Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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should be maintained as affordable for successive occupants in perpetuity. Thiswould need to be secured in any legal agreement relating to the development.Affordable Housing MixThe provision of affordable housing on this site should reflect the profile of those inhousing need as advised by the council's Housing Unit. In determining theappropriate mix of affordable housing property sizes, consideration will need to begiven to the re‐housing needs of those local households who may be displaced as aresult of housing renewal proposals set out in the futures plan.Beyond addressing the re‐housing needs of local residents affected by housingrenewal proposals, the mix of affordable housing sizes to be provided should wherepossible reflect the wider profile of those households accepted by the council as inhousing need.The Housing Supply Manager’s primary requirement in addressing future socialhousing need is for two bedroom (40%) and three bedroom (40%) sizedaccommodation, with a lesser requirement for four bedroom or larger homes (15%) .Homes with one bedroom may be appropriate in addressing the housing needs ofhouseholds displaced by redevelopment. Studio and one beds represent 50% ofexisting <strong>Council</strong> and registered provider housing stock in the <strong>City</strong>, therefore ingeneral studio and one bed housing need will be addressed from void turnover inexisting stock.The provision of intermediate housing sizes (that includes shared ownership , sharedequity or sub market rental housing) should in general reflect the profile of demandfor intermediate housing as evidenced from the council's intermediate housingwaiting list. However, in the context of the sites location within a Housing RenewalArea, the mix of intermediate housing sizes provided will also be required to reflectlocal housing need, particularly those households displaced by regeneration in thearea and whose re‐housing needs are addressed by intermediate housing solutions.The affordability of intermediate housing should reflect a broad spectrum ofhousehold incomes of residents in the <strong>City</strong>, including those households with lowerquartile to median incomes levels.4.10. The London Plan states there should be a 60:40 social rented:intermediate housingsplit. Intermediate housing should reflect the types of housing outlined in theLondon Plan and will need to be agreed with the council’s Director of Housing.4.11. The new ‘Affordable Rent’ tenure came into effect from 1 April 2011. Any AffordableRent homes will need to meet a range of household incomes reflecting identifiedlocal needs. The <strong>Council</strong>’s Housing Development Manager will provide affordabilityguidelines at the pre‐planning stage. It should be noted that grant funding foraffordable housing will, if available at all, mainly be aimed at ‘Affordable Rent’properties, therefore nil grant should be presumed.Government Changes to Affordable Housing4.12. The introduction of Affordable Rent as a form of affordable housing tenure wasannounced in the October 2010 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), along with areduction in the affordable housing budget from £8.5bn in 2008‐2011 to £4.4bn overthe next four years. The aim of Affordable Rent is to assist in the delivery of new15

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