Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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addressing issues like noise pollution, treatment of waste, improvement in air qualityand the promotion of biodiversity.5.23. In <strong>Westminster</strong> the adopted Core Strategy takes this approach a step further andprovides an extensive range of policies which require and encourage sustainabledevelopment, to create better places and improve the quality of the localenvironment.5.24. To meet these policies buildings must incorporate exemplary standards ofsustainable and inclusive design and architecture, as set out in the Policy CS27Design. This development should be of the highest design standard and minimiseenergy use and emissions that contribute to climate change during the life cycle ofthe development. It should also ensure the reduction, reuse or recycling of resourcesand materials, including water, waste and aggregates, is designed into the scheme toallow for adaptation with materials that are durable.5.25. The sites in the Church Street neighbourhood also provide an opportunity to developbest practice in the design and construction of new buildings. The Mayor of London,London Housing Design Guide (Interim Edition) August 2010, particularly Chapter 6provides an overview of the sustainable design requirements in the London Plan.While at the local level the council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance onSustainable Buildings (2003) provides guidance on all the relevant aspects whichneed consideration at both the design and construction stage. This is expected to bereplaced with a SPD on Sustainable Design in the Autumn 2011. Both should bereferenced and implemented in developing a scheme for this site.5.26. The Church Street regeneration potentially offers a range of refurbishment and newbuild developments. They include sites where new developments are located closelyto existing housing stock. Opportunities for environmental improvements shouldnot just focus on new buildings but also opportunities for improvement in theexisting neighbouring built environment that benefit the wider existing community,removing issues such as fuel poverty 1 and opening up community space.Sustainability Assessment and Code for Sustainable Homes5.27. The London Plan states, in paragraph 5.26 that the government has implementedthe Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) as a national standard for the sustainabledesign and construction of new homes. The Mayor’s approach is compatible withthis, and it is expected that new development in London will seek to achieve thehighest Code levels possible. Paragraph 5.19 goes on to state that the London Plan’sminimum targets for energy are equivalent to Code Level 4.5.28. Development is encouraged to undertake a community environment assessmentsuch as the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method(BREEAM) Communities assessment. This will ensure that major aspects ofsustainability are integrated and considered within Phase 1 of the Futures Planimplementation. It will also aid the delivery of BREEAM or Code for SustainableHomes assessments on individual sites, which will determine the developmentsacceptability against policy CS27.1 http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/statistics/fuelpov_stats/fuelpov_stats.aspx25

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