STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT - the Ravenna School District

STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT - the Ravenna School District

STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT - the Ravenna School District

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<strong>Ravenna</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong><strong>STUDENT</strong> <strong>CODE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>CONDUCT</strong>for Elementary <strong>School</strong> Children<strong>School</strong> Year - 2012-13This Code of Conduct belongs to:Name of <strong>School</strong>:Teacher’s Name:Room Number:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

RAVENNA SCHOOL DISTRICTStudent Code of ConductFor Elementary <strong>School</strong> Children- Revised 4/28/08 -PURPOSEThis document contains regulations governing <strong>the</strong> conduct of students. It has as its central purpose <strong>the</strong>prevention of actions interfering with <strong>the</strong> school program. Every staff member of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Ravenna</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> isrequired to enforce this code. Individual schools may develop additional provisions governing school discipline.<strong>STUDENT</strong>S WITHDISABILITIESConsideration of <strong>the</strong> Individual Educational Plan (I.E.P.) and <strong>the</strong> disability shall be made prior to takingdisciplinary action against a special-education student. This does not preclude exclusion from school as a resultof a crisis or an emergency.THE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>STUDENT</strong>S AND PARENTSStudents and parents have rights that schools must observe, but <strong>the</strong>y must also understand that personalresponsibilities accompany individual rights. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, <strong>the</strong> rights of students must be viewed in relationship to<strong>the</strong> safety and welfare of all students in <strong>the</strong> schools. Above all, schools must maintain adequate discipline toconduct a quality educational program. Students do not have <strong>the</strong> right to interfere with <strong>the</strong> learning of o<strong>the</strong>rs.THE RIGHT TO DUE PROCESSThere are occasionally circumstances where violation of <strong>the</strong> Student Code of Conduct are major, and <strong>the</strong> studentmay be suspended from regular classes for a period of up to ten days. In <strong>the</strong>se cases students and parents willbe afforded those rights as prescribed under due process of law as required by HB421, State of Ohio.EXPECTATIONSStudents have certain responsibilities, both as citizens and as members of <strong>the</strong> school community. Theseresponsibilities are present whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> student is in <strong>the</strong> school building or traveling to or from school viatransportation provided by <strong>the</strong> school district. In order to guarantee <strong>the</strong>se rights, each person must assumeresponsibility for his or her own behavior, and refrain from infringing upon <strong>the</strong> rights of o<strong>the</strong>rs.1. Active Participation:Students have <strong>the</strong> responsibility of actively engaging in <strong>the</strong> serious business of learning. For example, <strong>the</strong>ymust attend school regularly and be on time. They must remain in class until excused, pay attention toinstructions, complete assignments to <strong>the</strong> best of <strong>the</strong>ir ability, and exert every effort to achieve mastery of <strong>the</strong>lessons.2. Obedience to Laws and Rules:The laws of society and school rules have been created to guarantee every person's rights. Students mustassume personal responsibility for obedience to <strong>the</strong>se laws and rules.

3. Responsible Exercise of Free Speech and Expression:Students must express opinions in a manner which is not offensive, illegal, obscene, or inconsistent with <strong>the</strong>educational goals of <strong>the</strong> school. The rights of o<strong>the</strong>rs must be respected, and <strong>the</strong>re can be no interferencewith <strong>the</strong> orderly educational process.4. Avoidance of Illegal or Dangerous Items:Students must not bring materials or objects prohibited by law or school policy to school or school activities.PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES1. Support school officials in <strong>the</strong>ir efforts to develop and maintain well-disciplined schools.2. Teach <strong>the</strong> child socially acceptable standards of behavior.3. Teach <strong>the</strong> child to have respect for law, authority, and <strong>the</strong> rights and property of o<strong>the</strong>rs.4. Teach <strong>the</strong> child to be accountable for his/her own actions and help <strong>the</strong> child to grow and develop into a selfcontrolled,self-disciplined citizen.5. Share <strong>the</strong> responsibility for student conduct with <strong>the</strong> school.6. Maintain an active interest in <strong>the</strong> student's schoolwork and activities.7. Require prompt and regular attendance at school.PHILOSOPHY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>STUDENT</strong> <strong>CONDUCT</strong> AND DISCIPLINEDiscipline is training which produces a positive and safe learning environment through self-control, positiveinterpersonal relationships and a shared valuing of all individuals. Discipline develops <strong>the</strong> highest personalstandards of courtesy, decency and honesty. These qualities are modeled by <strong>the</strong> staff, students and community.Effective disciplinary practices promote self-discipline through logical and consistent consequences.<strong>School</strong>s must be places where effective learning can occur. <strong>School</strong>s must maintain standards of conduct anddiscipline because students and school personnel have a right to a safe and orderly learning environment.Therefore, students are prohibited from engaging in behaviors, which endanger <strong>the</strong> safety of o<strong>the</strong>rs, damageproperty, or interfere with <strong>the</strong> school program. Unacceptable behaviors are defined in this document as Level 1,Level 2 or Level 3 behaviors. Prompt and effective disciplinary action must be taken to correct <strong>the</strong>se behaviors.When disciplinary actions are necessary, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Ravenna</strong> <strong>School</strong>s will strive to maintain a constructive approach thatfocuses on positive behavior change and minimizes any interruption of <strong>the</strong> educational process. (Age andmaturity levels require different types of disciplinary actions. These factors will be considered when correctivemeasures are necessary.)The following are examples of disciplinary options, which may be used:1. Time OutTemporary removal of <strong>the</strong> student from <strong>the</strong> classroom to ano<strong>the</strong>r supervised setting within <strong>the</strong> school.

2. Saturday <strong>School</strong>Assignment of a student to a supervised location in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Ravenna</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> for a Saturday morning. (Thedistrict will not provide transportation to <strong>the</strong> Saturday school assignment. Students will be responsible for<strong>the</strong>ir own lunch.)3. Referral to In-<strong>School</strong> RestrictionReassignment of <strong>the</strong> student from <strong>the</strong> classroom. The recommended period of assignment shall be from oneto five days (depending on <strong>the</strong> infraction). During <strong>the</strong> in-school restriction opportunities to continue <strong>the</strong>educational process will be continued. Students under in-school restrictions will be excluded fromextracurricular activities.4. Out-of-<strong>School</strong> SuspensionRemoval of students from school for a period of one to ten days. While <strong>the</strong> student is suspended from schoolhomework assignments may be completed.5. ExpulsionRemoval of a student from school for a period of up to eighty school days.LEVEL 1 BEHAVIOR (<strong>CONDUCT</strong> WHICH IMPEDES ORDERLY OPERATION <strong>OF</strong> CLASSROOM OR SCHOOL)Administrators and school staffs have <strong>the</strong> option to establish additional building regulations and disciplineprocedures for Level 1 behaviors, post such regulations, and make written copies of such regulations available toparents and students. Building regulations must at all times be consistent with <strong>the</strong> Student Code of Conduct.Examples of behaviors which can be addressed by building regulations include, but are not limited to, <strong>the</strong>following:BEHAVIORAbsenteeism/TruancyCheatingDress CodeForgeryGamblingInsubordinationLitteringO<strong>the</strong>r Illegal or Inappropriate BehaviorsTardinessTobacco ProductsDEFINITIONLack of regular school attendance.Using, submitting, or attempting to obtain data or answersdishonestly, by deceit or by means o<strong>the</strong>r than thoseauthorized by <strong>the</strong> teacher.Dressing or grooming in a manner which disrupts <strong>the</strong>teaching and learning of o<strong>the</strong>rs as determined by <strong>the</strong>school community.Writing <strong>the</strong> name of ano<strong>the</strong>r person or altering times,dates, grades, passes or permits.Playing any game of chance or skill for money or items ofvalue.Failure to respond to a request.Throwing of paper, trash, or o<strong>the</strong>r materials on <strong>the</strong> floorinside school building or grounds.Behaviors specifically mentioned in o<strong>the</strong>r sections may bedealt with as insubordination.Arriving at school or class after <strong>the</strong> designated time.Using or processing any tobacco product on or near schoolproperty.

Disciplinary actions short of out-of-school suspension/expulsion which can be used to correctmisbehavior include, but are not limited to, include:verbal reprimandspecial assignments (constructive)notifying parent by phone or letter of student's misbehaviorstudent mediationcontractstime-out for limited periods of timedetentionconference with student and/or parentsadministrative referralparent following student's schedule for a daytemporary separation from peersloss of class or school privilegesrestitutionassignment to in-school restriction or Saturday <strong>School</strong>.LEVEL 2 BEHAVIOR (ILLEGAL AND/OR SERIOUS MIS<strong>CONDUCT</strong> - NOT LIFE OR HEALTH THREATENING)A student charged with behavior which is classified as Level 2 may be subject to one of <strong>the</strong> followingdisciplinary actions:restitutionin-school restrictionshort-term suspensionassignment to Saturday <strong>School</strong>long-term suspension or recommendation for expulsionThis means that lesser penalties may be assessed depending upon <strong>the</strong> facts and circumstances, butno greater penalty than shall normally be applied.BEHAVIORComplicityExtortion/CoercionFightingGross InsubordinationIntoxicationProfanity/Verbal Abuse<strong>School</strong> DisruptionSexual MisconductTheftTrespassingVandalismDEFINITIONInvolvement as an accomplice in a crime, wrong-doing or misconduct.Obtaining or attempting to obtain money or property from an unwilling personor forcing an individual to act by ei<strong>the</strong>r physical force or intimidation (threat).Physical conflict, threats or challenges between pupils, including, but notlimited to occurrences on school property, school buses, or any schoolsponsoredactivity.Knowingly refusing to comply with reasonable rules or with reasonableinstructions of school authorities.Being under <strong>the</strong> influence of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic, drug, or o<strong>the</strong>rcontrolled substance while on school property, including buses, or anyschool-sponsored activity.Willfully intimidating, insulting, using profanity or obscene language, writtenor verbal, directed toward o<strong>the</strong>rs. This shall include use of obscenegestures.Acting in a disorderly manner that disrupts <strong>the</strong> peace of <strong>the</strong> school, or in anyschool-sponsored activity.Any sexual harassment, unauthorized touching, verbal or written sexuallyoriented actions or any act of indecent exposure.Stealing or attempting to steal <strong>the</strong> money or property of ano<strong>the</strong>r person.Being in a school building or on school grounds without permission, orrefusing to comply with a request to leave school grounds.Destruction or defacing of student, school, staff property or equipment.

LEVEL 3 BEHAVIOR (ILLEGAL AND/OR SERIOUS MIS<strong>CONDUCT</strong> - LIFE OR HEALTH THREATENING)A student charged with behavior which is classified as Level 3 may be subject to removal from <strong>the</strong>school immediately, and subject to a recommendation for expulsion.BEHAVIORArsonAssault/BatteryBomb Threats/False AlarmsO<strong>the</strong>r Illegal or Inappropriate ActsPossession or use of WeaponsSale, use, or possession of drugsSexual offensesVolatile actsDEFINITIONSetting fire, or attempting to set fire, to a schoolbuilding or property located on school grounds orany property belonging to, rented by, or on loan to<strong>the</strong> school district, or property (including automobiles)of persons employed by <strong>the</strong> school or inattendance at <strong>the</strong> school.Intentionally or accidentally causing or attemptingto cause physical injury, or intentionally behavingin such a way as could reasonably cause physicalinjury to a student, staff member, or any o<strong>the</strong>rperson. Such behavior shall include, but notlimited to, occurrences on school property, schoolbusses, or at any school-sponsored activity.Making a knowingly false statement regarding <strong>the</strong>possession or location of explosive or incendiarymaterials or activating <strong>the</strong> fire alarm system orreporting a fire when no fire exists.Any o<strong>the</strong>r offenses, which constitute criminalconduct under federal, state, or city laws andwhich are life or health threatening.Possessing, transmitting, or using any kind offirearm, knife, razor, look-alike weapons or club,chains or o<strong>the</strong>r look-alike or replica object or itemwhich can be a dangerous instrument or beconsidered a weapon or used as a weapon. Thisincludes bringing such items into <strong>the</strong> school, or toa school-sponsored activity for ano<strong>the</strong>r person. Italso includes having such items at one's desk orplacing <strong>the</strong>m in a locker or hiding place on schoolproperty.Selling, using, or possessing drugs, mood-alteringsubstances look-alike drugs or alcohol (includingcounterfeit or look-alike substances), distributingany narcotics, drugs, controlled substances of anykind, or alcoholic beverages or o<strong>the</strong>r intoxicant onschool property or at any school functions. Thisincludes bringing such items into <strong>the</strong> school forano<strong>the</strong>r person, to a school-sponsored activity, orhaving such items at one's desk, or placing <strong>the</strong>min a locker or hiding <strong>the</strong>m on school property.Any willful and/or deliberate act committed with<strong>the</strong> intention of gaining sexual favors or fur<strong>the</strong>ringacts lewd or lascivious in nature.Disruption of school by use of violence, force,coercion, threat, or disorderly conduct. This shallinclude use of same to incite o<strong>the</strong>rs toward acts ofdisruption (individual or group related).

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