2 use class.General PermittedDevelopment OrderGreater LondonAuthorityHighly VulnerableRegulations made by the Secretary of State, amended from time totime, defining a wide range of minor operation and changes of usewhich constitute development, but which can be carried out withoutobtaining specific planning permission.Regional government organisation established by the GreaterLondon Authority Act 1999. It comprises a directly elected Mayor, aseparately elected Assembly body, and a number of officers,including those within the wider Greater London Authority family ofagencies including Transport for London, the Metropolitan PoliceAuthority, the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority andthe London Development Agency.Comprising basement dwellings, police stations, ambulance stations37

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