Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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5.29. Any development of this site will be required to achieve the highest standardthrough using the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) and BREEAM, as theseassessments measures the overall sustainability of a new home against categories ofsustainable design, rating the ‘whole home’ as a complete package. All housing isexpected to be built to Code 4 as a minimum, and from 2016 all housing will need tomeet Code 5. The <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will be seeking through forthcoming CMP policies,higher CSH and BREEAM standards in line with Core Strategy policy CS27, and abovethe Interim London Housing Design Guide, which sets a target of Code Level 4.Energy Use and Renewable Energies5.30. London Plan policy 5.2 states that development proposals should make the fullestcontribution to minimising carbon dioxide emissions in accordance with thefollowing energy hierarchy (in order of preference):• using less energy (Be lean);• supplying energy efficiently (Be clean), and• using renewable energy (Be green).5.31. At the local level <strong>Westminster</strong>’s Core Strategy Policies CS27, CS38, and CS39supports this approach of energy efficiency through design, the delivery ofcommunity heating and cooling into new and existing sites, and the installation ofrenewable technologies that should maximise on‐site renewable energy generationworking towards a zero carbon scheme. Any visible renewable technologies that areemployed to deliver CS39, should be integrated into the design of any proposedscheme, to generate the highest carbon reduction while being sympathetic to thetownscape.Due to the balance of energy loads within the neighbourhood, and mixture of newand old buildings a net zero increase in carbon could be delivered in this scheme,where new building offset their local emissions by retrofitting carbon reductiontechnologies into existing housing or commercial blocks.Waste5.32. In accordance with Policy CS43 this site is required to provide for recycling andcomposting waste management facilities within the development. UDP Policy ENV12 provides further detail on this. To assist developers in providing facilities the<strong>Council</strong> has produced a guide called ‘Waste and Recycling Storage Requirements’(March 2009) this provides further information to be considered at the design stage.The incorporation of the public micro‐recycling station on Lisson Grove (for paper,glass, plastic bottles, cans, plastic bags, and textiles) within the new developmentwould be welcome.Particularly given the extensive redevelopment of the neighbourhood, it would beappropriate to consider innovative comprehensive solutions to maximise theefficient treatment of waste and minimise vehicle movements, such as undergroundwaste storage, transportation and collection.Noise5.33. Across <strong>Westminster</strong> the <strong>Council</strong> is seeking to reduce noise levels. To address this theCore Strategy Policy CS31 requires development that designs in measurespreventing noise and vibration, and that they are integrated into the scheme at thedesign stage to ensure the development minimises noise pollution and creates quiet26

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