Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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GlossaryThis glossary contains words, phrases and names of organisations that are mentioned in thisbrief and are relevant to the planning process.Affordable housingSubsidised housing at below market prices or rents intended forthose households who cannot afford housing at market rates. Theaccommodation is usually managed by a Registered Social Landlord.The London Plan contains a more up to date and fuller version anddefines intermediate housing.Affordable rentRented housing provided by registered providers of social housing,that has the same characteristics as social rented housing exceptthat it is outside the national rent regime, but is subject to other rentcontrols that require it to be offered to eligible households at a rentof up to 80 per cent of local market rents.The definition of affordable rent is the subject of CLG consultationand will be dealt with during consultation.Affordable businessfloorspaceAmenityB1 Use ClassBiodiversityC3 Use ClassCharacterConservation AreaBusiness accommodation at the lower end or below market value.This can include accommodation for B1(a), B1(b) and B1(c) asdefined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987and its subsequent amendments or retail units.The pleasant or advantageous features of a place which contributeto its overall character and the enjoyment of residents or visitors.Business – offices, research and development, light industryappropriate in a residential area in accordance with the Town andCountry Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and its subsequentamendments.The diversity, or variety, of plants, animals and other living things ina particular locality. It encompasses habitat diversity and geneticdiversity. Arising from a belief that biodiversity is of value in its ownright and has social and economic value for human society,international treaties and national planning policy expect localdevelopment plans to identify and protect a hierarchy of existingareas of biodiversity importance and to provide for the creation ofnew priority habitats.Dwelling houses – family houses, or houses occupied by up to sixresidents living together as a single household, including a householdwhere care is provided for residents in accordance with the Townand Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and its subsequentamendments.The distinctive or typical quality of a building or area; as described byhistoric fabric; appearance; townscape; and land uses.An area of special architectural or historic interest designated by the36

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