Garage Waste (PDF-3169 kb) - Mayo County Council

Garage Waste (PDF-3169 kb) - Mayo County Council

Garage Waste (PDF-3169 kb) - Mayo County Council


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Smart <strong>Garage</strong> Brochure:Layout 1 27/10/2010 21:11 Page 24Up until recently most garages were not charged for the water they used. This is changingand with the switch to metered water charges, many garages are realising that water canbe a significant cost. Water use in garages is limited to a small number of areas: taps,toilets, sinks, kitchen, and car washing, and if not managed carefully can be expensive.a tap left on can use as much as 1000 litres an hour. This will cost youabout €2 an hour or nearly €50 a day!icaSe STudyOne kerry garage, after changingto metered water, was chargedover €00 for their first monthsbill. It was found that the cisternin the toilet was leaking and thiswas the reason for the high bill.After fixing the leak the billsdropped to €0 that's a saving of€10 per month.if you have a car wash this will be the obvious source of most water use on sitebut undetected leaks can also be a problem.and even if you have your own well you can still save money by cutting downyour water use - pumping water from your own well uses electricity and this isoften a forgotten cost.So, wheN iT comeS To waTer uSe iN iriShgarageS There are 3 maiN areaS of iNTereST:waTer Supply waTer coNTamiNaTioN car waShiNg

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