Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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7. Planning Obligations7.1. This brief aims to enable the development of the site to proceed in accordance withany requirements outlined in the brief and to ensure that that the brief meets theobjectives of the Core Strategy (2011) and the saved policies in UDP (2007),Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents alongside meeting the needs ofstakeholders and statutory consultees.7.2. Planning obligations are specific requirements a developer, the council or otherparties must agree to undertake to allow a planning application to be grantedpermission. Secured through a legal agreement or undertaking, they are used to:mitigate the impacts of a development; prescribe the form it may take; orcompensate for any loss caused by it. Planning obligations have a key role inmanaging the impacts of development on the public services and infrastructure that<strong>Westminster</strong>’s residents and workers are reliant on. They can help to ensure theadditional demands on the city’s infrastructure and services arising from newdevelopments can be met.7.3. Planning obligations are therefore a key mechanism to support the achievement ofthe council’s vision for the development of this site. This brief gives the opportunityto establish any necessary planning obligations required to mitigate any negativeimpacts that might occur as part of the development of the scheme. It also providesthe early opportunity for stakeholders to outline their needs and requirements.7.4. The policy approach to planning obligations is set out in Policy CS32 of the CoreStrategy. The following list outlines the different types of planning benefits andpolicy requirements that may be sought from the redevelopment of this site: Affordable housing Provision of accessible and high quality social, community and cultural facilities Quality public or communal open space Contributions towards Education and Health related service provision Contributions towards the delivery of Crossrail and other major public transportprojects, which are joint strategic priorities for the whole of London if theproposal triggers the threshold Public realm improvements Play spaces Highways works including via pooled contributions towards public realmimprovements Sustainability measures to mitigate environmental impacts Management of construction impacts High quality public art Any other measures as required to ensure the specific planning policy objectivesand targets set out in the development plan are addressed.7.5. The council has produced guidance on planning obligations; the SupplementaryPlanning Guidance on Planning Obligations was adopted in January 2008. Thisdocument is currently being refreshed and later this year a revised PlanningObligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will be published forconsultation. Specific changes to this brief may follow as SPD is developed.32

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