Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

Lilestone Brief.pdf - Westminster City Council

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Creating buildings and spaces that help to reinforce or enhance the character andlegibility of the neighbourhood and; Development proposals that should address strategic as well as local PlanningObligations.<strong>Westminster</strong>’s Local Policies – <strong>Westminster</strong>’s Local Development Framework3.7. <strong>Westminster</strong>’s Core Strategy is a Development Planning Document and the principalplanning document within the Local Development Framework. The Core Strategytogether with the London Plan and the saved policies contained in the council’s UDP(2007) currently make up the statutory development plan for the <strong>City</strong>. Togetherthese documents guide future development in <strong>Westminster</strong>.3.8. The Core Strategy was adopted on the 26 January 2011, and as the most recent localpolicy document it provides the key policies for the development of this site. TheCore Strategy replaces all of the part one strategic policies of the UDP and sets outthe vision for the development of <strong>Westminster</strong> as a whole. A complete list of currentlocal policies is available on our website.3.9. The council is developing the second policy document in the Local DevelopmentFramework, the <strong>City</strong> Management Plan (CMP). This Development PlanningDocument will contain more detailed criteria based development managementpolicies against which planning applications will be considered. This emerging DPDand the policies it will include will in time be a material consideration in thedetermination of planning applications. The weight attached to the policies dependson the stage the policy has reached in the policy development process. At presentthe CMP is at draft stage but over time the CMP will gain more weight and will be aconsideration during the production of this brief and for developers developingproposals for this site.3.10. The process for developing this document is as follows: an initial CMP ‘policyoptions’ document was published for consultation in January 2011, and an informalpolicy draft was published for a further period of public consultation in October2011. Formal Publication and Submission Draft versions will follow. The document isdue to be adopted in early 2013. After adoption the Core Strategy and the <strong>City</strong>Management Plan together, will replace the UDP in its entirety.3.11. The key land use policies to guide the development of this site are Core StrategyPolicy CS15 which protects specialist housing floorspace, and CS33 which protectssocial and community uses. The sheltered housing floorspace, around 2,800 m 2 , andthe community floorspace, around 620m 2 should therefore be reprovided, either onsite, or in the locality, unless the accommodation is needed to meet differentresidential needs as part of a published strategy by the service provider.3.12. Core Strategy Policy CS12 designates the North <strong>Westminster</strong> Economic DevelopmentArea (NWEDA). This site falls within NWEDA and so development of it shouldcontribute to increasing economic activity, or provide local services, or improve thequality and tenure mix of housing. To support development in the area the policyidentifies a range of priorities that should also be considered when developingproposal for this site, including:12

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