Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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5. Conservation, Townscape and Sustainable DesignLocal Context and Conservation5.1. The site does not contain any listed buildings, and is not in a conservation area. Themain visual amenity offered by the site derives from the mature London Plane andAcacia trees within the landscaped space to the rear, and the variety of speciesbetween Penn House and Lisson Grove. The listed buildings and street trees, andthe generous width of Lisson Grove give the area a domestic scale, despite theoverbearing scale of the surrounding blocks.5.2. Opposite the site, is a listed residential terrace at 97‐127 Lisson Grove. Dating fromaround 1820 as part of the Portman Estate development, the three storey plus lowerground terrace is set back behind front gardens, and built from stock brick withstucco ground floors and slate roofs. A list description is attached at Appendix 4.Looking south with the site on the left, and the listed terrace at 97‐127 LissonGrove on the right5.3. Fulmer House overlooks the rear of the site, to the south side of Mallory Street. It isa six storey block containing 54 flats, faced in prefabricated panels. A four storeyyellow stock brick infil block lies between Fulmer House and Lisson Grove, containingfour flats. Gayhurst House is also a six storey block of similar appearance flankingthe eastern frontage of the site. It has a later, adjoining four storey yellow stockbrick block containing six flats fronting <strong>Lilestone</strong> Street.5.4. A ground floor retail and six upper storey 1970’s residential block is located oppositethe community building on <strong>Lilestone</strong> Street.5.5. The close proximity of Lisson Grove creates a range of environmental issuesincluding air and noise pollution. In accordance with Polices CS30 Air Quality, andPolicy CS31 Noise. Any redevelopment should defend inhabitants from, ensure itdoesn’t add to, and actively seek to reduce the noise pollution and air pollution, byincorporating a range of design measures into any scheme.5.6. The running tunnels for the Jubilee line are beneath the eastern end of the site, andso foundations will need to be carefully designed, and applicants will need to contactLondon Underground.22

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